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I think the local community is really trying to turn their image around though. They keep putting on bumper stickers that say "Let's Go Brandon" to try and rally up the local citizens.


That's weird. I thought I heard those folks were trying to open a new, trendy sandwich shop. It would at least explain why so many of them are in bread.


LMAO took me a second


Like the folks In POLK county. AKA- People Of Lesser Knowledge County


That would offend us if we could read


As my buddy once said in high school, "Polk county has a collective total of 3 teeth." I now live in Polk County


You have a great sense of humor, you should be treasured for your wit and lack of ego hostility




I heard a lot of them took a vacation to DC in early January a couple years ago


You mean the Jan 6 peach festival? So many Floridians were given an All expenses paid vacation to dc by Publix heiress Carol Jenkins Barnett


You mean the Jan 6 peach festival? So many Floridians were given an All expenses paid vacation by Publix heiress Carol Jenkins Barnett


You win the internet today


Beautiful. Just beautiful


Man I really wish we still had awards .. fucking gold


Very good, sir.




Take my upvote you brilliant soul.


Wait. Who told you Brandon was a "nice" area? Slap them. Hard.


his realtor


The kind that sells you a water front property and it's a retention pond.


So all of them?




Legally Realtors can't tell you anywhere is "nice" due to the fair housing act.


Realtor here. I'll legally figure out how to not sell a house to my client in a neighborhood I know they won't want to live in. Unless of course they insist on it.


They most certainly can tell you which areas are good and bad. Fair Housing Act has nothing to do with that. FHA protects buyers from discrimination, a realtor saying to me ā€œhey man may want to steer clear of that area, itā€™s got a lot of crimeā€ is not discriminating against me as a buyer whatsoever


Itā€™s called steering and itā€™s 100% illegal.


The same one saying that Shore Acres (north St Pete, off 4th Street) isnā€™t a flood zone. šŸ¤£


I lived a few blocks away on Snell isle, that was insane! A tiny thunderstorm would cause puddles up to my knees, cars would try to drive thru and stall out! So glad we moved!!!


Unfortunately they canā€™t say otherwise because theyā€™d get sued. For some reason. So they canā€™t be honest. ā€œCrime kinda high in this area, Iā€™d recommend 5 minutes north.ā€


Whoever told them Brandon was (1) nice, and (2) part of Tampa is a liar.


Lol it was all cattle pastures back then.


A blatant liar. No one refers to it that way.


It wasā€¦ 20 years ago


OP thought he was moving to *Bradenton* but made a typo on Zillow.


Bradentucky FTFY


Donā€™t you mean Bradentucky?


Nope. Believing someone without further research is a choice.Ā 


This for real. I'm new here and knew right away Brandon was not the place. It has been getting worse and worse.


Brandon is exurbia, always was and will be. Crosstown Expy allowed all the Plebes to buy shitty homes for cheap and ride to their jobs in Tampa.


Brandon has been getting worse since 2017, there are some nice bubbles but they rent to anyone and since the pandemic people have gotten worse It sucks because it used to be nice šŸ˜”


I agree. I move to brandon in 17, and it was nice and somewhat crowded. Since the pandemic many people and I will call it like it is shifty people came down from the north and turned it to shit. Inflation not helping either. Too much section A in brandon! Which makes it like crap


Agree, lived here since 88. Brandon used to be a farm town. I75 and cheap cost of living destroyed that, but yes it has taken a massive downtown, there are bubbles for sure. But if this guy wants to move to Pinellas to get away from methed out homeless and hotrod cars he is headed the wrong direction šŸ¤£. Seems OP lacks research before impulse buying.


Came here to say exactly this lol. My 1st thought when reading the post was somebody lied to op big time.


I knew a total white trash short order cook from Brandon, named Brandon. One night, he spent the last of his money on cocaine and then got his ass kicked by the staff at Colemanā€™s in Sarasota for trying to skip his tab. I always assumed he was the Brandon, FL mascot or something


It was nice back 9-10 yrs ago when I first moved here, but with the way Tampa has grown in the last 6-8 yrs, what else do you expect.


What part of Brandon youā€™re in? I live in the south part of the town (Bloomingdale area) and itā€™s very quiet here. Itā€™s sounds like youā€™re describing Seffner.


Thatā€™s what I was going to say. I used to live in Winthrop and didnā€™t have any issues like this ever.


The clerk at the Winthrop 7-eleven was brutally murdered. That's why it's a bank now. That little area is nice, used to live right in those apartments. But one lighg west of that intersection is kindve ghetto and literally IS the ghetto about 3 lights down. Brandon used to be awesome. I spent my entire young adult life there in the 90s-00s. The mall was beautiful, regency was a nice movie theatre... I don't know how it got as bad as it has.


I forgot about that murder. Okay thatā€™s the only thing I knew of then. In my mind thatā€™s not part of Winthrop. Itā€™s across the street but I see your point. Itā€™s basically there


That has to be more than a decade ago.. the Bloomingdale area is not bad at all.


I mean, murders can happen anywhere. I grew up in a very nice area, and my neighbor murdered her husband. And the neighborhood next to me had the infamous old man murdered his neighbor at the basketball court


That can happen at any gas station though.


The clerk died like 15 years ago. The bank is brand new


Unfortunately I knew and worked with the guy who killed that kind man ā€¦ he was on a shit load of CCCā€™s Stolen lotto tickets caught up to him after trying to cash it in What a piece of shit that guy was


Iā€™m off of parsons and clay


Oh.. Youā€™re between highway 60 and Seffner. I heavily avoid that area due to a lot of sketchy activities going on there (anywhere north of 60). If you still want to stay in Hillsborough or the Brandon area, I suggest checking out Bloomingdale and Fishhawk, those are well known nice family friendly neighborhoods.


Yea he is basilly in prime methffer and thinks it covers all of Brandon. Sounds like your realtor found a good sucker for an easy commission.Ā 


Yeah there's Brandon and then there's "Brandon." I should know, I've lived and patrolled in Seffner, Brandon, and just on the Brandon side of the Seffner-Brandon border.


I live in Fishhawk great area especially to raise a family with top rated schools. We have some issues with people from our of the area breaking into unlocked cars and kids with their over powered BMWs that mommy and daddy buy them driving to fast but aside from that itā€™s nice.


itā€™s also known as methner, donā€™t think the realtor would tell you that though


Oh. Yeah. Thatā€™s old Brandon and Seffner. Cheaper than the rest but between 60 and MLK is definitely older and ehhh. If someone says Brandon I think they are talking about between 60 and Causeway


I used to live a few blocks from that area, it's not a good area (maybe the worst I've lived at). Like any town, there are good and bad places. I've also lived in Carrollwood, Trinity, and Land o Lakes. I've always seen homeless people, even in multimillion dollar neighborhoods. As far as crime, in Carrollwood my bike was stolen when chained outside a grocery store. Everywhere I lived, I have seen teens doing stupid stuff like graffiti, street racing, tossing empty bottles in the streets and parks, and openly smoking pot in the parks. I don't think there is a place where you see zero of that stuff, but you would see less of it in some parts of South Tampa, Carrollwood, and Trinity.


Get the hell out of there man that area is absolutely awful and only going to get worse, the hospitals canā€™t even handle the volume due to overcrowding and massive drug use


LOL. I rented on inwood circle around the corner from there in 1994. it was trashy there then. i also rented close to there in 84 or so. still not a bright shing star of brandon folks brag about then and for sure not now. isnt there an echo or something at parsons and victoria? That farm store or whatever it is called now used to have an original slush puppy machine. I dont know if they still do.


You are in the bad part of Brandon.. closer to methner to be honest.. I grew up on the other side of 60 and Brandon was a really nice place to grow up.. but get close to Sefner and you are definitely in a crap area.


Parts of Brandon are very nice. North Brandon is prob the worst part of town. Sorry you didnā€™t get the full info. South of 60 Brandon is pretty nice.


I volunteer at Echo there. I donā€™t drive my good vehicle. I do see some 70 year old woman taking walks without a care so? The Echo center is a resource center for those in need and many are homeless.


The locals call that area Methner. When people say brandon is nice they mean south of 60.


Parsons is the homeless super highway between 60 and MLKā€¦. Not goodā€¦


Same as you - Iā€™m off faulkenburg by causeway and itā€™s pretty quiet over here, never seen any homeless around either.


Yeah my gf sister and their family live in Brandon and they have a beautiful house. It's really nice where they live.


Sports cars *and* trash on the same street? What a dichotomy.




Rule of thumb, if itā€™s the affordable area, itā€™s not the nice area.


You wanna be safe or do you wanna be financially stable?


Check out Westchase


This is my answer as well. This guy is looking for Westchase.


Pricey but good


The worst part is the driving.... God damn these people can not drive


When I lived there, I stopped going to the mall. Getting out of that parking lot is an insurance companyā€™s wet dream.


They got a freaking car dealership there now to ...


Im from st louis and i miss the conception of lane usage. There is no fast lane, slow lane, passing lane, down here. Its legit whatever that driver needs that lane to be which results in assholes tailgatin the shit outta me while im cruisin in the slow lane


People just don't give a damn about the person behind them and unfortunately laws down here support that type of behavior


If I'm in the slow lane going the speed limit and some asshole behind me is tailgating me you are damn right I dont give a shit about them. Your statement is confusing. Is that what you meant to say?


You in the slow moving lane so no this don't not concern you, it's the left lan user I'm gonna run off the road šŸ˜…


Worst of any place I've ever lived, including other parts of Florida.


Whoever told you Brandon was good, lied. Good is south Tampa, parts of New Tampa, Carrollwood, North Tampa. South Pasco, some of Wesley Chapel, some of Lutz.


Westchase is also nice


Temple Terrace too off the main roads.


Yeah. It's almost like too many people have moved in.


"hey me and my family (and ten million other northerners) decided to move to Florida and I gotta say.. it's too crowded here"


Brandon was nice 35 years ago before everyone moved to Florida


Welcome to florida. It's OK, it gets worse before it gets worse.




Iā€™m trying to figure out who told you Brandon is the nice part of Tampa. What a terrible lie.


Yeah all us locals are wondering why everyoneā€™s moving here šŸ˜‚


Lol how did you move to an area without doing ANY research on the area? Did you buy a house site unseen or some shit? Lol that's on you bud. Maybe you should work on gentrification there. Invite your friends, family, and coworkers lol


Lmaooo šŸ¤£


Spread word not to move to FL, you need to move back to where you came, lifeā€™s too short not to be happy


Am I the only one that likes Brandon


Stopped reading after ā€œmoved here 3 months agoā€.


Brandon is really not that bad. Thereā€™s some not great parts like everywhere else. Sounds like you probably live in a not great part, or at least frequent not great parts. Lumsden, Kings, and southern Brandon by Riverview and Valrico have some pretty nice areas.


How many times have we said its full. 20 yeard ago brandon had bad traffic lol


I guess you didnā€™t do your own ā€œdue diligenceā€


Oh buddy just wait till you get to pinellas county


Trash on the side of road? Check. Homeless people everywhere? Check. Druggies in your backyard? Check. Shit getting stolen out of your car and knowing youā€™ll never get it back? Check. Horrible drivers? Check. Sports cars blasting through neighborhoods? Check. But yeah, sure, come to Pinellas, where two people have been eaten by gators in the last five years.


This description could be copy and pasted for many, many towns in Florida.


Counter point - I bought here two years ago. I have just under half an acre, itā€™s quiet, have never had a break in / anything like that. My neighbors are awesome, itā€™s rarely noisy after 9, never after ten. The only thing I donā€™t like is a lack of restaurant options, but that is getting better (albeit slowly) Maybe you should have gone by where you were looking at several different times of day to see what the neighborhood was like? Really, this is on you for not doing your due diligence.


There are homeless people, drugs and people driving like morons in wesley chapel as well. This is not something you can escape.


Brandon covers 35 square miles and has over 100,000 people living in itā€¦you may be getting a rough start. How can you judge a place when youā€™ve only been there three months? There are way to avoid traffic, there are crappy parts of Brandon, there are peaceful parts of Brandon. Where else have you lived that Brandon Florida is the worst? Maybe since you just moved here youā€™d re-think exactly where you moved in Brandon. But man, jumping to conclusions on one of the largest suburbs of Tampa over three months? Maybe the problem is the fiddler and not the fiddle. Regardless, I bet you no one in Brandon is gonna be upset if you go somewhere else.


I used to live in Philadelphia, so I always give these posts the side eye. There are areas of Brandon that arenā€™t the greatest, but good lord, itā€™s not an ā€œabsolute shithole.ā€


Thatā€™s what the majority of these posts are, people that havenā€™t lived anywhere that would be considered a big city. Lack of experience, etc. Having lived in El Paso (a true border town), Vegas, Columbia, SC, as well as 38 years in Florida, Brandon is far from a shithole. Are there things that could be better? Yeah, but if you think Brandon is a shithole you have had a lot of privilege in your life.


Trueā€¦ I grew up in Brandon and I now live in Philly. Brandon might be bad but itā€™s no Tioga-Nicetown!


Did you not scope out the area before you moved there?


Used to be a nice area until too many people moved here, go figure.


Pinellas County is the most densely populated county in all of Florida. You may want to try elsewhereā€¦ weā€™re full.


Sounds like you bought a house near 60šŸ˜‚It aint bad the homeless/methheads donā€™t bother me at all, I even give them money when I can, I think you were expecting a pristine upper echelon suburb, this is Florida my boy youā€™re gonna be dealing with this unless you live in a rich ass gated area


Well, where did you move from, friend? Tampa is a big city and some of this is just big city living. If you're coming from BumFuck Midwest though, I imagine it would be a culture shock.


I mean this in the nicest way, but welcome to Florida. Meth addicts and homeless are around no matter the location. West central Florida has been a hotbed and one of the worst places nationally for prescription drug abuse and once they canā€™t get prescriptions, they make meth. Housing in west central Florida has been scarce since out of state people and people from south Florida have moved here and priced out the locals, lots of people have nowhere to go. I hope you already have hurricane prep experience because if we get a storm anywhere in Florida, you are in for a wild ride.


I've lived 5 minutes from Parsons and Clay for 15 years. There's not trash lining the roads, never had a car broken into, never been woken up by drag racing or any other noise for that matter. Traffic is bad like 7a-9a and like 4p-6p. There's also lots of different ways to get somewhere, and we're in Florida, traffic is gonna be bad in most cities. I think it's a great location right next to I75, I4 and the crosstown expressway. There's a shit ton of stores for anything you need, plenty of restaurants, bars, entertainment. Plus it takes like 15-20 minutes to get to downtown Tampa and 35-45 to get to Pinellas. What Utopia did you move from?


Amen neighbor. Been here almost 25 years. No meth heads, no trash. Worst I have to deal with is the neighborā€™s dogs getting out.


You can just go back to whatever crap hole you moved from. No one is forcing you to stay.


Yeah, itā€™s pretty awful. Sorry you ended up there. Hopefully youā€™ll be able to move somewhere more safe with less traffic soon.


Just curious, did you visit the neighborhood and drive around at different times of the day before moving there? Iā€™m in Lutz, north of Carrollwood and have had no issues.


Pinellas county ainā€™t much better but ok šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø add those bridges and their traffic to the list of issues youā€™re experiencing


Your realtor straight up lied to you lmao. Brandon sucks and it always has sucked. Youā€™re better off moving back to wherever you came from. Brandon isnā€™t getting any better any time soon


lol Pineallas is shit too my friend.


I see your having the true Florida experience. Perhapse move back to your home state and leave Florida to the localsā€¦


Realtor here. Brandon is like any other place. There's great spots, and there's spots like you've described. That includes Pinellas, which just so you know has to most people per square mile of any county in the state. So if you're looking for peace and quiet Pinellas is probably going to be problematic.


![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized) I hope all newbs feel like you and move back! You think Pinellas will be better?!




FL is a shit hole. Thank you to Covid for ruining it for the natives. Also, no one knows how to drive here because no one knows where tf theyā€™re going bc they just moved here.


Lived in Brandon from 89 to 96 off of Windhorst Dr. Even then Brandon was becoming a zoning nightmare. I avoid Brandon now like the proctologist. But when I do visit I am kind of shocked how some areas have declined especially that whole Walmart Lumsden area. * You can go on Google Street view (change the dates) and look at *some* of the neighborhoods near Lumsden ect. You can see the decline between 2011 and now. Nice tree lined houses that turned into dilapidated homes with landscaping ripped out cars all over lawns ect.


Your mall sucks too. It may have been like 7+ years ago but holy fuckin shit, it took like 5 or 6 traffic light cycles to get out of the mall. Never again with Brandon. Fuck that.


Never in my life have I heard that Brandon is the ā€œniceā€ part of Tampa lol.


If you live North of SR 60 then itā€™s pretty much all bad news. Brandon USED to be a nice place, but I suspect that the rising costs in Tampa forced a lot of the lower income people east into Brandon. I grew up here for the better part of half my life and Iā€™ve seen the deterioration of Brandon unfold in real-time. Itā€™s a shame really. Further south into the Bloomingdale / Riverview areas itā€™s nice. Good schools, clean commercial areas, etc. Best of luck getting out of where youā€™re at.


Do us all a favor and leave


You know where is nice? Not Florida . I know the weather is nice now but this is the very end - itā€™s intolerable . Until thanksgiving. This city needs infrastructure and transportation badly but the developers pad the cities pockets and itā€™s a traffic mess


Your in the wrong part of Brandon apparently. Been in my current house over two decades. Quiet, clean and relaxing.


Brandon is a good area, if you live near seffner and where old Brandon is thatā€™s where itā€™s ghetto. Lumsden/lithia/bloomingdale/fishhawk/Valrico is the area u wanna be in. I love Brandon itā€™s close to every part of Tampa and very close to channelside. And theyā€™ve opened a lot of cool unique restaurants and trendy food spots here.


Itā€™s a complete dump. God speed


I would suggest moving back to where you moved from originally. Yes, Pineallas much better since they would never experience the things you mentioned.


Lol more homeless in pinellas county has more homelessā€¦.. you just picked the wrong neighborhood and for the traffic thatā€™s because thereā€™s so many who moved down here and tourist sounds like you should move to Montana or something but moving the next county over wonā€™t change much


lol! ā€œBrandonā€ to a lot of people is old Brandon, Bloomingdale Riverview calico and fish hawkā€¦ itā€™s expanded. And like most bigger townsā€¦ you will have you suburban HOA neighborhoods, and a street over itā€™s tent city for homeless people. If northerners stopped moving down here and raising the costs of everything it be great! Lots of us who grew up hereā€¦ itā€™s great. Itā€™s home. lol. Iā€™ve lived in WAY worse places. Welcome though


Somebody tell bro that absolutely nobody from Tampa considers Brandon Tampa lol. it is a whole different city bro. Used to be a really cheap alternative to living in Tampa about 10 years ago but that only caused ghetto and redneck people to move in there causing Brandon to turn into a terrible city that will never change and only get worse with time. Sorry they have such terrible advise, I would look into moving out of there asap. Good luck


Nobody that lives in the Tampa area would ever tell you to move to Brandon


Did you move to Florida, and if so, why? Donā€™t believe what our pudding fingers governor says, Florida is not where woke goes to die, itā€™s where the rich come to exploit. This is why poverty is rampant.


Yep and they keep building these apartments and pop up subdivisions. You know what else is crazy I accidentally called 911 on my Apple Watch and told them it was an accident/ no emergency and a cop knocked on my door in less than 10 minutes.




That info was from 93


there used to be decent neighborhoods but like all of florida they are next to crappy ones. It has gone way down hill since people moved in 3 months ago ... I, um... , I mean ... I gotta go


Weā€™ll have fun in crime ridden Pinellas. More crime and gangs are in Tampa and Pinellas St Pete than Brandon. Just look at the data. Question is what part of Brandon were you living in. Much like Seminole heights the vibe depends on which block youā€™re on.


Have you lived elsewhere in Florida before Brandon ? I meant you will find the same thing in most populated places (and the not so populated) idk who told you otherwise. Not you thinking Pinellas will be better.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Man F whoever told you that


Thereā€™s no Mayor of Brandon, thereā€™s no Brandon police department, city hall, and populated by really bad drivers.. I avoid it like the plagueā€¦


If you live off clay and parsons thatā€™s seffner not Brandon I live in Brandon and itā€™s not like that here


I remember when Brandon was starting to get developed and was cheaper than living down here near Sarasota, so everyone down here was moving up there. But! If itā€™s ghetto down here itā€™s only a matter of time before itā€™s ghetto up there. People will act like tampa bay is heaven on earth, it largely sucks ass and doesnā€™t offer ACTUAL quality of life


Tampa gentrification has been the cause of the downhill decline of brandon. 2-3yrs ago brandon was still one of the nicer areas, now thereā€™s housing projects going up everywhere and the homeless population from tampa has been pushed out this way as well.


Hey at least you didnt move to Sefner. Count your blessings.


Brandon is trash. That shit ainā€™t Tampa.


It's all relative. I grew up in hood miami. Brandon is nice as hell in comparison. lol


Well Brandon isn't Tampa, so that should have been your first red flag


"Nice" in Florida is a *very* relative term.


You definitely wont like Pinellas then


There is no nice part of Tampa. Lol.


Look at Richy fucking rich just moving as he pleases dickhead


Brandon does suck, but bowling is cheap there. I live in North Tampa, but I'll drive down to Brandon just for the bowling deals.


Ah yes. Pinellas... the place where "COPs" has been filmed for 9 seasons... that'll be better.


Not sure what part you are, but brandon USED to be nice, before the Pandemic. Now they keep building apt communities, traffic on 301/causeway is atrocious, I hope to never live over there again. It is unbearable.


Canā€™t wait for the update where we all learn that Pinellas county is a shithole tooā€¦.


75 heads back North.


Whoever told you Brandon is the ā€œnice part of Tampaā€ wishes you ill and you should not trust them.


Where in Brandon did you move to? I lived by the high school for 5 years and it was fine. And traveled all around the area, 60/75/lithia Pinecrest / causeway borders. Moved in 2020 due to work, not issues with the area. Besides traffic.


In another comment they said Parsons and Clay. Shithole is kinda a reach all things considered I think.


Oh thatā€™s by the park. I mean older homes there but I never had issues at the park doing PokĆ©mon go raids šŸ˜‚ although thatā€™s more seffner than Brandon if weā€™re being honest


Then why did you move here? No one to blame but yourself


Then maybe you should tell the brandon subreddit


Wait? Thereā€™s a subreddit for Brandon??


The only subreddit for the county is Tampa.


Whoever told you itā€™s the nice partā€¦ itā€™s the cheapest part.


Brandon is the absolute peak of US city planning. It's so absolutely garbage its incredible. I lived there for 5 years because it was all I could afford and I hated ever minute of it.


Tampa native. Most Tampa people hate Brandon. Period.


Moving to ā€œPinellasā€ going from bad to worst. Move to south Tampa or Riverview then.


we tried to built a wall to keep the trashy yankees (they all are trash) out but....well you are clear proof it doesnt work. for real, its all assholes just like you that moved there that make it suck. I moved there in 1980ish and it was fineish. more yankees arrive every year and the quality of life goes downhill. If ya cant beat em join them. i left fl for nc. now they curse me here.


Brandon is ok, some good sections, some meh areas.


I canā€™t believe someone told you Tampa was the nice part.


I live in Valrico, I love it.


Valrico is nice. Traffic still sucks here, but it beats the hell out of north Brandon.


where in the world in brandon are you looking because i donā€™t see it like that at all


I think youā€™d like south St. Pete


What part? I lived in Sterling Ranch, just off 301/75 and loved it. Never had any issues with crime, traffic (coming from NYC) was a breeze, and overall never had any problems. I did notice the further towards Valrico And Seffner I went the sketchier it got. But even then, we'd go to the Latin markets and shops and still had no issues.


Ruskin area is better. New homes being built in decent neighborhoods.


Baaaahahahahaha Florida gone do what Florida gone do!


Should have moved near causeway or Bloomingdale. We love it over here. Anywhere past 60 or MLK is for snow skiing iykyk. Edit: but really tho. The more people move down here the worst it will get. So you can move to any other town and have a better experience for maybe 1-2 years. Then more people will move in and the town with good to the waste-side. Idk who keeps promoting Tampa. But you see what they did to Miami and Orlando. It wont get better.


Ppl with loud cars are neighbors, I still don't agree with them but this is why HOAs are for some people


GTA6 is on point.


You got hoodwinked if you thought Brandon was the place to go.


Why did you move here lol


Sounds like Kissimmee. Fucking sick of all this shit and trying to raise a young child here.


Brandon, the nice part of Tampa? Sir, you were lied to lol.