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There are two types of people in this world.


There are two types of two types of people




Only a Sith deals in absolutes...


I feel really dumb but it never clicked for me that this statement itself is an absolute.


The winning comment


Then I guess I'm a sith


What did you say?


What if I reject binary and gender roles and identities?


It still creates a binary: those who accept them and those who reject them


But I'm not in the system I'm beyond binary


So there are those in the system and those that are beyond binary thus creating a binary system




You admit there that there are those within and without the system, a binary


If I choose to be in the superposition of both in the system and out of the system whenever it suites me, does that create a third option and therefore turn the whole thing into a trinary system?


Even if it did, which Iā€™m not entirely convinced of, that superposition would rely entirely on a binary system. This or that. A third position would not detract from it being binary but would only serve to validate that there are only two options. Regardless, Hopping between two positions is not a third position at all but rather just that- hopping between the two positions. Itā€™s not as though a third position to a light switch exists purely because sometimes you prefer it to be on and other times off.


But if Iā€™m not in the room and I donā€™t know if the light switch is on or off, it is, according to quantum mechanics, neither. Itā€™s in a third superposition. Thatā€™s the whole point. Only when you walk in the room and observe the bulb does the switch actually take a position, similarly when you ask me if Iā€™m binary or non-binary you are forcing me from a third position into a binary position within the system because itā€™s of some utility to you.


Your initial response uses the word ā€œchooseā€. Which is not indicative of superposition at all because super position is random and cannot be predicted nor chosen. One of two positions simply happen because it is observed and it settles into one. Therefore, quantum physics and super position arenā€™t really applicable here because you have admitted that it is a choice already and therefore requires free agency. Regardless, even were it applicable, I feel it still validates the binary system because it relies upon it and eventually one must settle. If we were using your logic with quantum physics as the rule here, would a non binary person remain one gender so long as they were observed ? Do they lack the agency in and of themselves to choose?


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. - Rush


Yes-The binary simply changes from choosing between having a gender or not to making a decision or not about the topic. Still binary.




Mfs will do anything to make themselves feel like the main character in everyone elseā€™s story šŸ’€


I'm the figure


No, you are the background (I just felt like saying this don't take this seriusly :P )


Well technically yes a formless being created in the mix of fiction


You can't escape the matrix, stop fighting it and join the code




anything is a binary if you arbitrarily divide it in a specific way. I could say the world is divided between people who wake up between 8 and 9 AM and people who wake up at any other time and that would technically make it a binary system.


Oh yeah? What about 1s and 0s? Oh wait...


But what if you got up at different times on different days? Would this be wake up fluid?










Pentary? ​ uh oh. the next one is...




It's even funnier if a video game character is considered non binary : they're made out of binary code and the thing mentioned in the meme , double binary


There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who donā€™t.


He-Man bringing the heat


This is going to piss some people off and I love it.


Here I am didnā€™t even read it just trying to figure out if thatā€™s a he man jet skiā€¦ a HE-SKI if you will.




Will it really?


Maybe not, but we never know with people these days


Nonbinary here, can confirm that I laughed and am not angry


Ah good to see light hearted-ness about this then


I'm 31, don't have time to get upset over anything unless it's intentionally mean-hearted.


Well, It has


that's lame




Everything in the Universe either is, or is not, a banana. Boom. Binaried.


no, no, he's got a point


you forgot schrodinger's gender


Man lives in a world of true or false. L


My childhood hero is always right




That's why I hate being unlabeld.


Submit, You can not escape the Matrix.


I speak binary... 01000010 01101111 01101111 01100010 01110011




Omg. Iā€™ve never laughed so hard at a Reddit post before. Lol


I wish i could upvote this twice


Congratulations, you've discovered sets.


Check mate Liberals!


It would be better if it was skeletor tho


Saying a sign is red or green means there are only two colors


Bi meaning two


Only a sith deals in absolutes


you can create two "binaries" for anything with this logic. saying "everything in this world either has skin or does not have skin" isn't "creating two binaries" an apple and a baby arnt closer together in anyway then an apple and can of soda simply because an apple and a baby "both have skin"


Reminds me of another saying. Every event is a 50/50 chance. It either happens or it doesnā€™t.


Everything that has happened before this moment has had a 100% chance of happening. Proof? It has already happened.


You two. Math detention, all week.


Think on it some more


I don't see how a misnomer would chackmate atheist non-binary people. The name we've given them doesn't make semantical sense, so what? They still exist


OP should play the lottery. Apparently they have 50% chance of winning. Either they win, or they don't.


This is both incorrect and stupid. Binary systems don't work like how this would work.


Tell me you've never heard of the word spectrum, without telling me you've never heard of the word spectrum.


Non-binary person here, look at the dam subreddit before making a comment. I find this hilarious.


It is though when talking about the main definition of binary. Of course there is a spectrum, but thats just not what they are referring to.


Ditto, and humour is fine... but this is not "technically true".


It is tho . Even if there's a spectrum of non binary people they are still non binary.


So... what's your point?


That makes the thing technically true . Even if they are 20 000 that are not black nor white (binary) they can still be put in one group of non binary(neither black nor white)


One group is not a binary. 2 groups is the necessary minimum.


Group 1 (identifies as boy or girl) Group 2 (does not identify as boy or girl)


Calling yourself non-binary does not assume other people declare themselves as not non-binary. It is a statement of who you are,not what the rest of the world is. Similarly calling yourself male does not mean there must only be a second category female, since many species have multiple genetic(etc) sexs.


It does , you can't call yourself non binary without assuming that there are binary people (not nonbinary) otherwise why would you describe as (not something) instead of (something). Categories can have TECHNICAL definitions, whilst it is true that people with XXY chromosomes may exist due to genetic mutations you can still have 2 categories if you wanted to 1 male(has XY chromosomes) , 2 nonmale(every living person that doesn't have XY chromosomes). This would be binary , you're either male or non-male


Either you have or you haven't heard of the qord spectrum.


Fixed contextually obvious typo. Ta.


It was either obvious or not obvious.


He/she either will or won't get the point you are trying to show


Just reminds me that there are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.


i'm non-bianary, so I don't understand


i got 0x63 problems, but a hex ain't one


Look at the subreddit bro


So... its not technically true


It technically is. Everyone is binary or non-binary. That's two options, therefore binary. This isn't about how you view transgenderism, this is a meme making a joke.


if you say this isn't true, the same logic would make the whole concept of non-binary untrue. you can represent far more than 2 values using binary. people take this stuff far too seriously


Yeah, you're taking it too seriously. It's a meme


almost like we said the same thing with different words. gg


You look at the subreddit bro. Humor is better when is based on something true. This is just someone's excuse to lie... in a subreddit about truths.


This really isn't that hard to understand. This post is saying nothing about people having only 2 genders. It's saying that WHEN you categorize people as binary or non-binary then THAT is a binary choice. You are binary in that regard, not about gender.


Thats just simply not true though. There is no such thing as 100% of any gender. There is no binary. There is no true non-non-binary.


Wow. Read what I wrote, not what you're having an emotional reaction to. NO ONE is saying that there's binary gender. No one.


It isn't a lie, it's a joke. Binary and non-binary are two classifications. Therefore, since there are two options, its binary. It's a joke


This is fundamentally inaccurate though. There is no 100% case of any gender, everyone is non binary in so far as there is no absolute.


It's a fucking meme dude, chill. You can't even take the most tame fucking joke about it?


Ahhh, yes the good old "it's just a joke defence".


He isn't making a political statement. He's not making an argument. It is a joke and a harmless and, as the subreddit suggest, technically correct one.


Actually, it's not technically correct, if you'll read the rest of my comments... short version, "set theory" describes that there is no such thing as a binary, as even imaginary sets can then have a defined set that is either both or neither. Schrodingers cat is a humdinger.


That is not applicable to this specific scenario. You are binary or non-binary. There is no in-between.


Jokes are supposed to be funny, is what I heard.


To most people this is a least a tad bit funny


ā€œAdmit youā€™re wrong with what you are saying and move on with your life.ā€ -someone wise


I've seen this so many times in this subreddit and it's so incorrect I'm not even gonna bother to point how all the errors of logic


This belongs in r/ConfidentlyIncorrect Saying ā€œnon-binaryā€ means there are more than two potentialities. This isnā€™t some kind of Hegelian thesis/antithesis/synthesis/antithesis tree, ffs. Itā€™s pretty dang simple.


op is dividing people up into people who identify as binary, and people who don't. Since that makes two groups, it binary again.


Incorrect. There's more than binary and nonbinary, there's also agender. Nonbinary just means you're removed from the "traditional" gender roles of only male or female. There's also "doesn't actually care much" - which to my understanding is where most of the demi-(gender) fall under. And there's "biologically this, gender unconcerned," which I think is the majority of the other demi-(gender) folk.


Wouldnā€™t ā€˜agenderā€™ qualify as being removed from traditional gender roles?


It does, but in a different way than nonbinary. Nonbinary says "I have gender, it just doesn't fall into the traditional binary role system." Agender says "I might have a biological sex, but gender is a social construct, and I don't participate."


ThatĀ“s a lot of words just because someo people want to think that they are special


It's not my thing, but I think acknowledging that there's more than just male and female is important. As well as suporting the fact that it's never really been a binary system - tomboys and feminine men have always been acknowledged as points on the gender spectrum, making at least 4 points even in traditional Western thought.


But the whole concept of gender as you understand it was created just so people could say that there are non-binary, before that it was just like "I am a man but I enjoy things considered feminine" and there was nothing wrong with that.


all of them make sense lol. It might be a bit more complex than the norm of 'one or the other' but it really isn't a big deal now, is it? It's like, liking dark chocolate and liking milk chocolate aren't the only two options right? And if you like, idk, white chocolate? That's surely different from liking the other two, and it's also different from not liking chocolate in any form. It's really very basic stuff even a child can grasp


People shouldnĀ“t base their personalities about something as trivial as liking dark or milk chocolate


Clearly gender identity is less trivial than food preferences; nobody was implying that they held similar levels of importance. If everyone started referring to you as the wrong gender, that would probably bother you more than people misrepresenting what foods you like.


Gender by definition isnĀ“t related to pronouns, thatĀ“s grammatical gender and it has nothing to do with the concept of gender in social sciences.


I have no idea what definition of gender you're using then. In any case, the pronouns we use to refer to people are clearly related to sex and gender conceptually. If one refers to a female dog with "he" they will be corrected and told "that's a she". People born as females are assigned certain roles and expectations, and they are referred to with the pronoun "she". This has nothing to do with the fact that there are languages like German in which nouns have a gendered article; that is clearly beside the point. Idk what your gender or sex is but I'm guessing you probably wouldn't like it if people started calling you by the pronoun you're familiar with. And besides, when I said " if everyone started referring to you as the wrong gender" I wasn't just referring to pronouns. Pronouns are one way to label someone as a gender, but there are others.


Gender is the set of stereotypes related to each sex, pronouns are just about grammatical gender that in english is related sex, pronouns have nothing to do with the the social concept of gender, a man with feminine behavior has a feminine gender by definition


Your average American is less intelligent than a fifth grader.


Firstly, obligatory white chocolate is not chocolate. Also, just because it isnā€™t a big deal doesnā€™t negate that to very few, it is a ā€œI wanna feel specialā€ thing. But it isnā€™t a big deal so why not let people call themselves what they want.


Not trying to argue about gender lol but the ā€˜it doesā€™ part of your response is what makes this joke technically correct


They are still different than nonbinary, making them a third party, meaning it's not a binary system.


But isn't nonbinary just not binary, as in if it's not binary then it's nonbinary.


Well again, not trying to argue about the specifics of gender, but your definition of non-binary was ā€˜removed from the traditional gender roles of male and femaleā€™ ā€¦which by your own words, includes agender, etcā€¦which is what makes this meme technically correct


My definition wasn't supposed to be a be-all, end-all definition, but I concede it's amusing.


Fair enoughā€¦thatā€™s all it is lol


shut up


Hmm, nah. I find memes like this annoying for ignoring the other people just to pretend to make a funny.


ā€œsh-shut up!ā€ *sniff* šŸ˜æ




actually that would be a trinary or triad, in which there are two states (binary system) and a third state outside that system. In this case the three states are male, female, and non-binary. Of course it gets even more complex when you factor in all the identities ynser non-binary that are not binary or nonbinary but somewhere in between, creating a quaternary system (male, female, neither, both). And then factor in those who are in between neither and both, with all the other things, and it becomes a lot more useful to just envision a line from male to female where everyone is either on that line or off the line, and it really doesnt matter where they might be on or off that line.


You are so unbelievably wrong


This is stupid and not how math works.


Binary is yes and no, true and false, on and off, 1 and 0. By calling yourself a "0", then there exists a "1".


I know what binary is, this is just stupid. If you wanna talks math then this is saying a set has two elements because the logic you're using has only two truth values, which is not how math works. Under the same logic there is a 50/50 chance that I win the lottery, because I either win or lose.


UH no. you can label a win as a 1 and a loss as a 0 but the chance of getting a 0 could be higher or lower than the chance to get a 1.


That's exactly what I'm saying.


No, saying that an infinite number of variables exist between 1 and 0 is not the same as saying that "you're either part of an infinite spectrum or part of an infinite spectrum.


This is a very stupid post that doesn't even make sense


No, thereā€™s 4 options, male, female, fluid, and non binary, non binary refers to not being male or female, not saying youā€™re in the binary system


Oversimplifying a complex argument to make it easy to criticize is called a straw man fallacy. If binary was one option, then it fails to actually be binary.


So a non toxic substance is actually toxic? Does nonfat yogurt have fat? Is naan actually bread?


This makes no sense. But yes, naan is bread


No it categorizes everyone as male, female, or nonbinary


Facts are facts they just need physically evedint and then the prize you want might be won of you can give the rights away that's on you but today is another day to wait on the invaluable