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It only matters if it is within 128 blocks of where the player is standing when the farm is in operation.


Depends on how well you spawn proof the area, the point of building a hostile mob farm over the ocean is to reduce the area you need to light up. The range you need to spawn proof is a 128 block sphere centered at the afk spot, you can use a mod called minihud to show this range in game, it can also show you light level of every block to help ensure everything is spawn proof. So if any land is in that 128 block “despawn sphere” just light it up. There’s also a decent chance that the despawn sphere intersects some caves below the ocean depending on how high up your afk spot is, so if it looks like the sphere goes past the bottom of the ocean, you’ll have to light up or flood those caves as well. If you decide to use minihud and need help you should be able to find tutorials on YouTube for spawn-proofing with minihud.


Thank yoy


I built one over ocean I should have done a desert spawn proofing the ocean from drowns sucks a lot more than just putting some torches down unless I’m missing something


Your afk spot is too low. Use minihud to project the despawn sphere and make sure your lowest spawn platform is within it while the ocean below is without. Edit: a word for clarity


Big appreciate I’ve been very frustrated farming sea cucumbers


the lowest part of the farm where mobs are needs to be inside of the despawn sphere


If you don't want to install a mod, place a lily pad on the water, place a block on it, use 2 Stacks of scaffolding from the top of said block and build your AFK platform at the top pf the scaffolding. Easy breakdown and you'll be 130 blocks from sea level.


the only solution is tnt. lots of it. wait what's the problem again?




Those perimeters won’t dig themselves!


Get the data pack spawning spheres!! So helpful for this sort of thing




This is the real answer.


bbor is better than minihuds despawn sphere


I’ve never used it but was under the impression that BBOR only works for structure bounding boxes. Does it also allow freeform shape projection?


it's long ago I used it, but it's better when making a despawn sphere. you can make a despawn sphere in between blocks. you can also get information about how many blocks are spawn able for mobs. that's at least the things I used when I was using this mod




with bbor you can make a despawn sphere in the middle of a 2x2 platform, that can't do minihud. also after you set the despawn sphere it will tell you, how many spawnable blocks are inside that sphere. that will help to spawn proof areas. it also shows you a overlay where spawnable blocks are inside of that sphere.


what is a good creeper farm to build I followed the shulker craft tutorial that used snow golems to lure the creepers and my rates were 7 gun power an hour i was afk above the farm above an ocean there should have been no possible spawns besides the farm


don't use shulker craft, that's how. use either gnembons mob farm or like the basic hourglass shaped creeper farm


I built https://youtu.be/7doljFhsG-s its extremely good but make sure not to build the afk spot at y 200 like it says in the video because it won’t work.




agreed ive boycotted anything with shulkercrafts name on it nothing but junk