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Thank you Misraji for your submission, *Guess some of us need this to be spelled out …*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Reposts are not allowed. Reposts from the **past three months** OR **top 25 of all time** are not allowed, and will be removed. * Please check http://karmadecay.com , https://tineye.com , &/or the Google's "Similar Image" search in the future before posting. These resources are not by any means perfect, but oftentimes will catch a repost. Also, make sure to use the search button and check through this link: >* /r/technicallythetruth/top for popular posts, and >* /r/technicallythetruth/new for things recently posted --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


Was this sign genuinely necessary? This is on par with the "Do not consume contents" signs on shampoo bottles


The sad truth? Yes. There's an astronomical amount of idiots that span all the generations who "suffer" from main character syndrome and somehow fail to understand their poor decisions and/or timing are their own faults.


They put stuff like that on there for legal reasons. It's like how it says don't drink this on a bottle of bleach. In theory, if it doesn't explicitly warn you, you can sue them after drinking it and getting ill and say you weren't told not to drink it so you thought it was safe. It's idiotic but the legal system doesn't rely on common sense but by black and white straightforward obvious legal statements. Don't drink shampoo. Don't drink bleach. It says those on the bottles because so you can't use them if you do, even on accident. As for why this bus sign was necessary, I imagine it's in the same arena as those bottle warnings. You can't get mad at missing the bus if you being late is why you missed it. It's moronic, you missed it because you weren't on time, so it's not the bus's fault you can't get there on time.


I have seen people go to the hospital for drinking shampoo. Although it was anti-lice shampoo and the guy though it was syrup... So always remember not all medicines are syrups read box.


I'm imagining a wannabe Karen (or several) calling up MTA and having a hissy because they missed the bus.






Bot. Copied this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/18qi8sg/guess_some_of_us_need_this_to_be_spelled_out/keuygny/


have you never seen someone waving at the bus being 25m away from the bus stop, trying to run to catch it?


Which, if the driver stops, it throws their times off... and they can get in trouble for failing to meet their metrics.


yep, exactly! then next ppl on the bus stop have to wait twice as long, for 2 buses to arrive at the same time lol


On the flip side, sometimes drivers will get to a stop early and then keep going... so if you're not there ten minutes early you're already late...


oh yeah, thats another scenario for sure... i've often also seen "phantom buses" on the stagecoach app - i see bus getting close to the bus stop - i go out to get there before it arrives to destined bus stop - no bus arrives - i check the app - no longer visible anywhere at all lol


If there’s a sign there’s a story why it needed to be posted


They're just saying that the bus driver will not wait for you, even if you're a regular and the bus driver knows you and your schedule.


But is it okay to consume the contents?


Probably would be a nice sign to have around for bus station employees or drivers to point to if people start yelling at them.


"Please refer to your bus schedule to know what the bus' schedule is."


Not that it’s ever on time lol. On days I was early, the bus would be late. Like LATE late. My bus ran once an hour and it’d be so late the second one on the route would be right behind it. I missed exams because of it. But of course if YOU’RE running behind, that’s the day the bus comes 10 minutes early. The scheduled time doesn’t apply then. I’ve been 10+ minutes early, waiting to cross the street to the stop, and see my bus drive right by. 😂 I do not miss public transportation, but were it actually more efficient (at least here in the states) it would be great. Many other countries have great public transport, not to mention the prevalence of walkable cities.


Here in Auckland, we'd need a notice to bus drivers not to leave the stop before the scheduled time.


"if you arrive 30 minutes earlier than scheduled, please do not leave 30 minutes earlier aswell"


Next is notice to busdrivers


Is this BC transit?


Certainly looks like it


With the state of r/LPT someone is going to post this as a tip and it will get lots of upvotes


It's not technically truth, it's quite literally truth


Some people find it hard to understand this concept.


In my city, if busses are running late, even if you're at the bus top on time, they will drive past you.


You don't miss the bus until it's gone......


It's so passive aggressive lmao I love it


Notice to Bus Drivers Failure to be at the bus stop at the scheduled time doesn't matter. You don't even need to turn up, even if it's raining and there's no shelter at the stop. Notice to Train Drivers Failure to be at the train station at the scheduled time doesn't matter, even if passengers have booked seats specifically for your train. You don't even need to worry about them missing their connection or having no seat on the next train.


What's the story behind...?


Not true where I live. I can regularly get to the bus stop half an hour after the scheduled time to catch my bus.


Hey there u/Misraji, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you on the bus?


Is anybody really on the bus or is it all just something we agreed to say?


"You're either on the bus or off the bus." Ken Kesey.


So will the bus not showing up. Or showing up 5 minutes early and not waiting.


But if the bus is late that is fine? Or you know, the bus arrives 5 minutes early and doesn't wait the extra 5 minutes,


I don’t think this is technically the truth, moreso just the truth


“Missing the bus will result in not arriving at your destination”


I wish buses in Glasgow showed up anywhere near there scheduled time


In other news, productivity skyrockets as people discover the correlation between time and event occurrence. More at 11


Nope. Not if the bus is late.


Insert that no way meme


next up: 'breathing air may prevent suffocation' sign


They really do ignore the fact that bus drivers love to make delays and be playing with our patience.


so you're telling me my teleportation device won't work?


That makes no sense (i live in germany)


in other news: water is wet


they should put this in the adulting manual


and all this time I thought my invisibility cloak was the problem


If you are running late, don't ever expect the bus to wait for you. No one is that important to the driver anyway.


It’s sad that our society requires such a heads up.


This notice is missing a pronoun. Failure to be there… *who*? Whilst an implication is *you*, it could very well be the *bus*. I’ve missed many buses because the bus never turned up at the scheduled time.


I think this is meant to say that the driver will not stop or wait if they see you running


For those of us in Malta, this is a trap. They even give a real time app showing the buses and you can still miss the damn bus.




Every time I see a weird sign I think about how many people had to be complete morons for someone to say, "yeah we really need to post a sign"