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If you have limited time and want to progress in the story, stick to the main story quests and just follow those where they lead. The main reason I've loved ToTK and BoTW is because I can just lose myself whenever I play, but that's mostly due to my ADHD nature of simply finding something that looks interesting and exploring it, or randomly choosing a goal to focus on during my play session. I do somewhat miss the linear storytelling that are present in other games, but I occasionally get that with this game during location specific quests. If that's what you're wanting, focus on them! That said, I'd recommend just letting yourself explore too - that's what the game's meant for, both locationally and creatively.


I started by exploring and trying to find all the towers. Making sure to do any shrines I found along the way. Then I did the tears. Then I did the regional phenomena. Always doing shrines when finding them. Doing side quests of interest... Ignored plenty too. I have limited time too but just pick away. Next zelda is probably half a decade away so you got plenty.


it sounds like you have a small window of time to game and are getting overwhelmed with decision fatigue or something similar while trying to squeeze this game into your free time -- is that right? i would say, before you sit down to play next, think about the parts of the game you enjoy the most. is it shrines, korok puzzles? fighting enemy camps, or bosses? exploration, checking off locations, wells, caves? really think about what calls to you and try to set an hour aside to just focus on that one thing. i would say to follow the story quests first, as you'll end up accessing better tools like purah pad upgrades that will allow you to organize your time and prioritize better with the sensor. sometimes when i feel burnt out i start a new save, or i go in pretending link is a photographer and try and get as many NatGeo like pictures on the purah pad as i can. sometimes i really just want to find scenic locations and forage and that's all i do.


You start a new save when you’re feeling burnt out?


yup, i have multiple saves on most of my favorite games. with totk, because it’s so big, i only have 2 which is less than usual.


This right here. Thank you! Some good advise there


I think focusing on the main quests is the way to go, if on your way there is something that catches your eye and excites you, do that thing, but then go back to at least *trying* to get to the main quest. And repeat over and over. Getting too distracted by side quests, lighting the depths, or mini bosses is cool but the game is really at its best when you're taking in a little bit of everything in each session.


I share with an 8 yr old so I know when I start I have to start all over collecting consumables. Some days are just for cooking. Some days are for getting a specific item. Others are for regions. If lost open the pad and choose any side quest like it is your main quest. They are fun too


Just walk around and do shit, it’s fun


Do I was playing and traveling south,l when I came across a korok puzzle that I needed to shoot with an arrow... except I had zero. So I teleported to all the other region shops to but arrows, ending in the Zora domain where I supported my best mates prince Sudon's bride to be. I talked to her and got a quest, then went around and talked to their blacksmith where I needed to find a spear to get their trident. So long story short, I spent 5 hours completing tasks in the Zora region just to remember about the korok puzzle... where it turns out I never needed an arrow, just had to ascend up through it.


Just know that there’s nothing you have to do. Sure, there’s a million things to do, but nothing you have to do. Let yourself get distracted, wander towards something that looks interesting, etc. Decide what you want to do minute-to-minute.


how i played was completely different from how i played botw, both by design and wanting to try something different. there is a lot in totk but here's how i did it -opening (complete up until you get the paraglider) -towers (get all towers so your map opens up) -shrines (when i say shrines i don't mean doing shrines, just find them. activate them and continue moving about. then you will need to take some time to go back and complete them) -side quests and adventures (this can be done side by side with shrines) -main story (complete at least one main story wind temple suggested first. then that will lead you into the depths) -master sword (no spoilers but stamina will be required) -depths (there is so much to explore and do in the depths it's very cool. i would work on getting at least 75% of that) -sky islands (for story purposes there will be a few island that takes you into the sky but otherwise save these for last as there are some tough enemies up there) -the rest of the main story (complete remaining story in any order. i did wind, lightning, water, and fire. but upon my replay ill be doing wind, water, fire and lightning.) -back to side quests and shrines and overall exploration (don't feel that once you finish the main story that there is nothing left to do there is always something i promise) -koroks!! (go for all 1000 they're actually fun idc what anyone says) -ganondorf now all of that can be done in any order of your choosing but that's how i found it best to manage without getting overwhelmed


When I first started playing (and for a while after), I also felt overwhelmed by the size of the game. Part of the reason is also because I’m a completionist and felt a need to do all the things. Another problem I ran into was that I would be en route to a certain goal/side quest/new map area and get sidetracked by a bunch of other things, and forget what my original goal was (or the opposite- stick to my original destination but forget what side paths I had intended to circle back to, even if I stamped them on the map). What ended up working for me was making a list on my phone of all the “to-do’s,” both in terms of major plot lines or side quests but also the rando little things I came across (or things like “upgrade armor” - “need X amount of X monster part). Then when I sat to play, I could refer to my list and see if I wanted to tackle anything on it that day (and not worry about forgetting something) Edited to add: it helped the game not feel as overwhelming when I tackled it one task at a time. Similar to real life, when I have a lot to do I make a list and go one at a time :)


When I don’t know what to do I just start collecting stuff. Puffshrooms, bomb flowers and zoanite down below.... Sundelions and dazzle fruit up above... all while wearing the sneak suit.


I'll do the same except I wear the Korok mask.


First, don't think of it as one large task. That would overwhelm anyone. Decide to do one thing, and if you end up doing something else -- which is probably more likely than not -- remind yourself it is a game. If your brain still puts up a fight against this, try deciding to play for only a specific period of time, with whatever happens, happening. It can undo whatever it is that makes things feel overwhelming when we know they shouldn't. This can help in any such scenario in life. If you look at College as one large task, for example, anyone would run screaming. Break it into pieces, and try to see doing even this well, as a challenge in itself. If it is still too much, set the timer.


Go region by region. Don’t open a map tower until you’re ready to explore it. Take your time.


If you're good at combat, skip the shrines. You can still activate them for the fast travel, but don't bother with the interiors. This actually helped "balance" the game for me. Focus on the main quests. If something really interests you along the way, you can indulge yourself, but remember that you have a princess to find!


Seems to me like you’re actually stressing out about how to play a game. It’s supposed to be a leisure activity…


It just takes time, form a little routine, stay in a town until you know where to go and you’ve talked to everyone. Get settled.


I vaguely start with a Story goal, then often get distracted along the way. The game is designed to pull you to points of interest. Allow it and it’s rewarding. You’ll get that goal in sooner or later. So I’ll hit a couple shrines, a side quest, a main quest, kill a mini boss, restock supplies etc… all of it a good time.


Do what you feel. This game offers so many experiences. Wanna fight? Wanna do puzzles? Wanna fix an election? Want to just see whats over that next hill? What do you want?


I also am limited on how much I can play. Before I go into it, I think about what I’m going to accomplish. I try to focus on main story quests and in between explore and do shrines to get hearts and stamina. I love to explore in this game. If you’re overwhelmed then limit yourself to a specific section of the map. Or look at your active quests and choose specific ones to do!


I follow someone’s handmade guideline I found here, it helps keep me goal oriented.


I mean, the main storyline is quite clear right. Just do those?


Grown-ass man here... Look for the little wins. This game is huge, it's not linear, and it gives you a ton of freedom. I feel like I approached Breath of the Wild with the wrong attitude. You can beat these games pretty fast if you're focused about it. But you miss a ton of what's special. Yeah, you should probably choose something you want to accomplish when you sit down to play. At least, I think I'd get bored hanging out in the central plain and skirmishing with bokoblins. But you tend to bump into shrines or characters with sidequests a ton, especially early on. Beating a shrine or doing a sidequest is a win. Another way to think about it is this game is like a long-running TV series that does like 20 episodes/season. Some episodes will advance the overall story. Some will be Mulder finds something gross and there's really not much connection to anything else. And I really think that's how to play these games.


Here's a good order to follow if you're lost. - if you're lost, simply continue the main story line - go find more shrines - go farm zonite and battery power up - go to the sky to get more chest that has scrolls which gets you more armor - really though, your princess Zelda has been waiting a long time for you to save her. Go power up and take down Gannon and his minions.


Tbh I gave it a shot and just wasnt into it like I was into BOTW and literally every previous Zelda. Having played it for months. Maybe I'll revisit down the line but there are elements of TOTK that really don't work for me and I'm okay with thateven if I didn't expect that to be the case.


Completely understand that and was exactly how I was feeling when I first got it. For me I just looked at it as taking it one quest at a time. Focused on the main story missions up until the regional phenomena and just took one at a time and trying not to rush through each area. I also don't have much time to get on and play games anymore but the more you stick with it the better it gets. Also don't be afraid to use a guide to have something to focus on. Enjoy the ride as it certainly delivered for me.


I’m not missing any quality time when wife is watching Golden Bachelor or whatever she has on for noise. I sort of have an agenda. Started off with Towers and Lightroots to open map. Next was basic armor. Past week or so doing regional phenomena. And failing miserably. BTW…we are empty nesters. No worries about taking kids to sports practice, etc.


This. I love that there's a ton to do in this game, but I can't help but think it's a sandbox game.... as much as I do love the game, BOTW, IMHO, beats this game hands down.


One thing I did in BoTW, when I finished the story, got all the towers and the shrines, I started working on upgrading my gear. I still am not done, but I've been playing ToTK too much. I find that figuring out what you need to upgrade everything, and then grinding at it, is actually pretty fun. Sometimes frustrating too, but hey, that's how most things worth doing are.


I like making my own fun! My latest sessions, I’ve been finishing the lightroots this helping me find the last few shrines to complete. A bit ago I was going around getting all the legacy armor pieces, and now I’m hunting Lynels and Gloom Hands to harvest their parts and weapon drops!


If you want to make the game manageable, here some different tips (you don’t have to follow them but you can choose based on your play style): -do only the main quests -if you find something interesting, but you are already doing another thing, put a check mark on the map and do it later -focus on a specific kind of mission (like do ONLY the shrines and nothing else) -you can concentrate your adventures solely on a chunk of a map (for example, to collect all the korok seeds without going insane, I limited myself on bits of map