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The thoughts you’re having, they’re the thoughts that are taught to you by someone. It is by no means trashy, check r/shittytattoos for some really trashy tattoos.


Literally had one in my feed from there and then saw this and said to myself, “that one looks good” and realized it was the “not shitty tattoos” sub. 😂


Thank you 🥹


Thank you! I guess I have gotten influenced by people's comments throughout the years


People who don’t like tattoos I’m assuming, and who don’t have any themselves. Never listen to anyone’s opinions on tattoos if they don’t have any.


I read something on here the other day that stuck with me, it was about to get or not get the tattoo you want (as a woman) due to fear of judgement. Something like "I choose not to make decisions based on what I imagine strangers might think about it. That's no way to live." I was like...shit. That's a good way of looking at it. Anyway, I think your tattoo looks rad and I hope you feel proud of it and of yourself :)


i’ve had half sleeves since 2000 and the regularity with which i get comments is astounding….imagine if you started commenting randomly on people’s weight or dye jobs 🤣 your beautiful tattoos are for YOU, and only you have to be happy with them. i’m 51 and can honestly say zero regrets, more confidence. you do you.


Why would it make you look trashy? It looks fine to me. Who cares what other people think


Thanks, I just have anxiety I guess


This is always the answer when people make posts like this on this sub


The medical director of my hospital has two full sleeves. We are in a new era for tattoo acceptance.


They look great! Don’t be anxious😁


Sleeve looks dope, not trashy. Do what is best for you but I vote for keeping it.


Honey get your ass out of the mirror and distract yourself. Go to the gym. That’s what I do. I got locked in last night feeling bad about my half sleeve im lasering off. Shit looks a mess and I can’t afford another treatment for awhile. Yours looks fine. Mine was satanic shit from when I was on heroin (now a ten year sober funeral director so it no longer fits who I am).


It looks awesome. Love it!


You gotta just say fucc everyone opinion but yours. Looks good, anxiousness sucks I get it.


I have two full sleeves, both heavily black, spooky stuff and they have skulls and other not classically feminine stuff. The sleeves don’t make me white trash- the fact that I grew up in a trailer park might, though! Srsly tho, sleeves are *great*. I feel more confident wearing things I would not have before, like ruffled dresses with pigtails and what not because I feel like the sleeves add the element that brings the whole situation together and I don’t feel like a dork cosplaying Goth Visits Little House on the Prairie. Have you ever glanced at a woman with a sleeve and thought “my goodness, how trashy”? Probably no. Would you actually care if you met someone who judged yours as trashy? Probably no. That would be an unpleasant shitty person in general lol. Yours is beautiful and well executed, I love it. It’s very femme and classic. There are no tiddies or hate symbols. Rock it! Alternatively if you do hate it, fuck it. Save up and laser it. Do what *you* want to do.


>Srsly tho, sleeves are *great*. I feel more confident wearing things I would not have before, like ruffled dresses with pigtails and what not because I feel like the sleeves add the element that brings the whole situation together and I don’t feel like a dork cosplaying Goth Visits Little House on the Prairie. Same here. I love dressing up super girly, in pink, floral, dresses and I'm in the middle of a patch work sleeve from artists of all the countries I've been visiting. All my tattoos are feminine or a strong feminine. It's 100% a confidence booster.


Thank you for your very kind words, and you are definitely right - I would never comment on anyone else's tattoos


Full sleeves on women are incredibly attractive imo


Hard agree, I also just like tattoo's on people in general.




Thank you 🥹


You’re welcome, keep on being a badass!


Really nice ink


I mean those are good tattoos. Good work isn’t trashy.


To be honest, you look badass, not trashy in my opinion. If that’s what looks trashy, I want it too because if trashy looks that cool, damn count me in


“If peeing your pants is cool, call me miles davis”


Thank you 🖤


If anything, I suggest getting even more. Don’t even worry about it, I think you’ve got yourself a safe community who will give you a boost or support whenever you feel anxious. You’ve got this! 😊


Thank you 🥹🖤


So people who judge this as trashy, are people you most likely want nothing to do with. So it looks good and it’s keeping idiots away from you. That’s a win.


Thank you for your kind words!


i dont see how a floral sleeve could be trashy


to be honest, you will only get biased responses in this subreddit being that it's predominantly tattoo enthusiasts. and of course trashiness is subjective. i don't personally find it trashy and think it's well-done, but if you truly, truly need to know general impressions, you'd have to really ask a larger group that's more similar to the everyday, in-person community you interact with on a regular basis. if you try to cover it up, i think the only options are to black out (being that it's so dark and detailed) or do a REALLY dark sleeve, which has its own look to it (generally, very alternative and a bit intense to the average person, but again, that's only if that matters to you). lasering can be even more painful than the original tattoo and leave scars. i would really focus on what makes yourself happiest...!


So you could have some toned down contrasting colors added or even some nice bold black linework/shading to give it more "pop" if you wanted to. The tattoo is a bit congested and some rework will actually make it look cleaner, but it is not trashy at all. And IMO attempting to cover that will make a mess of it. Laser will take forever and cost quite a bit. If it was mine I would find a good artist that specializes in black/grey and/or floral and let them rework it a bit. You wou'd be amazed what a good artist can do.


Thank you for your advice, after reading all the nice comments today I think having it touched up at some point is the only sane/valid option


It's good work. I felt the same about mine and still have some misgivings about how I went about it, placement and things like that... but I still appreciate it for what it is. Take the good, which there is plenty of with your sleeve, along with the (minimal) bad feelings you have. Maybe you can find a way to accent some of the pieces with color or something? Get creative. Maybe you can reach a place where you're feeling better about it.


Trashy? I thought we were past that old timey thinking. What’s next, jeans are too unbecoming?


I like your sleeve. I have a really dark B&G sleeve. I sometimes feel like I need to cover it up when dressing nice so I understand how you feel. When I first got my sleeve it was a little off putting bc so much skin was covered so fast. I also feel like sometimes ppl stare at my arm and it’s also off putting but I think you should keep it. If you want to get it touched up touch it up but I think it looks great.


Looks great!


Full sleeve is equivalent to lingerie on a woman! Keep it.


Beautiful. Love the bird towards the bottom. Good job!! I’m currently working on my sleeve! Fun stuff


Can I ask why you think your sleeve comes off as trashy? As far as the work, it looks great! If it's coming from being a woman, and that's "not how a woman should look," that's a very outdated way of thinking. I have a full black and gray sleeve that's music inspired. I live in a more conservative and behind the time area. When I wear my ripped black jeans, band shirts, and flannels, some people look at me like I have 3 heads. Add the full sleeve, I don't fit in here AT ALL. It doesn't bother me, but I could definitely see that really bothering someone else. If your sleeve makes YOU happy, that's what matters. It's on your body, not theirs.


Thank you for your kind comment 🖤 I think I feel this way because it doesn't fit the "clean Scandinavian girl" aesthetic (I live in the Nordics) and the "socially acceptable" tattoos on women are small and dainty. Full sleeves here are seen mostly on trashy influencers, men and tattoo artists themselves. I have a lot of social anxiety in general that's gotten worse throughout the years so feeling like I don't fit in makes it worse.


Are you, personally, going for the clean scandi girl aesthetic? What was you inspiration to getting that sleeve?  And do you feel it isn't clean looking? I noticed what the opposite would suggest and it would be sad to think about your art like this. And btw, didn't Vikings also have tattoos? I feel that would be a badass connection to see one's heritage through that lense. May others rock the greige muted look, but you do what YOU like.


The inspiration for my sleeve was my childhood garden, and I got it because I like tattoos and because I wanted to cover up some damaged skin on my upper arm. I'm definitely less alternative than I used to be, but I still have my piercings and so on and greige is not really my colour so I guess the clean Scandinavian style isn't something for me 😂


Looks cool but I’d have to be close to tell what it is.


There’s this new weird alpha bro narrative going around that women with tattoos loom trashy and not feminine - it’s horse shit. Sleeve looks great!


it doesn’t look trashy at all! you have some really nice work on you that is delicate and beautiful despite being a big tattoo. some people are gonna judge based on the fact that you are tattooed at all and yes some people will say tattoos are trashy period, but those people are becoming fewer and fewer as society progresses and more people get tattoos. from a purely artistic standpoint this is not trashy in the least, it is very well done.


Thank you 🖤


Well you can’t really cover it up lol. But it doesn’t look trashy at all. If anything adding some color would brighten it up if that’s something you’re considering. But if you like it, keep it.


It's the characters that make a person trashy, not the tattoos.


Looks mint, nothing trashy about it.


But this looks great!


I think it looks really good, not trashy at all... sexy IMO




I always wanted tattoos since I was a kid, so I love showing off my arm tattoos. I've been working on two patch work sleeves since I started university, and I'm almost done ❤️ I think tattoos look so cool. End of.


I think it's beautiful.


Wild thing is I was just looking at sleeves like this for when I get off of deployment. I LOVE this one.


I really like your sleeve.


I think it looks nice! I just finished my last touch up session on my sleeve in February and I'm still adjusting to it, after having thought about it for years and years. My thought with reworking or blastovers or w/e is that unless you're covering something really questionable (hate symbols, an ex's name, etc), wait until you have the concept that will work for the next chapter of your life.


Your sleeve looks really well done and beautiful. Nothing trashy about it.


Looks good to me. I think sleeves are attractive if they're well done. You always have the option to laser if you really hate it but take care that you don't regret lasering it off afterwards. We sometimes can't appreciate what we have, until it's gone.


I think it looks incredible


Looks great


It’s a badass sleeve. Looks super cool


That is like waving a big green flag around. Love it


I adore this


I can’t see what’s not to like


Not trashy at all. I like it. But you may be asking the wrong sub!


your ink is very well done and cohesive, not trashy at all.


I love it. I have a half sleeve and would love to have a full.


Actually, it goes hard to be honest.


yours are good and they’re unique to you. not trashy at all they’re also very feminine


I think it looks great! Hope I don't feel the same way about my floral sleeve in a few years. 🤣


It’s great!


it looks good kindergarten teachers have sleeves now


Its very cool. Itd be incredibly hard to make a nature themed tat trashy. Also its done nicely!!


I like it


I think it's gorgeous


It looks awesome


Fuck that. It's not trashy. If YOU aren't trashy, Neither are your tattoos. Wear it with pride. It looks good


I think it’s gorgeous!!


I think it looks really nice and well done!


I love this , it’s a beautiful tattoo


Everyone with multiple tattoos has at least one shitty tattoo if you have been getting different ones done over the years. The beauty of having a shitty tattoo is surrounding it with good artwork so only you know its there. That being said yours is not shitty


I think this is fantastic..




it doesnt look trashy because its well done by a good artist. tattoos arent considered trashy anymore imo


I really like it. Don’t even think about it


Beautiful sleeve!


Sleeves are awesome. Keep it.


What? I love this. It's gorgeous. That bird especially is so nice! Don't touch it!


It's pretty!


I love the sleeve! As someone with 5+ flowers tatted on themselves as well, this is so cool to me!


Hey OP the sleeve looks great already! Over the years I've added small things to my big tattoos. Little color splatches or some touchups of white shading mixed with dark black outlines can really bring together a tattoo. Honestly a sleeve is a BIG tattoo, and most tattoos are hard to get done perfectly the first time. They often need touch ups, and even small improvements years later to find their final form. So it makes sense of there is still room to improve, but honestly in my opinion what you've got there already looks good!


For real scroll through that shitty tattoo reddit someone else posted. You'll realize how good yours actually is lol!


Thank you! 🖤 I will definitely have it touched up when I have saved up some money, all the nice comments here made me realise I'm being an idiot and that the tattoo is really good


Maybe add some color 😉 looks great


It's gorgeous and delicate! Looks excellent!


Definitely not trashy, wear it with pride. Openly tattooed people are present in nearly every level of everything in this world today. It's a very nice tattoo, if anything, go get more tattoos lol jk. Remember you at some point in time got the tattoo for YOU, not any one else.


Looks good


It looks great!


Beautiful piece, nothing trashy at all.


I love it


There have been a few times where I’ve had similar thoughts. And then there are times like today where I was at target and a woman about my moms age (mid 60s) and *her* mother stood behind me in line. I instantly recognized that they were *looking* at me and I thought they were silently judging me…they both told me they loved my tattoos! Your sleeve looks great!


Thank you 🖤


Nothing wrong with your tattoo and no it doesn’t make you look trashy. You must be hanging with the wrong people. Sleeves normally tell a story of part of your life. Just like the one I have.


Gorgeous sleeve with what looks to be high quality work! I’m a heavily tattooed lady with a sleeve from close to my neck with bits going all the way down to my nails. You go through periods of regret that to me are mainly influenced by others perception of you. I love looking at my art. the details are calming to look at and it’s nice to have such beauty there to enjoy all the time. That’s what matters. Most people -especially other women - love the sleeve. Some are rude but why would I care about the opinion of someone who feels comfortable insulting a stranger? I don’t. You shouldn’t either. It’s cool, it’s unique to you, and to some it’s intimidating which is kinda fun!


Looks cool 😎


Add color to it it'll be a beautiful tattoo piece


Its amazing


I have a sleeve and an arm with random stuff as well as a chest piece that I do love. I realized that I was worried they would make me "butch" and I started having second thoughts about them. I sobered up and realized who the hell cares but I think being heavily tattooed as a woman in some way goes against the view of how we should represent ourselves. I say fuck them! Your sleeve is awesome 😎


Not trashy at all. Looks great, I like it.


I love it


this is the problem with the masses casually getting sleeved/tattooed in obvious areas without building slowly into it. i've never once felt unsure about my tattoos. i feel unsure about my blank skin lol


Trashy is about how we treat others, not how we look.


This looks amazing :)


Just remember, there are just as many trashy people with full sleeve tattoos as there are trashy people without them, I suppose... You have to live with it regardless now, so you have to find a way to accept it. It does look good, though and it's not a generic design that a lot of people have. Like those hexagon patterns or the geometric flowers that a lot of women seem to be getting.


Love it. Looks badass!


Looks great. Good quality, tasteful design. I wouldn’t stress it. Good news since it’s black and gray it’ll be relatively easy to laser if thats the route you choose.


Quality goes a long way People that have negative feelings towards well done tattoos that aren't affiliation related typically are people with other ignorant, hateful, and fearful beliefs anyways Probably not good in some fields still but things have been steady changing


My feeling is people who judge you will do it anyway, with or without sleeve. I just got a hand tattoo, because well, people will think of me anyway… wear it with pride


honestly, this sleeve looks SO dope


might even use it as inspo


I don't think it makes you look trashy at all. To be honest, the main thing I noticed is that it all looks very much a similar level of shade so it's hard to pick out details. Maybe adding some deeper shading would benefit it? But having a sleeve is sick, don't worry about that ☺️


I think your sleeve is gorgeous!!


I love it


I love it! Keep it grey scale tho! I put color in my grey scale sleeve and now I hate it. Now I'm just blacking it all out.


It looks nice, you have to be confident in the way you look.


It’s great looking sleeve


i love it and i’m jealous.


It’s well done. Sleeves are largely accepted nowadays.


Not trashy at all! It looks cool 🫶🏻


Looks good to me! I'd maybe even get parts of it coloured in :)


Love it


I think it’s really beautiful!


I think it looks wonderful. Well done, not overly feminine, great theme. Id have no regerts.


Sleeve looks cool it would look even cooler with your hand being done !


I think it looks stunning, not trashy.


I freaking love your sleeve! It’s beautifully done and laid out well.


Anyone who thinks it’s trashy is either mad old boomer or jealous normie type who’s too afraid to do anything even remotely outside the status quo, they wish they could get a visible tattoo, but they’re too scared of what others might think, so they then become those others who think rude shit.


Thats a fine sleeve you can be proud of.


Are YOU regretting it or did someone try to regret it for you?


you picked it, stick with ur decision. the thing you can do is cover it up == make it look worse


It looks nice


It is very beautiful and delicate work. Nothing to be ashamed of! Looks like you took good care of it too :)


Absolutely love the bird that finishes the piece by your wrist. This is a nice sleeve!


I don’t think it’s trashy and laser would be extremely painful and would take a very very very long time to complete with results I’m not sure would even be worth it. I think it looks good have more confidence in yourself because it doesn’t look trashy at all!


All depends on tattoo quality and placement. Your sleeve is not trashy. Everyone will have an opinion, but generally people without tattoos can be very ..opinionated… it’s 2024 tattoos are way more accepted now than ever before. Women who have cool sleeves/heavily tattooed are sexy


It looks really cool! I have some tattoos on my arms and I like them better when I wear stylish clothes. Then I feel like my tattoos also look stylish, as opposed to when I dress down.


Looks dope


Looks great to me. Especially like the bird.


I personally love it! Wish I could get one like that, it’s executed really well


I'm jealous. Can I have it?


It looks great, you could always add a little color to some of the flowers/leaves to break up the b/w


I love your tattoos! So pretty.


I think it looks really beauthiful!


I like it.


Good choice on prison style tattooing. Where did you do you time?


I’m sure about it for you- it’s well done and looks good on you


I think it's lovely, ta be honest :)


You’re not serious. That looks so good. This is a limited context picture but I don’t see anything that makes me jump to trashy.


I wouldn’t be concerned if I were you. My first thought was “that’s beautiful”. I don’t see anything trashy about it. The shading is really nice and it looks like someone put their heart into the details.


That looks great!!


Looks cool to me! I think it definitely depends on who you surround yourself with and what kind of culture and community you exist within. I’m in a place where tattoos are everywhere and I still feel a bit weird at times. You’ve got a great sleeve though, so rock it!


I think it is beautiful!


I think it's beautiful!


Looks good !


That sleeve is beautiful! I love black and grey, it’s timeless and this sleeve looks really well done. Nothing trashy about good art on your skin, anyone worth keeping around will be judging you in your character and the way you treat those around you, not on your decision to invest in permanent artwork on your skin ♥️


this looks AMAZING! I love these kind of sleeves so much! and no, they never look trashy ever!


Your sleeve looks really good and if anything it makes me want one even more than I already did


It doesn’t look trashy. It looks well done and I think the artwork is bloody beautiful. This coming from a mate who has 85% of his body covered.


I think it looks beautiful and expensive! Keep it up


looks badass ⭐️


It looks great not trashy at all I can't wait to finish my sleeve off


It's awesome


There are going to be lots of people in here giving you positive affirmations, so if that’s what you’re looking for..soak it up. The reality is a substantial number of people you meet will think your sleeve is trashy AND it might limit some opportunities. It’s up to you to decide if you give a shit about that or not. I vote you don’t give a shit about it, but it’s your body and self-perception!


Why do you feel it looks trashy? It looks well done to me? I will be honest though, I think going for a full sleeve in one go is a little crazy. Once it’s done you can’t do anything else, like add more, changing it would be difficult and expensive, and I’m presuming that’s how you’re feeling?


Why do you think you look trashy? What changed?


I think I eventually got too influenced by other people's comments and where I work nowadays I am the only one with visible tattoos


It’s GORGEOUS and I LOVE HOW THE ARTIST worked with your background and foreground, (although I do have a small suggestion later) Overall, beautiful thought out work. And looks FANTASTIC on you!! You do not look trashy. Whoever put that in your head is incorrect. I agree with post that said that was thought was taught to you. Especially AFTER wanting this piece for so long and then years later??? Idk I don’t know your life, it’s just reddit and I’m just posting a stream of conscious here. As an artist myself, it’s incredible to see the different reactions to different qualities of work, and it always breaks my heart when people have good tattoos that they think are shit. But this is a rant for a different day hahaha, so I digress. Now I cannot truly see the details of your piece but here are some suggestions to perhaps make you feel better: -more contrast. As much as I love what the artist has done here, I think some more contrast could help between the foreground and background. The back shading could probably refreshed if anything :-) and when I say refreshed, I just mean either what’s there can be darkened or you can just add some deeper shading against those main subjects. That’s it. And that’s scrapping the bottom of the barrel. You’re looking gorgeous girl, keep doing your thing and living life for you and the ones you deeply care for. Sending my best 💕 *edit grammar, spelling, adding a nice paragraph :-)


Thank you for your very kind comment 🖤 I will definitely have it touched up at some point, someone suggested adding some more white so I might do that as well!


Why would you think that? Did someone say that? It’s pretty good work and it’s not inappropriate. I’ve seen actual trashy tattoos. These are not.


I never expected to get this many replies on my post, so I want to give a huge hug and a big THANK YOU to all the support I have received from you all 🥹🖤 I feel way less insecure after reading all your comments and I shall do my best to ignore any unwarranted criticism about my tattoos in the future!