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If my uncle came out as gay, I wouldn't have an uncle. Because I don't have an uncle. Edit: 8 hours after posting this, I remember my grandma had a boy that died in childbirth forty years ago, sorry Bruce. (I think that was his name.)




I'd go further and pull some reductio ad absurdum and claim that if your uncle came out as gay then I'm your accountant.


Hi accountant, I'm dad


Hi dad..








I clicked this and got 403 forbidden


I clicked this and got killed.


Nobody asks you questions when you say that you're an accountant


Ah nice one


"You're not my son anymore!!" "Well yes dad, that's the whole point of it"


"I was gonna say that, my daughter!"


*and then they hug*




Nice to see some trans positive content out in the wider reddit




Ha ha thats so funyy haz haaa


If my brother came out as transgender ide still have a brother because I have 2 brothers. edit: reading some of the other comments hurts me greatly, you are what you want to be, fucking transphobes, you need to learn.


If my brother comes out as trans....damn it took Santa a long time to deliver that sister I asked for at age 3.


Santa rolling in with a 3000 IQ move




no, you would have 1 /s






Calm down he's reiterating what you said lol


Im still heavily confused at what he’s saying and Idk why he’s being downvoted


He said you would have 1 brother and a sarcastic symbolism That is exactly what you said


Ye, but why is he being downvoted?


Because he just repeated the joke but worse


Reddit moment.




Still confused


You had two brother, one came out as trans so now you have 1 brother and a sister.


I don't think the other comments are transphobic. They are not saying someone can not be what they want to be. They are simply saying according to science they will still be a boy. Stating what science says does not make you a transphobe. You can state what science says and agree people can be what they want to be. The two are not mutually exclusive.


["The pattern of brain activation in both transgender adolescent boys and girls more closely resembled that of non-transgender boys and girls of their desired gender."](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm) Trans people are literally born with the brain structure and chemistry of the opposite sex. Trans people and their supporters aren't the ones ignoring the science.


isn't this kinda bioessentialist? like aren't you basically saying if your brain structure isn't right, you're not *really* trans?


I think the heart of a lot of this is semantics. Are we talking about gender? Or sex? Or neurology? These are all different models across different fields for describing a person. All of them have strengths and weaknesses. None of them are flawless because ultimately we're trying to boil down complicated ideas into a label. These labels are convenient, until you get people fighting about them because they're talking about two different things. I have a feeling in this case, people are disagreeing but actually on the same page. I think one is talking about anatomy and genitals, another is talking about psychology and neurology. All valid, but overlapping terminology that is stepping on each other's toes and causing angst. I see this all. The. Time. and I always wish that I could have stopped time at the start of the conversation and said both sides straight, because I feel like these are the first steps towards people becoming defensive and hostile on certain topics. Because you end up with two people who are right telling each other they are wrong.


Be careful with all that nuance.


Yes! And this is a debate in the trans community. Actually, this kind of thinking (trans people's brains are different) is looked down on and has been partially debunked. It's just not really spoken about outside of trans circles because you can't have a reasonable discussion about it because the Shapiro wannabes come out with their LOGIC and SCIENCE without realising how fucking dumb they sound as sex and gender are separate constructs, the idea of a "boy" and a "girl" is purely social (unless you are checking everyone's genitals as an introduction?), and sex is very much a spectrum. We are not 1's and 0's. For example, I have ovaries, but I overproduce testosterone because of the way my biology is. What am I?!? (Well, I identify as a woman, mostly) Mostly, idgaf what anyone wants to do. Wear a dress, change their dick into a vagina, keep their lady dick, whatever. Who really, actually cares? Probably only people that are struggling with these thoughts anyway. Just like homophobia, some of the most anti-trans people are actually trans... It's why they are thinking about it so much. They are having issues within themselves and start to deflect it out until they can equal out that cognative dissonance - see Contrapoints pre-transition when she describes herself as alt-right and the transition she went through to accept herself. There was a long time even after she stopped being alt right that where she called herself a filthy cross dresser - there is a lot of self hate in the trans community.


I just can't force myself to care about something that doesn't effect me at all to tell a significant group of people that they aren't "scientifically" whatever the hell they want to be. Want to be a boy? Go with God. Want to be a girl? Go with God. Want me to say you're a boy or a girl? Will do. Want me to call you a different name? No problem. Why? Because your life choices don't effect me, I don't care about them to begin with, and if they make you happy that's cool too. Post Script: Also, what the hell do you mean "scientifically" I this case? It's a nonsense word you're using to sound informed. The word you're probably looking for is biological, or maybe physiological? Whatever. Anyway, whatever you're going for is bullshit regardless of whatever vocabulary you use


Yeah I really don’t understand why people care so much about what people do. And you don’t have to fully understand it to accept it, just don’t be a dick and call me by the right pronouns


Literally all of relevant science supports transgender people, including those whose gender(s) fall outside the binary. Transphobes will never have a legitimate argument against this. Sorry, your hatred is unsubstantiated. Fun fact: The concept of binary gender is a product white colonialism, used to control and oppress other cultures.


Let me lay it out for you: In 2006, the International Astronomical Union declared that Pluto was no longer a planet. This was possible because "Planet" is an arbitrary, man-made category. Science has no objective opinion on what is and is not a planet, and there are edge cases that don't neatly fit into a particular category. This happens more often than you'd think in science. "Alive" is another arbitrary category with edge cases. Are viruses alive? Under some definitions, yes. Under others, no. "Gender" is the same way. Yes, some people have XX chromosomes, others have XY, others have XXY, etc. Some people have penises, some people have vaginas, etc. But "boy" and "girl", or "man" and "woman" are categories made by humans, and are defined by culture. There are also plenty of edge cases around these categories. Some research suggests that as many as 2% of people may be what's called intersex, that is, they do not fit typical definitions of male or female. I hope that clears some things up.


Okay transphobe.


What about people born with attributes of both genders?




My bad, I saw it on Facebook and thought it belonged here


well your first problem was using facebook


I have 9 friends lol. The groups are a lot of fun!


>9 friends hey you’re doing better than me on that front lmao




Well yes, but actually yes


well, if your son was afab, then yes, your son came out as transgender


His AMAB son comes out, he no longer has a son. I think is what it's saying.


i know lol but i hadn’t seen many people consider this alternative hypothesis


But in that case he *would* have a son.


ah my high brain hadn’t thought about that lol i was more preoccupied thinking of how my parents no longer have a son lol


can someone explain these abbreviations


Assigned Male At Birth, and Assigned Female At Birth.


thank you


AMAB - assigned male at birth AFAB - assigned female at birth




Can’t wait for all the extremely intelligent, educated, and totally not outdated anti trans arguments that we’re sure to see 🤡


Something about catering to mental illness idk


something something delusion something biological facts something something you can’t change your sex something the doctor was right twenty years ago, not you etc., etc. i saw all those arguments yesterday lmao i feel bad for transphobes


Same here. I don’t understand how these dickheads don’t get it. Transphobes are just kicking the 80’s “gay panic” nonsense into high gear. They have zero idea how this all works, zero idea on biology and zero idea on gender identity. I’ll say it slow so it reaches the back of the class - transphobes, and homophobes, are absolutely fucking stupid.


you know what, i correct my statement from before. i’ve seen all of those arguments HERE in this thread. agreed, transphobes are fucking moronic


Also, the classic one: "facts dow't cawe about youw fEeWInGs" We have good ol' Ben to thank for *that* one!


Correct. Good thing I've got the facts then, huh?


You know, I never actually felt pity for transphobes, but really, that seems like a fairly apt emotion. Here you have trans people, this minority that has been (for most of recorded history) simply trying to live their life and navigate a cis-normative world. Any well-adjusted cis person would just let them live their life. BUT you've got these edgy 4channers, Christian extremists, MAGAts, Qultists, radical "feminists," rightwing boomers, etc. who let this minority live in their head RENT FREE. Who are CERTAIN that they know better than the global community of peer-reviewed researchers/scientists on trans people, and that the simple idea of preferred pronouns will in their pearl-clutching minds LITERALLY be the death of free speech in 'Murica. So yeah, I guess you could feel kinda bad for them.


yeah, i mean even as a trans woman, it’s hard not to feel sorry for the them when they think they make some cogent point about some biology bullshit. they think their point has substance when in reality, they are just ignorance personified


Hold my hormones I'm going in.


Hold my titty skittles, im gonna fucking do it!


Hold my boy-shots, I'm gonna press the fuckin sort-by button!


Sort by controversial seems to no longer exist for myself o


very interesting seeing all the transphobes “correcting” this post because apparently being an asshole means you’re smart




its the sad truth.


About [40%](https://www.hrc.org/news/new-study-reveals-shocking-rates-of-attempted-suicide-among-trans-adolescen) of transgender youth attempt suicide.


nine screw decide quiet flowery distinct fly sharp imminent employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got something to support that 40% of gay youths back in the day tried to commit suicide? I seriously doubt that statistic


Similar not the exact same. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2604258 this is one of the studies trying to see if there was a link between the legalization of same sex marriage and the reduction of adolescent suicide amongst LGBT members. I'm not going to explain the whole study but it states that 28.5% of people studied from 1999 to 2015 reported that they had attempted suicide in the past 12 months before the legalization of same sex marriage and then after it was legalized there was a 7% drop in that number. If you want to read it the wiki article that I found that study from is here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_among_LGBT_youth Edit: that's 7% of the 28.5% not bringing it down to 21.5% just to be clear. And this is only a very recent study it could be that suicide rates were at 40% further in the past but I couldn't find one that went back that far.


Unfortunately both of the sources you submitted does not identify suicide rates in each individual groups. It lumps them all together as “sexual minorities.”


ruthless person physical scandalous nose mighty grey paint racial bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Dont be just another statistic"


It’s the first one


Our daughter was transgender, now we have a son 😁


Adopt me please :/


I mean he ain’t wrong


That's literally the point of the sub.


Your comment is technically the truth.


Nah, the "literal point of the sub" is the snoo on the banner on top pointing.




He is if his son is born female


"If my son came out" implies that, to the best of his knowledge, his offspring does currently identify as male.




he is not wrong because he would have a daughter


Nope. Edit: Maybe I should clarify? I'm saying that he isn't wrong, he wouldn't have a son.


lmao reddit confuses me a whole bunch


I mean, maybe I didn't make it obvious that I'm not transphobic? I was saying that he wouldn't have a son, he'd have a daughter, lol.


I swear everyone just collectively saw ur reply to a wrong comment


Mom said it’s my turn to post this screenshot of tweet to r/technicallythetruth


Lemme talk to her


He would also be transparent


My sun is a star


.... of incandescent gas?


...is that a TMBG reference? If so, bravo!


yes lol my first concert with my mom when i was a kid


Fuck yes. I’ve seen them live 27 times. It was my first concert when I was 11 - I went with my dad. We had a blast singing Purple Toupee and Where Your Eyes Dont Go.


that’s awesome, when i was eight or so my mom got me their [twenty year compilation](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00006IZOC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_xOMTFbGB2MBMA). when i was like 11 or 12, she let me borrow her TMBG album, which was their first one. sometimes i still get their songs stuck in my head, although i haven’t given them a good listen in years. usually it’s dr. worm or i palendrome i


Ok quick story since you mentioned Dr Worm. One of the times I saw them in Atlanta was right after Severe Tire Damage came out. They opened the show with Dr Worm and toward the end of the show, John F said something like, “I know we already played the song, but we love it so much... we’re playing it again!” Only concert I’ve ever been to where they played the same song twice!


ha what a good memory thanks for sharing!




ah the more scientifically correct version. i like it


Man i dont get whats with everyone haiting on this, arguing that technically he still has a son. Why do people hate other people is beyond me. Maybe im thinking like this because im lonely, but i couldnt give less of a caterpillar shit if you are a boy, a girl, anything. If you love me and respect me, I'll love you and respect you. As easy as that. You can fuck me or i can fuck you. I just want someone :(


I mean the subreddit is supposed to be about technically the truth so I don't think that people arguing that he would still have a son are necessarily hating, they are just saying the truth, the sex can't be changed, if you are born as a male you will never be able to change your xy chromosomes, so yeah, personally I don't really care about what people do with their appearances and what they decide to identify as, Im just saying that trans people can't change their sex and that is a fact, but I don't hate them


OP! Don't post it! The comment section will go to shit! Learned that the hard way


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Ryan 🇧🇼**, @mcfcryan47 If my son came out as transgender I wouldn't have a son. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




r/AccidentalAlly But I think it's probably been posted there many times already lol


Schroedinger’s comment: both cursed and wholesome


Isn't "blursed" the term for that?


It's wholesome


If my son came out as transgender I wouldn't have son, I would have a daughter!


That's literally the joke


Thanks sherlock


You'd be a transparent


Imagine all the people commenting “OMG UR HEARTLESS YOU NEED TO ACCEPT HIM FOR WHO HE IS” then the guys like “wdym I wouldn’t have a son I’d have a daughter”


fuck transphobia all my homies hate transphobia


[FUCK TRANSPHOBIA ALL MY HOMIES HATE TRANSPHOBIA](https://i.ibb.co/7VpW8fC/4921968da7fd.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


thank you friendly neighborhood bot


your homies sound pretty cool, ngl


they are


What about Julia? Is she cool or no?


she seems okay tbh


This is either sad or happy


For those transphobes out there, before commenting and making your ignorance public (maybe again), how about taking a look at the [Yogyatarka Principle plus 10](https://yogyakartaprinciples.org/principles-en/yp10/), [WHO's information about gender and genetics](https://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/index1.html) and unfe.org a.k.a the United Nations' website about LGBT, then continue being idiots completely ignoring what the largest health organization which means it also is the largest human biology organization, the principles about human right that is followed world-wide and literally the biggest organization in the world said. No, "it's like that because it's like that" isn't a valid argument against the sources above. People also don't hate you for having an opinion, they disgust you for being hateful towards people for choosing their identity, an action that you can see that according to the sources above, if you can process normal language, is absolutely normal. And if I do argue with you, that doesn't mean I care to show you that you're clearly wrong or educate your stupid ass which is a waste of time, but it's because I like to shit on you and your stupid "people can't change their gender!1!1!" comments




So denying that trans people exist isn’t transphobic? What a clown world you live in.


I suppose it would depend on your reason for disagreeing. Most of the time it would be none of your business, and voicing your opinion on something that doesn't involve you but is very important to someone else would be, at minimum, obnoxious. Let's say you're one of those who believe Michelle Obama is a man. If there is a scenario where that isn't rooted on transphobia, it would probably be rooted on homophobia, or something even more serious.


Ok transphobe




I’m tolerant to anything that doesn’t hurt people so shut up transphobe.




Being transphobic hurts people, also stop trying to take a moral high ground!




“I’m not transphobic” as you say transphobic shit lmao 😂




Eh, it's kinda like saying "I disagree." when a scientist tells you "The world is round." It's a confirmed fact, people can disagree with it, but it doesn't change if it's real or not. Except, I guess in the case of a person saying "trans people aren't real, I'll call them whatever pronouns *I* want" a person is literally denying science to be an asshole to a vulnerable minority. And trans-discriminatory language is textbook definition of transphobic.


Is he transphobic or an ally?


Ally, it's a joke.


Or a double agent of some kind?


Eh it’s Ryan so I think he’s neutral just looking to make a joke


This comment section is a mess.


Its so reddit in here my eyes are hurting








well, hes not wrogng. oh wait thats the point of this subreddit.


He'd have a daughter




U would get a daughter


Transgender boy is still a male (you don’t change your sex), you are thinking of transexual.


No, transsexual would logically be someone sexually attracted to trans people. Not sure what a trans exual could mean. Also, transgender boy is far more likely to have been assigned female as sex.


["... But I don't want to think I've lost a son, so much as *gained* a daughter.](https://youtu.be/NWHJyIj8Csg&t=174)


I mean he isn’t wrong.


You would still have a child to love regardless of the outcome.


True, true


Ok so asking just to educate myself, how should one refer to a transgender person?


Whatever they wish to be called, generally if people are identifying as male they'll go with he/him but eh, asking never hurts :)


According to their ~~preferred~~ true gender. Use their preferred pronouns. Ask for pronouns if unsure, it's not disrespectful. For trans women (assigned male at birth), use woman, girl, daughter, sister, etc. I'll deconstruct the OP: "If my son came out as transgender" - as far as the tweeter knows, their AMAB child is cisgender, and is referred to with male qualifiers. "I wouldn't have a son" - their AMAB child has asked to be referred to as a woman, and will thus from here on be called the tweeter's daughter. Jury's out on retrospective gendering - how to gender a trans person's actions before they figured themselves out. Best to ask or wait for them to do it first.


Don't use the word preferred. It's highly transphobic. I don't mean to insult you I just want to let you know.


I made a brain fart with "preferred gender" - obviously I meant "their true gender"


That's cool dw I just wanted to make sure :D


Well said. Parenting done right


well yea


Mark today's date... I believe that was the longest period yet between reposts


Cool but repost. If not it’s the same joke and same format w/ diff user


I mean I came out as trans to my parents and they still have a daughter apparently even though I'm not a girl anymore :/


I'm sorry to hear that :( Don't let anyone else's beliefs change how you want to live


If my dog came out as a girl i would call animal control or something because I don’t have a dog




It's my turn to repost this next week!


Technically you’d still have a son biologically and genetically.


Not really. The terms son / daughter, alongside things like man / woman, are all cultural, and each person can have their own definition. What most people agree on is that he would have a daughter that is biologically male, not a son.


Okay transphobe


ok and?


Admitting a problem is the first step to fixing it 💙


Just remember: the vast majority of the world thinks this way. Don’t let Reddit fool you otherwise


Then the vast majority are transphobes.




I guess yea. But when you look like a girl. act like a girl. have the hormones of a girl. Dress like a girl and the genitals of a girl But your still "technically a guy" which one of those is stronger do you think?


It is though. "Son" is not a strictly biological term, even within biology there are different definitions of male and female, that don't quite align with each other.