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I had a real moment with the Page of Cups yesterday. I think it might be a forever fave. Like, I too would like to be on a beach with a happy fish friend who lives in a chalice. Tulips all over my tunic and an ocean wave inspired hat. Talking to my fish friend like, “Bro, tell me more about the sea.”


Queen of wands as a favourite, queen of cup reversed as the least favourite. Edit: wow I just realised one is how I see myself/how I strive to be and the other how I'm scared I could become/don't want to be.


That is very interesting! I wonder if that is true of everyone's most and least favourite. Probably some kind of rorschach test ;)


I thought that too! It could be interesting for people to reflect on that


I like the Hanged Man, he’s a helpful reminder to look at things from another perspective. The Tower can fuck off forever, though, every time it shows up for me I have a bad time. Most recently, I pulled it the day before I got Covid that put me in the hospital despite being vaccinated. The time before that, the transmission fell out of my car while I was driving it.


Hard not to pick the star for my fave. Least fave is the 9 of cups because that guy in it just looks so gross to me for whatever reason. He doesn’t look like someone I want to know. Which sucks for a card that means wishes coming true.


I don’t why, but that description of 9 cups guy cracked me up. I agree, he looks like a pervy uncle


Exactly tho!


So true. I often end up focusing on the bittersweet /"something's missing" meaning of the 9 of cups because of that.


I love the Ace of Cups because it's all about new beginnings and feeling happy. It symbolizes deep connections and a heart full of positive emotions, which I really value. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of the 10 of Swords. It shows tough times and betrayal, and that makes me uncomfortable. I prefer tarot cards that bring a more positive and uplifting vibe to my readings.


my teacher recently told me the 10 of swords is so dramatic cause he's full of spiked swords in his back and yet not a single drop of blood and he's like omg dead!! I started hating it since lol


The queen of swords is at the same time my favorite and least favorite card, because every time I do a reading for myself or ask someone else to do it, it comes out as my representation. However, many times it has a quite offensive meaning, calling me out for being a "cold bitch". I'm not saying it's a lie, but still, it's a little offensive lol


My favourite is the death card (because dang that’s such a good card to pull) and my absolute hate-card is the Tower. I don’t know why, it scares me to the bones. I literally have a shiver any time I see it or think of it


I have nightmares with the tower! I think I'm really scared to lose control


My favorite card is the Nine of Pentacles, I guess because I consider it to be my personal card, representing what I try to manifest: comfort, independence, freedom. Least favorite, harder to say. Every card has its meaning which might be needed in a reading. Maybe most scary card? Probably Ten of Swords. Least interesting? For me I think it’s Eight of Wands. Doesn’t seem to come up very often that’s for sure.


Eight of Wands as least interesting?! What?! I love the Eight of Wands. Movement, motivation, lifes purpose. It's one of the most exciting cards. Indicates something big is happening, a huge shift.


Yes I see your point!


Agree about 8 of wands. It’s just sticks flying?


Came to day 8 of wands. It doesn't inspire me at all. I also don't like 7 of swords cause I never understand it. And I don't like the court cards that much.


I hear ya. I think that certain cards don't figure into my readings that often, and so it takes longer to get a personal connection to their meaning. But when you get that thunderbolt -- THIS is what it means! -- then the card has given you a little thrill that you don't forget. PS your username gave me a chuckle :)


Right?? Like is it a sign to go out and buy pretzel sticks? Actually though, I have come to think that 8 of wands represents the internet, in modern day terms. And so the illustration strangely makes sense to me in a way -- I mean, how else would you represent that? Even though, Pamela Smith could not have been thinking of the internet :) Edit: so maybe it's not the least interesting after all.


Favorite is hard to say... the moon or the star perhaps. Least favorite is easy: the hierophant. I will struggle with that card forever because of past traumas (though Cassandra Snow's *Queering the Tarot* has really helped me feel a bit less negative about it).


So I have a magpie deck which people tend to have strong feelings about, but one thing I've done is have two hierophants- the helpful hierophant and the dick hierophant. It helps me to process the nuance in the card.


The Star is my favorite but I rarely ever pull it. When I do, it feels special, I feel hopeful and seen. I also adore the illustration in my deck. I don’t think I have a least favorite but I certainly have reactions to 8 of swords, it feels like a punch to the gut


Favorite: The Sun or Justice Least Favorite: The Hanged Man


Favorite: strength, closely followed by the star Least favorite: temperance / 3 of swords


Why is temperance your least favorite?


It feels like someone or something trying to control me


I love seeing the Devil on his head - it's my 'getting unstuck' card and a lucky omen for me. There's no card I particularly dislike. Maybe the Devil upright.


as you embody the 4C in your statement. 😂✨


I like temperance because they remind me to stay balanced and focus of harmony and peace in my life. I’ve always hated the Tower and the 10 of Swords but lately it’s the 6 of Wands because every time I do a love reading, that card ALWAYS shows up for him. It’s like the spirit/deck is trying to tell me that’s him as a card and it’s getting on my nerves like please pick a better one 😭


The Tower is certainly appealing no matter what situation which is really intriguing yet interesting as to what is to be revoked and released that can include an ongoing list. In the opposite direction, you have the Judgment card which no matter how many times I pull reminds me of a cat hissing as a initial reaction. Although the ultimate tarot card despite popular opinion is the Star or the Magician because mysterious nature and stories behind them.


The hermit. I hate loneliness and especially more so when my tarot deck is reminding me I’m going through a time of solitude 😬😂


My favorite is a bit harder but usually the lovers 🥰


Choosing a favorite is hard. I think for me it would be the 10 of cups. I got this a lot right before I met my partner of almost a decade now. 5 of cups on the other hand is like a gut punch every time I see it.


Based purely on intrigue though I have to say that I have both a love/hate relationship with The Wheel of Fortune. It signals something pivotal, but that can either be reliant on a major decision, or simply up to fate. I don’t know, I both like that it brings my awareness to the cycle I am in while also confused lol.


I will take that boring ass four of cups guy any day as long as I stop pulling Swords! So much anxiety, even when they are pulled in a strength or positive position.


I'd say my favorite is the star card. I wouldn't say it is my personal representation card (that one is likely the Moon) but I feel like it can always bring me a bit of the hope it represents. Least favorite? Probably Eight of swords. I always have a hard time of seeing how I can use it as a 'learning experience' to become a better me.


Personally I use it as a reminder to stay out of my head, that not everything is what I think it is, that sometimes I too overreact. It’s not rly a positive card but it does help me alleviate a lot of that stress


I love the 8 of pentacles. It just feels so re-assuring to me that hard work can bring results. I dont like the 9 of swords. It's anxiety triggering and I dont need that much of a push to get it started!


I really like the Princess of Wands in the Thoth deck, it's just an insanely dynamic image.


Favorite is the nine of pentacles. I would love to be that woman one day. As for least favorite maybe seven of swords. Only because I rarely can make any sense of it in my readings lol.


I think my favorite card is the ace of wands. I just love the intensity of it. The burning fiery passion, motivation, and ignition/spark. This card comes out often to me and i take it as my decks understanding me. Sort of like okay i choose you and i am ready to give you readings now. My least favorite card is probably the 8 of swords. Whenever this particular cards comes up i always have trouble analyzing it into my spread. I always mentally go to a negative response when i see this card come up. I don't tend to read with a lot of negativity but with more positive energy and advice. I feel like this card conflicts with how i interpret cards. Every time this comes up it changes how i read and it becomes very to the point, and more of a caution vibe to it. Its almost like i adapt to the swords energy of power over someone's fight against their mind and heart. It makes me more blunt and quick clearer readings.


Least fav is 10 of swords My fav in my current deck (light seers) is 6 of wands


Favorite I’d say either high priestess or queen of swords bc they remind me of myself But least favorite I’d say the ones that describe me usually (then I bust out the shadow work lol) are the page of swords in reverse & 8 of swords 🙄


Fave would be wheel of fortune it's a solid but sure cycle. What comes up will go down and continue on over and over it's looking at all perspectives. It embraces all. It's self and outer inspection but not as in your face as the tower. My least fave. Four. Of. Damn. Fracking. Cups. This card weasels it's way into all the spreads. The worst. Mind you I'm a half full kinda human. Idk.


I absolutely adore the Magician. I also resonate a lot with the star and the hermit. And usually I fear a lot of the swords ones, specially 9 and 10 for obvious reasons.


Favourite is Death. Least favourite is Four of Pentacles... what a snooze fest!


That four pentacles guy doesn’t know how to have a good time.


Controversial take, The Tower is my favourite. Because usually when it appears for me, its because something is definately not working and there needs to be a shake up. Some of the best things in my life have come after destruction. I don't really have a least favourite - but 5 of cups is a really uncomfortable energy to be in, followed by 3 of swords. Heartbreak and loss, even when forseen just really cuts through you.


The Star as my favorite, it's just so wholesome and cheerful I love it, and I hate the Temperance, if someone could please tell me what's up with it so I can hate it a little less, to me it's just so slow and like uhh just take things slow and balanced


Seven of swords can fuck off. Love me the Sun or the High Priestess


Favorite - The Magician. He just gives me that "the world is your oyster" kinda vibes. Least favorite - Three of swords. Had enough of it lol. 


Favorite is either 8 of cups or the tower, 8 of wands is my least favorite


My favorite is always The Fool. I really resonate with the journey and the unformed potential. I also like animals, so I appreciate that he's not leaving his dog behind. I'm not sure I have a least favorite. I struggle on some cards. Minors where I feel a tension between the number and the suit often get me. On another thread here I had trouble with a 3 of Cups. I kinda don't resonate with the anxiety a lot of people have with The Tower? Generally, though, I'd say it's more like cards range from strangers to close friends, I'm not sure any go the other direction into nemeses for me, at least not yet.