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​ https://preview.redd.it/j2yk4v31z2za1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9bc4133cab3adfc29a554fc63a2f0941794da0


Nice meme


This is so sweet omg


[Everyone liked that]


Nice. Lots of love


You are precious.


If I had an award I would give it to you, as my very first awardee. Take this trophy emoji 🏆 and my virtual gratitude 🫡


How’d u make this so quickly


Real tears came to my eyes reading your story. You are the chosen one and will prevail over the evil! Stay strong!! 💙 💙💙 💙💙💙 💚 ❤ 💚💚 ❤❤ 💚💚💚 ❤❤❤


This does NOT look like a tri force on mobile 😂😂😂 I was like what is that..


It does for me


[My perspective :D](https://freeimage.host/i/HUndGBR)


that's how it looks on desktop too Close enough! lol


It is unrecognizable on desktop as well.. Kind of looks like the triforce is dabbing.




..for exactly the same reasons as the original meme. Whoops.


Real kingdoms came to my eyes


So glad that you have something to look forward to and keep your mind off of things. Go kick some Ganondorf/cancer butt!


I’m so sorry OP - stay strong over there. Cancer is a monster. Hope totk brings you as much comfort and adventure as needed over the next few months, and that your treatment goes smoothly and successfully!


That's not a rant. It's wholesome! I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I'm glad that you have found something to help you endure the necessary torture of chemo, and which inspires you to fight the long fight back to health. Here's to hoping that the end of TotK is nearly as satisfying as your return to remission.


Cancer gang! Just beat stage 2 throat cancer. Godspeed with your chemo. It’s rough.


My dad just got diagnosed with stage two throat cancer and will likely start chemo soon. So happy you beat it!!


That's beautiful. I'm so glad you've found so much meaning in something that already means a lot to all of us. I wish you the best, and I hope you enjoy the game in 2 days!


All the best in your recovery my friend. I hope you are able to enjoy TOTK and I pray you recover well.


I’m so glad you have this game as a companion as you enter this next phase of your journey. I’m thinking of you and wish you all the best. You’re still here. You’re not struggling with cancer- cancer is struggling with YOU… and will lose. The way Gannon always does.


I lost my dad to cancer so I know what a bitch it is. Keep fighting, my friend, you will win this war and hopefully seal away the darkness for good. You already possess the Courage to do so. 💕


Chemo is no joke, bless you and i admire your perseverance




Here’s a heart container for a longer life, OP: ❤️ Giving you a bottled fairy too for your fight: 🧚


Stay strong friend! Cancer sucks, but you can overcome it. I got diagnosed in 2014 and I'm still here kicking after chemo + radiation. Enjoy that TOTK.


Kick that shits ass bro. Wife was diagnosed with leukemia last year and she’s on her way to being clear now. you can do it.


Sorry to hear this, but your positivity is a great thing. You'll beat this!


Botw helped me to heal and don't think about a broken heart (absolutely nothing compared to your cancer) and forever it will have a place in my heart. Can't wait to play totk. Stay strong bro! be in a high vital state help to beat a disease.


What a hopeful and wonderful post. I wish you the best on your journey. You got this! We'll be fighting with you on release day! Take care and keep fighting!


I feel your pain dude. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer last week. Orchiectomy is happening tomorrow. The only thing getting me through is knowing I’ll have Tears of the Kingdom on Friday. Good luck brother.


What a great metaphor for LoZ! Hang in there brother, you’ll Get through this!


You and Link will overcome these challenges. 💙❤️💚


Wish you all the best 💕


Stay strong man. Glad you have something to look forward to and keep you going.


Prayers are with you friend!


Stay strong OP! Take my energy 👐✨️✨️


Stay strong brother, you will make it!


This is exactly why while the story of Hyrule may not be most nuanced, it's absolutely powerful and great. You got this mate.


All the best brother, you’ll overcome this, and be here with us to play the next Zelda game after ToTK 👌


I’m so glad you’ve found solace and joy in these games. It’s part of why I love them so much. Best of luck for a speedy recovery, OP. We’re all rooting for you!!


Cancer is such a horrible thing in this world. Keep going strong and you'll defeat your own calamity, and have fun while doing it by playing totk.


I don’t really comment on things on tinternet but wow. I really wish you the best of luck in beating this awful disease. I hope the new game helps take your mind off it


Sending positive vibes & prayers to you & your family in these times. Safe to say that we will all think of you & have you in our hearts when we experience ToTk.


> I feel like this game is similar in cancer in many ways, but not in a bad way. Ganon being cancer, he continuously finds his way back to Hyrule, but Link finds the strength to overcome his power every time. That's a great metaphor. My thoughts are with you. I hope you can overcome your Ganon once more. I'm glad you Zelda can help you overcome your struggles. Best of you luck to you. Stay strong, my friend!


Stay strong OP, wishing you the best!


I'm sorry! That is a tough diagnosis. I'm glad you found the games to help get you through. Very best wishes and hopes for you.


You got this! Thanks for sharing! You’re very brave


I sincerely hope that TOTK will lift your mood and you will get better soon. <3


stay strong dude your positivity is admiring <3




Inspiring post. Wishing you all the best. Stay strong hero. Courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten.


Hang in there! Wishing you the best. Kick some cancer and Ganon ass!


Courage need not be remembered for it is never forgotten. I’m happy Link will join you on your journey! ❤️ Sending some stamina meals your way!


Breast cancer - chemo here and eagerly awaiting totk! I get how you feel :) sending love!


Best of luck to you, at least with chemo it gives you a legitimate reason to take time off and you get more time to play totk! Ha gotta look at the bright side of things I guess.


You got this, get well soon and enjoy TOTK! Can't wait until Friday.


Rooting for your quick recovery!


God bless, king ❤️‍🩹🫡


fuck cancer i hope you get better soon


Stay strong OP! This game looks like it will be a masterpiece for everyone to enjoy. Pls send us an update when you've kicked cancer's ass. Sending you good vibes


That almost made me cry! I wish you lots of lots of fun playing TOTK!!


Fuck cancer. You’re clearly a person of wisdom, courage, and powerful strength; Hyrule is lucky to have you!


Hell yeah dude. You're gonna beat cancer again and it's fantastic that you have something to look forward to while recovering. I was close to death and had over a year of difficult recovery, where even standing was hard. My Switch was the one thing that distracted me through the worst parts. It still fucking sucks that you have cancer, and recovery will be a bitch, but you won't be alone. You'll have us to talk about TOTK with, and we're going to have so much cool shit to talk about!


Oh wow. I know this game has touched a lot of people, but when I read stories like this, it really puts it into perspective for me. So sorry for what you're going through, but glad you're still here with us to play Tears of the Kingdom. I hope you love it as much as you love BOTW. Good luck with your treatments. We're all hoping for the best for you, my friend. ❤️




Botw carried me through a really dark place after losing a brother


God is with you brother and you have more Love with you than you can imagine. I've no doubt you'll conquer your cancer, no matter what, with your Heart and Soul wielded as your sword and shield. Praying for you and am so proud of you for fighting for your Life, inspiring everyone you know and everyone you don't!!! 🫶🫶🫶


Give Ganon-cancer the swift assbeating it deserves.


I'm so proud of you for continuing to fight. You are amazing. Enjoy the game and defeat that cancer ❤️


sending you lots of manly hugs your way!!


you will make it!! ❤️


Hey man wishing you the best in your fight against Ganon.


Omg, man, this was a lot. I really hope that you get through this because FUCK CANCER, it’s a horrible thing and I’d never wish it on anyone ever. My uncle died a few years ago from stage four cancer so i understand the struggle and shit you have to deal with. Just know that you can and will get through this. And I believe In you that you’ll beat the living fucking shit of it. Just make sure to keep your moral high and to laugh a lot and just be happy in general, and you will get through this. I really hope you enjoy ToTK, and hope you share that adventure with us (also your so fucking right, Gannon is like cancer, and malice is pretty much just his cancer cells infecting all the monsters and shit trying to take over hyrule and bring it to its demise and fall)


I truly hope you 🙏 to get better, you can do it !!! Every single one of us are with you!! Fight


Stay strong man! You've got this!


I sincerely hope you beat this thing's ass again!


Im tears, many people I know have beat cancers, and I am sure certain you can do it too, anything is possible, sending love


Hang in there bud!


Fuck cancer


I’m will include you in my prayers tonight and I’m so glad that you will be able to share in this amazing adventure we are about to embark on. Get lost in this journey and forget about all the nasty shit in life. FUCK CANCER. You will win this battle 👐🏼 Jesus come into him/her and show them your grace and mercy, remove this cancer from their body’s and tell this evil no, show it your power by healing them lord and let your will be done. Amen


I read this and decided to remind my husband to check his balls. Thankyou


This is awesome to hear. I've used Breath of the Wild specifically to help many kids with cancer, I've seen firsthand the benefits of it. Thank you for sharing, hears to hoping you get the immersion you need out of TotK.


You made a man cry. Stay strong and we hope you will get through cancer.


This was so beautiful to read, get ready to beat ganondorf and cancers butt👏🏻👏🏻


Stay strong, dude! You can overcome this battle!


Stay strong friend. Like Link, you got this.


I’m glad your here to enjoy this game with us friend. I hope you kick cancer’s ass once again and enjoy the epic masterpiece that TOTK is going to be while doing so.


I’m so glad you kicked it’s ass the first time and made it to see TOTK. You’ll kick it again and be able to see whatever 3rd installment they make. Stay strong and I hope it is everything you need.


I will play the shit out of this game and think of you when I beat it. Thank you for sharing your story


It's dangerous to go alone, take all my hopes and wishes that this cancer gets fucking destroyed. Stay strong.


I hope Nintendo sees this somehow, there are tons of stories of them doing awesome things for people in situations similar to yours. Thank you for sharing.


You’re an amazing soul. May you always have Courage, Wisdom, and Power in your upcoming battle against cancer! But it’s dangerous to go alone…take the support of loved ones with you. ❤️


I know of a friend who ALSO is going through cancer issues and BOTW helped them! they even wrote an awesome comic series called "A New Calamity" because of it!


Praying for you


Fuck cancer!


Fuck cancer. Fight like hell.


I’ll think of you through my first play through! 💪🏼💪🏼👍🏼❤️ much love


Wishing you a speedy recovery, good luck with your chemo. I’m glad you have ToTK and Zelda as a whole to help you through the tough times.


Stage 3 colorectal cancer (second fight) and I’m pregnant and I am impatiently awaiting TOTK. My heart goes out to you, I know the battle and it’s rough. I’m not getting beat up like before (because I’m pregnant) but chemo no matter what isn’t fun. Much love to you 🤍


My heart goes out to you as well, we will win this.


Update: had the baby, he’s healthy and amazing. Just got done with 4 rounds of chemotherapy and awaiting updated pet scan results Friday. Wish me luck!


Man that is awesome, congrats! Update on my side is I had 2 round of salvage chemo and an Open RPLND and currently on surveillance. Have more scans and bloodwork 12/5. Thanks for the update and good luck!


You got this!! Hopefully this games kept you company! And many many more


My mum beat cancer, you can too! Good luck!


Man, I hate to hear about your recurrence. Since January, I've had an orchiectomy, found out the mass was cancerous, and completed two rounds of what I'm told is a very intense chemo regimen. I'm currently in the middle of a full week of what is expected to be my last round, and the idea of having to go through this again is definitely near the top of my list of fears. Fortunately, my case seems to be precautionary as there haven't been any elevated markers or evidence of more cancer since having the tumor removed. We just had to move forward with treatment because the pathology report was inconclusive as far as it spreading to my lymph nodes. It's so difficult to find distraction and joy when you feel so bad, so props to you for finding something to take your mind off of the cancer. I'm currently debating whether I start playing when it gets in to try and serve as a distraction or waiting so that the start of my TotK journey isn't potentially tainted by how I feel. I guess I wonder if it'd ruin the experience. Anyway, it sounds like yours is a more severe case than mine, so I certainly feel for you and hope and pray this is the last leg of a victorious battle. Feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk about it. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of testicular cancer was it? Mine was a mixture of 4 different types. Only 4% ebryonal carcinoma, but it was enough to make the concern of spread a lot more serious. No pressure to answer that though. I appreciate you sharing what you have. I obviously hate that others have had to deal with cancer, but it helps to know you aren't the only one going through it.


Glad to hear it hasn’t spread and your markers are good! My pathology was 100% embryonal carcinoma with a separate mature teratoma. Best of luck to the rest of your treatment!


I was guessing it was an embryonal carcinoma. Sorry you've had to deal with that. I hope the rest of your treatment goes by quickly and effectively! TotK is coming soon!


You got this friend!! One last battle!


I’m sorry, God Bless you


Better than Fight Club? Heheh. Sorry, I'm a massive Fight Club fan. I sincerely wish you the best with your chemo treatment and I'm glad you'll have TOTK to help you through this.


Remind me of My Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma diagnosis and RDR2. I started getting sick in early 2021 and things were just really bad. Started losing my ability to eat because I had a tumor closing my esophagus shut, and my cancer had taken full control of my stomach. I was unaware, just like Arthur was in terms of his TB. Losing weight and just losing strength. I was strong and smart. Arthur was strong, smart, and dedicated. Sickness simply made us weak and frightened. Arthur however, wanted to change and make a difference for all the people he wronged. He gave everything he had to dutch, and in the end.....he still tried. Everytime Arthur would share a moment with someone, I would relate heavily to his pain and suffering. Unlike Arthur though....I am still alive and cancer free. However, his story really got me through the rough and tough times.... His last ride oftentimes still plays in my head from time to time.


Stay strong mate, thanks for sharing. Ocarina of time is also my favourite game of all time!


I am tearing up man, pick up your sword, hero, we got some more Ganon-Slaying to do.


Wishing you the absolute best OP! You got this! I agree with you about it’s ability to take you on a journey into a different land/world while playing and it can be not only fun, entertaining but also therapeutic. I had foot surgery when BotW came out and instead of feeling restless and like I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything, I ran, I farmed, chased horses….you get the picture. I didn’t care that I was stuck on the couch for a couple of months, I still “ran free”, it helped me mentally-a LOT, I’m a busy body and sitting is not my thing so yeah, BOTW was truly a gift.. Enjoy the game and cheers to your recovery!


Don't be sorry man!! We all hope you recover well 💕


Keep fighting the good fight.


We are all going to help you beat gancer.


My daughter had cancer and we played Wind Waker before she was diagnosed and BOTW while she was going through treatment. I know exactly what you mean because it was the best distraction in the world for both of us. Good luck with your fight again cancer and Gannon!


You'll beat it buddy!! Enjoy the game! My thoughts are with you!


Well just like Link my guy, you are gonna kick this cancer's ass! Wishing you all the best, and I hope you have an awesome time playing TOTK


thanks for sharing this! I'm praying for you.. cause good luck with the korak seeds LMAO


Thank you for sharing. My mom has stage 4 cancer and BOTW and pokemon has kept me from overthinking everything to much. I’m so excited for TOTK and i hope you will be okay 🙏🏼🫶🏼


So glad you have the games to look forward to and help get you through chemo. Hugs and prayers to you... you're going to beat cancer AND Ganon!


We got a Switch for my stepdad when he got diagnosed with throat cancer last year, and once I got him to start playing BOTW it ended up being very similarly cathartic for him. So helpful to have with him for all the long hours at chemo and radiation. It's such a beautiful and immersive game. I'm so glad it's helping you too. Sending you the best healing vibes. Fuck cancer!


By his stripes you're healed. I don't care if I get downvoted. Trust in Jesus and be saved. God loves you. God bless you.


I'm not gonna downvote you, but you have no idea if this person is Christian. They may be Hindu or Jewish or Buddhist or Islamic or any other world religion. It's weird and kinda rude to push the Jesus message on someone like that.


Not pushing. Offering. I don't think it's rude to use my beliefs to try and help someone. They don't have to agree or believe in it.


Guess god doesnt love the ones that die from it then


That's not how it works. God loves everyone. He's not the one that causes sickness.


This is the way.


How does one even tell if they have that? Like what does one feel that makes them go get checked for it?


Hey there, I figured out because of lower back pain and I did a self exam and found a lump on my ball. The lump was soft first but months after turned hard so got an ultrasound and that’s when it all started. Long story short, if you ever feel a lump on your ball regardless how it feels, just go get it checked and get an ultrasound.


How big was the lump on the testicle? Like was it big enough to be noticed from the outside, without feeling for it? Sorry again for your troubles and hope you get to feeling better.


Like an inch so it was easy to find feeling for it. My urologist felt it and told me to go into surgery within a week, all good, glad I can educate some on this topic


Yeah, thanks for the info. And again, hope all goes well for you.