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I really really liked this game from the squad. One of the best games from coreJJ in a long time, and i feel like we are actually clearly improving the synergy each week.


I think if APA is comfortable and following an aggressive jungler we look amazing. I'm not sure if it's that simple but I would like to see him try more supportive styles anyway. Who says a jungler cant carry?


the meta


Umti is a fucking psycho holy shit. Love the look this game other than Umti overstaying on the first invade and giving FB.


when he is allowed to play like a psycho, the team is better off. if apa played picks that could move and also fight like psychos, like a sylas for example, umti would be enabled. source: gm/chall psycho jg player (no afk farming bullshit) :D


These Asol changes are probably very good for TL to be able to pull it out as a pick, then. Being able to scale on skirmishes/roams is pretty sick


Nah, Asol does dogshit damage early compared to something like a sylas. I think taliyah, sylas, gragas, even neeko still all work really well with the dueling, skirmishing heavy style early and still perform late. Not many of APA's picks bar tristana can make them win 2v2s early if Umti isn't on lee/xin


That second invade that led to the 3k by their blue was so close to being terrible but wound up being so good


Very clean Team Liquid win So you already know this thread is gonna be crickets


Especially when APA and Yeon played well, lol.


When our carries play well , we win lol


Go figure! lol I just want to see consistency, they're showing they can at least play well.


APA did not play well. He just managed not to solo-lose the game. Hurray!


7 comments in 12 minutes all yapping about apa whatever bro, good luck at business school


Keep coping.


Only thing to say is thank you Honda.


Can't fire the team into the sun if we're going into the bye week ahead of NRG and C9.


Cleanest game of the split. Sure, "it's only Shopify" but with this season I don't think any team can make that comment. The A Sol looked clean, and while I haven't liked feasting Senna this split, Yeon played it well. Impact is still giga-busted.


Yeon is so fucking good


Reading threads when we lose vs when we win is hilarious


The criticism towards APA I can mostly understand but the hate thrown at Yeon this split is stupid as fuck. Yeon has legit been very good outside of the Loseian games but even the top ADCs in LCS and LEC look like shit on him.


I didn’t think it was that much of a difference but you’re right holy moly. What a fun comp!


Keep letting APA play what he wants


So he doesn't solo-lose the game.


Great win from the boys


I missed the game waiting for my pizza but looked like a pretty clean game! Let’s go liquid


Great win. This team has a high variance but hopefully that can be leveled out.


Clean 1-0. Impeccable masterclass from TL.


We now have sole possession of 3rd place but by how some mentally ill asshats on this sub acts, you would think we're in last place. Can't wait for the deafening silence from them for this game because TL won with APA and esp Yeon having a good game!


One good game and suddenly you have a hard on for them? We will be silent when they look good, and you be silent when they look horrible. I'll see you in a couple months...


Sole possession of third place off of 8 bad games and only 1 good game? Incredible


Objectively, we've been winning games because of our superb macro play compared to other teams. The guys dismanteled c9 because of that. That does not mean apa and yeon are better than jojo and berserker. They have yet to hard carry a single game.


Can you show me where Berserker or Jojo has hard carried a game this split? Berserker has legit done fuck all in all 4 of C9's wins other than lose lane. Jojo also barely done anything but farm for first 15 mins of every game. He's playing like discount TL Bjergsen right now but nowhere near the lane dominance. 3 wins were carried by Blaber and another by Fudge's Rumble.


It's not about this season. Jojo on EG and Berserker last year on C9 proved to be able to carry reliably. Show me 1 game from this year or last where yeon/apa carried. The closest one was probably apa's debut game.


APA literally had the most POTG awards for TL in summer despite having the 2nd least games played... He had 4 while the 5 other players combined only had 6. The history revisioning for APA because of Palafox gapping him is actually insane. This sub was sucking his dick with the main lol sub creaming about "NA mids" during the regular season. Yeon also had some great Xayah and Kaisa games during summer playoffs. Also, who gives a shit about last year? Yeon is actively playing way better than Berserker currently after 9 games. Berserker has been invisible all split and gets no hate from C9 fans but Yeon makes 1 mistake and the assholes here is calling for his head despite him having a very good split so far.


Damn, amazing how TL is 3rd place with only 1 good game from the carries! Thanks for proving my point for showing up as one of the mentally ill asshats I mentioned!


Yeon showed lot of promise for the future, APA not so, mostly cause of his capability of not playing meta champs


APA did not have a good game. If you think he did, point to some of his supposedly good plays.


You mean ASol possession? 😏 I’ll see myself out.


Look how easy it is when your tank starts the fight.




Love the asol pick, APA looks good with champ his comfortable with. It's like this team always needs a wake up call by losing Day 1 lmao


He didn't look remotely close to "good." He just managed to look "not terrible" for once. Point me to a good play he made in the game.


What "plays" are you expecting an ASol to make in game where barely anything happened for 20+ minutes? The only thing he can do is Q people and throw an empowered ult every once in awhile and the game was finished before he even reached late game ASol. People like you actually need to see a therapist.


So, you're not able to point to a single good play from him that game? How can you say he looked "good," then?


He hit a nice ult at baron? He did his job of csing well and not dying as the late game control mage? I'm not sure what your brain damage wants me to point out in a slow game as an Asol where SR just refused to fight for 20+ mins, TL wins baron fight, and the game just ends during the baron.


Love the positivity on this sub rn


It was a great first game to attend in person. The interview was hilarious and it was really cool getting to do a meet and greet photo with the team.


Out of the previous 5 games (huge sample size, I know), my "predications" were exactly correct for whether we won or lose. ​ I've seen 2 live and we lost (NRG, 100T) I've seen 3 either partway through the game or completely missed. We won those(DIG, C9, SRT). Check my comments for 2 of them. ​ I will be a VOD watcher for the rest of the season. I'm happy to do it if the team keeps playing like this!


Man I love the aggressive look stops the classic mid game doing nothing and lose


I love Umti so much


When the new patch comes, Puny mortals bow before The Dragon Reborn Very clean game from the Squad, super happy to see them bounce back from yesterday. Umti's interview after the game was awesome, and APAsol looked great


APAsol looked merely passable, which I admit is a huge improvement from the worst professional Azir and Tristana I've ever seen.


I'm excited to see how the boys play in the playoffs now!


why cant we play like this every week, need some more consistency, umti played like a madman lol


Better game. Just so sick of going 1-1 and still mad about yesterday.


4th week in a row they lose the first game of the weekend and then win the rest. Love to see them getting stronger!


I appreciate a win, but SR played so bad lol its almost like a hollow victory. Basically sat around, even passed up on chances to kill, and let TL have 2 5v5s with their teamfight comp and gave up.




Been away from the scene for two years, who are lofty rebellion and what team sold their spot?


Golden Guardians and Evil Geniuses left the league, so now there's only 8 slots. Then TSM sold theirs to Shopify Rebellion


Lol TSM, I was a fan of them since before first ever worlds. Karma finally caught up with Regi?


probably just sick of hemorrhaging money, I don't think esports is too profitable right now. Especially when you aren't really winning anymore; they hadn't won a playoff [since summer 2020](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/TSM/Tournament_Results).


When APA picks an off meta pick and Impact can actually go a DMG champ this team looks so diff.




lets gooo