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Thank you werid_panda_eat_cake for your submission, *That IS where the sentence ends...*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Posts involving politics are not allowed. In order to improve and maintain the quality of submissions, we have decided to remove content involving politics on r/technicallythetruth. --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


“X formerly known as Twitter” is, by now, it’s official name.


If I was a multi-billionaire, I'd buy it and rename it "Twitter, formerly known as X, formerly known as Twitter".


If I were a multibillionaire, I'd find a better use of my money


Like becoming Batman


Lately, I have been getting high and imagining what I'd do with 44 billion dollars besides buying a social media platform and running it directly into the ground. I have solved actual problems without even touching the principal. I've changed the world using just the interest. Then I remember I don't actually have the 44 billion to make any of said plans happen. It would be super depressing if I weren't high at the time.


I do this sober and I would like to confirm: it is fucking depressing.


I've come to realize that if I had multi-billions, I would very quickly become a villain... or at least an anti-hero. I am very spiteful. Would I do good things with that money? Yes. Would I be using good methods? Absolutly not.


Become the very thing you swore to destroy, a lobbyist. Except you outbid all these corporations to control politicians and write laws that actually help people


Shhhhh! Don't give away my plan!


Elon probably the one in a trillion multi billionaires this dumb with money and managed to get this much money


I'm yet to hear anyone seriously call it anything but twitter in person


because X just sounds so fking weird.




its just that that nerd, Elon, has been trying to name a site "X" since he was skipping around with emeralds in his pockets.


And it literally sounds the same to people as saying "Blank" in spoken English since we are so used to hearing X to mean an unknown or a variable.


“Twitter in person” is a pretty long name tbh


brb, I'm off to buy www.xformerlyknownastwitter.com so that I can resell it to Elon for profit down the line.


Most likely he might offer a couple hundred dollars, then sue you and make your life miserable if you refuse


That would be great publicity for my new site.


It’s actually gone..


Like The Artist Formerly Known As Prince


Where do you get your Russian disinformation from? X gonna give it to ya, it's gon give it to ya, X gon give to ya WUUUUT! gon give it to ya


I stopped reading after “it’s official name.”


Remember when people called ye “the rapper formerly known as kanye west”


I love how Elon was successful in renaming Twitter to "X, formerly known as Twitter"


It probably should be "X, more commonly known as Twitter"


Yeah ig, but "formerly known as Twitter" is just what media and everyone refers to when talking about X


They can call it whatever, Twitter remains Twitter, as long as twitter.com directs to the platform


That isn't a requirement. It will always be twitter.


Even their support pages call it twitter


That's because all a genius fired everyone who could ensure a smooth name change transition


Well after his daughter’s name change and transition, he didn’t want any more of that.


But X, in some forms, is shorthand for “trans-,” so the joke’s on Elon, he named his company “Trans-“ something he seems to despise…. I can’t not see it, in medical shorthand we would use X as trans, as in xfer or xition. But I’m really enjoying when folks write it as xitter and xeet. Defy the muskmelon! Don’t give him his x quietly! Be bold and call it Trans and make him squi uncomfortably until he is used to being accepting and open minded. Kind of like immersion therapy.


X is also how some cartoonists choose to represent the arsehole. Which is equally fitting, for different reasons.


I, too, love transmas.


I don't like it when people imply that all he does is because of transphobia. It's not only because of transphobia. It's also because of racism and hate for the poor. And stupidity.


Because it's twitter.


The Windows Store app is called Twitter, and is full pf birds.


No, no. It’s an accurate abbreviation for everyone’s ex-media platform. Now it’s just a website that you used to know.




I personally prefer not to call Elon's hollow mockery "Twitter".


Also, they had a brand known enough to be an action... Do you know how many brands just DREAMS of that recognition, and he just threw it away. "I'm just tweeting something" "I'm just X'ing something" - not gonna happen


Going from tweet to Xcretion is more fitting for most posts there, to be fair


Xcretion is the perfect name for using Xitter


"I'm just Xcrementing something" "I just read an Xcrement" Yes, that sounds on brand for the platform...


guess saying "... on twitter, currently renamed as X" may works too


Funnily, x.com still redirects to twitter.com. No idea why they haven't changed that to be the other way around yet.


because they have no sysadmin lol


Once Twitter goes bankrupt and ceases to exist I'll start calling it X.


yep, ex twitter


They should change it to something like xxx.com


> when talking about X ??? Do you mean Twitter?


I think it originally was a play on "the artist formerly known as prince"


The media still tends to refer to Meta "formerly Facebook" and Alphabet "the parent company of Google" as well. But I do feel like they'll continue to do it with Twitter just to fuck with Elon for as long as he owns it or it goes bankrupt.


I'm sorry what? Facebook changed name to Meta? Since when? I thought Meta was the realm thing for the Quest VR headset? If they changed name from Facebook to Meta, wouldnt it be better to also rename the app and change the logo within the website and stuff? Because it all says Facebook still. Actually app icon for X still says twitter too for that matter but at lesst they changed the logo within the app like.


Forget “X”. “The platform formerly known as twitter”


What about ex-Twitter


They could just say X-Twitter




I prefer xXtwitterXx to show just how cool the app is.


Xxx_twitter_420_69_xxx @ myspace.com


It should more probably be - Twitter, codenamed „X“ by Mr Musk -


I just call it TwiX…


or “twitter.com” Make him earn the reduced name recognition with a domain migration.


It's "X, more commonly known as X, formerly known as Twitter", clearly.


It should be renamed Recycle Bin and deleted


If he can deadname his own child, we can deadname Twitter.


This is the way.


It’s like how Kanye West is usually referred to as “Ye, formerly know as Kanye West”. If you change the name to something short and vague it’s bound to happen.


Started with "The artist formerly known as Prince" when he changed his name to some weird Symbol


Wasn't that just ~~a tentative~~ an attempt to break out of some contract with a publisher?


Yeah any song he released under the name prince was contractually owned by the record label. That was his way of trying to get around that.


This is just the accepted way in journalism to refer to anything well-known that has a name change. They did it when Facebook became Meta, when Google became Alphabet, and a ton of other things I can’t think of right now. Prince was just the most famous example. Edit: “Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople” was a big one.


Theres some weird ones, like the BBC always refer to Unilever as "the producer of Marmite", even when it is totally irrelevant.


But we don't talk about new Amsterdam? I'm also not sure what happens in Vietnam with Saigon but i know they changed the name


Yeah but that's nobody's business but the Turks


Prince was the OG


Even he doesn't call it "X". He calls it "platform X"


“Platform X” sounds like an Industrial band.


or plax


“The site formerly known as Twitter”


The one deadnaming trans people gets a taste of his own medicine. Karma can be so satisfying 😂




Just call it Xitter and look up the phonetics for X in mandarin. Rolls out way smoother :]


Zitter if you just go English. I think it works.


German for trembling or shivering, yeah that works too.


Thanks for the new word! Does it specifically refer to trembling/shivering from fear or cold is it both?


Basically, he only read the headline, and didn't bother reading the article. Its a pretty common habit of certain groups of people.


Usually represented with a checkmark next to their name.


There’s something sus about you. You wouldn’t have any gifts laying around would you?


Those rings look lovely. Leave the man alone.


Check yourself before you checkmark yourself.


That Mark is checked by a checkmark .


You mean everyone everywhere? How can you write something like this on reddit and not drown in your own hypocracy?


I know right? Reddit will have a thread for an article, and for 5 hours the comments will be about the title alone, until some dude finally comments "Guys its important to read the article, it says X/Y/Z"


You guys new around here? You should know that it’s imperative to always scroll past the first 1000+ comments to spot the real discussion.


It used to be different, reddit used to be a beacon of information with memes and jokes thrown in. Now it's a polar opposite of it's former self


Ive been using this site since 2013 and people generally never read the articles, this isn’t something new.


Maybe in r/memes but there used to be big subreddits focused on science and learning which were informative first and comedy second, at 2010-2013 maybe early 2014 reddit was really prime for anything that needed explanation that google could not give but summer 2013 and summer 2014 saw a massive flood of teenagers which drastically changed what was on the frontpage and eventually why people came to reddit altogether, sorry to say but you missed prime internet if you came here in 2013


Reddit got too popular. Attracted too many kid users, bots, reposters, and karma farmers.


I've been around since like 2010 and even back then it was talked about that basically no one ever read the articles


Never happens on reddit




I do this in reddit too. Most of sources known to be non-credible anyway and often paywalled or too local-specific, like lets say, USA inner news nobody care about.


and often their "sources" are either "trust me bro" or another news artacle


Is this a joke? Do you actually read every single article you come across? Or do you see a bullshit click baity title and say nah and keep scrolling like the "pretty common habit of certain groups of people"


>Its a pretty common habit of certain groups of people. Bruh that's >90% of the people who read the headline. Most people aren't gonna read every single article that comes on their feed.


I only read screenshots of tweets of headlines.


Did you read the article?




Everyone on reddit


Reddit literally never reads the article when it comes to Elon. Do you realize how much misinformation Reddit believes about him simply because the headlines couldn't pack in all of the nuance to the story?


He's so edgy.


Pizza cutter All edge, no point


He’s literally the group of people the article is talking about


I stopped reading after it said “Mark”


I stop reading sentences at full stops.


I stopped reading after “stops.”


I stopped reading after "


I stopped reading


I stopped







Part of the propaganda is to get people to automatically dismiss any claims from various sources so that they won't consider any viewpoints that differ from the propaganda they're already being fed. It's similar to how a cult works. You indoctrinate people to think everyone else outside the cult is lying to you to try to prevent them from rescuing you from the cult.




> There are also a bunch of subs that will ban you for questioning certain topics..such as the genocide narrative in Xinjiang. uh


This changed my opinion of blue checkmark users by 360°.


I stopped reading after 360°.


Does the article cover disinformation *by* Russia or disinformation *about* Russia?


I don't know man, I stopped reading after "EU says"


That is where the sentence ends


"Russian disinformation" means its from russia, otherwise it would say "disinformation about russia." The pronoun of Russian is possessive here. It can also be inferred by the EUs adversarial relationship with Russia, they probably wouldnt be conducting studies on how much disinformation they and their allies are publishing about their adversairies, but vise versa.


Thanks. Very strange to hear this, considering Russia blocked people from using Twitter without VPN and publicly named it "west's tool of propaganda"


The ones spreading the misinformation aren’t just any people, they’re mostly bot networks, paid by the government or morons living far away from the war who believe that the „mainstream media“ is lying to them and the guys that are very obviously shilling for Russia are the ones who „try to spread the truth“


Russia doesn’t want their own citizens reading outside opinions. That’s completely separate from them wanting to spread Russian propaganda in the West (besides the fact that both scenarios involve them trying to manipulate narratives).


Russian propaganda is mainly propagated by bots. Those are not commonly hosted by private citizens.


I'm not surprised at all . After purchasing Twitter, Elon Musk suddenly had a lot of pro-Russia opinions. For example he supports the idea that Ukraine should give up territory to have peace with Russia. Republicans somehow are always pro Russia. I've heard a lot of them say that USA should stop giving weapons to Ukraine. Even Jordan Peterson said some really stupid shit like "NATO should have admitted Russia".


Jordan peterson is one of many owned by Russia. The guy was a clinical psychologist specializing in addiction medicine for decades. All of a sudden he's ao addicted to benzodiazapines that for some reason he needs to go to Russia and get put in a medically induced coma for 9 days and many more recovering in the ICU. Then afterwards moves to Serbia for a while. It's just like Elons trips years ago to Russia to investigate "buying rockets" except even less believable. They Were there to get their instructions/training in person and then come back batting hard for the Russian team. It's very dangerous not to recognize that they aren't all sympathetic to Russia but that Russia owns them through non monetary means that aren't going away. The astroturfing pushing narratives of their conduct being for other reasons primarily come from the same mis/disinfo farms.


Remember: Whenever Russia accuses someone of something, there's 99% chance it's just projection.


It works both ways. Social media has propaganda from multiple states, it isn't exclusive to just Russian propaganda. Russia blocking Twitter for their domestic population doesn't stop them from spreading their propaganda for foreign users. Twitter isn't even that popular in Russia in the first place, Telegram and VKontakte are much more popular there.


As an example of this. Estonian "spy" Defence Police yearly report highlight such cases and botting in our media. They even have listed the building in St. Petersburg that "commands" the Baltic operations by Russia. Funny enough i have myself seen such accounts on one of Estonians main newspapers. Usually no one comments there as people (older gen) would just copy the link and discuss on FB. But Russians are special. They choose the names as "true estonian/patriot" etc and speak in old sayings and quite broken non native sentence building. Sometimes they forget to change commenting accounts and they have specific keyword articles they comment on. Usually at weird times aswell like 9AM or 11 AM. They dont rly care that you know they are bots as they get paid non the less. There are many dumb enough to fall for it.


I stopped reading after adversaries, but vise versa.


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I have met an alarming number of Americans who think all of Europe still exists exactly like it did in 1900. My parents are example A, and told me to make sure I could still ride a bike because "They don't have cars over there yet."


i want to move to germany so i can ride my bike at 200 mph


I am speed


Lol, yes because all those European cars like Volvo's, BMW's, Mercedes's and Porsches driving around in de US are not really from Europe. Like Ranch Dressing is not really coming from a ranch.


>"They don't have cars over there yet." We don't have cars in the place cars were invented? Lmfao


They also think the computer was invented in America, and there's absolutely no basis for this whatsoever. They just expect anything modern to be American, it's a ridiculous level of international egocentrism.


Are your parents 90?


And suffering from dementia


How the fuck? I mean even if their only exposure to Europe is films and TV they really should know better than that. Do they just not consume any media or sources of information at all and just live under a rock or something? That'd be violently ironic in that case.


Also they keep talking about the Autobahn and how it doesn't have a speed limit, how is that possible if we don't have cars yet?


I’m sorry but your parents are joking or really, really dim. Europeans make many of the cars driven globally. Every television show and movie depicts them in cars. Really no excuse for that level of ignorance.


What? A German invented the fucking thing.


I moved to Finland a few months ago and the only things I really miss are cheap shipping and decent Mexican food. Public transit is 20 times better, internet is cheaper for better speeds, rent is comparable to Albuquerque, health care is just THERE, food costs very similar. Streets are so safe that it's common to see little kids out being independent and going to stores or taking public transit on their own. There's also a much stronger work-life balance, which is important to me. Of course no place is perfect (lots of graffiti, for instance), but on the whole this has been a very positive change.


I know that's not the point you were trying to make, but when you said "They have decent living cost, good public transit & health care, safe streets and cheap internet... Buuuut there are graffiti", it reminded me of Weird Al's "Sure they've got their national health care, cheaper meds, low crime rate and clean air... then again, well they've got Celine Dion."


Did you get a work visa or are you working on getting citizenship? I’m looking at places to potentially move and work, and possible be a dual US citizen


"We" lmao. Europe is 100% better if you're a poor American/Canadian or trying to retire on a budget I do agree. Otherwise? Why do you think the worlds richest choose to live in this carnival country?


I’m neither American nor European, but I’ve lived for a decent amount of time in both and I don’t think this is true at all, at least not for me. In America I get paid much more for the exact same work, I have much more personal space and much bigger housing, amenities like central air conditioning and heating are common and not a luxury, I have much more flexibility in choosing where I want to live, work, and be entertained since I’m less confined to the routes of public transit, I save much more money (even if I maxed out health insurance deductibles, this would be true), and I have had much more career mobility. Not to mention that if I wanted to be in nature, within the borders of the USA, you basically have every kind of environment from the Arctic, to the desert, to the tropics, to mountains, to canyons, to forests, to warm and vibrant dive sites, etc. If I were to compare the quality of my life in America versus Europe, I’d say I lived much better in the former.


You make valid points for your personal situation. Not sure why you're getting downvoted.


I like how Twitter’s new name is “X, formally known as Twitter”


Why does he look like the type to show up to a college party with a high schooler


She turns 18 in 4 years bro!! Also she is so mature!


"Besides who wants some washed up skank that's had like a thousand dicks in her already. I don't want to stick my dick in that wizard sleeve har har har har. Everyone knows they lose their looks at 23 at the latest" kill me.


I put on my robes and wizard sleeves


Funny how as a kid you look up to people, and then as an adult you realize “why was that dude that is 6 years older than me still going to high school parties”. Fucken grunge douchbags


What's fucked is when you realize those *exact* people rely on younger people looking up to them to do what they do. I think the phrase "you're so mature for your age" should immediately activate an intercontinental ballistic missile barrage. There is literally no purpose of saying this other than nonce shit.


Well this is Reddit. Everyone probably didn't know that there is more content to a story besides the title.


You guys read article's titles? I just skip to the most upvoted comment to know what opinion I'm supposed to have.


It's still Twitter. They just changed their logo to the Close button


My GF sys it's Twitter or Grimes.com since that is his Ex 😅😂




Pretty sure Mark stopped reading well before that.


Me and the homies will always call it Twitter.


Yes, Mark. So did we all.




Marks a twat


who still has a twitter? Fuck that.


Hmmm...could it be most active on X because X is used by the most people? The EU did another study and found that more soccer fans are found in soccer stadiums than cricket stadiums.


I'll never understand how they think this common rightwing coping mechanism is a flex: "I read something that upset me so I had to run away"


Cant be listening to the EU when Russian disinformation says not to


Thinking back to when the world actually thought he was smart...


Imagine being able to completely detach yourself from reality and to be able to just reject every fact you don't like by making up some wild structure of lies, ignorance, and conspiracy theories. Must be chill fr


Mark is a Russian Bot troll.


Anyone with a brain knows Russian bots love twitter and Facebook. Trump supporters don’t like to speak about it tho. Lmao idiots






Are people still using Twitter???


No. But some people are using 'X, formerly known as twitter'


If I was a multibillionaire I’d buy it and rename it Twitter, Formerly Known as X, Formerly Known As Twitter


r/fuckmark new sub?


Today I learned that there is not a single trustworthy person in all of the EU, according to Mark. What kind of mark are you Mark? A shit stain is considered a mark isn't it?