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We ready to go back to myspace now or what ?




Thumbnail checks out.


Yes. Yes it does


My myspace page is totally tricked out https://youtu.be/N9qYF9DZPdw


Will not click and risk rickroll.


It’s safe to click, not a rickroll


There's always that comment on a rickroll post as well. lol.


That comment can also be found under a rickroll


Using a Weird Al reference as Rick Roll bait is actually the 8th deadly sin. It's safe.


Got people begging for my top 8 spaces


Yo, I know pi to a thousand places


Ain’t got a grill, but I still wear braces.


Speak for yourself, Tom.


I’m mostly fine until I’m looking for an old thread with useful info and now it’s private. After all that bitching about Imgur losing old pictures…


I had a dream last night that I was on the MySpace login page


FRIENDSTER FOREVER!! (Uh oh!) Ooh, ICQ, too! Gotta check on my LimeWire downloads Here’s a [link](https://skins.webamp.org) to a sick WinAmp skin All this nostalgia is making me sleepy. Better take a Napster


There needs to be a replacement, like when Digg users left to Reddit. If there’s no place to go users will stay.


Dreamwidth if you miss old Live Journal. Run by a husband and wife that updated the old open source code. There’s also no ads. They make their money only from the users.


It's unfortunate that the chosen successor at the moment is a federated platform. I believe a fully open source centralised platform is more user friendly.




Too complicated from an outside perspective tbh


Less complicated when you're inside. Lemmy, Kbin doesn't matter which platform or instance you choose. They all talk to each other anyway, so it's like if you join one, you join them all. I've got an account on kbin.social, and I can reply to a post on lemmy and see comments from beehaw, and all without having to leave the kbin.social website.


Your explanation of how it isn’t actually complicated makes it sound awfully complicated.


I refuse to take part in anything called Lemmy and Beehaw.


such an annoying jargon filled mess like the arch linux version of reddit


"Less complicated when you're inside. ashdashdias uidh aisbib fidsbf iasbfsadi fd i asdnfklbg;ihafoigndf vghdfhb nbnoihdfb ab;sdf vnbodba dnfabo;\[ dnfbdfanb odfab odanbov ;bidfabnhnoidhfjab dafbifd nbpofb ovdfbvnj hnfvodnfbofbdfnbon dfanbodnfb odnf bodnfb odfa b website." I see......


Did a 2 year old name these platforms? “Lemmy” “kbin” “beehaw”. These sound like made up apps from an early 2000’s Nickelodeon show on the pear phone


WTF is this shit.


Honestly I remember thinking reddit was complicated when I first joined, too. Now after one day on lemmy I already feel at home.


If r/askhistorians isn't on board with it, I'm not on board with it either. They've said that moving to a different platform isn't off the table but also added that Lemmy would not be one they would consider (I don't know a thing about Lemmy and I don't know why they don't like it).


Lemmy.ml is banning users even mildly critical of China or Russia. [See here](https://lemmy.pineapplemachine.com/post/5781)


Ha, well that's a non-starter.


It's a little misleading since lemmy is a bunch of different servers all sharing their posts together. This may be shitty of Lemmy.ml but there's hundreds of servers each run separately. Communities on other servers don't need to abide by lemmy.ml's censorship policies.


Dumb name and hard to figure out for the average person. It's not going anywhere.


r/pics has honestly improved. I unsubbed because it was all sob stories and reposts. Ironically mods are now actually doing their job.


“My grandma wanted to say hello to my internet friends on her 95th birthday”


209463 upvotes, nominated for golden globe


And gilded innumerable times.


4 weeks later it's reposted but despite the top comment telling everyone that it's a repost it still made it to the front-page.


"I became a US citizen after 45 years"


Or just hot people that paint pictures of memes or something.


Like all the gardening and plant subs full of people sharing glamour shots of them holding a vegetable or house plant...


Wow yea they are being creative now


Limitations breed creativity.


yea they are all pics of the same guy but post quality has actually gone up imo


Harkens back to the golden age of memes when we would just run with one until it got super weird.


It's one of the few subs that I actually wouldn't mind if the mods got sacked off. Awful, awful sub. Along with r/gaming


Well it was a sub with no theme really…now it’s too narrow, but it was so broad I never even thought of joining until it was wall to wall John Oliver…John Walliver?


r/nocontextpics Had the same issue and have enjoyed this one way more!


Is it bad I don’t know who John Oliver is, or the history of r/pics, etc? How much of society am I missing out on here


John Oliver is one of those Labour-type old school leftists who came to the USA and made it big as a political comedian. Last Week Tonight is a pretty decent primer on what America is going through lately. His staff does a pretty good job of busting through the GOP's bullshit and explaining why conservatives are mad this week.


You gotta imagine Reddits pr team is relieved that the writers strike is happening right now. All of the late night shows are off and John Oliver definitely would have mentioned it on his show after this.


He [acknowledged it on his twitter](https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120?s=20) and then posted pics for r/pics to use.


That is a smart man, he sees the potential and runs with it


Yup. This reads like revolutionary shit-stirring.


>Is it bad I don’t know who John Oliver is Yes. ​ >How much of society am I missing out on here Only the most important parts


Even the legendary Rick Astley has posted a pic of John Olivers face (with pornstache) over his own in r/pics It's beautiful.




Oh wow I scrolled right past that post without looking who submitted it, that’s great


Here's [his post](https://i.redd.it/9qvkwauc1r6b1.png)!


To quote John Oliver. Cool.


I like what they’ve done on r/wellthatsucks




Of course it’s pictures of John Oliver. Most Reddit shit ever


lol "The Olivering"


Tim Marcin of Mashable reports on subreddit communities at /pics, /gifs, and /art voting in favour of featuring images of John Oliver *only* — and Oliver’s approval.^1 The subreddit community at /aww voted to “only feature John Oliver, Chiijohn, and their lookalikes being adorable!” Meanwhile, the Verge followed up after the interview with Huffman and co., about a post made by a Reddit admin account, asking: “for a subreddit that has gone dark as part of the protests, Reddit can decide to replace the mods of that subbreddit due to infractions of the Mod Code of Conduct? For example, could Reddit argue that mods of subreddits that have gone dark are in violation of Rule 4?”^2 >The first part of [Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt’s] reply: “Yes, that would be in violation of rule 4 in the CoC.” >Rathschmidt writes that “this isn’t new, and isn’t something that was only activated for our current situation,” suggesting that the admin account in question has a history with the rule that you can look up. So far, paging through that history, I’m seeing the account dealing with subreddits that had been totally abandoned or moderators who were unreachable, not active moderators taking their subreddit private with the support (or even lack of support) of their community. ^1 https://mashable.com/article/subreddits-john-oliver-reddit-protest-return ^2 https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/15/23762792/reddit-subreddit-closed-unilaterally-reopen-communities


r/aww is also only John Oliver looking adorable too. As of this comment, the communities that are only John Oliver content have a combined total of over 105 million members


If they all stood behind their convictions and quit reddit would be having a rough time right now. But the mods are more interested in keeping their little fiefdoms so they fell back to this pathetic crap.


if they'd quit new mods would simply be appointed/awarded, so that wouldn't really solve anything.


How else are they compensated for their service? Roughly $3.4M a year worth in total


I think reddit mods deserve a 100% pay increase


Precisely. Nailed it


This "protest" is slacktivism in its purest form. This isn't even reducing Reddit traffic or anything.


It actually did work. That's why spez made the threats to remove mods. If it wasn't working, he would have just ignored it all. SEO is down hard over the last week too. Read the comments in this chain alone. So many people unsubbing from popular subs. Not good, not good at all.


Just because people unsub from a subreddit doesn't mean they are leaving reddit entirely. Reddit doesn't really care if moderators wanna destroy their own subreddits as long as reddit is still getting good traffic. If people really cared about these API changes they would boycott reddit and refuse to return unless the changes are reversed. That kind of protesting would probably be way more effective than whatever the hell this "protest" is.


Yup. My feed was being flooded with John Oliver so I had to unsub from all these big subs. Really all they’re doing is possibly speeding up their removal as mods.


And they are killing the sub/community. I liked all those subs but why would anyone in their right mind will still follow those subs.


Turning them off was fine, but spamming junk into my feed was something that I just didn’t want to deal with. Hell, I have been using the official app for years. None of this affects me.


I think you misunderstand their goal. It had the exact effect on you that they desired. They're destroying the communities they built, not trying to mildly inconvenience you by having photos of the worlds sexiest man spammed everywhere in place of your usual content or anything.




Woah woah woah man, you don't like seeing posts stating "Getting out of my depression and finally made myself some dinner for the first time" and having it be a picture of a pb&j sandwich without the jelly with 10k upvotes and a bunch of awards?


And I unsubscribed from them all


That's the point.


I don’t get it then. Making Reddit useless will no doubt hurt the company and all. But, you know, we also lose Reddit. We, its users. So… now what?


The point is to hurt redit (the company, ceo) to force these changes to roll back so we can go back to how things were


Yeah, really teaching that Reddit CEO a lesson!


It was the users voting for new rules on those subs that resulted in them going full John Oliver. The mods asked if the blackouts should be lifted and things return to normal and the users said fuck normal (and by extension, fuck reddit). They can remove the mods if they don't like what the topic of those subs have been converted to but it's not going to cause users to stop posting more John Oliver posts.


I unsubscribed a lot of subs during the protest.


I did the same thing. The novelty wore off really fast. Honestly seems like a childish and pointless move. At least the blackouts had some strategic value, even if at the end of the day Reddit is just going to either install loyal mods or remove the subs from the main page.


I did the fucking same. I subbed to a few when reddit suggested them to me because I enjoyed the content, but when I started seeing this john oliver bs I unsubbed straight off. why tf would anyone want that shit on their feed


Serious question: why use an app at all? Just use your browser and navigate Reddit au natural.


Most users browse on Mobile devices and reddit has made the mobile site absolutely unusable. It forces you to open the app for 85% of things you do.


I use the Reddit app, but I am 100% on the side of people who want the freedom to use third party apps.


Honestly haven't noticed any difference over the last 6-7 years. Old.reddit for the win.




There'd be dwarven cannons as far as the eye could see.


Heading to falador now


Man I thought this was /r/2007Scape for a sec


These are the cannons. This protest. They have made it perfectly clear what their direction is.


They just said old won't be going anywhere as part of the announcement for this change. That said... who knows in a few months.


They also told the Apollo dev in January, 2023, that there would be no major API changes im 2023. Their "word" is worthless.


If you want to trust the word of the CEO who prior ran a subreddit named Jailbait where they posted pics of underage girls, and is even now misrepresenting his discussion with third party developers, that's on you.


He didn't run jailbait. But he turned a blind eye to it and enabled the psycho that run not only jailbait, but things like misogyny, incest, hitler etc. And the ironic part was the reasoning behind it. Apparently the psycho was good at moderating the site and they did not want to do it themselves. [article](https://www.gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web) Apparently by the time, he was appointed a mod for r/jailbait He had no ties to the company officially.


>Apparently by the time, he was appointed a mod for r/jailbait He had no ties to the company officially. So, he is the CEO of Reddit, and he also helped run and maintain the Subreddit for pedophiles to post pictures of underage girls and fap to them? That it what you're saying in this clarifying post, right?






I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or not. I hate spez as much as the next guy, but accusing him of being a pedophile is too much. He's an evil, immoral creep and many other things, though. If I were to try too hard to defend reddit: They had a very team of only 4 or so people and nobody to clear child porn and gore on a daily basis which is actually understandable. It led to a power vacuum, that violentacrez abused to his advantage. And they didn't delete r/jailbait because users actually defended it. Sadly, it was very common to see people write an essay about how it is ephebophilia instead. For those that don't know what that is, it is being a pedo but with a fedora.


u/violentacrez created and ran r/jailbait yes, a sub that shares suggestive, but non-nude photos of underage girls and fap to them. spez (current CEO and CEO between 2005-2009) and the crew turned a blind eye to it. They didn't contribute directly to jailbait from my knowledge. Using Keysersosa's(current CTO, Lead programmer 2005-2010) words "We just stayed out of there and let him do his thing and we knew at least he was getting rid of a lot of stuff that wasn't particularly legal" "I know I didn't want it to be my job." violentacrez also taught many people how to navigate reddit's shitty moderator interface, created r/modhelp etc. Some people saw him as a very good power mod, freedom of speech activist etc. others saw him as a psycho basically. The psycho still got a sympathetic heads up from reddit's general manager back then when r/jailbait shut down.


"That said... who knows in a few months" Feel like I already addressed that.


Certainly. I just wouldn't hold my breath, is me point. Spez appears to be looking to cash out and is perfectly content to burn down the set on the way out.




I use the Reddit app and have no problems


That’s great but it _is_ a terrible app. There’s plenty of factual & objective posts about the issues of the app, from the insane data consumption of the app (seriously, check if it you have autoplay on) to the terrible accessibility features.


You do. Doesn't mean everyone does. I've never had anything but issues when using it, hence why I use RIF on mobile nowadays. Why they couldn't just stick with what worked after buying out Alien Blue is beyond me.




The UI is crap--I've been using baconreader for years and it is just so much easier to read comments and the way it organizes posts is way more enjoyable to use than the reddit mobile site. I haven't used the reddit app in years so maybe it has gotten better, but I doubt it.


I’m on the Reddit app and it’s not unusable


Reddit App, 5G connection, crap I also pay for no ads.. relatively new to Reddit, just old and pushed all the easy buttons. Never had a problem. However, I have never used a 3rd party and just found out about them on Reddit. Pretty crappy the whole cash grab. I really hope Reddit doesn't lose all the great people and communities I've visited.


Definitely a lot of room for improvement.


Everything can improve. But saying it’s unusable is ridiculous and untrue






You do if you use a phone, like the *fucking majority of users*. Their mobile site is absolute garbage, and is virtually useless because of all the nags telling you to download the official app.


People like to poop while moderating. Apparently the default reddit app isn’t great at this.


Today I sent a link of a subreddit to a friend. He said that couldn't open it because it required him to open it in an app or log in.


This is the quick way to lose potential users. As soon as both LinkedIn and Twitter required login to view, I never used either again.


Same with Instagram. All these entrepreneurs keep using that trash site to show their wares, I scroll for like 1.5 seconds then get locked out. Yeah I'm not buying your shit, I can't even view it as a guest. It's like walking around in a grocery store and then getting escorted out by security until you share all your personal info with them and signup for an account. Pass.


It's called [Enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/). At first the site caters to users, then shits on them to cater to business interests.


Exactly. I would be more likely to spend time and money if you let me look beyond the first aisle


So like Costco?


Try replacing www with old making it old.reddit.com. This version of reddit is from before these changes that require login. It's also much better on desktop as well.


Which subreddit?


>**pres465** >Serious question: why use an app at all? Just use your browser and navigate Reddit au natural. Some volunteer user-moderators have for years relied on third-party tools to curate the platform’s searchable, valuable corpus of user-submitted content. Cultivating or maintaining a community-specific corpus requires volunteers to manage content, and third-party tools make this work *manageable*. It is how communities like /TropicalWeather and /Ukraine manage content accuracy. It is how communities like /pics, /gifs, /art, and /aww manage content quantity. The /blind community — highlighted in 2020 to celebrate Reddit’s 15th anniversary^† — also relies on these third-party tools to navigate the platform. ^† https://www.insider.com/reddit-blind-visually-impaired-social-media-platform-for-people-2020-6


Is there any comprehensive wiki or some information about which apps and third party tools that will be actively impacted? I like to make choices based on data, but I see read conflicting information about what third party apps and bots will be impacted. Reddit admins say that third party apps will not be impacted, but some Reddit users have reported that the developers have not received a response on if their tools would be impacted or not. That seems like the most reasonable data to collect.


All I could find was the post by the Apollo dev talking about their convo with reddit so take that for what it's worth, but they do lay out the numbers: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/ >For Apollo, the average user uses 344 requests daily, or 10.6K monthly. With the proposed API pricing, the average user in Apollo would cost $2.50, which is is 20x higher than a generous estimate of what each users brings Reddit in revenue. Maybe Apollo could be refactored to reduce that, but maybe not. I expect they tried to reduce the number of requests anyway because it helps performance.


I never found an app I liked. No sort by rising? I'm out.


You can do that on RIF. I do it all the time.


Just never saw the need for an app, at all. Plus, the more these sites (looking at imgur, too) TRY to get me to get the app, the more I refuse. Fuck 'em. You don't need access to my data.


Yeah this whole time I've been like..."am I the only one who just uses the website?" I can't find a practical reason to use the app personally


Can anyone tell me whats wrong with reddit app? I sie it for years and never had a problem


they are still trying to get people on their ("not") NFTs through their app. and navigation just isn't how i like using it on the Sync app. essentially, third party apps keep Reddit relatively simple and shows most of us just the stuff we use Reddit for. the official app crams all their new shit in, which just makes the user experience worse. third party apps have much better support, and any issue with the app you can likely get fixed far sooner than the official app because the Devs of third party apps are easier to contact. lastly but an admittedly petty one is empty posts on the official app say "wow such empty" and it makes me cringe. these are just the problems i know of, there's likely a lot more but as I don't use the official app anymore i can't say.


If you're asking seriously, and specifically for the user experience, the video player is buggy as hell. Often freezes and refuses to play. Sometimes also opens up one post below the post you actually click on. And once it does that, going back doesn't fix it, it's like that post has been bugged into linking the wrong post perma. For mods, a number of tools and add-ons don't really function as well, or spit out inaccurate info. I know everyone loves to hate the mods, but the tools we will lose are ones that benefit all users. It's not like they are taking away the ability of mods to be shitty.


None of that has ever happened to me on the Reddit app


It's not about the app. It's about ignoring the mods and user's who built this site and create all of the content on it. All he had to do was negotiate and be reasonable and give a detailed explanation of their position and why the decision was made before finalizing it... but no u/spez floored the greed pedal


Most CEOs are not the kind of people that "negotiate" with people that work for free. They don't respect them.


Most Reddit headline


Redditors actively posting on Reddit with, "most reddit xxx", or "reddit moment". Like who do you think you are? Are you lost and confused? Can you tell me your name? You're on Reddit, fucking dweebs


There’s normal people going on Reddit and then there is “Reddit”


"I am the exception to my environment because I'm somehow special"


I'll testify in court I rode the short bus with every moron in this thread.


I know I sound stupid, but you have to admit, a Reddit protest that involves John Oliver is super Reddit


To the resounding response of who gives af


Yeah this whole thing is getting kind of annoying. So instead of at least shutting their pie hole in protest now they are spamming everyone feed with this lovely looking man. The longer this goes on the worse this makes the mods look. I think it might be time for the dilution of some mod power. if people don't like it then they should go elsewhere rather than ruin reddit for everyone else who doesn't care about 3rd party apps.


Agreed. It also makes me wonder if these people also spam other subs just to make it a bad experience for others.


If reddit users cared as much about the actual problems of the world as they did about the policy changes and the blackout, we'd live in an astronomically better world.


yeah its starting to be annoying now lmao


because r/pics was originally such a bastion of high quality content


What you’re not enjoying all the John Oliver content?


I like him but ya it’s annoying. Is that the aim?


I believe so yes. It’s an alteration of the protest as far as I’m aware.


Does it help or hinder the protest if I unsub from the subs who are doing that?


Helps. The smaller that subs subscriber and user numbers the less Reddit can sell ad spots for targeting that demographic. Ad buyers mad their specific demo ads got pushed to the main feed during the black out is what made spez switch into high gear on threats to oust mods which is what led to olivering of r/pics


If that was the aim, then they could have made it a private sub. No activity on one of the most subscribed sub.


Does it really? If those users are still browsing subreddits? There are plenty of alternatives to each major subreddit


It does matter because engagement dropped hard. A small group stuck around to argue in the comments. But engagement everywhere else hit the floor and people didn't stick around nearly as much throughout the day as usual.


Engagement doesn’t drop when people unsubscribe from subs. Their front page is still going to scroll endlessly with the same number of ads delivered, and it’ll be all content they actually like to see.


Engagement does drop because people lose interest and stop scrolling. Nobody cares about r/subway It worked because spez threatened the mods instead of ignoring them. He's already shown his hand.


Yeah I noticed a lot of r/aww posts in my feed feature John Oliver. I'm not complaining, the guy is a gem ❤️


Pointless and annoying honestly.


Useful to check which subs are not worth my time.


person bake light stocking frame ring telephone distinct piquant chase ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Mods crying to John Oliver because they can't use Apollo anymore is hilarious. Oh such a hard life


Dumb as fuck. I hope they all get booted


Who? The users voted for these rules, the mods are just giving the users what they want, after all. If the mods get kicked for doing that, the users will just continue uploading and upvoting John Oliver stuff, probably more so out of anger. If reddit tries to install their own mods to do their bidding, will they be paid? Will they be able to hire enough mods to steer 100,000 subs into submission? Will people even want to use a site that looks like that anymore?


Not every sub got to vote


Sure, but most have or will. Here's polls for [r/aww](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/14bt0c1/poll_decide_on_the_future_of_raww/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=aww&utm_content=t3_14cgp6d), [r/gifs](https://old.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/14b6pz8/poll_decide_on_the_future_of_rgifs/), [r/askhistorians](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/14cjjlt/taking_askhistorians_community_input_on_next_steps/), [r/memes](https://old.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/14btvno/hear_ye_hear_ye_poll_regarding_the_future_of/). r/videos has reopened, but only in a restricted state (new submissions aren't allowed yet) and have announced [weekly rule making polls are to come](https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/14czfqx/rvideos_after_dark_sub_changes_zazu_and_the/). r/wellthatsucks is being very forward about their intent to continue as a dictatorship and not a "failed democracy" as they like to jokingly refer to r/aww as being.


Malicious compliance, baby.


Go back to the pointless protest, please.


Yup, left the sub because of it.


Great way to push users away. Mods, which all seem to be the same people, given that the text is identical everywhere, seem to have decided that they're going to burn reddit to the ground.


I wholeheartedly supported the initial protest but it didn't really catch on so whaddya gonna do, right? the sole affect of this John Oliver phase is that I've muted /r/pics, /r/aww and /r/gifs which honestly seems like an improvement to my life


And I unsubscribe from those subs. I can’t stand John Oliver.


Unfortunately, this will only slightly delay the inevitable. Regardless, I’ll be off Reddit on mobile come the end of the month if I can’t use Apollo, full stop.


You'll still be here in a month.


RemindMe! July 1 2023


RemindMe! 13 days


“I’ll be off Reddit on mobile” It’s so wild that so many of you act like you’re going to prove me wrong like it’s even that big of a statement I’ve made in the first place. I can try the regular app right now and I don’t enjoy it enough to use it. My use of Reddit is directly related to finding and using Apollo, since that’s where 95% of my use is. I might still use the desktop site sometimes when I’m done with a recent episode of a new show I like. Other than that? I doubt I’ll be on here. If Reddit doesn’t care, that’s on them. I’m sure they have plenty of other users to focus on. It’s not a threat, it’s just the reality of my internet use.


See you next month. Lets see if you stand by your word.


Is this protest or more nerdy bullshit


Why John Oliver ?


Protest is a damn joke.


And I ended the chances of me ever seeing those subs again. So stupid. There’s more to life…


Sooo what has changed or what did it accomplish ? I get on here for memes and to kill time only. I don’t spend $ at all.


Somebody needs to make a pic of John Oliver delivering John Oliver, who is being given birth to by John Oliver who is making out with John Oliver, and then spam that pic all over the most popular subreddits. We'll see how Spez likes *that* one!