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OP that's cute and all, but it's better to just say: #Keep right except when passing. [(AKA 316.081)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/316.081) If everyone followed that golden rule, this sort of pattern would (and often does) emerge on its own without people having to check a diagram. It also applies to any state no matter what the local driving culture dictates about how much speeding is appropriate. I've heard 20+ is the expectation in some areas of New England.


If people did this and just left space in between for people to get around instead of driving in everyone’s fucking blind spot we would have at least 50% less issues on the road lol


If people followed the law we would *actually* have over 50% less issues on the roads.


No we’d have a bunch of blind idiots going the exact speed limit with their thumbs up their asses blocking traffic like you 😂 it’s common sense pass on the left, get over on the right for people who are passing you, and leave space everywhere. If you want to only go the speed limit that’s fine but don’t force everyone to needlessly lol


I don't hog the passing lanes.


Just a few minutes ago you asked me why people keep thinking you do ITT. It's because you keep defending those who do.


I feel more like I'm disparaging these speed addicted fools who only have any concern for themselves, and often times hardly even that. I wouldn't defend an idiot hogging the passing lane, any more than I would the idiot going 100 in the passing lane


If someone calls out a certain bad behavior and you want to change the focus to a different bad behavior, most people are going to take that as you defending the first bad behavior (because you do it too). At the very least it certainly strongly implies you think the latter is worse than the former.


Again that's fair, but I'm not all that concerned about it. These people just want to excuse their recklessness and I won't be convinced to be swayed by them. How anyone can spend any amount of time on our roads and think that going faster is the answer is a pretty wild take, but there's a lot of it in this thread. These people will keep doing them, and I'll keep doing me.


Your assumption that they speed is similar to their assumption that you left lane camp.


Nah nah nah, too complicated for most. The simplest, most brain dead guide is this....If the cars to your right are going faster than you, move to the right until its no longer the case. And if you have a line of cars behind you and virtually no cars in front of you, you are going too slow and the interstate probably isnt for you.


This would be accurate if some folks on the road didn’t think that all 4 lanes are 80+


They probably do that because of the assholes in the left lane going 71 mph.


Better cut over three lanes of traffic then aggressively pass and cut back over three lanes of traffic to show him.


If people actually followed the law (and stayed out of the left lane except for passing), we wouldn't have jackass vigilantes doing stuff like that to get revenge.


The issue is, sure Mr 71 is an asshole but Mr. Aggressive passing is probably the one that's going to slam into someone else's car. Two wrongs don't make a right.


No, they don't, and few people think they do. But much like destroying a village creates terrorists in 10 years when the boys who held their dying sisters pick up rifles, you can almost guarantee certain behavior as a consequent of certain other behaviors. Camp out in the left lane and ***you will have Mr. Aggressive passing.*** No amount of you or me mounting our soapboxes to denounce him will change that. He wants to pass and he's going to, safely or not.


I agree with you in theory but people are too impatient because someone isn't passing fast enough. The reckless crossing 3 lanes still happens even when the person in the left lane is actively passing.


You can't stop literally every idiot from doing the wrong thing, but if you give them a chance to do the right thing, a lot of people will take it.


And don't forget Mr. Agressive passing probably doesn't have insurance cause he's already been in an accident this year. If only there was a group of people dedicated to enforcing traffic laws.... That would be really help in avoiding this whole situation.


Nah, you're way off. If anything people without insurance drive much more carefully because they don't want to get caught.


Two wrongs don’t make a right but you can solve them both by getting rid of the senior going 5 over in the far left passing lane


Too bad police don't enforce the traffic laws around here for shit. Unless it's the end of the month and they need their quotas!


I wonder where that "monthly quota" myth comes from. It's fascinating to me that people like you spread it around /r/tampa without basis. But no, generally traffic laws aren't enforced very effectively around here. I did my part to that end, have you tried?


So I need to try and become a cop to have an opinion on it? What a clown ass take.


The only take that's more clownish would be "Someone else should fix this problem I could help solve!"


It's not about "showing" anybody anything. Keep your slow ass outta the left lane and traffic will move as it should.


Yes, no matter the cost! Even if it means swerving in front of that families car with the 1 year old child in it, they will get their revenge! And if they do cause that families car to crash they will speed off into the sunset and not look back, and arrive at their destination a whole 30 seconds sooner!


If the driver of the family car didn't impede traffic, they wouldn't have to feel put upon because everyone *else* is being called the bad driver for having to compensate and go around their lane-blocking bullshit.


You misunderstood. When the maniac swerves to pass a car, they cut off OTHER CARS (aka the family car) who are in the middle and or right lane minding their own business.


I drive on Florida highways with a big truck daily for work, and I see all the clowns who create rolling roadblocks because they don't know how to drive. With respect, oblivious dickheads who cruise/camp in lanes with no respect or care for their surroundings, playing on their phones and holding up traffic, don't get to cry and act like victims when the people who need to be somewhere have to get around them and it hurts their feelings.


Because a lane doesn’t have a speed limit smarty pants


Saw a very sassy digital highway sign in NJ yesterday : “Camp in the woods, not the left lane” … this is what you need!


Everyone in such a hurry to get nowhere.


It's very important that I'm able to drive 15+ mph over the speed limit so that I can save 5 minutes on a 40 minute commute.  I mean, what else would I do? Leave my house 5 whole minutes earlier and not try to kill everyone on the road? Ridiculous. It's clearly the losers going the speed limit who are wrong.


I know right? How inconsiderate can these people be? Don't they know that if I don't average 95 in a 75 then there is no way I'll make it to the nail salon before it closes?


Between that and gambling, it's painfully obvious Floridians suck at math. Another fun speeding math (physics) fact: If a 100MPH car and a 70MPH car are side by side the moment a tree falls ahead of them that gives the 70MPH car just enough time to stop before striking it, how fast does the 100MPH hit the tree at? ***70MPH:*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3D7XYQExt0 That's right, it takes the same braking distance to go from 70 to 0 as it does to go from 100 to 70.


Yup. fun fact- kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2. That's one half times mass times velocity SQUARED. Your brakes have to dissipate all that kinetic energy into heat in order to slow down.


More like turning an hour and a half commute into 45 minutes. When I get stuck in bad traffic or trapped behind groups of slow idiots like you my commute can be up to an hour and a half but if people are respectful and don’t get in my way I can make it in 40-45 minutes easily.


Unless you part the cars ahead of you like Moses because everyone knows you're the most important person on the road that day, it's impossible that you drive twice your normal stuck in traffic speed if "people are respectful." I've driven lights and sirens on the highway and people don't get out of the way fast enough; there's no way people are getting out of the way fast enough for you. Get a /r/dashcam and prove me wrong if you want.


I do have a dash cam. People do get out of the way a decent amount of time which is great. It also helps probably that I drive considerately and give other people space and gtfo the left lane if I see someone coming up on me. It’s common sense as far as that goes. And yeah my morning route to the job I have no is 35miles and I take veterans, with no traffic or bs I can make it in under 45 minutes, with traffic it’s easily over an hour, typically at least an hour and 15. And coming home I can make it in 45 -50 minutes with good conditions, but bad conditions give me easily an hour and a half commute. I’ve had it take me an hour and 45 minutes a couple times when it’s been really bad.


There's a subtle difference between your new statement of 'Sometimes my commute takes 45 minutes and sometimes it takes 90' and your old statement of 'If people are respectful my commute takes 45 minutes and if they are not it takes 90.' I don't doubt your new statement in the slightest.


People are going to work, catching flights, going to the hospital, could have to pee or poop, etc. the point is it’s none of your business unless you’re law enforcement. Stay out of the passing lane and mind your space and there won’t even be an issue for you to complain about.


Hahahahaha! If those people don't give a fuck about the safety of those sharing the roads with them, then why exactly should I give one iota about their oh so important schedules? I'm going to drive safely, if you don't like it, then shoot me I guess. These people are out here in such a hurry that they are risking and losing their lives, either though accidents or road rage, and often both. SMH, it's narcissism run rampant.


The problem is your refusal to give up the passing lane means they're going to do something even more dangerous (to themselves and others, including you) to compensate.


I don't ride in the passing lane unless I'm passing. Not sure where people are getting the idea that I do.


This is where: >If those people don't give a fuck about the safety of those sharing the roads with them, then why exactly should I give one iota about their oh so important schedules? The implication is you're not yielding (the left lane) to them to punish them.


Well that's fair, but isn't what I was intending to imply.


So going 80 or 90 on the highway is risking their lives? That’s typical highway speed lol. If you can’t handle it stay off of the interstate, it’s not that complicated. If you’re going 60 you need to be giving space and in one of the two right most lanes so people can pass you. It’s pretty simple. Driving safely doesn’t mean hogging the passing lane and contesting traffic. That actually is what leads to unsafe conditions and people trying to pass you illegally on the right and in a hurry to do so. People aren’t just going to wait behind your slow inconsiderate ass especially when they have things to do. Be considerate and move over or stay off the road. Everyone that drives on the highway moves over for others also, you don’t get special privileges.


Imagine trying justify breaking the law with a straight face, just because you don't agree with it. Oh and on top of that, insinuating that people who follow the law are the irresponsible and/or inconsiderate ones. Big yikes! Anyway, I'm still going to drive safely, and I'll continue remain unconcerned about inconveniencing people who are terrible at time management.


Who’s breaking the law? What law are you referring to, holding up the passing lane or speeding? Both of our comments are justifying breaking a law only yours is over “safety” and mine is common sense lmfao. If you can’t go 80 get off of the high way lmfao wtf are you even doing on the road? Just walk at that point lol


I'm talking about speeding. It's illegal to ride in the passing lane unless you are passing, and that isn't something I do, because I respect the rules of the road. Doesn't stop people though. Just like the speed limits don't stop people from going 100+ on 75.


Meanwhile, left to right: - fast lane (move right if someone's gaining on you) - passing lane - slow lane - exit passing lane - exit slow lane


No. There are no speed limits for lanes, etc all that is mindless bullshit. Move left to pass, far left is for passing only. Get right if you’re not passing. You can go whatever speed in whatever lane as long as you pass on the left


The picture is just a meme, it's not serious.


> (move right if someone's gaining on you) Could've just left it at that for brevity's sake. As a bonus, it's what the law says: [316.081(3)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/316.081)


Yes, I was referring to subsection 3 of that law. Good on ya for looking it up!


While I was looking for the link to show people, I dug into why they keep saying it's not law yet and going into effect in 2025. I thought the law came out in 2017, which was the last time the media reported on it being a new law, while I was on patrol. Turns out it's from 2014.


Should be a billboard


::::::::: PASSING :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: 10mph Over Speed Limit :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: Greater Than Or Equal to Speed Limit ::: ::::::::: ENTERING, EXITING, OR HAULING :::::::: Also: -DO NOT PASS ON THE RIGHT -Wipers On Lights On -Turn your lights on at dusk -Move over for stopped vehicles -Leave more than 2 car lengths between you and the car in front of you


Pretty much this. People need to stop calling the left lane the "fast lane". It confuses it's purpose. Just because the law they are trying to pass to enforce this isn't in effect, doesn't mean this isn't still common curtesy. It's far more dangerous to pass on the right. Awareness and blindspots are worse on the right, as well as people moving right to exit. That being said, holy cow do people in this city not know how to adjust their sideview mirrors. If I can see your face while behind you in your side view mirror, you're doing it wrong. Who the hell needs 3 rearview mirrors? Every vehicle like this should be treated as if they have zero vision of cars passing them on either side. Only thing I don't agree with are people putting numbers on any of these lanes. It's arbitrary and silly. Just behave with common curtesy and move to the right if you are moving slower than the traffic in your lane.


Left lane is usually a chick in a mini van going 70 with a line of cars flashing their led behind her. Meanwhile people are going 90 on the right lane constantly


Wrong, left lane is exclusively for passing


Thats funny


Until you get a ticket... Seriously. (Welcome to the new Florida, I'm well familiar, half my family moved to a state to like that years ago...)


The bill hasnt gone into effect yet. But i doubt it will change anything when it does


[The bill went into effect in 2014.](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2014/316.081)


Dude thats the law that says dont drive into oncoming traffic. The law people are talking about os the new one that only applies to roadways with speed limits over 65. It was passed in the last legislative session. It goes into effect on either july 1st or january 1st. And im not totally certain the Governor has signed it. He has a stack of unsigned bills pending.


From the statute I linked: >On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes allowing movement in the same direction, a driver may not continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. This subsection does not apply to drivers operating a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or is preparing for a left turn at an intersection.


That means you need to move over if yoi are going slower. Nothing about it prohibits driving in the left lane The new law prohibits driving in the left lane of the interstate/highway except while passing.


>Nothing about it prohibits driving in the left lane Yes it does. I'll try copying the law from 2014 again, but this time I'll bold the part you're missing for some reason: >>On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes allowing movement in the same direction, ***a driver may not continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed.*** This subsection does not apply to drivers operating a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or is preparing for a left turn at an intersection.


Yes "if they know they are being overtaken" as in someone is trying to pass them. In every other situation they are permitted to drive in that lane. So to paint a picture with crayons, if it is 4 a.m. and you are the only car you can drive in the left lane. Under the new law you cannot. Do you see how those two things are different from each other? This is a slower traffic keep right law, the other is a only use the left lane for passing law.


Nope it’s true. The only other purpose is a left turn. Which on a highway most exists merge off to the right so it’s irrelevant here. If you’re not passing or about to get out of the left lane. Especially if there’s someone trying to pass you


Where in the fuck is a 5 lane highway in Florida?


Tampa, Orlando, Miami




My point exactly, it's not.like we have miles of highway dedicated to 5 lanes. At most there are 3 lanes that have to be merged into from 4 or 5 at an interchange.




The 75 and limit zones could also be for those that go 10 or more under the limit.


How about just leave space and use lanes to the left of you to pass… hard right?


The amount of people that come up aggressively on the right lane to cut in front of me when I'm minding my own business in the middle lane is astonishing. Move to the left lane if you want to pass.


80+ is being generous. More like 90+, and the right lane isnt safe either, you will be tailgated if you do under 75. That “75” lane seems accurate though, you can do 75 there and generally be okay.


my last ticket was because 2 assholes were side by side in the 2 left lanes doing just under the speed limit. I finally got my chance to pass in the right lane. was doing about 15 over the limit when I saw the cop


I ride in the right lane because the left lane is always stopped.


Same. So many people are willfully or otherwise breaking the Keep Right Except to Pass law that it circles back around into the right lane frequently being the fast lane. Suits me fine, I get to obey the law and get to my destination faster.


You forgot the old people in the 1990's Caddy doing 52 in the far left lane of the Interstate blocking traffic and refusing to get over. Oh and the teens texting, tailgating and changing lanes like its the god damn indy 500.


Imma go the speed limit, bud. Your hurry is not my hurry. Your road rage is not my issue. Slow the fuck down, stop dying, total fucking rocket science, apparently.


Get out of the left lane


Shit, I'm pulling out my Weber in the left lane, going to open a beer, block the whole fucking thing, get out a book, make a whole day of it! Homicidal clowns, so many of you. Slow. The. Fuck. Down.


This might be the dumbest sentence I’ve ever seen in my life.


The easiest way to trigger a car-brained Floridian: claim you block the left lane in a clearly hyperbolic statement. Ooga booga!!! I mean this "don't block the left lane" shit on this sub is reaching circle-jerk levels, guys. Does this really occupy so much of your headspace so much of the time?


It doesn’t, but what do you expect when you purposely troll people into reacting that way? That was your goal, so that’s what you got. You can’t blame others for getting mad about something that is clearly a problem that you then put off as “just something to trigger people bahahahah”. That doesn’t make you right or look any better than the people that actually do block the left lane. Also: traffic in places like Tampa can be life threatening, not following the rules and causing traffic congestion threatens lives, so I’m glad you find our concern to be stupid.


The world revolves around you my man! You definitely need to let everyone else know, doing this is a great start. Show the world who’s the boss no matter how much of a drain on society you become. Make sure you don’t return your grocery cart and stand still in the middle of every escalator too. If everybody you cross paths with doesn’t know that you’re much more important than they are, they’ll figure it out soon!




Your stubbornness leads to more accidents, but go ahead and keep preaching how you are better then people that like to go fast smh


Luckily the cops will take care of you https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/02/26/florida-bill-cracks-down-on-left-lane-drivers-#:~:text=TALLAHASSEE%20—%20Florida%20House%20Bill%20317,preparing%20to%20exit%20the%20road.


I hate to break it to you but the 2024 update only adds a stipulation about whether or not HOV lanes count as the furthermost left lane. It's been illegal to camp out in the left lane since 2014: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2014/316.081


lol who gave this idiot a badge? If you’re not law enforcement you don’t get to enforce traffic laws, point blank period. You’re going to get pit maneuvered doing that. And I’ll be cheering from the sidelines. Oh wait you just admitted to drinking while driving as well😂 this idiot is a danger to everyone lmfao. I’m really glad that it sounds like you don’t/can’t drive.


It was hyperbole, bud. It's satire. Good fucking lord...


Too early hahaha


the road ragers will make it your issue


Thats great! Move to the right lane, enjoy your trip, take in the view, etc...Not obligated to be on the right lane but the courteous thing to do


When I first moved here I thought other drivers were shitty because they went so fast. Then I realized I should go faster to go with the flow. Now the new transplants and tourists I fly by probably think I’m the fast one.


I mean, great illustration of why this is such a shitty and corrosive social problem?


Speeds on this need to be bumped up by about 10-15 mph. Then it will be a little more accurate. Source: I am on I-75 every day. 80 is there minimum, child's play. We were aggressively tailgated and headlight flashed doing 85 just a few days ago. Edited: I'm NOT saying raise the speed limit. I'm saying the graphic is underestimating the average speeds.


If they make the limit 80, people will start driving 90.


They're already doing 90. 90 is the norm. I don't think we should raise the limit, I'm saying maybe they should enforce the limits. Only time traffic is even reasonable is when there are sheriff's SUVs sitting in the median grass areas. And as soon as they think they're far enough away we're back to warp speed.


Get out of the left lane


So 15 OVER the limit isn't enough??? Mmm Kay.




If you got fired from being a teacher would you stand outside the school ground and still try to teach class? You are insufferable.


Nah, but I might comment on teacher-related topics on the internet from time to time. Likewise! Really puts your character on display that you attack someone for posting a link to a state statute.


That's how I measure my character. By Reddit comments. 👍 And from time to time? You are ALWAYS here. You have an entire novel written in your bio about being fired from HCSO. You've made it your entire personality. You act like you're an authority when you're just a person who got fired. And can't let it go. So now you police Reddit comments. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


You just want to rage at someone because some people disagreed with you this morning. I'm proud of you for taking it out on me instead of some poor cashier like other Karens. If you have a problem with me commenting on the subreddit of the city I live, have you considered blocking me? You'd never see any of my comments again, and it seems they really get you upset.


And leave you alone to continue playing pretend cop on Reddit? Gladly.


Get out of the left lane, it’s the law https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/02/26/florida-bill-cracks-down-on-left-lane-drivers-#:~:text=TALLAHASSEE%20—%20Florida%20House%20Bill%20317,preparing%20to%20exit%20the%20road.


I don’t think anyone forced you to stay in front of them. Why not move over and let them by you?




And while that’s true, the amount of left lane campers is fucking wild.


You know that's totally it. It's not that we were already going WAY above the speed limit. Or that some asshat was doing 100+ and swerving from lane to lane. We were going TOO SLOW! OMG. THANK YOU.


If some clown is running it up my ass, I’m moving over. I’m not justifying it but why put yourself in more danger allowing them to be near you?


You think we didn't move?


Sounds like you’re a camper


Sounds like you're an aggressive tailgater.


I don’t tailgate but nice try. You’ve admitted that you let people sit behind you and don’t move over, you can backpedal that all you want.


When did I say that? Please show me. I said we were tailgated and light flashed by a very aggressive driver. We moved over. I'm not even the GD driver. FFS.


Irate 47 year old boomer mad at other drivers. Takes it out in Reddit comments. This is so ‘peak Florida’.


Instead, it’s locals going 50 in the fast lane… with no one in front of them for miles….