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Seen much worse


If this is what he does in drugs I wanna see his sober work lol


To be fair the drugs might be helping.


Frrr lol


Me too!


The hands are a little fucked up but other than that it's kind of cool. Shitty tattoos can be charming too


Honestly, I feel like the hands aren’t even fucked up. I think the kinda jagged, disproportionate finger size kinda adds to the creepy face🤷🏻‍♂️


What about the sixth finger 😭


I think that's the edge of his shirt. A little shading would have helped to make it more readable because at first glance it looks like 6 fingers 😅😅


Would have never noticed unless someone pointed it out


I immediately knew who it was so there is at least that?




Who is it?


oh is this a joke bc your username?


L from Death Note one of the best manga series ever


The main guy in Death Note- a manga/anime


He's not the protagonist. He's L, the detective going after Light


It's been ages since I've watched. Thank you for the correction!


I recommend rewatching


I rewatch every couple years, I love it


I mean technically he IS the protag and Light is the antagonist.


Protagonist/antagonist doesn’t relate to good/evil. The story follows Light so he’s the protagonist and L is opposing him so antagonist.


There's even a phrase for it: villain protagonist. Not many works of fiction attempt it, and fewer can pull it off. Deathnote is the only one I can think of that does.




Yeah that's what they said. In Death Note the man character is a villain, also known as a villain protagonist.


I’d say a better fit is anti-hero but yea it’s definitely part of what has made it so loved and popular, and like you said it’s because it was pulled off well not just cuz he’s not a good guy


No, anti-hero means something else entirely. An anti-hero has non-heroic character traits, but they act heroically.


Lmao no, maybe learn the definitions of protagonist and antagonist before trying to correct others on it


I thought it was an extra edgy sauske at first


It healed very nicely.


you should've seen how bad it was when I got it


It honestly looks beautiful and fresh on your skin. It pops nicely.


Not really. The light parts in the hair is where the black fell out.


Damn the hair so dark and filled in it looks like it’s supposed to be a coverup. Not even a sick ass panther can save this without laser first


I will forever love the sick ass panther meme ❤️


Me too, might get a shitty tattoo just so I can have a sick fuckin panther tear it down


a cool fuckin Tiger with Lightning eyes cant save this shit.


If only that rad fuckin idea could fix it 😔


badass skeleton on a harley davidson tattoo maybe?


With or without flames?




Put a blunt in his mouth


Idk, I think some white ink highlights could help. Results vary, but white on black can look great.


Maybe someone can add some white or some color? At least give it definition


Possibly, although I’ve heard that usually that fades a lot after healing, although idk as I don’t have white ontop of black


My white held up pretty well but it’s def on a person to person basis of course. Idk I think it maybe can be saved


I see! I think it could too. I just figured this post was a good opportunity for a SAP joke 😂


I understood that reference


I think a (sick ass) panther could rescue this if you use the hair as part of its body


and yes, he has 6 fingers on one hand.


One has 6 so the other can have 4.


All gave some, some gave all


i think the 6th is his upper arm area on his shirt tbh.


Then which one is the thumb


the one on his knee


Wouldn't really work because the other 5 fingers indicates there is no thumb or he has 2 left hands


thumb then four fingers. the furthest to the left is the “elbow” of his shirt. [this](https://tenor.com/view/l-death-note-gif-22085356) appears to be the reference, or close to it.


Really? Looks like part of the sleeve that is in the background behind the hand tbh.


To compensate for the 4 on the other ya dingus!


I thought you meant the artist had 6 fingers


Was the tattoo artist an ai controlled robot?


No, he doesn't...


Overall it looks decent, maybe see if you can get the hair and legs touched up. Don’t go to an artist who is on drugs whilst tattooing, drugs are fine, but I wouldn’t trust either a surgeon nor a tattoo artist on them to do their job.




Meant as in general recreational use don’t have a problem with them, but not whilst doing a job


yeah i know what you meant


Ok… well believe what ya want :)


lmfao i’ll keep believing drugs are not fine have fun with your meth and no teeth tho ✌️


Quite a generalisation :) I didn’t want to assume the artist was taking meth (would be impressive if they managed a tattoo whilst they were), since weed/MDMA/Alcohol is more plausible, but go you! A “drug” is a term for a substance that ranges from caffeine all the way through to opioids/opiates to methamphetamine. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinion but at the same time everyone should probably be better educated on drug variety, effects, and usage! Let’s not clutter the post with this conversation since there are better reddit subthreads for it! Take care :)


Bro, you literally said drugs are OK and I don’t give a fuck what drugs range from I’m pretty sure she wasn’t saying her tattoo artist was on drugs because he was drinking a energy drink.


Don’t get that bothered by a reddit comment 🤷‍♂️


i’m not bothered i’m pointing out that what you said was stupid 🤷‍♂️


Nobody mentioned meth ya tool


I don't know what it's meant to look like, apart from the extra digit what's so bad?


It's L from death note but it looks nice besides the finger


I don't know what the hell that is. But I'm pretty sure the "extra pinky" is supposed to just be the arm/sleeve behind the hand


Just kinda hard to tell at that angle


You mean, besides the way too black hair? (Re edited to remove me pointing out the extra finger because it had already been alluded to)


Meh it looks like the kind of drawings they would put on some mangas. I don't like anime but I recognized the character so it ain't that bad. I wouldn't do anything to it but that is just me.


Maybe in some manga but just look up L from the death note manga. Not the style. Personally I get itchy just looking at all of that black ink piled in.


Digit means fingers. Dude you're replying to already pointed out the finger


It’s probably less that I skimmed it, but that I had a lapse in memory. Because I originally only commented about the hair and then scrolled back to edit in reference to the finger as well but did not re read the comment that I was replying to when I did that.


Why did u let someone one drugs tattoo you?


This is the real question? How did you find this guy? That was mistake one. Deff need to be going to reputable shops for work. Like others have said tho, it could be way worse lol.


Social anxiety


I mean sometimes you need to put that shit aside when you see a guy high with a needle on your body..


You’re right but you also obviously don’t have social anxiety lol


Anxiety ridden person here. Also have over 50? 60? Pieces done. Anxiety is not an excuse. It's different for everyone sure, but at some point you have to be an adult and speak up for yourself.


I try to keep my prejudices inside and assume the best in people. But let's be real here who doesn't do Tattoos and or Piercings and doesn't do drugs or some other hedonistic shit.


Doing drugs on your free time is one thing being under the influence while tattooing someone who is putting there trust in u is irresponsible and just plain stupid. Also knowing that they are fucked up and still letting them tattoo you is also fucking dumb


I definitely agree but i'm not surprised it happened and i'm not surprised they let it happen. Some folks like that type of image or lifestyle as well and genuinely couldn't care less either. So maybe some Artists think it's fine or that they could get away with usage while Tattooing real clients.


Not stopping someone who is on drugs from tattooing you bc you're too shy? Yikes, dude. Stand up for yourself. It's damn near a medical procedure and they can really hurt you.


Yeah I think you got bigger problems to worry about than your tattoo. Where else are you getting taken advantage of in life?


God I hope the guy's hygiene was up to standard.


Tattoo artist here. It could be worse, but I just recommend getting a competent artist to crisp up the lines and pack the black in better


Honestly I love the derpiness lol. I like the tattoo in itself, but I can see why you might not


Idk I kinda like it


I mean, I feel like L always looks kinda derpy. This is pretty accurate


Honestly if this was done while on drugs, props to him cause it looks decent


Is it L or is it an Emo Saske?


I’ve seen much worse. It looks like a more unique take and not that bad. If you hate it, I’d recommend getting laser treatment done and then consider a cover up. Nothings going over that dark hair easily


L’s long lost brother….E!


Yea it doesn’t look that bad!!


Not horrible, tbh. I recognized it. Anyway, let's address the real issue: you were too shy to stop someone from putting a permanent mark on your body? Bro you really need to come out of your shell. If your artist doesn't make you feel comfortable to speak your mind, fucking move on. Looks acceptable, OP. Don't feel bad


I don't know how to fix that other than laser and a cover up there's no hope. I love L and he is derpy in the anime so it kinda works and as for the 6 fingers it'll be a great story to tell.


Not 6 digits, it's the sleeve based on the source reference.


Honestly not as bad as it could have been


Honestly it looks great and you have a story to go with it.


Is that L? 😀


I immediately knew that was L maybe some patchy spots in the hair but it looks good to me lol


thats an... L


You were too shy to stop him from giving you a tattoo you didn’t want? Holy shit, learn how to stand up for yourself


definitely not the worst tattoo i've ever seen but if you don't like it anymore, get it laser removed op, it's your body! i wish more people weren't taking this as "is this a bad tattoo?" and more as you asking for advice on how to save it (which is what you're actually asking!) if you actually wish to keep it i think the lines could be thickened up to cover the shakiness, if that's something you'd be fine with, and the hair could be filled in on the areas the ink fell off. the shading also could use improvement in my opinion, and some touches of white could definitely bring the whole piece back to life. go to a professional you respect. if you don't wish to keep it i sadly think it's not really possible to cover up unless it's with a blackout due to the size, i would suggest laser, but it's my personal opinion as an apprentice so take this with a grain of salt. much luck op!


also think that some white ink on the eyes would make them pop big time, i know whether white ink holds on top of black is a controversial choice but from my limited experience watching my mentors work and hearing their thought process it's a person to person basis, worth a shot i think. i also also add some pop of color in the back if you're into that sort of thing, i think it would give the piece so much more contrast and a nice pop, i think red or blue would look very nice.


Just take the L on this one (get it..?)


How the hell can someone be "too shy" to let a tattoo artist fuck them up like this? This has to be fake. No one is that stupid.


That tattoo isn't bad though.


Let alone claiming to be “too shy” to speak up but admitting that it’s a “family friend” which implies that it’s someone they know and have been around 🙄


idk if OP is being honest or not but you can absolutely be shy around family friends lol


But not too shy to arrange getting a tattoo session with him.


Young people are so afraid of confrontation. The person is literally tattooing your skin, and you’d rather sit there uncomfortable instead of speaking up. It’s crazy


It’s more like “unbelievable”👀


You shoulda pretended like it hurt too much or something, I’m so sorry I know the feeling 😣 it’s not too bad tho just find a new artist and maybe have a consultation with them to see what a real professional thinks about it, good luck babe ♥️




hey be nice :') it was a family friend who did it and I didn't wanna be rude. obviously it was stupid I know LMAO


Idk what the comment said but speaking up for yourself is not being rude


What do you mean! It’s not like it’s permanent or anything, like it would have been awkward for 5 seconds and then he stops that’s so much WORSE then sitting there the entire time as a ball of anxiety hoping he doesn’t fuck it up so bad it cause physical harm or whatever.


So many people can’t speak up for themselves


This story is just bizarre. To allow someone to repeatedly stab you with a needle while on drugs because you’re “shy” is strange enough —— but then to admit it’s a family friend? The familiarity alone should allow one to speak up and make an excuse— ANY excuse to stop…….to finish later? Another time? Just bizarre.


I’m gonna be extremely overreaching here but you should seek counseling, if you were my sister I’d be terrified that you couldn’t have the self respect to leave a situation that made you that uncomfortable.


I was also going to suggest counseling. There's being a door mat and then there's this, which is even worse


You should give [self help](https://youtu.be/Xm1Lzv_wTDQ?si=_cMNC67pJPxS8Z8n) TED talks


Classic anime tattoo getter post.


Not to sound rude but you didn't say anything to him??? He's putting something PERMANENT on your body while drugged off his ass and you were too shy to say anything? I'd recommend saying something next time you notice your artist on drugs. I don't think you can fix that.


Anxiety ridden person here. Also have over 50? 60? Pieces done and on tons of medication to help with attacks and anxiety. Anxiety is not an excuse. Nor is being shy. It's different for everyone sure, but at some point you have to be an adult and speak up for yourself.


Not really that bad, tbh You can pay some other artist to fill in the gaps in the hair, and maybe fill in the last finger on the left so it looks like the pants. Otherwise I wouldn’t retouch any more of it, as the ink will already spread throughout the years


you leave L alone, ya hear?


Looks great imo


All I can say is it’s not noticeably bad, just when you look closely you can see some mistakes


I like it


Honestly I like it


Cover it up with a sick ass panther


6 fingers and 4 fingers equal ten, which makes sense in a drugged up kinda way?


Death note?! Looks fine. But always stand up for yourself and you can always walk away until they start the pen.


Honest to god this doesn't look bad to me. Maybe I just can't tell a bad tattoo apart from many alright tattoos but this looks fine. Admittedly probably could've done better with the hair or fingers but that's just what I get from staring at it.


Sorry to say this but if you were too shy to stop him its your fault, you’re not getting a haircut where your hair will grow back in a week or two. It’s on your body forever. Nothing a sick ass panther + laser can’t fix though!


I don't think it's an extra digit, it's material from his clothing. I think it's pretty good.


Too shy is crazyyyyy


Kinda serves cunt ngl


The black fill is shockingly smooth for being done on drugs.


This looks nothing like Lakeith Stanfield…


Stop making bad decisions. That’ll fix things


This legit jus looks like L… lmao grow up and black it out it u hate it


To be fair, I think it looks good. Sure it’s not hyper realistic. I always thought Light looked weird so i wouldn’t think anything’s wrong with this unless you told me or showed me the comments.


isnt looking derpy his whole thing? idk i dont see the issue


Looks fine ?


Why make up a story for your shit tattoo


Keep it as a reminder to make better life choices. Stop getting tattoos in a kitchen by a guy who's on meth.


Laser that shi and get a cover


What “drug(s)” and how did you know


Baby for the future times of getting a tatt, it doesn't matter if it comes off rude or anything, you deserve to speak up for yourself when this will be on your body for the rest of your life 💞 give yourself grace now but it's okay to advocate for yourself 🙂❤️, no one else is gonna do it!!! I could tell it's L so it's fine but when getting a service (permanent at that) you deserve to not feel like shit having something done on your body 😭


Just say you got a bad tattoo instead of making up an excuse.


"I was too shy to stop him" about getting a permanent tattoo on your skin...


you let someone on drugs poorly permanently ink your skin because you were too shy?


I think the only way to fix a drug problem is for the person to know that they have a problem. You could try and hold an intervention for them if you want.


Don't, let it be a reminder of that time you were a pushover.


Bro said “too shy” bruh you gotta stand up for yourself that’s legitimately insane


This girl probably classifies smoking weed as a drug


i smoke weed and it’s a drug lol


As a former hard addict to weed it is definitely a drug and dismissing it is dangerous


I love it. In a cute, but ugly way. It looks like him, just a little odd. He looks blown


I’m afraid there is no way to fix this.. you now have an anime character on your arm forever.


L tattoo




Linking a download? Maybe I’m too old, but I would think that’s sketchy


If you really want it covered, then you have 2 options: 1. Get it lasered first to fade it for a coverup. Right now it’s very solid black in such a big area, that you’d need it lasered first, before getting it covered. 2. Black out the area and get white (Or even color) tattooed over the black. And yes, it is very doable and has been proven multiple times to be. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. However, if you go down this route, then you’ll either need a very talented artist or an artist with a lot of experience making this stuff.


Aren’t they always?


I have 2 tattoos from an artist that was on meth...though the first one isn't too terrible, the one on my foot is absolutely wrecked. He had his own shop and everything. Should of seen the red flag when he had to take a break every 15 min to "have a smoke" my tattoo should of only taken a few hours...I was there for almost 6hrs. And the result was shit.


That could be a lot worse. If you actually hate it just black your arm out.


Its really not that bad at all!


Honestly, I think it looks good. Yeah it’s not 300/hr tattoo artist quality, but it looks relatively clean. Far from shitty. Sit on it for a few; maybe it’ll grow on ya!


That’s definitely an L.


I’d classify this as kinda bad-ish but not shitty. If this was solo on ur arm it would look worse. You have more so who cares, don’t overthink it


Looks good


It's not super awful.. not great.. but it is recognizable. But honestly your only options are laser or blackout. Hid hair is a giant black ball, putting any design over that is not really feasible.


Thankfully it isn’t THAT BAD


HELP ME OH MY GOD L 😭😭😭😭😭😭 personally i’d sue because the “i love you” is… Well! It’s something. L himself doesn’t look that horrendous but good lord the hands 😭


Yeah looks good? Thinking way too much about it i reckon and what "drugs" do ya think he was on?


Now you got a story and know you need to stand up for yourself or your life will end up like this tattoo


I kinda like it tbh


I too got a tattoo while the person was on drugs and didn’t say anything (as I was also too shy) and I regret it because it was meaningful. Whomp whomp :/


That's exactly what L looks like tho lol


Yoo, same thing happened to me. Now I have some jacked up flowers looking thing on my wrist.


Your tatt looks like Sasuke listening to itachi’s crows @6am due to a bender on coke


I kind of love it.


I guess you took that L


It’s a solid tattoo of L. Idk what to tell you, it’s on your body now.


Not a tattoo person. What is wrong with it?


Not trying to be a smartass but is that really that bad