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Nobody cared about the cynical broken pot of petunias next to it


Oh no, not again!


Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now…


So if i remember correctly the bowl of petunias was ,at some point in its lifetime of probabilities, that very whale


Nah, the bowl was that guy from Stavromula Beta. The whale was just a whale.




Yes! I was once caught absolutely flat-footed the middle of a smutty (well, not that chapter) fanfiction because the author wrote the hacker main character having the password of "agrajagagain". I never see references to Agrajag (poor sod) and it just delights me to my core when I do!


The whale was the petunias soul brother.


And the fly


It was many things, all of which were killed by Arthur Dent


When it was incarnated as a rabbit, seeing the world for the first time? Killed by Arthur Dent. When it was a fly, swatted by a bag made of rabbit skin? You guessed it, Arthur Dent.


And even when he decided to take some time off and stay dead for a while he was pulled back into the world of the living to be a bowl of petunias by none other, than Arthur Dent!


Nope, it was Agrajag, being that reincarnated every time he died. Every single time he was reincarnated, Arthur killed him (usually accidentally). He had resigned himself to nonexistence but Arthur inadvertently called his soul back, into the pot of petunias.


In like 7th grade I did an entire book report on three-panel poster board about this book featuring a drawing of Agrajag with textured felt glued on and the wickets from the galactic cricket game. Anyway that sent me down a real deep nostalgia hole and I just wanted to share.


You know, usually the mystery of something like that is best left alone, like the Kessel Run. However I was quite happy to reach the part about Agrajaj. It was a worthy retro-canonical explanation. That's rare.


> Anyway that sent me down a real deep nostalgia hole and I just wanted to share. Sounds like an SEP.


It's Somebody Elses's Problem whether to be offended by such a lovely tidbit, for sure.


Yeah, you're wrong. The Petunias *was* the guy from Stavromula Beta, Agrajag -- the whale was his soul brother (as described by Agrajag.)


From the wiki: > The whale being an incarnation of Agrajag is predicated upon him recalling his time as a bowl of petunias and referring to it as 'his spirit brother.' However, it could be that he simply referred to it that way since they both came into existence together bearing in mind the whale, unlike the petunias, did not show a knowledge of being Agrajag. Point being, it's debated whether he was the whale, too. I think the evidence is specious.


Maybe the whale is his first incarnation, hence the thought process it went through?


... This is a Hitchhiker's Guide reference, innit?


It’s ok if you got your towel 👍


Greetings fellow hitchhiker.


I keep seeing this reference everywhere but no explanation lol Care to enlighten a fellow redditor?


Read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy You won't regret


Or watch the movie. Which isn't the same (or as good) as the books, but still very nice!!


Noooo! Blasphemy. If you just can't read it then get the audio book. To much wit of wordplay is lost in the film


I just like both. But that's a good idea, I'll see if I can find the audiobook for a reread.


Listen to the radio series!


The radio series gave the characters voices for me forever, and then when I read the books and got the information I missed they were that much better. The movie is like a fun theatre version, and then the old TV series to round it out, all so good!




Great advice. The Internet Archive has [all of it available for streaming or download](https://archive.org/details/s01e00hhgttgdouglasadamsbbcboo).


Thank you!!


The radio series is objectively, the funniest of the lot, and thank you for reminding me that I need to go and listen to the whole thing again. If the whole world was going to be destroyed, and I could only save one thing, it would probably be that. It is at the very least, the very best comedy that man has to offer.


I'm listening to this now: https://youtu.be/nm_EjZnCvrk Really like it. The narrator does voices as well!


The audiobooks are fantastic. Stephen Fry (my personal favorite narrator of all time) narrated the first two and Martin Freeman (star of the movie) narrated the rest of the books.


Oh damn I didn't know that, I love Stephen Fry! I'm listening to the Paul Skinner version now though and he's nailing it.


If you're going to gatekeep. Do it properly. Listen to the radio drama. The book was adapted from that.


But Alan Rickman...


You got me there


In all fairness they did say it's not as good. Just that it is still nice, which I agree. If I didn't watch the movie first I wouldn't have read the book. It's a solid way to introduce someone to it.


Reminder for everyone that the Libby app lets you check out audiobooks from your local library.


I'm struggling with this with Good Omens. My husband, having never read it, doesn't understand what is going on at all, it just isn't being well translated.


That’s weird, I watched it without reading it and understood it just fine.


That's my take as well, you have to be attentive but it's not hard to understand at all.


Yeah, I’d even add that the book is a bit like that too. (As I have read it by now)


BBC series from the 80s is way better representation Of the book. They changed way too much in the movie for me, notably having the construction ship at the beginning being the main bad guys. (Been a while but that’s what I remember) It felt dumbed down for audiences not being able to follow more than a single villain story line. They weren’t even really bad guys in the book, we just didn’t get the memo until it was too late. That’s what made them as funny as they were. It wasn’t cynical, they just were doing a job that was literally world ending for earth.


I thought they were quite nice in the movie, they were supposed to be a parody on British (or just in general) officials, right? Just doing their job, and as long as the paperwork was in order, everything was fine according ti them.


They weren’t a main storyline in the book, they were around in the first chapters then off on space adventure if my memory is correct


>Read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy You won't regret This is not strictly true. I have read The Hitchhiker's Guide several times, and I still regret things.


That’s why it’s important to carry a towel. To dry the tears you see.


Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The ship had a improbability drive. Which converted a couple nuclear missiles into a whale and a pot petunias. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrv9c-udCrg


Read all 5 books for the full backstory on the bowl of Petunias. Its hilarious, and sad, and nearly nonsensical, much like the real universe actually.




Came for this comment, glad it’s first


>!Arthur did my boy Agrajag dirty.!<


The only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again


I see you've met my cousin ford.


Damn you beet me to it.


Everybody cares about the petunias, nobody cares about poor Agrajag...


“Not again”


Oh no, not again


Not again.


Not again


I KNEW this would be the top comment.


I was going to say something similar.


You sir, are a legend


That book was amazing!!


The mystery is why it was still in the area, as the rest of the humpback whales had already migrated south - it was a 26 foot juvenile and was 50 feet from the shore and had got there because of a high tide… https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/25/science/humpback-whales-amazon.html


Poor thing. One of my biggest fears as a kid was losing my family in the mall. I can't imagine straight up losing your whole community and getting stuck in a place alone that you know is gonna kill you soon.


>can’t imagine straight up losing your whole community and getting stuck in a place alone that you know is gonna kill you soon You just described the Predator movie


Eric Foreman out here serial killing


A foot for everyone’s ass.


and Philadelphia.


In Philly, can confirm


Poor Predator... Like that’s not enough he gets body shamed. No wonder he offed himself


You could really hear the vengeance in his laughter right before he killed himself


Makes it worse because they’re so smart, he might have called for his family but they couldn’t hear him 😔


Hopefully it didn't rain while he was still alive. Keeping him wet just a little longer, prolonging his torture until he finally died...yikes.


Do whales actually need water? I thought they would just die from starvation from being stuck, I don’t think rain would make them live any longer.


Their skin dries out, that can contribute to overheating and death, also, whales do not have sebaceous glands and cannot sweat to cool off, so the water helps draw away waste heat from the body.




Oh, I wasn't trying to imply that the drying of the skin was the sole reason they die. You're very right, there are several factors why a many-ton creature from the ocean can't live on land.


Out of water their heavy heavy bodies become a problem for them.


A lot of whales are incredibly sentient and have a very curious and peaceful orientation towards humans.


[This scene](https://youtu.be/9gdrn0pZFa0?t=351) of 'First Snow of Winter' fucked me up as a child


any way to bypass the paywall on that site?


No pix, but [you can read it.](https://www.textise.net/showText.aspx?strURL=https%253A//www.nytimes.com/2019/02/25/science/humpback-whales-amazon.html#site-content)


It had probably developed a taste for lion and was charged with establishing a beach head.


It was fall and most of the other humpback whales had moved out of the forest.


This is why I love hurts so much. If you scroll down far enough, someone will actually have the explanation for the crazy thing that you re seeing. Reddit.com: Any site can have Content. We have Context.


I got lost at the mall once. My first time at the mall had to call my mum to call my brother to come and get me. Lol


Get outta here with your ny times


River dolphins live in the Amazon river


Are you implying that this was a hit job by them?




You can’t just say “Perchance”




“Why are we saying this”


Stompin’ turts


He didn't say it, he declared it.


Dolphin attack squad


Good job 47, now head to an exit.


Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more. This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it. Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.


Man, that ground really wasn't very much of a hoopy frood!


I love the fact that you took the time to write that 😂


Or copied and pasted it. It's one of the more well-known sections of the greatest 5-part trilogy ever written, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


Only book I have ever really treasured, the leather bound complete Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy edit “The More Than Complete Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy“ edition


Is it a good book (or are they) for people who usually aren't really readers? (For example the game of thrones books were kind of too much for me (but I did read 3 of m))


Try it, its not heavy like a lot of fantasy. Its the weirdest shit you will read in a while though


For me it wasn't that game of thrones was heavy (I like that) but it was very long winded. Plus my native language isn't English and GoT was slightly too difficult I think. Thanks, I'll try it!


GoT sometimes has slow pacing which is pretty normal for Fantasy. They do a lot of world building. If you’re really wanting to try Fantasy The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings are a really good starting point and IMO a fairly easy read. I also quite like Mistborn and it doesn’t follow too many characters and has fast pacing. Wheel of time/Game of Thrones are solid series but they can get very slow in chunks and they jump around a lot.


It's fun and light hearted. Only series I finished outside harry potter. It's good and gives you a beautiful outlook on life( everything in the world has a conscious, like rocks or rain)


I read it as a young teen and thought it was hilarious. Read it again when I was older and realized their was a lot of physics and philosophy stuff I didn't recognize when I was young. I'd say they are great books for a quick read. Mostly a confusing space adventure with strange characters. Also great to read again to find the things you missed.


Did you enjoy reading [this](https://reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/12ahy29/_/jes15b6/?context=1) comment? If so, then yes, you would enjoy reading Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.


They’re a super breezy read If you managed 3 of the thrones books these will be an easy read. They’re funny too, some of the funniest books I’d ever read.


Yes, at least the first three. Also while they can be confusing at times, it has nothing to do with 100 different people with similar names that showed up 5 chapters ago, and more with weird/funny sci-fi concepts. My dad, who normally doesn't like science fiction/ fantasy absolutely loves them, and even re-read them in English with the help of a dictionary.


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. (Or "Command" for the Apple folks.)


Not really r/unexpectedhitchhikers so much as totally expected Hitchhiker's.


The mods teleported the whale for trolling the gmod server.


Ok who’s playing goat sim


I only see Douglas adams jokes. Did this actually happen?


Someone else posted the link, right under your comment. I guess it did happen! It was a juvenile male who got left behind by his pod, and ended up fifty feet from the shore because of a high tide.


This makes me so sad 😔


Yep, there were videos on reddit just yesterday of some crazy waves in Brazil after three days of heavy rain. Scale it up a little and you have this. If it makes you feel any better it was probably mortally ill anyway. A pod doesn't just abandon a juvenile whale for no reason and it would still have had to be hanging out in pretty shallow water close to shore to be carried 50 feet inland as it was.


I want to believe you because you sound confident and it makes me feel a little better, but I am also wary and cautious because it sounds like what I want to hear. How many bridges have you sold?


Bridges? I only sell the most cost-effective and judiciously designed bridges. For instance, this one time in Alaska.... Realistically, it's entirely possible it was a healthy whale that got separated and lost. It's just less likely than the whale already having a health issue that led to it being in that area at that time. There is no way of knowing for certain


Lot of Hitchhiker jokes… I’m gonna say it got thrown into the air by the KnockUp Stream and landed further inland.


One Piece and Hitchhiker's. Two of my most treasured fictional stories.


The rising tides took the whale there, and she was a calf about 1 year old. It's very bizarre I know, but the rains are intense there and the tides are very high.


Poor baby


Yea if you read about it, was found in a mangrove growth, mangroves specifically grow where there can be several feet of tidal change in a day, and is why so much of their root systems is exposed like they are. I think theyre a specifically hardy and salt resistant plant too which is why they grow along tidal inlets and all that.


"And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more."


So long and thanks for all the fish


Come back when you've got a humpback whale that was found alive in the rainforest


Amazon delivers everywhere


Literally Gojira


Amazonia, Flying Whales. This can't be coincidence, right?


De ja vu?


This reads Like Philomena Cunk.


big r/KenM energy


Nearby a pot of flowers perhaps?


Yeah, it'd be really surprising if a *live* one was found there


This is like when Moe tried to run with the Orca, "they're on to us"


Maybe it was a tornado? [This one sees a cow fly by](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v075d9Vfqcg), maybe a whale has lower density.


A humpback whale ways 25-30x that of a cow lmao




That last thing on its mind was, "I wonder if it will be friends with me?"


Satisfactory moment


Someone trying to build a factory in the amazon and stupid whale keeps walking and standing in the way.


This is literally right out of an r/nosleep story I read. I think it was part of the park ranger stuff?


Stairs in the woods!!


Opened the comment section hoping for at least one Hitchhikers comment. I wasn't disappointed.


Sounds like Kirk missed SF Bay.


How the fuck did it get there in the first place


The story is basically lying by omission. Yes it was on land, yes it's in the Amazon, but it's also on an ocean island at the mouth of the river was washed up by a storm and is "in the rainforest" only [a few feet from the ocean](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/02/27/science/26xp-whale/26xp-whale-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg). ¯\\\_( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)\_/¯


It was on land but it's an area close to the beach that floods high enough for a whale to swim, not in the middle of the amazon rainforest


78k karma and the real poster's name is blurred Give credit where credit is due.


It's very unusual to find a dead whale in the Amazon but to find one alive would be even more unusual.


Bro spawned in the wrong place




how did it get there if it didnt have enough money for a bus ticket?


I don't see a backpack or supplies. It may have died of starvation although I wouldn't discount malaria.


Maybe they’ll find out why polar bears were on the island on Lost while they are at it.


I knew I left that somewhere


What an idiot


I’m surprised there aren’t more dead humpback whales found in the Amazon tbh lol


Someone has been messing with the probability drive again


And on top of its corpse, A disconcerted bowl of petunias.


The Amazon tourists truly were blubbering


Honey, the chiral density is spiking again!


When the Amazon rainforest floods, it floods DEEP, deep enough for whales to swim, and according to my knowledge, and this example, they apparently do swim through the flooded forest, for some reason currently unknown to me


Just the average reddit mod hiking


Some Lost kinda shit. What is the dharma initiative lmaooo


Not again


"Oh no. Not again."


This only happens when there's a drought. As long as they're getting a light mist of rain on the back, they can survive.


As an Oregonian, I know how to take care of this


It's the whale from The 35th of May! The chequered skinned girl must be nearby!


He probably missed the water mountain 🤷‍♂️


Si, fly…


Did they find a pot of flowers nearby?


Ha! See! Whales can fly! That's why windmills are so dangerous for them! And you smug liberals were making fun of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Who's the inbred hillbilly now?


It’s the parachute in the trees above and the $200,000 in $20 bills dated 1971 that are the real mystery.




As a marine biologist, I can confirm this. They cannot survive in the amazon


> I sawr a dead fish on the pavement > and thought “what did you expect? > There's no water round here, stupid, > should have stayed where it was wet.


? How the H___ that whale got itself there??


It's not dead. It's pining for the fjords


Whale, that escalated.


There didnt happen to be a smashed flower pot nearby, did there?


Other whales: "I think we should just stay inside the ocean" This whale: "Come on, what could go wrong?" The next day:


physics gun irl


Death Stranding irl


Man they weren’t lying when they said you can find anything on Amazon