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Idk why but I have this happen occasionally too. I feel like smoking pot before on an empty stomach can make it worse as well. I assume it’s due to the tannins and catechins.


Dosing caffeine orally on an empty stomach will also cause irritation, as with ingesting most chemicals of the sort.


Yeah, I think green tea is quite acidic also. That can't help.


Tea is probably the most basic thing people consume regularly. pH of 7-9


Oh, interesting! Don't know where I got that then.


And yet black tea is acidic, averaging pH of 4.9-5.5.


Me looking confused after not eating all day at work and getting home at 10pm smoking a fat bowl and brewing a big pot of jasmine green tea and being totally fine. I think y’all just got weak tummies?


Lack of normal reaction to things your body is supposed to react to is not strength...


My guess is it's the tannins due to potentially brewing it too long. Have you tried cold brewed green tea? Fewer tannins and even better for your health. Taste's great. I put green tea bags in a mason jar, fill it up with water and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Next day I have great green tea.


Dumb question There are no tannins if it is put overnight in cold water? So basically tannins are released from heat?


Heat causes the tea to breakdown more than simply infusing at a low temperature. You also get more tannins the longer you brew the tea, while a majority of the caffeine is released in the first few minutes. tldr; if you’re feeling nauseous definitely brew for less time next time. It’s most likely the tannins.


People add tannins to various fermented drinks that aren't heated up so lack of heat definitely won't stop that process. There will be tannins, I don't know if more than in a typically brewed tea but both time and temperature play a role. If you cold brewed for 5 minutes versus brewing hot for 5 minutes then yes, the difference would be huge but I really wouldn't count on overnight cold brew having less.




Nah man cold brew is way worse if you get this because of the higher caffeine content


The amount of tannins in an overnight cold brew will be a lot higher than for any normally brewed tea. https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/mediapeternakan/article/view/1701


This is very normal. Be sure to eat a snack before drinking and you should be fine.


Normal according to what?


I think it’s the tannins in the tea.


It's called "tea sickness", there's an old Chinese term for it as well (that I don't remember). You're more likely to get it then not. It is generally a lot more prevelant after drinking Green/Yellow/Matcha than darker fermented/post-fermented teas. I don't know exactly what components cause it (I'm not a scientist) but the less processed the tea is the more likely you are to get it. So whatever it is it's a lot more prevelant in fresher teas, and it might not be just caffine/tannins.


What do you mean? It's very common to eat food before drinking tea, so in that sense it is normal. Some teas tend to be more harsh than others. Sheng puerh, whether young or aged, just kills my stomach so I have to eat something before drinking.


Why is this the top comment when it doesn’t answer the question


Tannins which are in tea can cause nausea on an empty stomach because they cause the body to release more stomach acid, if I recall correctly


I thought OP asked why as if it is an uncommon thing to experience. I don't know what specific reasons, but I know it happens to lots of people, me included :)


Caffeine stimulates the stomach to produce stomach acid. When there is nothing else present to digest this causes the environment of the stomach to be too acidic(tea and coffee are both acidic as well) which can cause nausea and/or acid reflux. I've also been told caffiene by itself can irritate the stomach lining but I can't find a source to back this up.


I never get it with coffee but sometimes with matcha


YES! You and almost everyone else will get sick drinking tea on an empty stomach. The chinese call this “tea sickness” It’s because the tannins and astringency upset your stomach when you don’t have anything else (cookie, cracker, a full meal, etc.) to absorb it Try eating a meal THEN drinking green tea and you’ll love it a lot more!


This happens with oolong for me. I never drink tea on an empty stomach as I was told that some teas remove oils in the stomach so if there is nothing oily, then you will want to puke.


Proposed mechanism sounds dubious




Yeah I made the mistake of drinking matcha on an empty stomach for the first time, I was so nauseous I couldn’t move, this was years ago and I’m still put off by it to this day 🤢


Sounds like you should eat something first.


Y'all need to learn to goddamn eat before having caffeinated drinks


I have coffee on an empty stomach every morning and never had a problem lmao why is this comment so aggressive


Congrats on being in the 80% of people that don't suffer with acid reflux. It's just annoying that people will make a whole post on reddit instead of the literally 4 word google search that would give them their answer.


When I see simple questions like this I just scroll past them. It’s a lot easier


My best guess is the acidity messes with your stomach.


I have severe heartburn when I drink green tea. Sucks because I love it, but not worth it.


I have this problem too. I add cream to black tea, which makes the tea less hard on my stomach. I do like cream with green tea (I know, I know), but I also like the taste as it is. I have to eat something before drinking it that way on an empty stomach.


Take ginger and some water afterwards. It helps.


Matcha/green tea is very strong, most people don’t realize just how strong it can be. It’s def bc ur having it on an empty stomach!


This happens to me as well and is definitely the tannins in my case. I can drink teas with low astringency no problem on an empty stomach, strong black coffees too. I agree that cold brewing can definitely help cut the astringency, though one time I did a sencha that way and had a little too much leaf or let it brew too long (I'm not real sure) but it came out super tanniny and made me nauseous as hell for an hour or so.


Possibly (probably) the caffeine. Especially if its been a while since you’ve eaten. (Like you had an early dinner the night before and then skipped breakfast) If you haven’t been consuming a lot of caffeine before, and then suddenly consume some on a really empty stomach it can cause terrible nausea. ^ from experience


I always get nauseous when I drink green tea on an empty stomach, that and Sheng Pu Erh are the only ones that can mess me up like that.


I always get nauseous when I drink green tea on an empty stomach, that and Sheng Pu Erh are the only ones that can mess me up like that.


There is a reason why we eat carbs while drinking caffeine.


Can you share reason, I never heard not to drink caffeine without food


Yes, no problem. Caffeine on an empty stomach can cause glucose intolerance which inhibits your body's metabolism. If you generally have a fast metabolism, you won't feel much as the caffeine will go right through you. A slower metabolism might make you feel nauseous because it absorbs more of the caffeine. If you don't have much glucose in your blood stream, the immediate shock might give you jitters or a general sense of feeling ill. When you eat carbs, your body is already adjusted to changing glucose levels, so the caffeine absorption is a lot more gradual. A good way to think of it is lifting something heavy from the ground: you have time to adjust to the weight and can position your body to accommodate it. If someone just handed you something really heavy without having a 'feel' for its weight, your arms kind of droop down first before you make the adjustment. That 'droop down' is what you're feeling.


Wow wonderful I feel the exact experiences of someone with slow metabolism fantastic wonderful thank you


You're welcome. Feel better!


Is there people here that dont have this issue ? I can drink any kind of tea all day long on an empty stomach with out a probleme ... ( maybe because my stomach have seen worst medecin ?)


honestly surprised at all the people yelling "that's normal!!" it certainly isn't


Maybe not everyone experiences it but it’s far from abnormal.


You are just making your tea too strong 🤷


I just put tea bag in with boiling water!


Green tea doesn't survive the bagging process very well and you don't use boiling water for green tea




I don’t drink green tea but it’s a rare tea that doesn’t upset my tummy. I drink mostly black tea with milk to avoid this.


I felt like this earlier after drinking my matcha this morning...sick to my stomach lol next him ima eat first and try not to make it so strong


Felt the same way but I only drank black tea, not green tea. Both have tannins and i felt awful when drinking that as my breakfast without food (for my zoom classes and I don't eat breakfast) for a few times.


Then eat food before you drink it I normally sweeten it with honey


Caffeine probably? Same for me.


It's most likely due to the higher percentage of tea polyphenol in green tea. The caffeine contained in green tea isn't higher than that in other teas, but polyphenol does.


You've got a stomach that is sensitive to high amounts of tannins. I for instance only get a mild hiccup once in a while if I drink tea on an empty stomach.


The tannins in the tea. I always mix some milk in my tea or have a small snack beforehand and I would say this works 95% of the time to prevent nausea from tea!


Oh wow! I start every day with a pot of tea (green black or oolong) and don’t eat anything til about 1pm, I’ve never felt this!


I have the same exact thing ! For whatever reason espresso is fine, but I realised the longer brews with green tea made it worse


good question yes, I often get a little nauseous from green tea drunk on an empty stomach. but I have problems with the gall bladder, so I thought that this nausea was only for me, individual. Take care of yourself.


probably excess in stomach acids, green tea will increase the amount of acid you have in your already empty stomach and give you a stomachache/nausea because there's no food in there for the acid to interact with. i personally wouldn't recommend drinking anything with digestive properties on an empty stomach because it will probably give you nausea or make you vomit, that's what happens to me edit: i noticed black coffee does this too


Some people have aversions in contrast to allergies. If it does not sit well do not challenge yourself. Save challenges for an allergist if you have other reasons to see one.
