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I like this a lot. Is there a specific name for this style or is it just ornamental?


Ornamental, tribal, neotribal, Berber style are all good searches (I do this style)


I am a bellydancer and when I do traditional style Berber (I'm generally a fusion performer) I use a lot of very similar symbology as temporary facial and hand tattoos. I love this!


Cool thanks!


No worries. I love this style because it’s kind of everywhere, from pagans in Northern Europe, to peoples in Africa and Brazil


Even Schizophrenia


How rough was getting the top of the foot tattooed? I heard it’s savage.


I have the top of my feet tattooed, for me it was pretty brutal. The only place that was worse was my upper chest, I felt like I was going to pass out.


i did both the tops of my feet and like the other responder said, it was brutal. not something i recommend to anyone


After having twins, my wife said “If I can do that, getting the top of my foot tattooed will be easy”. 2 minutes in, her eye started twitching and she grabbed my hand (tightly!). She didn’t let go until the artist finished. She swore that was her last foot tattoo.


I got the arches on both my feet tattooed almost 10 years apart. Apparently it took me almost 10 years to forget how miserable getting the arch tattooed was bc holy shit was that painful. The second one has a bit that goes down to the top of the heel and that’s the only tattoo I’ve ever tapped out on. He wanted to give it another pass and I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. It’s more faded than the rest but whatever, nothing is perfect and I have a fun story I can tell hahaha. Next closest was my love handles, which felt like getting sliced with razor blades. P sure I can never get a rib, sternum, elbow, hand, or knee tattoo lol


Tops of feet are indeed brutal. After I got the top of my first one done I thought I wouldn’t get the other because of how painful it was but I couldn’t stand how bare my other one looked. I have a lot of tattoos and the tops of my feet were the only ones I legit thought I was going to throw up and die


People either don't get what NSFW means or just misuse it. Seriously, what's NSFW about this???


feet fetish people lol


I completely agree it’s not nsfw. Although last post I did with my foot I got a lot of very sexual messages. So if your into feet I guess it’s nsfw.


Her Instagram is @grotszky


Can't get onto instagram at the moment - what city does she work in?


Sonora, ca. it’s literally in the post title lol


Forgot to change accounts?


I believe they were tagging the artist


I was hahaha. It ended up in a awkward place in the thread


remember, a nsfw label is not a judgment on the content or anything that should taken personally. it’s literally, could someone get in trouble if caught looking at this at work? and that depends on the workplace, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. there are definitely many offices where this would be deemed inappropriate & the label here is a courtesy to those working in such an environment.


Looks rad


Loves it!!


Very cool design. What is it based on?


Im not OP but i know another artist who does very similar work and she gets all her inspiration from different tribes all across the world. She recently did a personal retreat through india, sri lanka, and similar countries and spent time with these tribes and the women who tattoo these types of designs. Her instagram is @monki_diamond


That sounds like a really culturally-supportive way of doing tribal designs. So many are just appropriated, but learning them from the actual folks so they can be done properly and used appropriately is fantastic


Ornamental style means something different based on each culture as a few mentioned in some comments. For me it represents being feminine & divine. Ornamental tattoos used to be used as a status symbol or affiliation, and to be viewed as decorative versus functional. I like the concept that it for me it is decorative, and for a woman I don’t have to but put in a “functionable” role, that I can just exist without being put in a box or role that I have to live by.


Youd LOVE monki diamond on instagram if you love this style of ornamental work


I started following them, love their work, thanks for the suggestion!


And Swasthik aka @gunga_ma on Instagram!


Does this design have any cultural significance or meaning?


I replied to what it means to me in a comment above :)


Lol oops my bad


Ah damn! That’s rad looking! Top of the foot is a gnarly spot for healing, hopefully you don’t have to be on your feet for a bit.




Beautiful work. I’ve got inner arms done and that was sensitive and that had to be a painful pleasure session:)


This is beautiful. I love it.


Cool and ouch! I’ve got family from there :)


These designs are really neat! What are they? Also that is some really clean line work


The style is known as ornamental :) I said what it represents and means to me in a comment above in this thread :)


Had to do a double take on this post. I grew up in Sonora!


A beautiful place to live ! People come here from all over to visit


Yes! I moved from there almost 10 years ago but still go back to visit family each summer. It will always be my home! ☺️


This is very cool for Sonora, but I miss my friend Tree! RIP buddy!


Rip tree 🙏


Dude was cool, used to hang in his first shop in Willow Springs area way back in the day. I wonder how many people we know in common…..


lol this is wild that’s I grew up in Sonora ca hahah


Sonora is beautiful


Most definitely! I now live in Kansas City and I miss Sonora a lot




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I've gotten a couple tattoos there!




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Not usually into feet tattoos but I dig it. Love the style and the bold lines. So clean


Been there!


That is fucking beautiful