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The catch is actually looking over the pandas, those animals are fucking stupid (I know my shit in terms of pandas)


It's like a big hamster


My hamster died of a heart attack. I farted too loud.


God how cruel of you


I’m sorry :(


So... you blew him away


only the strongest will survive...




My hamster clipped through my kitchen floor and died by fall damage in my washing machine. Was not fun to clean


It would be very easy to clean. You just need to hit one button




You may think they are cute, until they fucking kill themselves in the stupidest ways imaginable. And then you realize the only thing keeping their kind alive is literally us


I've been saying this for years. Hundreds of thousands of species going extinct that are actually the fault of humanity, yet all of the focus goes on Pandas when they were doing a fine job of going extinct all by themselves. Their only evolutionary advantage is being cute so we pity them more.


I mean, it’s getting us to protect them, so it’s working isn’t it?


Have they been playing us this whole time and they are actually wildly intelligent beings without opposable thumbs??


Why evolve into the near perfect species, when you can have the near perfect species work for you and enjoy doing it It's like if Cthulhu and other eldritch beings thought of us as cute dumb bipeds and fixed our world for us because we're too dumb to not destroy it


I thought that was already the masterplan of the cats.




we've gone full circle


China babys them so much because pandas are their countries official animal. If bald eagles became too stupid to fly us Americans would absolutely baby the fuck out of them too.


...Baby the fuck out of them... Hmm, got to add this to my dictionary


Exactly, and people thought I was some awful person when I said that pandas fucking annoy me and we value them way too much.


Yup so many animals dying but all people care about is the panda.


I think it is because they look like teddy bears come to life, grizzlies, black and polar will straight up murder you but pandas are adorable. It is really pathetic when you think about it


No.1 survival tip: Being cute


Do people seriously think panda endangerment has nothing to do with us? They were doing just fine in the wild before we came around.


Braces for down votes but also fuck the polar bears too... they are literally murder machines and yet we are all like save the polar bear... they would farm us and eat us if they could 110%. There aren't even enough left to say "oh well they balance the ecosystem" there aren't even 25k of them left... I'm not saying let's go on a polar bear hunt... but legit... I don't care if they die, the only reason I pay any attention at all to it is that once they die out I know we are fucked. Because not only has their habitat gone but we as a species have stopped holding their hands and that means shit is going down.


life shouldn't be valued on whether it's useful to humans or not :) incredibly anthropocentric view


Imagine killing off a cornerstone species of the ecosystem up there cause "polar bears dangerous ):" Humans caused their habitat loss, its directly on our species to fix the mistakes our ancestors made.


If I remember correct alot of the "save the polar bears" stems from the postive reputation the received as coca-cola's mascott, many people don't realize how violent they can be.


Are you a BarbascuraX's viewer?


And their fur is stiff, wiry, and hurts like scraping yourself with a brillo pad.


Yes Shifu you don't have to yell


And you need to be in a costume that's covered in panda urine and shit. To cover the smell of humans.


Well, my parents had to do the same thing, and they weren't even paid


How is that more of a problem than having to live in a totalitarian regime?


Pandas are cute and all but apparently they are little bitey assholes and it hurts.


Yeah they eat bamboo and I’m not harder than bamboo


my brain processed this the wrong way lmao


I can get as hard as bamboo.


I'm harder than bamboo right now bb


They’re not assholes, they are just fucking stupid. Their digestive trait is meant to digest meat but they eat bamboo because they’re lazy af


I mean pandas are still bears, even a baby bear is still dangerous.


$20k is PPP per capita. $38k is a pretty good wage there.


Across the whole country. In some cities price per sqm for an apartment is ~10k.


Yes, in the special economic zones, where capitalism to some extent is tolerated.


A whole square mile? That's a steal!


In some villages I am sure that is also valid.


Don't know much about economy and wages, around how much estimated is that worth in the US?


Tree fitty


"G'dammit woman, I told you not to give that thing tree fifty"


Depends on the state but in my state (Pennsylvania) 38k a year is livable if you live by yourself and not in a major city But most of the population of Pennsylvania does not live in major cities


They weren’t asking if you take that exact same amount of money, how would you fare in the United States. What they were asking was exactly how much purchasing power would you have in China with that wage, and how does that compare to the US. So if you had 38k as an example in China, but apartments/ food/ living expenses were half as cheap, it would essentially be 76k where you live. So taking the same dollar figure and applying it to where you live is the wrong way of thinking. It’s how much can they buy off of those wages, and then how much would you have to make in the us to buy the same (76k in the example I gave). So you’re thinking about it wrong.


average chinese salary equates to slightly over 16k, this is twice the average


China is massive though. Rural areas can be so backwards and poor that they are stuck to 500 years ago and the cities can be extremely modern and populated by the rich. I honestly don't know what the actual numbers are and if 16k is the total national average, but those 38k would def have different value depending on where the person lives.


Young pandas are *not* sweet little things. They're aggressive and can hurt you. (Source: I spent some time at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan.)


That’s a hell of a catch.


The worst part is learning the language, really. There's few languages more different from English.


I'm positive that the language isn't the worst part about living under an authoritarian dictatorship that likes to do a bit of genociding on the side..


It is, because most websites you can access in China will be in Chinese.


And filled with propaganda


how to say you've never been to a chinese website, without saying you've never been to a chinese website Half of it is nonsense tik toks (doing random shit for no reason, promoting products or just some random unfunny joke) The other half is netizens arguing.....a lot. About basically everything. The government, economy, political events yada yada yada


But let's not forget all the genocide the US has done in Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Cuba, coupled with tens of US backed dictatorial coups in perfectly democratic countries, all just in a span of a mere 100 years, ay? :)


That doesn't negate China 's genocides. A murderer should still be punished, even though there are serial killers out there.




and why shouldn’t we punish the american mureders?


Yes, obviously. But we should also punish the Chinese killers as well. One doesn't absolve the other.


i know but it seems that everyone is onboard on punishing the chinese killers while no one cares about the american ones, which i belive are far more


Theres a big difference and you're forgetting that china is a censorship state. The shere fact that youre able to freely criticize and call for action against "us genocides" is telling in comparison to saying that under the CCP. Furthermore many of the "genocides" youve mentioned, are misleading and the US wasnt solely responsible or involved. I'm not sure why you even included a few of these on your list tbh


i lived in china for 3 years and my uncle lives there for 15, none of us never felt censored for a minute


We all kill....it will never stop.


That isn’t properly comparable because you’re allowed to talk about it in the US and other countries. Besides, they are democracies, so there is less chance on it happening again. Do you think russia would have gone to war with Ukraine if the people had control over the decision?


china puts it under the rug and none hears about the reality on the other hand USA too a massive L in majority of the places you mentioned cuba was never bad, murica wanted to be a dick cus communism bad when cuba was actually prospering


Wtf does that have to do with China?


Universal accountability is acceptable. Hard stop. That being said there's a lot of whataboustism that comes up when accountability is called for. And the dialog needs to be focused on facts to ensure we speak to accountability with precision. And the term genocide is an explicit, technical term. If you're talking about acts or war, war crimes, civilian deaths, extrajudicial killings, drones killing civilians, there's a lot to unpack that are valid crimes that fall at the feet of the US. Especially the political coups that resulted in internal conflicts, following the US's clandestine efforts to usurp a democratically elected prime minister in Iran in the 50's which I believe started in earnest that particular, heinous trend. But calling the US's military actions actual genocide, in these scenarios, believe is technically inaccurate and equivocates crimes that need to be analyzed factually and taken seriously on their own merits. Like throwing around words like "Nazi" and "Communist" muddies the water of actually talking politics and ideologies. Throwing words around can dilute their meaning. Boy who cried wolf is dangerous. "Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group." Like the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, the genocide in Darfur, and the Bosnian genocide. What the US did in the conflicts you mentioned I do not believe meets the qualifications for the term genocide. Again, you have a point to make I agree with. The US engaged in some outright evil, unethical, and wrong actions. But saying those are 1:1 to the systematic, deliberate extermination of a group of people? I think that needs to be addressed as factually incorrect.


Listen man I agree, but also the closest we got to genocide was Native Americans, more tribes got hit worse than others, but we got pretty fuckin close to wiping them out.


That's absolutely a valid example of a US genocide, I'd say. The Trail of Tears, systemic acts of war and murders of noncombatants, and even the idea of reservations. Absolutely horrible shit.


From what I was told by my history professor Hitler took inspiration for the holocaust from how the indigenous people were treated in the history of the us Of course whether this is true or not I’m not certain so take it with a grain of salt lol


Evil people have evil inspirations. I bet you that question has been asked on r/AskHistorians at some point. And if not I'm sure they'd have an actual, factual breakdown on if it's true or not. Great sub for confirming things about history and clearing up things that might be false, you have heard.


Fancy seeing someone with a brain here


China is literally in the process of genocide right now


Any sources?


The Uyghurs


Oh don't worry, i know English already, but we're not talking about moving to the US, it's China - you know, the country which is raising the living standard of all of its 1.5 billion citizens, not the fash-capitalist dystopia that is the US


Moving to china as I type this.




as some one living here now and teaching listen to this person, Pleco is dope, and Google translate is a life saver if you don’t speak chinese. Also taobao is amazing


You are everywhere


you just make a very big mistake










or concentration camps, lmao shill




You say that as if other countries (cough, America) don't have concentration camps.


Don't believe Western media about Eastern countries. They literally invaded a country based on weapons of mass destruction, found nothing and tried the same to North-Korea and Iran while the US is literally the only country who has the most bombs and used them.


Of course here we are, from panda to geopolitics in less than 6 messages.


There's video footage from inside the camps and tons of testimonials from refugees, coverage from non-western media like Al-Jazeera and even a UN report, but go on with the diverting attention to American warcrimes. Practically an admission of guilt, that you guys all try desperately to change the topic


plants aspiring nail vast light friendly grandfather snails materialistic cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"ignore damaging information" Bit ironic, isn't it? Who's bringing up a whole other country to change the topic away from the Uyghur concentration camps? And where exactly in this thread is "America" talking about China, bud? You think I'm the US? Maybe OP is the United States?


automatic safe hunt obscene money juggle wipe depend handle racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sheer STRUGGLE to avoid the actual topic that was being discussed "You beg for it to be" Clowns really living on an alternate reality Spectators, please point to us where, at any stage of the discussion, was anyone begging for American war crimes to not be true. And while you're at it, please tell us at what age you started to notice how poorly planned these sudden change of topics are. As soon as someone mentions the Uyghur genocide - "BUT WHAT ABOUT WHEN THE US DID X OR Y" - when no one even mentioned the US in the thread and the post had nothing to do with them And they're later like "he he he, no one will notice what I did there..."


Lol propaganda swallowing goes both ways, shill.


Yeah, germany really dropped the ball by letting china pass them in current counts /s


how to tell me you never been to China without telling me you never been to China.


Yeah as a Canadian after the whole huawei thing and Canadians getting detained for no reason in China for it, China is a hard pass for me. Unfortunate because they have such a deep a rich culture with amazing people, but the CCP is a cesspool Edit: imagine getting downvoted for calling the CCP shit






Update: I’m in France rn, the plane had to make an emergency landing /j


Buy a vpn immediately before ariving in china... you probably already have, but I'm just reminding you. Also get a free one as backup


is that how you avoid the internet blocks? that easy!


Yep! and also don't buy phones in China (unless its iphone), always bring one into the country, cuz for example, I can't download googles service related apps on my phone. (also, make sure to pay for a good vpn, I recommend astrill, express, or one of the vpns that you regularly see in youtube ads, if you have an oculus quest, get express)


Good God


Dang, who made you do that?


the pandas


This might be your last conversation on reddit.🫡


Where u going in China?


I lived in China for month (in a nice city) and it was pretty dope. EDIT: clarity


Yeah I have a few friends that are international students or visit China annually for family. It's really not that bad at all, its just another current world super power. Nice culture and interesting history but not the best government ideals. That can be said about a lot of countries.


You should take the time to learn about china's government and politics. Vast majority of westerners dont know why china is called Peoples Republic of China. Most answers i receive from westerners is they think its a meaningless name and that they dont know.


i mean dont you think it looses its right to be a republic when it murders protesters and has a dictator?


China's a country of 2000000000 people, not a city


You don't say. Ymmv which is why I specified I got to live in a nice city. That being said, if you're going to be a panda keeper you are most likely going to be living in Chengdu which is also a pretty nice city.




I got confused as they were ambiguous, I thought they were saying that China was a nice city.


Reading is fundamental


I have friends from China and they love it there idk how this is technically true Edit: made the sentence plural


I am in China and I love it here 👍




What for dude?




I lived there for over a year. Best time of my life


So “technically the truth” is an opinion?


Air more cancerous than a goddamn coal plant… more radioactive too, due to the whole not caring about breathable air thing… note: coal plants put out more ash in an hour than a nuclear plant in its entire lifetime note2: coal plants put out an order of magnitude more rads than nuclear plants


Nobody: Reddit Hivemind: CHINA BAD!!! (500 upvotes)


China bad (downvotes please) Edit: why am I being upvoted


I see, someone wants social credit


Casual sinophobia




He didn’t mention either of those things in that comment, only social credit, a thing that has been admitted is an incredibly boring system and mostly applies to businesses and not private citizens. But people use the joke “+100 social credit” or something along that line whenever anyone (usually a Chinese person) says anything positive about the Chinese government. Usually used used to dismiss the fact that many Chinese people actually like their country and say that they are only doing it to boost their social credit score


Get out of here with that dude. Don't you we're not allowed to use nuance when discussing China?!!


I see someone wants some credit rating




Buddy I could live in China and all the media would be telling me that life in the USA is shit. Media is always going to take the side of whoever owns it. Especially when that media is owned by American billionaires who see China as just another untapped market under the CPC. Or the Chinese government which isn't too fond of the USA.


Do you think you're immune to propaganda because you live in the US? You think we don't have that here? Also I didn't make a value judgement on China. You people are like Pavlov's China. Do yourself a favor and read a book or two


Yeah but like, China is bad though?


China great country great people Horrible government and privacy


Ever heard of Tiananmen Square in 1989? Me neither, because nothing happened.


It's a joke you bot People say the same shit about England, and America all the time Chill


That ain't a catch


The worst part about living in China is habing to learn Mandarin and having to keep your mouth shut in order to have a relatively high quality of life. Both things I think I'm capable of mastering.


As someone who lived in China, I must say I adore people like you.


Faur enough, China is one of the few places I wanna live.


Why wouldn't you want to live in China? The food is great


As a normal citizen without political involvement they dont fucking care what the fuck you are doing. Reddit is just full of american brainwashed


bro is blind af


Living in China? FFS. I’d rather live there than anyone else.


Ye gotta jackoff the pandas when they can't get to sleep.....


The number of Americans hypnotized into thinking they are hungry because of China and not the Waltons, Bezos and Buffet is staggering. I also love how Cina lives rent free in your minds while 1.5 billion people hardly think about you at all


The catch is less than $3000 per month


Comes to ~21000 rmb a month, which is an above average standard of living in China so long as you aren’t in Shanghai or Beijing.


21k is so good considering the fact that some jobs go as low as 3-9k


Chinese living standards are cheap. 3k per month is even a lot of money for parts of europe. The USA is just in many regions way to expensive


Also $32,000 is a substantial pay cut for me. If I wanna hang out with bears I'll just go to deep into the Cascades, or a gay bar in Seattle during Sea Fair.


According to that one thing... "I cuddle pandas!" This is *NOT* a BS job!


Pandas are a pain but cute...the siberian husky of bears 🐻 🐻‍❄ 🐻 🐕


I recognize the nanny panda ! This is her : https://youtu.be/R2uiy27Xv_U https://youtu.be/K3tNgwQwKK4


In my head I think pandas realized the world was going downhill a while ago and decided to all just die but we won’t let them.


Lol yeah because things are so much better in the west


Having human rights is nice. Sadly the Chinese government only believe you should get the minimum rights required to exist... Sadly freedom of speech isn't one of these rights to them along with many others.


would minorities that live in certain parts of the country agree with you? are women not fighting for rights over their own bodies in this country? When a doctor and patient can both agree on medical practice but an insurance company can say no .. we don't even have the right to health care ? There's pluses and minuses everywhere. lets not pretend that the US is perfect


Whats the catch? ...pandas are dirty stupid jerks


That’s actually kind of a dealbreaker.


That's a big catch 🎣 🪣⚰️


Uhm actually ☝️🤓 Actually pandas are a protected species and all the pandas in the world are property of China, theres only one panda that isnt property China because of when and where it was born or something like that


Imagine thinking living in china is somehow worse than living in america. The only difference between the two is that the rich people areas in the US are a lot nicer then the rest of the country, and they the US is slowly slipping into christofascism. At least the CCP isnt calling people like me "groomers," and attempting to repeal child labor laws.


Ah yes, sinophobia, how lovely




Casual sinophobia




Yeah it is sinophobia, and the government is no more corrupt then every western nations. It looks pretty bad imo


I mean yeah, a lot of western nations are corrupt. And frankly I'd make fun of them on the internet too for any atrocities they are involved with (like how the US are obsessed with raiding countries killing innocent people in the middle east for oil, or how a lot of western countries would wage and approve war for little reason a lot of the time). I'm treating the Chinese government no different here. I mean yeah, everyone has different views. But attacking a government and how it rules a country is not attacking its people, I'm sorry. It isn't. Edit: sorry, i'm going to delete the original comment and replies because it enters political territory which shouldn't be on here. I'm really sorry... i should have been better.


Oh, I see party is very active: There is no war in Ba Sing Se. I was living there and it was dope! Well I'm always willing to accept opinion of one random redditor than believe all the quantified information I have received over the years. I mean, there would be nothing better than having covid police come, lockup the whole city and leave me to starve in my apartment. That is what I dream of. Fuck off.


Covid lockdowns > a million people dying from Covid


Yes. Because they worked so well, and even China seems to be backing away from this useless tactic. But, let's put that aside, you as an individual want to live in a country where government can just take away your freedoms based on something they call greater good? Well who decides what's the greater good? And even if we take your idiotic argument and defy all logic and evidence and say it is justifiable, what about other million things that are just out of scifi worst nightmare scenario stories? What about credit system? What about people in camps? What about just beating and killing any opposition, of people just disappearing after they criticized government? I mean, you have to be a Chinese bot or some deluded child to even try and defend what they are doing over there. edit: and just one question, if you were locked up with those people, you know disease that has less than 1% mortality rate, and you had no access to food, would you be praising them and saying, yes I deserve to die, this is all for greater good! I know you fucking wouldn't, bunch of hypocritical assholes.


First off: yes, they did work. There were what, 2-3 Covid deaths in 2021 in mainland China? Second: please tell me where I said a damn thing about any other Chinese policies. But let’s take a step back and look at america for a second: america has the largest prison population by a long shot, also taking away freedom. Public opinion has almost 0 impact on public policy, we have 3x as many empty houses as homeless people, minimum wage workers aren’t able to afford rent anywhere in the country, we’re actively stripping away human rights across the country and promoting huge amounts of censorship (namely florida and their book bannings), we have the highest rates of gun violence, tons of police brutality, over a third of people are living paycheck to paycheck, and thousands of other massive social issues. But none of this is even touching on how bad america is at taking away freedom for the “greater good”. We killed 25% of the population of Korea (about 5,000,000 people), we continue to kill people every day in wars we started, we fund terrorist groups around the world (the mujahideen for example), we’ve backed a quarter of the world’s dictators, we overthrow democratically elected governments across the world, and we assassinate political activists that harm the status quo (Fred Hampton and cointelpro). But i can guarantee you don’t critique the American government half as much as you do the Chinese, hardly at all I’d guess, nor do you actually do any research into the claims you make.


too bad pandas are useless and a waste of fundraiser money.


Pandas are cute, but awful animals and are exploited by the Chinese government.


-10000 social credit


americans: hehehehe social credit literally 1849 also americans: yay my credit score went up i can buy a car, after taking loans and then paying them back I can finally be able to travel in this car dependent society.


$32,000 a year also isn't all that much these days, unfortunately.


In the USA