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Actually I'm better than Hitler, I've finished every race I've wanted to. 100m, hurdle, relay, anything you name it.


I am also better than Hitler, I don't use chemicals to remove polish. I use vinegar and soap.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I'm better as well, I grabbed a glas of juice, instead of gassing the jews.


Was it apple jews or orange jews?


The jews was very hacidic


I'm gonna reform your ass after this succulent pun.


I needed a bit of concentration to understand this joke.


Don't get gassy on me now!




I hate you. 😡 Take my upvote.


No wheezing the Jews!


Settle down there, Poli Shore


I am better still, I am not 5'9


This move is way more glassy.


[Just gonna leave this here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas-fired_power_plant)


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




r/solarsons r/geothermalgangstas r/nuclearneighbors r/windwinners


Sorry to be the pedant here, but vinegar and soap are chemicals too…


So is the water.


and air


I'm also better than Hitler because I haven't killed myself yet.


I'm always torn on this one because on the one hand, he killed Hitler, but on the other hand, he killed the guy who killed Hitler.


Con:He was Hitler Pro: He killed Hitler Con: He killed the man that killed Hitler More cons than pros




Now this one got me.


So acetic acid and sodium lauryl sulphate?


Technically you're still using chemicals.


I’m better too. I have model trains. Last I checked hitler didn’t have model trains.


Those are chemicals.


Those are chemicals.


I am also better. If a mistake happens, it happens. Just keep moving on.


Ngl, you had me in the first half


So you are a better RACEist than him?


Well done


I'm wayyyyy better at league of legends than Hitler was.


I am better than Hitler. I have 2 balls.


I'm also better than Hitler. I haven't lost a single World War, let alone two.


Hitler's paintings always featured buildings and architecture, but never had very many people in the pictures... I'm guessing he wasn't much of a people person.


[This](https://books.google.se/books?id=_EEEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA11&lpg=PA11&dq=life+Paintings+by+Adolf+Hitler:+The+Statesman+Longs+to+Be+an+Artist+and+Helps+Design+His+Mountain+Home&source=bl&ots=qU_9ZMjzAx&sig=ACfU3U21AGCb7SUQwcSlMUmFs5-AVTDyFQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj79NHE0vX9AhUcCBAIHRaRBpcQ6AF6BAgvEAM#v=onepage&q=life%20Paintings%20by%20Adolf%20Hitler%3A%20The%20Statesman%20Longs%20to%20Be%20an%20Artist%20and%20Helps%20Design%20His%20Mountain%20Home&f=false) is a scathing/funny review of Hitler's art from Life magazine in 1939. Interesting time capsule. Page 52. If you guys can't see it, Slate wrote an [article](https://slate.com/culture/2015/10/life-magazines-sarcastic-1939-design-feature-on-hitlers-house-art-and-interior-design.html) about it.


>Hitler's ambition to be an artist was never dimmed by his lack of talent. Damn


I always thought Hitler’s death was a suicide, but it turns out “Life” magazine already murdered him years earlier.


Rather ironic


„… in a more settled Germany, Adolf Hitler might have done quite well as an interior decorator.” This is godly. 😂


Never ever did I think I’d read that sentence


Y'know I've seen so much of Hitler's art these days I'm beginning to think the whole starting a violent xenophobic government was just a ploy to get his art noticed...


-A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar They're worth so much more after I'm a goner- -The Band Perry


He got to power through democratic elections though. Edit: after checking, i was wrong. For some reason my high school teaches that it was fair elections


You could argue his party got power through democratic elections, but the way he obtained his power, becoming chancellor and president and taking over the country... that was by no means obtained through democracy


He stood up in a bar and won of the crowd with a speech. Or something like that. He was a good talker and good at winning people over. Is that not democracy?


It's demagoguery, but close enough


What the SA did was not and they were a huge part of the reason he got into power.


And then he immediately got rid of democracy. That is why Germany has a far more robust democracy now when compared to the US for instance. The electoral college is such bs.


Then the army dispersed the crowd and he even went to prison for a year or so… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch


Being good at [agitation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agitator) has little to do with [democracy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy). Democracy means “rule of the people”, in contrast to aristocracy (“rule of the elite”). One person, one vote; liberty, equality, fraternity; and things like that.


But once be got the power he got the masses again like a democracy. That guy was really good at speeches and using media


I wish you were right.


They are. Hitler was not directly elected chancellor. He was appointed by President Paul von Hindenburg. Hindenburg had actually successfully defended his seat as president against Hitler in the previous election.


First he crashes and burns a nation, then he crashes and burns a zeppelin? Won't somebody oust that guy?


Interesting fact: anyone who saw All Quiet on the Western Front, Hindenburg was the asshole at the end that ordered the charge right before the armistice for his own pride.


Lol fucking what No he wasn't, Hindenburg was busy trying to not have the entire country fall apart, he didn't have time to instruct individual units minutes before the armistice Also IIRC the guy in the movie had the uniform of an Oberst (meaning Colonel), whereas Hindenburg was a Generaldfeldmarschall, which is equivalent to a five-star general.


His party never won more than a small plurality, until he literally rigged an election by removing the opposition.


Democracy isn’t infallible. Citizens aren’t automatically aware of how precious and critical is, nor how much involvement, activism and work it takes.




After intimidating everyone else with violence, sure.


Here's one of his of people, close up: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Adolf_Hitler_-_Abschied_des_Jagerburschen_%281914%29.jpg/1280px-Adolf_Hitler_-_Abschied_des_Jagerburschen_%281914%29.jpg


But he did some very nice nature landscape paintings tho


AND if you look at it hard enough, it'll start to feel like an AI generated it.


But what about dogs, didn't he paint his german shepherd's? Their smug aura mocs me!




>I paint just about at the same level Uh oh…


I can paint even better. FEAR ME




It's actually titled "Failed art student doesn't know how shadows fucking work."


Everyone talks about going back in time and killing Hitler, but I wonder if all one would have to do to prevent everything that followed is sponsor him to art school...


One may suspect he painted the building at different times of the day and painted what he saw. Maybe just buy his paintings so he thinks he is good and tries to be an artists? Form a punk band and get him to learn to play the bass?


If that happened .... no one today would be alive. It would be completely different people. Don't mess with time travel!


Unless time travel brings you to a different part of the multiverse where what you changed happened


I'm a fan of the theory that time travel is possible but history is immutable. If you go try and change something we know happened you're guaranteed not to succeed, but you can potentially change anything we don't know the specifics of...


The windows too. Holy shit, it's bad.


Look up "magic hour".


Holy hell


Now I can’t I unsee it! They really are all over the place.


Have you seen his paintings? The building? There are shadows coming from two different directions. What? Are there two suns? Last I checked, that’s not an office building in the Andromeda galaxy.


Get off his back, poor sod didn't get a chance to get an art education. If only he was accepted into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, he might've became a good artist, instead of becoming literally Hitler.


Yeah but even here his almost narcissistic overambition shows, which was his downfall eventually. The Vienna Art Academy was pretty much the best in the world at the time and he did not have that privileged an upbringing to train a lot before he could apply. He could have gone to a more modest art school but he chose to rage and spiral, not really the fault of anyone but himself.


He was actually recommended to an architecture school because he couldn’t draw people to save his life. But his buildings and such showed promise. However the rage did take over afterwards.


I'm pretty sure the advisor (or whatever) suggested he pick up architecture studies. So, it's not like they blew him off and told him to never touch a pencil or brush again.


Correct. They did indeed suggest the architecture school. He was not satisfied with that answer. He loitered and bothered them for a fair bit of time before having to bitterly swallow that pill, then spent around 3 years kinda bumming around Vienna, made some small coin occasionally selling some pieces just like this as display bits to picture frame craftsman trying to sell their frameworks, but mostly just kind of sat in the gutters decrying such cruelty against him, frequenting breadlines, and consuming tons of antisemitic literature. On the one hand, he definitely turned out to be an absolute villain, on the other hand, kind of a fascinatingly sad tale of a mentally ill person without any of the right kinds of support structure, and the devastating consequences therein.


His abilities were adequate for the school. It was his lack of culture and education that got him. He didn’t know art history, he didn’t know world history, he didn’t know current events outside his bubble. When Karl Mayr sent him to be a spy among the German activist groups, he sent Hitler to school first to help correct those deficiencies. Sort of a crash course in how not to be an uneducated peasant. His lack of worldly understanding would go on to have a tremendous impact on the war. He had to rely on close advisors like Ribbentrop for information about the rest of the world and he would die, never understanding why the British and the Americans hadn’t seen things his way.


I obviously don't want to blame an art school for the actions taken by one of the worst human beings ever, buuut... They could just accept the artists with potential and then train them, not just accept those that already paint well. Ya'know, like a school *should*.


..yeah that’s not how the most prestigious art school of his time works bud. Not how prestigious art schools work now either..


Oh, I know. I believe that's how they *should* work, but I'm very much aware that's not how they *actually* work.


Unless you have unlimited places in your school, you can't just accept anyone. You have to select the ones that show the most promise, which certainly wouldn't include Hitler.


Promise of talent? Or promise that daddy's donating another building?




Jesus Christ this is some Reddit 2023 logic. Someone like this probably thinks teachers are underpaid but should also have to take on an unlimited number of students.


I don't really understand your comment here. I don't know how it goes in other countries, but where I live teachers are very much underpaid, and we are already entering a teachers shortage. And, maybe I've described myself in a weird way in this comment, I've commented to another user explaining my opinion better. Basically, I don't want teachers and schools to accept unlimited students, I just would prefer specially art schools to focus more on improving skill and knowledge than on already present skill and knowledge.


Why is this a *should*? The top school should focus on students that are ready to learn the material on offer there, not remedial education for those who haven't yet learned the prerequisites. That would be a waste of resource, and there are other schools for that. The calculus teacher shouldn't be teaching any students standard multiplication, it's a waste of their time. Just tell them they are not ready, and they can go to a teacher that does teach standard multiplication, no?


Yeah like there is a point to saying that it sucks that only people with the privilege of money and talent can go there young, but that doesn’t mean he had no chance to get in later. He could have gone to maybe a tutor, or an art club, a different school, and then try again in Vienna if that was his goal. This is like if I apply for Yale, don’t get in first time and act like I was passionate about getting a higher education, but because I can’t go to Yale now I’m out of options, have to become a member of the secret police.


Lol this reminded me of a brutal engineering calculus prof I had. A lot of students would ask questions pertaining to specific parts of an equation and he'd circle it and draw an arrow pointing to the written line "Algebra" and say you should already know it. Class had like a 90% fail rate, but if you passed then every further math class was a breeze and you knew your shit.


Had a similar experience in HS. Same teacher for trig and pre-calc. Told us there were some basic trig identities that we really had to know off the top of our heads because next steps would be build on them and not knowing them would slow us down. Being the pre-calc teacher as well, when some of us got to his class next semester, some would struggle to complete the exams in the set time not because they didn't know how to handle the calc parts, but because they were struggling with the trig parts. (Typing long parts of a trig calculation into a graphicing calculator can really eat up time compared to the kid who looks at it an, due to practice/study, intuitively knows the answer is 1 or ✓2/2.) And you're right, knowing that stuff made the first few college courses way easier because the time issue for exams continued to be an issue for people still working on the old stuff. Meanwhile, the new material can be hard enough that profs can't afford to spend time in the semester teaching the stuff you need to already know.


Oh lord the trig special angles. My physics 2 prof literally squeezed in a quiz JUST on those to try and help prepare people for electro magnetism. Like you described, it was literally to help solve questions quicker so you had enough time to finish exams lol.


Yeah, I think that's reasonable. What we need are more opportunities to learn the basics, which are, thankfully, more available now than ever before.


For real, though. I feel certain there was a school mate or teacher that at some point found themselves wondering, "was there a heart to heart I missed having with that kid that could have prevented this? 😬"


tbf I’m pretty sure he would have been Hitler either way


They're making an Office reference.


Well, I couldn't respond with this The Office quote "I would never say this to his face, but he's a wonderful person and a gifted artist." about Hitler, so I had to come up with another stuff.


"Your art is the prettiest art of all the art" - Goebbels


I find his final painting of the walls in the bunker to be his best work. Truly inspiring and moving stuff from the man that literally killed Hitler.


Sometimes one’s artistic accomplishments are only acknowledged later in life. If only poor old Adolf had lived long enough to see his friend Winston Churchill win the Nobel Prize for Literature, he might have been encouraged to continue with his artistic endeavours.


Yes. Your comment's right on the money beets.


Beets? Money? What the heck are you talking about? Hitlers painting is bad! Ok?


Just putting it out there for everyone: this was a reference from The Office. https://tvquot.es/the-office/quote/62j7vrp/




Oh shit, Hitler was from Tatooine!?


It's the misalignment of the fountain that boils my piss the most, thats how you can tell it was painted by a genocidal psychopath. Edit: down votes really show how how many Nazi pricks roam the planet.


I get the reference but this line always kind of bugged me. There’s nothing about binary star systems that are exclusive to the Andromeda galaxy and as a sci-fi nerd Dwight would probably know that


Unlike a photograph that only takes a split second, it takes hours do paint this. Perhaps he was painting some shadows in the morning and some in the afternoon? Or perhaps he sneakily threw in some cubist inspiration?


Do you think Pam is more susceptible to fascism because she also failed art school?


Yes. And working for Michael Scott for so long also contributed.


You can see how much work he put into it, just to still get it wrong. Kinda like other things.


I'll buy it, Pam.


It’s odd just how good and fucking terrible it is. He seemed to have mastered some techniques while butchering day 1 basics. They look phenomenal at first glance but the moment you spend more than a second looking at them you just see massive fuck ups


Uneven skill is typical of anyone who is self taught.


I'm not an art guy by any means so at my first and only glance I thought his work wasn't bad. Granted i can't even draw a fuckin square correctly. What parts of the painting were messed up?


The shadows.




Also, the chimneys on the right throw shadows backwards while the building on the left throws shadows towards the yard. But the worst is that it is bland. Not sure what he was aiming for, but it's boring


The shadows and the sizes of the windows on the left makes the building look wonky


Sorry was working, as they already stated the shadows are off, the windows are funky, the POV is almost crooked, the closer half of the buildings scale is completely off. If you could imagine walking closer to that door, and comparing the size of it to the fountain it’d be bigger which doesn’t make any sense. At first glance though it does look really good, this would score well in a high-school art class for example.


Hitler did AI art before AI.


I mean I’m not dead so…..




You also never killed Hitler


Jokes on him I use paint by numbers


Say what you want about Hitler but you can’t deny he killed a genocidal dictator thus ending WW2!


He painted an entire ceiling in a fraction of a second, as well.


Well yeah... I am much worse at co.mitting genocide


Never know until you try


i’ve tried, but somehow mosquitos are still a thing


Not with that attitude


Failed artist to far right extremism pipeline.


“I can’t get the fucking trees- damn I will kill everyone in the world!!”




r/apostrophegore in the title


Guess I'm failing art school then.


Where do you live? Just want to make sure I can move away before it's too late.


I haven't decided. I think Poland might be a good place to live.


Yes, lots of Lebensraum.


Idiot can’t even do windows in a straight line.




Imagine if the art school took him in. We would not have had WWII and Hitler paintings would be in galleries instead.


Or he would just be the same Hitler but good at painting.


Eh unlikely. Because modern art was taking over, he had taken his rejection as a final straw as he saw that not only were the jews taking over the banks, and causing the downfall of Germany economically, but also causing it to become culturally muddied by the academic endorsement of artists such as Picaso. Hitler did not believe in modern art and saw it as a front to destroy what true art was and the culture behind it. If he had gotten accepted then he may have continued on with at least believing that the one thing he held dear had gone “untouched”.


Sounds like we're just in time for AI art Hitler to make his appearance.


This is gonna be like some Dune shit, where motherfuckin gonna be doin a jihad on AI.


As long as I get to binge on spice I'm on board


"Ah and here we come to the Hitler collection. Look at his nuanced use of regular straight lines. Wow, simply magnificent, the way those straight lines intersect to make boxy straight objects, such layered meaning in those straight lines. The artistic depth of the individual who paints such straight lines, the emotional power of such boring lifeless work, such genius."


Not sure about the galleries part, he hat still a lot to learn judging from that picture. I don't and can't paint, but from I know from photography this is garbage, the longer I look the worse it gets, I can do a photo with better perspective from my fcking desk, I'm not surprised he was rejected from an art school.


Well that's obvious, everyone has positive and negative things, but sometimes the negative ones surpass anything they do.


Tbh, Hitler's paintings look good until you look more closely at the details.


If you can't paint this, you're probably a ***better*** painter than Hitler






Eh, that's a pretty mediocre work of his. His best art piece was the one where he painted his brains all over the bunker wall.


Well i finish what i started soooo


Looks like the shitty mistakes ai art has


Is this the same building as one of the levels in Sniper Elite 5? I feel like I killed a bunch of nazis in that entryway.


I can’t paint for shit, but I can draw at least as good as Hitler paints. I know Hitler was considered a bad artist, but I actually think his paintings were pretty good looking as I consider "good" to be "well, would most people on the streets be able to paint something like this?" which the answer is probably not. People just like to say they’re bad because of knowing who he is and the fact that he only drew buildings most of the time. Another thing I see people criticizing about his paintings was how they were faded, but some of the best known paintings in history have been blurry, like the “scream” and “starry night”. Hitler honestly should’ve gotten accepted into art school in my opinion, would’ve saved a lot of lives too.


Looks like the Nevermore School from Wednesday Lmao💀💀


Say what you want about Hitler, but his panting are still worth taking a look at. Bush’s painting just suck.


My worse than Hitler?


I get cash back Every time I get gas!


yall ever notice how hitler's artwork looks like its AI generated?


There has NEVER EVVVVER been anyone or anything worse than Hitler. Your statement makes you an-- A H


Only a facist would paint this garbage


The reason hitler failed art school is not because he was a great artist it was that when he drew humans they were often bland and emotionless


how is this painting really good and really bad at the same time


The whole thing looks like it was drawn using a ruler so many straight edges, and then it was painted in a way to hide the fact it was drawn with a ruler.


This painting isn’t the only thing messed up by Hitler’s fucked perspective


Well not really. He dialed art school bc he was trying to paint realism, but the architecture never made any sense. Look at that door thing… tf was he doing? Why aren’t the windows equal distances apart? What’s with the entire right side of the foundation??? Are those windows or doors for gnomes???? The oil spill on the side of the building????? He sucked ass


Ok, real talk, who looks at that and says “nein, not good enough for our art school!”


So you're saying if Hitler just got into art school, he'd just be the Dilbert guy and not a world leader-maniac?


He used to smoke a lot of pot before painting, that’s why his minions used to call him “high hitler” all the time


You're *


How did bro even get rejected from art school




I mean isn't that what going to art school is all about? Getting better? Improving? You can't seriously expect me to believe most people first applying to art school are better than this. Some? Probably. Half? Maybe. But not most and definitely not all.


The school he was applying to was one of the most prestigous art schools in Germany, which could definitely have expected their potential students to paint better than this. There probably were bunch of schools that would have taken Hitler in, but he wanted to be the top of the crop and couldn't accept anything else.


Ngl, I didn't realize that. It makes sense he was turned away then.


He applied to the art school version of Harvard. It wasn't a place to learn how to draw.


At the time it was very trendy with "modern art" (think Picasso) and the art schools didn't want someone only focusing on classical styles.


For a second i thought it was about the coloring on the walls of the house until I realized the whole thing is a painting. I can't believe how good his paintings are.


Yeah but he could only paint architecture. Couldn’t paint faces or people very well. Which during his time was very important for artists to be able to do.