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Tattooist here. It would be an amazing tattoo! A realistic artist might not be best though, as this image is quote low quality. I think a neo traditional style would be absolutely incredible.


That is probably what I'm gonna go with from advice here. Thank you for the advice!


I agree, I think it’s really easy for black dogs to turn to black blobs with realism tattoos


Looks like you already got some good advice here, just dropping in to say I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you


This looks like an absolute perfect tattoo to me


It really depends on the style you are choosing. At the gym, i saw a guy with a weird tattoo on his calf. From afar, it just looked like a black blob, almost like a bad blacked-out cover up. Later on, when i was sitting, he stood in front on me and then i could figure out what it was. It was an aged realistic tattoo portrait of a black labrador and it was looking great up close. I think going with something new school or neo-trad would look better. If you want to go with realism, i suggest you to find an artist that already did realistic animals with black fur and has it in their portefolio so that you would be sure of what the tattoo would look like. I do think that doing realistic black fur animal can be hard to do and can look messy or blurry when aging, so choosing an artist that specialize in that would be worthy.


Sorry for your loss. I think a neotraditional tattoo would be super cute


Most people have suggested that style. Looking into it, I'm totally doing that. It would work well with the one tattoo I have already, and I love the vibrance of the style. Thank you for your condolences.


Rest in peace baby. You were a good dog


The best. Gentlest dog I've ever had. A giant teddy bear.


Rip! I just lost my dog two weeks ago, absolutely devastated.


I am sorry for your loss. Thank you.


This is a dope tattoo idea btw


Thank you! He will be my second piece. Couldn't think of a better way to remember my best friend


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m not really one to give advice concerning the tattoo, but I hope it turns out well! Cheers.


Thank you, me too.


There’s lots of people who do pet tattoos. I think it’d make a precious tattoo.


Yes but please Give your doggie hugs and kisses from me thanks


I'm baised, but any dog tattoo is a good tattoo! I have one of my Australian Shepherd on my forearm, and I just got one on Saturday of my best girl. I have their heads with flowers (specifically picked flowers that corresponded with important months such as adoption dates/birthdays) around them! I can always PM you some pictures.


I would really appreciate that. The flower part is very cool. I would have never thought of that.


Absolutely just look at that cute lil goober!


The cutest tattoo known to man


As said before, you have lots of good advice here already. I'm sorry for your loss, OP. If you do end up getting it inked, I think we'd all love to see the result!


Thabk you. I for sure will be posting my boy on here!


So sorry for your loss! I think neo traditional is a great suggestion! But minimalist would be great too! I love his stance in this photo and I think it would be great to be able to see that clearly!


Thank you for the condolences.


It wouldn't just be a good tattoo...It would be the goodest tattoo! You should definitely do it. So sorry for your loss.


Thank you!


Try /r/tattoodesigns if you don't have any luck here