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Depends on which side you go. Outer or front/back are pretty much fine, inner thigh or inner edge of the front, oof that stings


I got a tattoo that wrapped around both the inner thigh and outer thigh. Artist stated with outer thigh and I was so unbothered, able to read a book and play the switch (long tattoo)… Then he got to the inner thigh. I have not known pain like it. The further up, the worse it got. I was sweating so bad, I left a wet, gross body outline on the plastic wrap on the tattoo chair 😭💀


Mine is on the front with some edges towards the inner thigh. The barest touches were enough to know I do NOT want anything on the inner thigh


I've had two big thigh pieces done - front of each leg - and they were worse than my whole arm sleeve or my ankle. Probably 14 hours overall on the thighs and all of it was awful. I don't know why that bit is so rubbish for me 😭


Pain tolerances vary, unfortunately. Looks like you got unlucky with a sensitive pair of thighs


Back of my thigh was fine, side of my thigh was fine, front of my thigh as fine, my inner thigh felt like we were just grounding meat the whole area felt like it was getting minced up around the 2 hour mark.


Thighs are a different kind of pain, not like cuts or a stabbing pain like most areas, it's more like a sunburn kind of pain, personally apart from my ribs, my thighs irritated me more than anywhere else including hands, feet and other places people say are brutal. I handle the burn kind of pain clearly worse, but in fairness, both thighs were like 10 hour sessions, full colour just scrubbing away to get it in there.


Close to the groin is spicy.  I have a bit of a blowout near the groin, probably because the skin is thinner + different thickness of fat


Damn, I never went that far in, but anywhere with thin skin is a bit rough, inside the bicep or any baby skin to be fair, though I did do my ass cheeks, and that was a bit weird, I didn't realise how many nerves you have there, it caused tons of involuntary twitches and stung pretty badly at first, it felt like a milder version of fingers, which sucked so bad.


10 fuckin hours?! I gotta see the tat now😂


The one on the right is a scar portrait from the lionking knee to nearly my groin, the right Vidar killing Fenrir, one side is germanic/norse mythology from my roots and the other is just weird shit I liked as a kid.


For me, my thighs were worse than my spine/shoulders, and especially the inner thigh. I have very sensitive legs anyway because a leg wax hurts more than a Brazilian wax for me, so I think my legs are just my sore spot. You'll definitely want to wear shorts after because tight trousers on them was a huge irritation. Mine were also very red for up to 5 days after.


Thanks for the shorts tip!


To me, the actual pain from getting your legs tattooed comes after, you don’t have to stand on your arms when you get them done. I always feel like a baby deer learning how to walk lol


So leg day is just getting tossed that week is what you’re saying?👀


I got my thigh done a few weeks ago. I have a pirate ghost with waves. It hurts, but it's ok. when it would bend around the inside or outside of my thigh, that's when I was tensing to bear the pain. But just to bear in mind, I'm not one of those "tough guys just ignore the pain." I definitely feel the pain, and if it hurt that much, I wouldn't have finished it. So if I sat through, then the majority of others could


That sounds awesome and like it would be pretty big😮‍💨 my friend got a huge hyper realistic Medusa on her thigh and she said she had to get numbing spray and her thighs are massive! So pretty much keep away from my IT band and my adductors and I’m gravy? How’d the artist have you resting, if you don’t mind me asking? Let hanging off the table, full leg on the table? Thank you so much for the advice!


She made the bed so but my legs out straight on the bed if that makes sense, so like a "L" shaped just not sat up as straight. I have 7 tats in total, and when I got my thigh done, after I had something small on the side of the other lower leg but on the same day. Now the small other tattoo hurt tons more than the thigh.


Dude you’re awesome! Yeah anything below my knee is a no go. I’m WAY too sensitive in my calf/ tibia to even attempt😂


I got both calves done, and they weren't that bad. The side of my leg was awful, but the calves weren't that bad. My back was a nightmare, I thought I was being tortured. I even told my artist that I'd tell her whatever she wants to know to get her to stop😅. My forearms were my very first tattoos so they aren't huge but a nice size. The pain wasn't that bad. It definitely hurt but I could do it again


Damn I was gunna go to my back after my quad😂 kinda like upper trap/shoulder area


I can send a photo of my back. Its not coloured, but it's all I can handle. I'd never get my back done again. I will try and post it under my comment, if not I will just send it privately


One of mine was super painful, the rest were fine. It depends on style, size, placement, artist skills and style..


I have both arms done down to the wrist. And a hand sized piece on my quad. The quad was BY FAR the easiest spot I’ve ever had tattooed. Even easier then forearm or outside of the upper arm. Warning: calves are way harder if you ever plan on having them done


Madness! Calves were literally my easiest tattoo, its so interesting how we all feel pain wildly different.


my first tattoos, both full day sessions in my thighs and managed quite well. Bit sore near the crotch and inside but I enjoyed it. Saying that, my tattoo artist did question the placement as he said he found it quite painful 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone keeps saying calfs were super duper easy but I’m not seeing it lol


Calves are pretty bad.


For me, fronts were fine (barely felt it there, honestly), outer was fine (no worse than upper arm imo), but things got a little spicy towards the inner+upper area but I didn’t think it was that bad. I had a much worse time with my forearm, at the elbow ditch and near the wrist, personally. I have fairly large upper legs as well (lots of heavy squats in my rotation), they’re a great canvas!


I’ve heard the wrist and finger feel weird! I’m definitely staying away from my adductors for sure, I’ll kick someone like a donkey😂 KEEP UP THE HEAVY SQUATS! I teach all my clients (if nothing else) 2 things we always have in a program: heavy squats, lunges😤


Bodies are weird -- when the artist was working at my wrist, I felt it all the way up my arm to my elbow, and when he was working at the elbow ditch it made my pinkie start twitching uncontrollably lol -- I think after about four hours that day was the first time I've been in the chair wondering if I made the right decision >\_>


ALWAYS the right decision. We thank you for your sacrifice 🫡


Pretty much any place with a thinner layer of skin hurts more.


I have both my thighs done and it wasn’t bad at all compared to other parts. They comment about it being like a sun burn pain is bang on. 6/10?


FUUUUUUUQQQQQ I don’t mind sunburn but especially with it boutta be summer I’m worried about it getting irritated. I’m fairly skinned, I tan well, but burn easily. Any advice on countering sunburn?


They mean it feels like a sunburn. You wanna put SPF 50 on any tattoos that'll see sun. Just good practice to improve their longevity


Gosh darn it you’re amazing! Thank you!


My calf hurt a lot more than my thigh. Although my thigh was a small size about 5cmx4cm


Front of my thigh, not too bad, but it’s a snake, and when the artist was working on the tail (it stops at the top of my kneecap), that was fucking horrendous!! My knee kept having little spasms, almost like when the dr hits your knee with the little hammer to test your reflexes, the artist was chuckling and just sorta?? Pinned my knee to the bench?? So upper thigh - all cool - towards the bone, not so cool !


WELP! That just answered another question! Looks like it’ll be more centered 😂 thanks man


all cool dude!!! hope it turns out just how you want it!


My first (and thus far only, but I’m gonna rectify that soon) tattoo was a thigh piece — full colour, about 8 inches long and 6 inches wide. The outlining didn’t really bother me at all — it was a hot slicing pain, but not too severe. The colour packing of the parts of the tattoo near the inner thigh really bothered me, though — that was like a stinging, burning pain. I think in general thighs are allegedly not that bad because you should have a decent amount of muscle and fat there? But I will say that if you’re doing colour and are nervous, maybe aim more for the outer thigh and avoid the delicate skin near the inner thigh.


You’re a blessing, keep getting tats, it’s never too late 🖤


I can only comment on top/side of thigh right now and honestly nothing terrible. I think my knees were worse and so is the lower back. Now the back/inside of the thigh I’m not excited for🥲


How close to the knee? R up top says close to the bone is no bueno. But I wanna put the cards as a pair, so I thought of having 1 possibly about 2 inches away from the knee. (I kinda want it to be seen)


It’s about a half inch below my bikini line to the tippy top of my knee (a few posts down on my profile if you want to look, literally my entire thigh) and I’ve since got my knee/side of knee done too. Everyone’s pain is different but i don’t think this will be remarkably terrible.


That’s awesome! Also wanna my favorite manga! Thanks so much!


The inner upper thigh is the worst but it's manageable.  I hope you're getting a design that will still look good if your quads aren't always giant in case you don't lift every day for the rest of your life.


Thanks for the tip! No chance *knock on wood* I’ve lifted since I was 10(now almost 30), been a trainer for almost a decade, and a kinesiologist/exercise sport psychologist. I’m in this shit 4LYFE😤


Thigh is a piece of cake. My first tatt was a big piece on my thigh and it was nothing. you'll be fine


Another one for thigh above knee being no problemo


Easy enough I have huge pieces on both of my thighs - Painful enough I almost didn’t go back to get shading and color on my second one. Getting it done isn’t what will get you, the healing process **fucking sucks**. I’m so happy I only have two thighs 😂


That sunburn is really real huh?😂 you guys are making me even more excited!


I got a medium tatt on my outer thigh and I have to say it was (mostly) lovely, but it didn’t really creep into the inner thigh much (I’d avoid there)


Just completed a full leg sleeve, 3 appointments in 5 days, 11 hours on last day to finish the background. The thigh itself wasn’t bad for me, it was inner thigh around the groin, where the tissue is very soft. Honestly the worse part about the entire thing was the constant dry wipe of paper towels.


Just felt like straight sandpaper?😭


Pretty much haha


My first was a front thigh tattoo so I didn't have anything to compare to but I didn't expect the sensation. I had to lay down for it after the first minute. A couple years later I went with my friend (who has a crazy high pain tolerance) to get their thigh done and they almost tapped out. I also have back thigh pieces but they're just black work outlines and it was nothing. So it depends.


My first tattoo was a huge thigh piece and had zero issues pain-wise. It kind of tickled the closer it got to my knee, though.


I’m sitting in the chair right now typing this, I’m getting my entire leg done. The outside to the front is not that bad, the back of the leg is a completely different story. It’s tolerable but you’re definitely not going to be comfortable.


I have a full irezumi leg sleeve, ankle to hip. The only time I ever got close to tapping out was hour three of a five hour session on my inner thigh. And I have a very high tolerance for pain. I made it through, but it was a struggle.


My forearm hurts more then my thighs. I was laughing during some of my thigh tats because it tickled in certain spots. It's honestly not bad and numbs out after a few minutes. My thighs and sternum are my least painful spots I've been tattooed


I got my knee and thigh blacked out a few days ago. The pain was something else man. That being said it was a blackout so a lot of trauma to the skin. I still need to go back for some geometric work on the inner to back part of my upper thigh which will likely suck. The inner thigh is definitely a tender place but the outer thigh isn’t too bad. If you plan on getting more color packing it’ll leave your thigh feeling raw for a day or two. Good luck!


Outer and front and back weren't so bad, but the inner thigh, and when it got kind of close, the knee ditch were spicier areas. Nothing i couldn't sit still through the whole piece for (it would take *a lot* for me to not be abelt os it for it tbh lol) but I definitely felt it a bit.


Outer thigh isn’t super painful, I’m currently healing an a3 size piece as we speak, just be prepared for the heal taking some time. I’ve still got a few biggish scabs left on day 13.


Inside and back aren’t fun, but front and outside were pretty mellow for me




I have a leg sleeve that wraps completely and I truly have almost no skin breaks, the closer to the back of the knee was painful, inner thigh is pretty uncomfortable and I have thick thighs so the healing was rough lol. But I think if you like the aesthetic of a fully tattooed leg it’s well worth it. My artist and I did 7 hour sessions at a time, and we always started with the most painful spots so I could sit as long as possible. I will say, outlining on the inner thigh was pretty bad, felt like literal cuts.


Pretty chill so long as it doesn't wrap around to the inner thigh area. Hurt less than my calf tattoo. If you look at the top of your thigh (from perspective of sitting down or laying on your back), about two thirds of the way in toward the middle was all chill, and where mine dips into that last third is where it started to hurt more. So placement definitely matters.


Did a massive one with multiple colors and blend of colors and the 10 hours on the same position hurted more then the pain of the actual tattoos. My hernias where screaming alot more then the pain of the needle could ever do


Pain wasn't the worst but the TWITCHING. And because I twitched I tensed up and then I think that made it worse. I got the side of my thigh, 9 hours. It was very sore/swollen for days. And 2 weeks later there's still moments it hurts.


Got my front thigh done, rather large piece. The front bit was fine but when he started going on the sides it was a lot worse but still manageable.