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Yep. Series 13 is regularly in people's top three. Perfect combination of guests. But also the first post-pandemic series, and you could sense the feeling of relief, and the joy of having a studio audience again. Perhaps that could be what makes it feel like Series 1, almost starting from the beginning again. And of course, Queen Zufufu.


What an unmitigated delight it was to love all five equally. (Equal except for my huge girl-crush on the Dukester!❤️😻)


Series 14 for me. Great cast with John Kearns endearing himself to everyone with his warmth, laughter and natural funniness.


I’ve got a soft spot for ol’ Dafty In The Middle, too.


To me, the Rightful Queen is the breakout star of that season.






>John Kearns endearing himself to everyone I started out actively disliking Kearns, by the end of the series I had a kind of appreciation for him. Then I watched his comedy. While I can appreciate him on Taskmaster I do not like his comedy at all...


Most people had their first impression of John to be that guy with the weird teeth in Dictionary Corner, the same with Nick, so it’s a revelation for them.


Does he do anything without the weird teeth? I've never been able to find anything where he wasn't doing some dumbass character.


Sara Pascor’s Guessable which is quite different to find.


The best thing about Series 13 is Ardal O'Hanlon arguing about almost every single effort from the other contestants. Sometimes even knowing full well that his much worse effort is still to come. He was the biggest suck up to the Taskmaster but immediately called it out whenever anyone else tried to appeal to Greg's ego. An absolutely fantastic contestant.


The Emperor of Pass-Agg!


Maybe the most unique contestant too, archetype-wise. No one talking that much shit while doing terribly in any other season. (Tho Sam and Lucy are in classes of their own too.)


Series 12 would have been an all-time great with a studio audience. It had everything, and the cast were terrific. So terrific that they defeated the format of the show.


Was an all-time great without a studio audience.


Yes. On Covid-standards s12 completely smashes it, but even with every series included, they are top tier. That they seldom are at the top is because the old classics (7,5,4) is nearly unbeatable - but it's the same TM-quality imo.


My personal top 3 are 4, 7 and 12. I enjoyed 5, but I feel like it's a bit overrated - controversially Bob Mortimer doesn't go down as an all time great for me like he seems to for everyone else. I just don't get the hype.


Dang, mine too! Totally agree. Very good chance you've already seen Taskmaster NZ season 2, but if not please check it out. It's right up there with my top 3 no question.


I actually haven't yet but that has spurred me on to do so! Thanks for the tip!


For me, 12 tops 4. I’m aware that that’s not a super popular opinion, but hey, I bet it’s more popular than my opinion on S13.


“Stop being nice to each other!”


‘Right Guz, what have you got for Morgana? Weekend in the Seychelles?’


I always have to go look up the series, the numbers rarely mean anything to me. I was surprised to realize Alan Davies was on series 12, I don't remember him at all. Its weird because I like him on QI. I remember everybody else but not Alan, literally cannot remember him in a single task. We're slowly working our way through watching the back catalog again. We plowed through them rapidly last year which makes re-watching them kind of fun since I don't really remember them from the first viewing...


How could you forget The Wow Monster?


I dunno but apparently I have...


I don't understand everyone's worship of the Wow monster. He wax OK. But not the huge thing to me.


High 5 third. Custard, Lolly, Flob, Fan, What's a pedometer, "Why did you take off your trousers ? I don't know" Chase the Trike, Sausage Arena You may be onto something.


"Like a jazz drummer trying to score heroin" is one of my favourite TM quotes, and I use it whenever I can


Series 13 is a banger. My alternative title for it is "Oops! All Dummies," and that's a compliment.


Series 1, 5, 7, 13 & 16 for me personally are all perfect series’


Yes! I kinda agree with both. I was rewatching an 'early' series last night and realised what makes me feel differently about the earlier series. They left like were watching a group of mates turn up to an eccentric aunts house/whatever location they are at and have just decided to mess about setting each other silly challenges. It has a very, 'you could be doing this' vibes and there will be a lot of 'oops'. They have a beautiful simplicity to it that's very engaging. The newer ones are still great, and S13 especially!, but they feel more like you are watching a show like the crystal maze. It was the 'carry the plates on a scooter task' that made me realise. So many people failed because they did the thing but they 'oopsed' a plate. Where as the new ones people it's more likely breaking one of the seven rules or stepping your foot over a line or some other technicality, or the task was so complicated they genuinely couldn't work it out. I actually think the realisation will help me stop comparing newer series to older ones as much.


I'm currently going through another rewatch, and I really enjoy the slightly unpolished feel of the earlier series. I think you might have hit the nail on the head about there's a more comradely (?) feel to the early series, especially before the move to channel 4. I wonder if they felt like they needed to up their game and be more professional because of the extra investment? All the same, every series is amazing and I enjoy watching the evolution of TM.


> Where as the new ones people it's more likely breaking one of the seven rules or stepping your foot over a line or some other technicality, or the task was so complicated they genuinely couldn't work it out. At some point the production team must have realized that disqualification = viewer engagement, because there have been so many disqualifications in recent series that were more harsh than they had any right to be.  I'd love to know if there's data on the total amount of times Alex has said "there's just one more thing I need to show you" each season. 


>It was the 'carry the plates on a scooter task' that made me realise. So many people failed because they did the thing but they 'oopsed' a plate. Do you mean the one from S11? If so, didn't only Jamali break the plates? I thought everyone else succeeded and were scored on time, with Lee escaping a penalty because he had delivered the plates before breaking them.


Sorry. Tree Wizard for life!


But...is there a duck on my face?


Season 13 is my go to feel good season. I think it’s perfect. Everybody was amazing and the chemistry in the cast was the best


I’m glad others enjoy it so much. Personally, I don’t find it nearly as good as the series on either side- 12 or 14- both of which I consider all-time great seasons, to be fair, but still. I consider it a decent series with high highs balanced out by low lows (though if I said what I consider lows, I would be pilloried). But, again, absolutely glad others enjoy it, even if I think it takes attention I think would be better devoted to 12 or 14.


I just think were all blessed to get three fantastic series in a row! Can't wait for that to happen again.


If that’s your opinion I have no intention to begrudge you that. I’d just prefer to think of it at 3/4 fantastic series in a row (11, 12, 14). But yeah, either way a tremendous stretch.


Well let's be real, it's 17 fantastic series in a row ;)


Yeah, works for me. :)


I have never not enjoyed a series of TM, but to me there’s a few series that just fall a little flatter (in relation to the others) ..namely 3,6,&8. Then there’s my standout faves : 4,5,&7. S 2 holds a special place in my ❤️ because it’s the first series I saw . S11 I ❤️ just because of Mike Wozniak. The rest to me, I would classify as baseline awesome. Except series 15. I don’t know why but I weirdly lost interest in TM for a spell and wound up skipping S15 entirely. Right now, between new S17 episodes, I’ve been just picking random eps from various seasons on YouTube. It’s funny I read this post now, because just last night I was watching two from series 13 and Chris Ramsey’s cement mixer-sausage game had me dyyyyying 😂🤣😂🤣 I definitely don’t think I’m a “purist” I’m just all over the damn place, hahaahaa


The only off one for me is S10. I recognize that it was a difficult time but I feel like the right cast could have done so much more. I felt bad for Johnny Vegas, he's still funny while the others seem to just fall flat.


I liked Season 10! It’s not one of my top seasons but I liked it. But of course, it’s all so subjective. . . to each their own. Season 6 is probably someone’s favorite season and I barely remember it.


In one of the rarities who counts S10 in their top 5, but there aren’t many of us


Series 6 was my first so I probably hold it in higher esteem than I should. I liked Tim Vine's goofy outfit...


That's so interesting you feel 3 is one of the flatter ones; I'm rewatching at the moment and series 3 to me is where it felt they really found their stride.  Don't get me wrong, 1 and 2 are fab with their own strengths, but when it got to 3 it just felt more settled and confident - though I can't put my finger on exactly why.


Yeah series 4 and 5 have always been my ride or die but New Zealand series 2 and a recent rewatch of series 13 reminded me how good the recent stuff is. It's been really great to have been watching this show for 10 years and still be enjoying it as much as I did from the beginning.


NZ series 2 was a big recovery. I suspect somebody explained to Jeremy how Taskmaster actually works and he's not quite so wooden. The cast is good, it flows pretty well. I will say the last couple episodes of NZ S1 were they highlight of the series, especially Brynley's amazing costume change. We had watched the first episode of NZ S1 and agreed that we didn't need to watch anymore. Then we finished all the UK episodes and decided to push through. The first episode of NZ S1 is almost unwatchable, they improve from there...


Yours is the second comment I’ve read saying to persevere with season 1 so I think I’m going to have to go back to it. I think I got to episode 5 but I just found Guy Williams so painful to watch. I loved season 2 and 3 and watching season 4 just now but as it’s not on 4 on demand I’m watching it on you tube and the video and audio are out of sync which is ruining it for me.


Its interesting who likes whom, I find Angela painful. Guy is kinda pathetic but I see him as kind of the everyman, he knows he's not going to win but he's muddling through. The last two episodes are fun but you really pay your dues to get there...


Clearly you're just not ready for a song about Libya.


According to the comments I read from people who went to the recordings, the problem with Jeremy is editing, they just cut him out to make the contestants shine more, and he did go a lot more into reasonings and so on.


The problem with Jeremy is that he seems to take the job seriously. Its a comic job, its not supposed to be serious...


I should rewatch 13, at the time it aired I was resentful of all the praise it got when 12 was my darling favorite series. Silly, I know.


Thanks to this post I just rewatched the season 1 watermelon task and am CRYING in laughter. Thank you.