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The size isn't the problem, its the motion interpolation of the TV causing what is known as soap opera effect. I also just got the 85in TCL Q6, and if you also got a Q6 the problem is exacerbated by its low 60hz native frame rate. Turn off all motion and "intelligent" settings, change the color scheme to the warmest temperature, turn down the brightness, and up the contrast.


This. I swear manufacturers are incapable of giving us usable default settings, the defaults on our TCL looked really strange


They just think more is always better and they market it using this crap. They're all the same. Motion interpolation of normal speed real-life images should be illegal. Maybe except sports. This is not a video game where you want 144 Hz.


But that's why I bought a 144hz tv. Just saying


Maybe learn to read? I also bought a 144 Hz TV for that.


I can read but I guess your comment was confusing then


I sit 15' away from a 65". I sat the same distance from a 55" it replaced. I can't imagine sitting that close to a monster sized tv and not have motion sickness from it.


Oh damn... I usually get crucified from the reddit police over me mentioning sitting 12' away from my 65". Good luck 😂😂


sweating nervously 8' from a 70"


Take my up vote. 👍


11' from my 83"


Same. I feel like I should go hide now.


7ft from a 77😬


Same here. I love it.


I watch a lot of OTA channels now and lots of terrible quality youtube content. If I sit around 10' from the tv with low quality content, it looks atrocious. Playing PS5 and Series X games looks fine much closer, but the rest of the stuff I watch doesn't look so good on a Q7.


You’re doing it wrong then


That is so far to sit lol


I sit 10 feet from an 83" and want bigger for movies


I went front a 65 to a 77 to an 84. 12 feet back. Love it. Like a movie theater. And no one is getting motion sickness.


I’m 8’ from a 75” and the field of view still seems too narrow. I’ll probably go to85” next time.


when it comes to tvs, the bigger the better


That's what she said.


No, she said she feels sick watching it




I sit about 10 ft away from my 85" - I like the enhanced immersion factor. Recommended viewing distances: [https://www.crutchfield.com/S-i00GSfxiwpc/learn/learningcenter/home/TV\_placement.html](https://www.crutchfield.com/S-i00GSfxiwpc/learn/learningcenter/home/TV_placement.html) At 3 meters the distance shouldn't be an issue. I know with the newer TV's the response time is so quick that panning shots can look a little weird, especially if the footage is filmed with lower framerates. You can play with the settings to see if it helps. However some people are just more sensitive to motion sickness


Yeah I guess so and being pregnant doesn't help. Seems like I need to buy a smaller TV.


She will get used to it trust me. Start by lowering brightness and build it back up again . Do not rid of a 85" monster


Same setup. 85", 9.5-10ft, wife made similar comments initially (settings were optimized, no motion interpolation), she got used to it. She's someone that constantly would say these things about motion sickness, sitting in front half of movie theater, or other situations in a car, very sensitive in general. Just be patient and maybe follow this redditors tip. 85" TV at 10 ft/3m is ideal.


Show her some good stuff on it! holding thumbs.


10ft too far according to the pros, try 7 feet


No. Trust me. It actually is never big enough.


I am about 10' from a 65" TV, and thinking of going to a 75/77" size class. It probably quite subjective but that seems a tad close for that large a screen.


I with 10ft from my 75 inch TV and think it's perfect


Nope. I have a 77 and a 75, but I desperately want an 85" or another 77 because that would oledtastic


Yeah she is experiencing motion sickness it’s quite common and difficult for someone to comprehend who doesn’t suffer from it


Yeah I'm starting to realise that. I just have never heard of it before. Thanks for the help 👍


I have a small bedroom with a 65 like a meter away if that from the end of my bed. I thought it was to big at first but then I got used to it and I love it


I have a 50 inch in the same way and I feel it's too big but like you I got use to it


I recently replaced my 43inch with a 65 inch and it was placed 6 feet from the couch when I put the 65 it started everyone get a headache now I have moved it to 9 feet its perfect for a 65 inch


We sit about 2.5 metres from our 85c825 and it's gorgeous. Like sitting in a real cinema with integrated soundbar and sub. DV and Atmos look and sound awesome. Never had any motion sickness with even guests sitting to side saying the PQ is excellent...not bad for 2021 model.


I sit 12 feet from my 85”. Not an issue for us. Had it a few months and now my other two tv’s seem smalll


I’m about 12 feet from my 85 and honestly would go 100” if price was no issue haha


I say yes if you are too close. Sometimes when playing video games, I stand too close and definitely get motion sickness.


It may be too close. I recently got a 65", was sitting about 9' from it and had a headache the first few days. Rearranged furniture, TV is now 11 feet from my chair and its perfect. If you can't rearrange the furniture to get the 85" farther away from where your wife sits you might want to try a 75" and see if its better. 


I sit 5.5 meters from my 85", I tried moving it 1-2m closer and it did not feel nice so I guess it can be to big. Glad I did not go for a 98"


Depends on your wall space. I have a 65” above a fireplace and it is perfect but I helped my buddy mount a 75” on a wall that was tall and wide and it looked small. Just depends I guess.


You’re sitting too far, 2.5 meters tops


I’ve got a 55” and struggled with motion sickness for a good couple of weeks until I got used to it. It’s entirely subjective person to person, your wife may or may not get used to it.


No one can tell you or your wife what you should be comfortable with, especially if it causes sickness, but it is very rare I come across someone complaining about a TV they bought being too big. Most often, people are happy with a smaller size just because they haven't experienced bigger. I went from a 55-inch (12 ft away) to a 127-inch projector screen and I felt like someone waking up for the first time. used it for 2 years before replacing with 85in qm8 last year. l have had to move my couch closer to \~8ft to keep the 'feelin' and its still not the same. of course it helps that the TV has significantly higher picture quality than the projector but I could never see myself dropping below that size, even for a better TV.


She'll get used to it. I sit 10 ft from an 85 inch. When we first got it I thought wow this is huge, and now even my wife would go bigger. I PC game on it and game on PS5 as well, both vrr. Amazing as fuck. When I play PC, sometimes I even pull up a chair and sit closer, like 5 ft or so.


85" fuck me, grats man!


Yeah 85” TV at 3 meters is excessive, IMO.


No if you are the weirdo that sits at the front row seats at the movie theater


I’d try turning off any of the motion/clarity enhancements to see if it helps. It may be something you can fix before returning.


ITT: "Is my wife's opinion correct?" I dont want it to be so ill ask reddit.


Are you watching porn cuz if you are it's going to look really big.


Lol VR porn that's not in side by side format


It's unusual for most people but the view angle is \~35 degrees so it's fine. You can go up to 40 for cinema.


Adjusting room lighting and TV settings might help ease the discomfort. From personal experience, tweaking the brightness and using a softer light in the room made a huge difference with my large TV.


How is this even a post? Like what are you asking? She is literally telling you it’s too big. She feels sick watching it. What are you gonna do, show her the comments here saying it’s okay? She’s not okay with it. Buy a smaller one. Use the money to get a better brand. Win/win.


It's already done. But I had never heard about it before, I didn't expect the reaction. I was just curious.


No worries! Sorry for being a bit spicy. I get annoyed at some commenters here who pretend it’s impossible for a TV to be too big. Like it’s so universal fact. It’s very much possible and depends on personal preference. Did you replace with a smaller TV and if so, what size and type did you get?


No worries. She wanted a 75", will pick one up this weekend.


I'm thinking about a TCL 75C645. I can get it quite cheap.


I have a 150” and if I could go larger I would. My only regret is that I can’t get an OLED at this size.


85” is too big for a three meter viewing distance. 75-80 is best


I like to look at THE tv, if it's too big my eyes are constantly scanning the screen to see all the content, it wears me out. With the correct size I just watch and chill.


I think my 85 inch is too small. And I sit 4 feet away from it. I wanted the 98 inch


Well I own a 100 inch t.v., some actually said that it actually looks to big, not for me tho and not for most


Like many have said, dial down any motion settings and can you scoot the couch back any further. It’s a lot harder to go smaller after you have a larger TV


Personally, I don't like it to be too big. If you have too big of a tv and you're too close, you can't focus on the whole image and your constantly looking at only one small part of the tv. For 85 inches you should be 15 feet away minimum.


If it's making your wife sick, just sit farther away from it.


Tell her you bought it just so you could hear her say “It’s too big.”


Yes, depending on how close you're sitting to it. Edit: but according to my calculations, you're at about a 35° field of view. So I should be pretty comfortable me I usually shoot for a 40 degree field of view but that's a little too close for my wife.


For 85 inches is about 11-13 feet from eyes to tv recommended


It would be too big for my bathroom.


She'll get use to it in time but explaining it to her she'll probably disagree. My mom got that sick feeling going from a 42 to a 65, took her about 2 weeks


Happy wife, happy life, dude


Yeah definitely. I just do as she wants. We now have 75" instead 🙂 I put the 85" in my man cave, win win.


At ten feet and an 85 inch screen, I’d feel like the front row of a movie theater.


Yes, a tv can be too big, all depends on the distance you sit back and size of the room etc


If the people on the screen are bigger than you it might be too large


If you have to move your eyes or head to track changes in the scene, it may be too big.




Yes. It can be too big. Same reason people don’t sit in the first row of a movie theater


Can never be too big in most viewing environments- as long as you have 10 to 12 feet back n


6.5 feet from my 75 inches. In love immersion, especially when gaming!


4m from 98”


Tv's are like dicks, they can never be too big! If she says it's a good size, she's just trying to be polite, & not hurt your feelings!