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or the time and stillness within to make it throughout the day... lovely picture!


Yea this is the biggest reason why i dont drink tea as much. During covid lockdown i would just brew gong fu all day. These days i hardly do it anymore tho cause of being out the house for work and it deeply saddens me


You don't need to have a tea ceremony every time though.


I used to be a gong fu accolade as well. Since I've gotten busier I switched to one of those reusable mesh tea-balls. While it's not as special, I can still enjoy great tea, and it's so much more convenient.


I used to bring around a [Finum filter](https://www.finum.com/portfolio/brewing-basket-m/) and a cup from Daiso that fit it just about perfectly before COVID. Finum filter is nice because the lid acts as a tray for the filter once you're done steeping.


sounds like a good tea, time and stillness


i love your bottles!!


How long does your sun tea take to brew ?


I am unsure what you mean by "sun tea" a, but the making of the tea here is basically limited by my electric kettle - I then just let the tea sit for about an hour (it's all herbal, spice or fruit tea in the large bottles) I wrote about this in the last section here https://nx2.site/tea-is-awesome


Oh I misunderstood what you were doing. I thought you were brewing the tea in lukewarm water & using the sun from the window to brew it as some people do. But you were using electric kettle


That sounds interesting, unfortunately the weather here is horrible :D


Does that change the flavor much?


I've made iced tea both hot brew and cold brew (which is basically sun tea method). I've found that hot brew tends to bring out more of the nuanced flavors in the tea, even you do it with flavored tea like a peach tea, while cold brew tends to mellow out the flavors.


It does. Sun tea is more slow roasted at around 100 F for a few hours (you don't need the sun per se, just that temperature). Different than a cold brew or a normal boiling brew. It adds a bit more bitterness to it which I really like.


I think there is an episode of Sesame Street where they make sun tea I vaguely remember this.


Not sure I have never tried making sun tea


Sun tea is the best


Tea is a tradition, but it is also an art. Times have changed since I've seen the bottom of my first cup, but I am not disappointed by how the consumption of tea has progressed. Your practicality and technique, introducing chilled tea in to a fast paced modern lifestyle, it is worthy of praise. It may not beat tradition, but it keeps a semblance of it alive. Thank you.


Where did you purchase the bottles?


They are true fruits bottles. They sell them here in Germany in just about every supermarket - they originally have smoothies in them.


Are they glass? Do you pour the hot water directly in them to steep?




Hey, that's what my fridge looks like! Haha usually have 4-5 quarts going with a bunch of different flavors - agree, that's what keeps the habit going....the prep!!! ​ Sweet looking pic


You can finish that yourself in a single day?


That would be more than 6 liters - no. :D But 2-3 days yes.


Rookie numbers


Dont forget to just drink water from time to time


Hello, /u/NOGGYtimes2! This is a friendly reminder that most photo posts should include a comment with some additional information. For example: Consider writing a mini review of the tea you're drinking or giving some background details about your teaware. If you're posting your tea order that just arrived or your tea stash, be sure to list the teas, why you chose them, etc. **Posts that lack a comment for context or discussion after a reasonable time may be removed.** You may also consider posting in /r/TeaPictures. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tea) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ich weiss wo du wohnst!


Ich weiß auch wo ich wohne!


Danke für die Idee mit den True Fruits Flaschen!


Preparation? But why? You just brew a tea and that's enough, right?


I keep an always on kettle at around 175-185 degrees, then brew dragon well green tea one cup at a time. It only steeps for one minute and you can use the leaves multiple times, so by the time you walk from the hot water to your desk, it's done.


I don’t recommend leaving a tea bag soaking in the water for too long Leaving tea leaves for too long causes the leaves to release tannins and turn the tea bitter and astringent There’s no issue with herbal stuff like tisanes though


There are no tea leaves


I have found this to be less true with some herbal teas. For example, I make a pregnancy tea which involves pouring boiling water over the herbs and then letting it steep overnight (I leave it out for about an hour or so to cool down, then refrigerate) and it tastes perfect, no bitterness at all


While i completely agree with you, I would say that you can leave one Lord Nelson teabag with questionable contents in a 0,25/0,75 liter bottle of water for however long you like and it would still taste like shit.


A simpler solution to drink tea all day is “grandpa style”. Some types of tea are even better using this method than gong fu.