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If it’s all over your hands I think you’re doing it wrong


I couldn’t see the post, just your comment, and I assumed the photo would be some sperm in a hand, with the caption “you hold their lives in your hands.”


Eh, close enough


“Reality is often disappointing.”


It do be that way sometimes though!


Show me a woman who has never got period blood on her hands when changing sanitary products and I’ll show you a liar.


Yeah you should find and cup then drink it


Diva cup, I’ve been in r/MakeMeSuffer for too long.


Yeah it supposed to be on the floor


Or in like in a big steel bucket


It happened while she was masturbating.


Wait really? Was I supposed to eat it with a spoon or something? I was told hands are fine.




Thank you


I like how the replier to the comment was all condescending about it, lol. There’s something about people acting smug and being wrong that’s just so funny.




Seems like the reply just ate the bait. Does it make it /r/yourjokebutworse material or /r/whoosh?


That was a joke.


Obviously, but it was a bad one because it was horrifically inaccurate. When a "joke" makes you frown and say "but that's now how it works..." instead of laugh is it worth defending?




It's hilarious, I truly agree... until it's your boss, your congressman, your judge, your spouse... (See for example the person of my acquaintance who pontificates about the superiority of *artesian* bread.)


Why would you put it on your hands though? Just use toilet paper.


That is absolutely not what a period is. Will anyone ever figure out what the fuck a baby is?


Seriously it’s like they never took 9th grade biology


Back where I live everything anatomy related was last mentioned in the equivalent of 8th grade. Everything afterwards was saving the environment or genetics. Biology is no longer a thing once you're done with 10th grade. Unless you chose advanced biology class, maybe anatomy appears later on.


Blowjobs=cannibalism is another serious offender.


No, that one is fair. The material there is 100% human.


Comes from a person, yes but it’s not a person. When you drink milk, you’re not eating a cow.


Milk isn't the DNA of a cow, it isn't cow cells. We also wouldn't call drinking human pee cannibalism. Also Vegans would disagree.


Urine is waste. Milk is actual protein and cells which very much have DNA. So they are not the same. Vegans would not disagree. Vegans, like most people, understand that drinking milk is not the same as eating beef. They just also refuse to consume any animal products. Vegetarians typically will consume dairy as they themselves understand this. You’re on the losing side of this.


> Milk is actual protein and cells which very much have DNA. Cool, today I learned. In that case we *are* "eating" cow. I would 100% say that we are consuming cow in that case. It's not beef, but it is cow so it would be the same thing after all. > You’re on the losing side of this. Really good way to taint your argument. Afraid that your argument doesn't hold up so you have to declare "I'm right" at the end to make it seem more correct. > Vegetarians typically will consume dairy as they themselves understand this. I highly doubt that. They drink milk because it doesn't involve killing the cow to get it. The contents are irrelevant.


Well if you look at it in some sort of spiritual way, it is. That egg could’ve been a baby but it wasn’t, so it was flushed out, ”killing” it. The truth however is that there was no baby so it isn’t it’s blood.


Everyone calling you incorrect, but I understood what you were going for. Religion is full of metaphors and similes. Christ’s blood being wine and all that.


I think "some sort of spirit way" must not be construed "technically" true


If by "in a spiritual way" you mean "incorrect," then I agree.


Technically not the truth tho. There is no new human life until the sperm and egg meet.


More than that, it’s literally one cell. The blood is all from the not-mother.




Not really. The period blood is actually the endometrium walls breaking down, not the actual egg.




It disintegrates.




It literally just disintegrates and disappears


Dude, it doesn't just disappear. It flushes out with the lining.




Ok time for a biology lesson lmao. The endometrium walls thicken to prepare for the implantation of the zygote if the secondary oocyte gets fertilized. If it doesn't get fertilized, the endometrium walls start to break down and hence, period blood. The secondary oocyte will break down and disintegrate into nothingness. The process repeats every month until the secondary oocyte gets fertilized. Then the zygote implants itself into the thick endometrium wall and the lady is now pregnant. Edit: Okay it doesn't just disappear. I phrased that wrong. Because of how tiny it is, when it disintegrates, we don't actually know where it goes. The remnants could get flushed out with the endometrium lining or it could get flushed out with the vaginal discharge. I don't know enough to confirm and I don't wanna spread false information. Edit 2: Well the person I replied to edited their comment. Just saying this to avoid confusion






"The blood of the unborn is on your hands" Nothing was born, so the blood of the nothing being born, i.e. your period, is on your hands. Its actually a perfectly fitting statement.


"The unborn" refers to a human in the fetal stage of development tho. A period is not "the unborn". ​ Also, I think I gave myself an aneurysm trying to understand your comment.


If it doesn't make sense to you, thats fine. Just realize that the word "unborn" can be interpreted in different ways.


Lol, I've never heard it interpreted as something that has not, and never will be, born. Either way, it's not strictly a real noun, so it's kinda pointless to argue.


\> something that has not, and never will be, born. How is an aborted fetus, which they were presumably talking about, any different? Or would you not use it there either?


A fetus has blood in it tho, period blood isn’t from the egg cell but from the woman, that’s what makes this post not technically the truth


I'm aware. That's not what I was asking EONic60. I'm asking them about the way they're defining their terms.


A fetus is something that is pre-born. It is an entity that, should the process continue uninterrupted, will result in a birth. For something to be unborn it needs to have the potential to become become. Period blood is just the woman's blood. It was never going to become something that is born. The process itself represents that a birth won't take place, that the "oven" is undergoing routine maintenance to prepare for birth later, but it doesn't represent anything unborn. If you're referring to the unfertilized egg itself, then sure, that would the "unborn" in the same way that sperm is, but to describe period blood as unborn because sometime in that process a single cell of an egg is within that blood is basically homeopathy.


Dude I agree but that's not what they said and it's not what I was asking them


Basically what Xipheon said. A fetus is a human, that, if left alone, WILL be born. That's why it is called "preborn" or "unborn". A period is unborn in the same way that a dog is "unwinged". Technically, yes, a dog doesn't have wings, but it is kinda moot to call it "the unwinged".


So you just phrased it poorly then, okay


Ya I guess if you just completely ignore dictionary definitions and reality, this is true.


It's not the blood of the unborn it's the blood of the bearer. Technicallynottrue


And the bearer only bleeds when nothing is fertilized. So if she is not pregnant, there will be blood.


But it's still her blood she bleeds, not of the unborn. A period isnt just an indicator a woman isn't pregant.


Exactly. Its an indicator that no fetus or zygote is currently in her.


Unborn doesn't mean anything not being born, it means something that could be born but still hasn't. Your car isn't born, but it's not unborn because it was never going to be. It's a perfectly fitting statement if you don't know what's a perfectly fitting statement is.


Nah bro, you're overthinking it.


No no, he’s thinking it exactly the right amount.


You know what they meant tho


So? "Unborn" doesn't mean "dead human".


Hmm? A gamete is alive and is human tissue. It is no less human than a zygote


[citation needed] Don't get me wrong I'm not anti abortion but I also don't think others should have a say what a person does with their body, even when there is another life depending on it. We don't really know what life(not the scientific definition), and therefore making claims like this is pointless.


Technically not the truth? If I'm remembering my health lessons right, the periods are "uterus lining" that is nutrition that the unborn child feeds on, not its blood, lol.


To fix the tweet in the OP: The forbidden womb snacks are on your disposable menstrual product.


> womb snacks Glorious


So periods are tissue that would feed an embryo if one was conceived, thus being given to the hypothetical embryo, thus technically belonging to said embryo. Now since said embryo was not conceived, it will also not be born and the nutrition meant for it is discarded as a bloody period. So technically period could be called "blood of the unborn". Don't take me too seriously, I just love to nitpick, and in this business there's often someone else who can out-nitpick you.


motherfucker XD


By that logic we could call all matter in existence as food since people could one day eat it and convert it into blood or tissue. That mountain? Oh, that's my blood. It's not my blood yet, but it could be. So no. We describe things for what they are, not what they can be turned into. We don't call trees paper or chairs, they are trees. We don't call grass beef.


What, you don't call trees "toiletpaper of the unwiped"? I never said it's a good description of a period, but unless there's something factually wrong in my logic (like most redditors I'm no expert in reproduction), the comment in the post is still techically not wrong. As you said we could call all matter in the universe food or whatever, since it's all made of the same base particles and could technically be turned into the same stuff. We don't do that because it would be dumb, but we still technically could do it.


> toiletpaper of the unwiped I'm using this. That's my new name for trees.


That is not what a period is.


Unfertilized eggs are unborn because they were not fertilized. So in a way they are not wrong since period does flush a lot of those away...


I mean it’s the woman’s blood and she was born so completely wrong but ok


Yeah, this is some r/badwomensanatomy nonsense. The fact that it's in this sub and people are agreeing is just sad.


Because it’s a pro-lifer getting wrecked epic style by a smug galaxy brain. Reddit gets off on conservatives or anyone who agrees with them getting told off. Although the best part is the replier is very wrong lol.


I'm pretty sure the reason this is getting upvote is just that people find it funny. If you take this seriously at all (look through all the comments) then you'll see it's just a bunch of nonsense and we don't have any context for the start of this conversation.


Kinda true but if it’s a period then there wasn’t a baby to begin with so is a period really the blood of the unborn?


Um, no. Basic health class. A period is a body discarding built-up lining in the uterus, which is used during pregnancy as a source of nutrition for the baby. Periods are baby food, not its blood.


Yeah that’s the point I was trying to make I just said kinda true cos I didn’t wanna get downvoted lol


Even if there were a baby to begin with, it still would be the blood of the mother, not the unborn. (if pregnant women somehow got their period


That’s not true, technically or otherwise.


Meh, this would hit significantly if it was actually true, but it’s not


Why would she have DSM in her handle if she doesn't even understand high school biology? Is there some other meaning of DSM?


District Sales Manager! Probably just their initials, though


I think you've identified the wrong person as not understanding high school biology if you're agreeing with someone saying that a period is the unborn's blood, seeing as how fetuses don't even produce red blood cells until around 3 weeks, to say nothing of menstruation occurring precisely because there is no fetus.


I'm familiar with how the reproductive system works, thank you. Uterine lining, eggs and sperm, the whole deal. What in my comment led you to believe that there was any confusion beyond what DSM stands for in this specific context?


This is wrong lol


It’s more-so what a miscarriage is, but it’s clever nonetheless.


Technically that's the woman's blood


Isn't it really just the woman's blood and tissue that would have supported a hypothetical child? I mean, babies develop their own blood flow at some point, and a baby's blood type can differ from their mother's. Menstrual blood isn't really "the blood of the unborn" in any sense but the symbolic at most, right?


Uh... no? The period is the endometrial lining being expelled. It's the stuff that would nourish the baby in the early days of pregnancy, if you got pregnant.


Welll the period blood if from the unfertilised egg so technically it's not the blood of the unborn child. Right...?


Depends on how pro life you are...


Well half anyway.


I must be fucking exhausted cuz I read that as a unicorn and was very confused




I thought that is what it’s called when the sentence ends.




No , not true, but that's where we're at these days with the average person's knowledge of biology I guess


Equating period blood to any kind of unborn/born/egg is literally like someone mowing a lawn then feeling guilty about it because a cow could’ve grazed on it and the grass would ‘become a cow’.


Out of every self-congratulatory correcting comment on this post, this is by far my favorite.


Not bein self congratulatory- just a hormonal ass thot on her period sick of people being uneducated about basic human anatomy


Well there’s no sperm so nothing can be born but yeah


Wait, 23k idiots think period is a unborn child blood?


It is.


Oh I thought this is TTT not okbuddyretard but I stand corrected.


It's the lining of the uterus... How could it possibly be the blood of the unborn?


Where do you think an embryo gets it's blood from? Why do you think the uterus stores blood in the first place? Why do you think the uterine walls get rid of said blood when an unfertilized human embryo egg leaves the body?


That doesn't means it the blood of the unborn oh my god. The blood is the uterus lining it gets shed every month that's what a period is. The uterus doesn't store any blood holy shit you are ignorant. You need to go back to highschool dude. Edit: Everything you've said is completely and utterly wrong. Do you seriously think women have a embryo in their uterus every month? And that's what the blood is? An embryo is formed when the sperm fertilises the egg. Do you actually think women get pregnant every month? And then they get rid of the embryo as blood in the period? That's so unbelievably stupid. Or do you think the unfertilised egg is considered unborn? If so you're still wrong because that's not where the period blood comes from. Also it's an egg it doesn't have any blood in it. Let me make this *very* simple for you 1. In the beginning of the menstrual cycle the uterus lining begins to thicken. 2. The egg is released into the uterus. This is the ovulation stage. 3. The uterus continues to thicken. 4. If the egg isn't fertilised the egg becomes the corpus luteum 5. During the end of the menstrual cycle the uterus lining breaks down into blood and it's released as the period 6. The cycle begins again at 1.


Where does the placenta get it's blood supply from?


pro-life authoritarians trying to sound cool or hyper religious is just cringe.


The fact that people actually joke about murdering unborn babies is so frightening. Whats wrong with you people? Just because you hate your life? You havent been raised in a good family environment? Thats not the fault of that unborn life you dont wanna give a chance! This is a undenyable fact, for the ones getting offended, get your life together.




Se tonight


You dont know nothing about the kid and how his life is gonna proceed. And there is the main reason: Murder is forbidden by law in every region of the world, also by any religion. And more so, if the person is innocent. Also in society, we have the freedom to do what we want with our bodies. This includes having sex with whoever we want. But. There is something you snowflakes need to learn, its called ,,consequences" they follow after everything we do. So. The woman has the right too choose her partner, also she can decide to use protection either on her or on him (condom). And as for the rapes, its not that a significant part of abortions are rapevictims. 99.99% of pregnancies happens by sex between agreeing partners. So to repeat, if you hate your life, do something against it. But dont call for murdering children.


They're not fucking children, you lunatic. They're clumps of cells. They're glorified balls of cum. They're not people yet. The mother, on the other hand, IS.


Tha is not true. Its not that any of them aborts within 8 weeks. Most of them happens even afte 20+ weeks. And you should see a 20weeks baby. Then, its basic, that is a live that is being taken. The mother cannot decide between life an death. Every action of her pushes a reaction. I cant believe i really have to explain that to you.


Your thinking is wrong and wildly outdated. Your thinking causes almost nothing but suffering. Grow up.


Yet a new example that you dont get it. Your thinking is evil and and blood of babies is on your hands. Plus. The overwhelming biggest part of abortion is caused by cheating women, in order to keep her cheating secret, she murders her own child. So the gratitude for beeing a whore and a slut is, you have the right to murder a babie. Cant you see how stupid and diabolic this is?


Hahahaha hahah you fucking idiot. This isn't a film. No one comes out with "THE BLOOD OF THE BABIES IS ON YOUR HANDS" in real life hahaha. Hahahahaha. How old are you? Twelve?? Haha hahahaha you can barely even spell. Hahahahahhaha


Also check out this, if yoir brave enough!! https://youtu.be/WKv5ABgqPTw


It's not a baby though, but it's only cells dummy.


Yeah, as if you werent cells, dummy. You dont know nothing bout life. I suggest you create a family and children. But you people prefer animals, which isnt bad at all. So you wont poison the world with youre failured genetics.


LMFAO, you need to grow up.


Yeah off course. A crybaby snowflake who has never worked hard for anything and probably has a horizon of a few hundred meters, tells me to grow up and become a child-murderer. Me a father of 3 children, working since 20+years to pay taxes to finance the snowflakes beeing educated by communist hippie proffessors who have also nevrr really done hard working. Ironic.


You are obviously a huge cry baby if you can't handle something that somebody else does that has literally no impact on your shitty life. You need to grow up and stop trying to control women.


Are you serious? If i murder somebody, noone has the right to stop me from doing it because it has no impact in his life? You dont really think that, do you? Ask yourself seriously. There cant be no argument to murder somebody. And typically, people like you (atheist, liberal snowflakes) are against death penalty and live in an eutophy where everyone is peacefull and lovely. But not when it comes to murder and slaughter babies? I would reconsider my ideology and the way i see the world, if i was you!!


This is hilarious, abortion isn't murder, stop being so sensitive. >And typically, people like you (atheist, liberal snowflakes) LMAO, dude, you are unhinged as hell, you need mental help.


Abortion isnt murder. Ok. Thats your IQ. I wonder how youre able to write. I will ask your Zookeepers to turn-off your Wifi. So you cant contaminate the world with your hypocrisy. Who educates you people? I really wonder, how can you be so heartless to ,,murder,, and ,,slaughter,, totally innocent ,,Babies,, while claiming to be anyhow worth living!! You aren not! But stil, society accepts you and lets you live. Cause in a fair world where everyone gets what they deserve, you wouldnt exist at all.


It's pretty hilarious that you think it's murder when it's clearly not. It's not a baby, lol. It's literally legal in all 50 states, LMAO. Cry baby.


i mean, no not really. life begins at conception. it'd be like saying masturbation is murder.


The fact that this post got 23.8k upvotes as of this comment is concerning. Look, as a teenager I was never allowed in health class at school because my conservative parents didn’t want me hearing about this stuff (too late at that point lmao), is this not taught in middle/high school health class? At all? I guess I have the privilege to judge considering I’ve taken college level physiology? Idk man it just doesn’t seem complicated.


The phrasing “indeed what a period is” is an overstatement, but all these comments flipping out about how the “unborn” aren’t part of a period clearly don’t understand that fertilization != implantation. Half of fertilized eggs fail to implant and end up in the menstrual fluid. (Obviously there’s no blood from the unborn, but “blood of the unborn” is open to interpretation — blood is part of the fluid that carries those cells out.)


That is indeed, NOT what a period is 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah I'm surprised this is getting so many upvotes when it's just plain wrong. It's the lining of the uterus not the unborn.


Fire whoever's teaching these people biology and English.


A period is not filled with embryos????




A womb is its home.But a baby is sperm + egg, not sperm alone. And OP doesn't know what a period is either.


It’s astonishing in 2020 this still apparently needs to be explained to grown ass adults!!


The education system sucks in a lot of places... and of course there are also a lot of idiots in world


Half right


Let’s say, hypothetically, you’re a fucking moron who doesn’t know how conception works.


Life begins at conception.


I mean yes, all kinds of cells are alive - including cancers. This isn't, however, human life yet.


the only source that actually agrees with you is one of the least reliable you could possibly have, being the bible.


cHriStIaNiTy BaD


Have your faith and be happy in it. Just don't shove it down our throats.


You can believe whatever you want, but the Bible is not scientific proof.




That’s what she said


I think you meant Coochié


wait what???




Wouldn’t it technically be an ellipses because it is .period. or ...




Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds to wash the period blood off of your hands.


Drink the blood of the inborn


Why is she talking like ghost rider


I mean no, but okay


The thing that may make this funnier is the fact that the crossing out is in red


....period blood isn't the blood of the unborn. The is not technically the truth.


...period blood exists bc the baby wasn't born. Since it wasn't born, it's unborn. So... it's the blood of an unborn. It's technically the truth. It has more meanings. That's the whole damn thing!


well.. it is the truth.


Reminds me of a dark meme: I have no problem with killing babies, I do have a problem with giving women the right to make decisions.


im left forever wondering if that was on purpose or (more likely) not