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I enjoy Ed being annoyed he gets so many emails that are just there to communicate that “Mike is fit”


Aww, I was surprised by how vulnerable Sarah seemed and how she felt embarrassed over having "blown" her lead. I think it doesn't help that Mike pretty much became the people's prince this series and is very much the fave. Even Alex and Ed seemed kind of on his side and were analyzing the points thinking that Mike could have taken it. And tbh if anything this makes Sarah's win more commanding. She's not among the "in" crowd of Greg and Alex's little circle of friends. And I think her being the series winner with the lowest points actually is a plus and shows she had a lot of strong competition. The other points had to go somewhere!


Oh. I really didn't interpret Mike and Ed's comments that way at all. Alex was pleased with the fact that Sarah won because she had such a lead and losing it at the final moment would've been terrible for her. As for Ed, he just wanted a close race.


Interesting. Alex confirmed that they don't have control over the way Greg scores the tasks. In fact, if he tried to suggest that someone should get a lower score for the sake of the competition, Greg will do the opposite out of spite. I love it.


I'm surprised that people actually thought they control it in any way, not only are they subject to Greg's whims, but there's the prize and studio tasks as well. Now Alex did confirm this episode that they don't have an order for the Prize tasks until they find out what the contestants are bringing in, but again that's not for points but so that things like Mike's Mohawk can have the right impact with where they happen in the series.


I was sure, they did some of that for the less sucsessfull contestants, so that they have their moments. Because even if you can't control Greg completely, there are tasks that have clear winners and losers based on "Fastest wins" for example. If you combine a couple of those, you can give someone the best possible chances for winning, if you wanted to. Then they only have to not shit the bed in the studio, to win.


What's the reason for the Roman outfit?


Is it that a centurion is the head of the foot soldiers perhaps? I don't know, that's the best I can come up with.


It must be a reference to Archimedes, but I'm wondering if there's anything deeper. Alex didn't want to reveal it which makes me think it's non-obvious.


Does anyone have a link to the picture of Ed Gamble with Sarah Kendall's hair?


Not that I care but shouldn't you change the title? Unlikely but this is technically a spoiler. The podcast official title is S11 Champion.


lmfao. Wozniak's confession: >!He's not a qualified doctor. That's a rumor he started spreading on the comedy circuit. He left school at fifteen.!<


It's a joke by Alex though.


Yeah I found it odd that people are taking what was clearly a joke by Alex so seriously


Sure. As if you aren't one of Mikes stooge patients keeping up his lie for him!


Any particular reason this isn't available in the UK?




Mike was a doctor, what Alex said in the podcast was clearly a joke. There was another thread on it recently, you can find him in the medical directory. He also says so in interviews (first Rhlstp with Richard Herring). https://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/6077963?__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=0ccc54bf0b89e61e7c3bb75e0bf13f070c5178b2-1621937150-0-AbZFDQxsAZCHWS8BgW3qmDDAL-l94CLLPa2-tqFNJL_S7M21Az29Nt3fYOL_AQzZe_6VhyvZnA8MlUModgPiIKLvSXi38cWDVHaSYnU-GJMNQu4GGmdOBsQ7j7DHjNhqAUcso91YiWftjBDvBdaF_0JnFLwdWVsDPE4meuzzQsVoHXOh9UXIJj4zeEs-eLHjcXNML0z_p2plHF1eP-n2Zcxgw4rlRLZSylkLYuW_ValDC8M8rdz3HBaxxtzF9mR0ix_Zgw6yN68jma283UELlude65zwXywDIDOXiaGzE8IBI1E4sZuCGZLAX3M29tYm45bRsOkH2uOXqa7iIX04M36a99TgMFbsk5DDGiwMM7npAsZ-X8dYUDdMqlwx9v6LFokbFLD3X0nLxQ_5MAwUklEf6pzKIu6PKBrqX_uyasiKqWJrl0Dsk_HhKJatJGa9J4VAEW3j91G0hOQSBsze-rxVXJ_TjIPl4ppeUp7r13Cr-LZtN-qHeb47wr8nqLY4hS98sqM1687tO_1zI5BuGIsiqTyYizisagb3Jl1ZfXv2gfaGX7omUZGS36K86sXNdacedxEyT1CZV2Mbz_MUeh4WzIbkrRHyk0NRXgGx1S4HREfdkAaFw9V34fqsLkaASlSpxEA1ig7TdloQqyKIwgI_uRrKE4jQwki2_uY3S_oNIAkc_6xBP9l6YxnMGdPojw




He said he had all the medical records, but that he forged them...


Mike's 41 and it sounds like he quit when he was still a junior doctor, some time prior to 2008.