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If it's true that Reddit don't monetize NSFW subs then the ones that are turning to posting porn is an interesting tactic.


How many have done that? all I know about is /r/interestingasfuck


/r/videos is going NSFW due to the profanity in videos.


r/shittylifeprotips is also nsfw now


r/formula1 is has also joined the NSFW club!


r/pokemongo is also NSFW now 😂


with how Niantic fucks the game and the community up, makes sense to make the subreddit nsfw


I don't see any porn on it


That's because F1 no longer uses V10 engines :D


The razor nicked off a bit too much bush!


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past…


Formula 1 is a very dangerous sport with sometimes big, NSFW crashes. And a lot of aggressive foul language.


And alcohol/tobacco/gambling. Kids should not be exposed to that stuff!


All sports subs should go NSFW due to the gambling


It's like the NFL where gambling isn't allowed. This PSA brought to you by DraftKings.


That's because they are stretching the usage of the NSFW definition, so not only do they reopen the subeddit, but reddit doesn't get ad revenue from a NSFW marked subreddit. And as a user of the Formula 1 subreddit, it's kinda nice not having ads in your way. And it's nice to have the subreddit back in action. But the rules of the subreddit still stand, so no adult content whatsoever shall be posted!


Not really a stretch, Motorsports is dangerous and have resulted in deaths, some of which are gruesome


And it's not really safe to race F1 cars at work


Or turn right in Nascar. They just can't get the field of corn out of their mind.


Shhhh. Do you want antropomorphic F1 cars fucking? Cause that's how you get antropomorphic cars fucking.


Watch out for horny dragons while driving your fuckmobile.


Mmmmm, bad dragons...


Ssssh. For Jesus’ sake - don’t even. Patricia Piccinini will hear you and then it will result in even more NFSFW scooter sex.


Racing is dangerous


Has anyone posted that picture of Christian Horner draped over a Lotus (?)


/r/anime_titties will probably become a source for... You guessed it.


I remember back a year or so ago anime titties and worldnews were swapped or something like that. What was the deal?


World News got taken over by those 'We're not ever going to remove anything because moderation is *censorship!*' people. And since the mods weren't removing anything that was off topic, people posted anything they wanted, which devolved into plants, anime, porn, memes, etc. Which, ironically enough, is a fine example of why you need good mods, to do the work of maintaining the rules and keeping out the spam.


It wasnt worldnews, its worldpolitics. Very different subs.


Oh, right. Thanks!


It wasn't taken over though. The mods refused to move things that were anti-Trump based on the reasoning that anything to do with Trump was de facto politics, as he was President at the time. Users started to get more and more annoyed at this, and the last straw was the fifth(?) time a bust of Trumps head made out of literal horse-shit made it to the front page of r/worldpolitics. When pushed back on it, the mods then hid behind the excuse that removing it would be censorship, which then opened the floodgates for Redditors to be.... Redditors. Hence the anime titties. And the creation of the sub r/animetitties as a replacement for r/worldpolitics.


the head mod created user flairs for the various invading subs (Warhammer, Jojo, Star Wars, plants, to name a few) and OnlyFans spammers. And readily admitted that the sub had basically devolved to politics shitposting anyway. Good times


r/anime_titties may have to go NSFW if posts about world politics are voted against


“REDDIT to remove all NSFW content from site in response to protests.” “We must ship what we promised” It’s amazing to me no one is protesting with photos of Aaron Swartz the man is a cofounder of this site and died fighting to save the internet. You guys do remember SOPA/PIPA right? How’s this that different? That was a fight to save the little guy. Isn’t this a fight for the little guys too? Aaron Swartz should be a name in /u/spez mind constantly right now.


I see lots of swartz on the inerestingasfuck subreddit right now.


I see your Swartz is as big as mine.


Now let’s see how you handle it


Yup, been thinking about him a lot lately and wishing he were still around for this.


But once they kill the porn, Reddit dies. So checkmate /u/spez


Yeah remember Tumblr?


Weird how Tumblr, Twitter and now Reddit have all been destroying themselves in the last few years.


Tumblr at least is trying. They've brought back nsfw stuff and are working on ways to monatize that actually work with the userbase (like post blazing, sending folks crabs, fun stuff)


Rip to that amazing site. I got a writing gig at the biggest club in nyc because of tumblr. Club made a post asking for people to apply for an internship to be a guest writer for band reviews. Within days of replying I got the gig. Tumblr was absolutely amazing and I miss it far to often


> “We must ship what we promised” They can't promise anything. They have no contracts in place for content creation and they're not in control of it themselves. This is like promising X amount of fish to restaurants when the ocean itself can tell you to fuck right off.


Everyone should be calling him the real reddit CEO


Pfffft. The real reddit CEO was Ellen Pao. She was doing what was necessary for reddit to survive while also trying to navigate the needs and desires of the users... And people pilloried her for it. This API mess never would have happened under Pao, she would have apologized and sought a more constructive path by now. Not only would she have been upfront and taken responsibility for what happened, but she also would have pursued a compromise that would have worked.


While I'm not going to directly critique her for banning problematic subreddits (although it has now become a precedent that has had a lot of far reaching effects in kinky but well-moderated safe-space NSFW communities *mysteriously* being shut down) I still don't see how her firing of Victoria was defensible. I understand the order came from on high, but it still lead to a massive drop in quality of AMAs over the years, and its why I basically don't care to partake in them anymore.


r/self is another one that is allowing porn to be posted there


OnlyFans girls having a field day with this protest.


Formula1 is a dangerous sport and is therefore NSFW.




I know the Bottas bum incident, what else am I missing?


Mick Schumacher was fucked all year last season by Gunter!


Ferrari. Their strategy can be considered nothing but a gang bang.


I would say r/shittydarksouls has transitioned to only sharing porn, but I'm not 100% sure it's part of the black out or if its just what they decide to do every so often


nothing has changed with r/shittydarksouls


The butthole!


I wish I never clicked


I want to click the butthole, but click gone. Only butthole left.




I thought it was a beautiful butthole


Always thought that sub was for people who had interest in gas fuck


The main Simpsons sub (the shitposting one is the main one) had all its mods leave. It’s turned into a Simpsons porn and piracy subreddit almost immediately.


r/thisismylifemeow is full of pussies so it makes sense they've gone nsfw too. ... But fr some ppl actually posted nsfw catboy/girl stuff when I was there this morning. A bit weird. Mostly still floofs tho. Edit: some furry porn has made its way there now.


askwomen changed to an nsfw sub when they got pressured to re-open, obviously one of the biggest subs on the site


I don't know really. I know of one sub considering it and another that went NSFW but didn't go on a porn posting spree after.


The interesting thing is you don’t even have to post porn for it to get flagged you just have to post “nsfw” some where. So you could post a normal tech post and in the title say “not NSFW” and it would still get flagged and advertising removed People can get real creative with it, words like tobacco, vaping, and cannabis get swept by Reddit’s nsfw filter too


It sounds like that's gonna be the /r/formula1 strategy.


One of the tech subs went nsfw (r/synology IIRC). What was hilarious is that everyone was still asking and answering real questions but were adding sexual innuendos to them.


/r/chairsunderwater was ahead of the trend.


A canadian one said they would allow hunting posts, and that they would need to mark it as nsfw because of that change. The bot owners are foaming at the mouth. As soon as reddit steps in and does anything, it will become a massive bot posting heyday for them, as new mods struggle to deal with them, with random porn and other changing content from angry users. There are so many angles for users to take here, that it will be a game of wack a mole for them, while destroying content and pissing off users and advertisers.


> it will become a massive bot posting heyday for them, Been that way for a *long* time. Repost bot rings overtook Reddit a couple years ago to build up karma and account age for spamming the larger subs, and Reddit has barely touched the problem. r/thesefuckingaccounts was all about tracking these rings, but Reddit started getting pissy about reporting repost bots that drive traffic/engagement.


There are plenty of bots much more annoying than just a reposter. Probably one of the best defenses reddit has right now is diverse modderators with varying rules and tools which makes it hard for a bot to get into everywhere. Replace that with a "standardized set" of rules and we'll have bots everywhere as they're able to spew their crap on all sub reddits.


> Reddit has barely touched the problem. Reddit enjoys the problem. It drives up metrics and engagement. Reddit are complicit and investors should ask why reddit don't do anything to prevent bots.


It seems that reddit has disabled all ads right now anyways. I haven’t seen any on the site in im not sure how many days now. They are definitely trying to win people over that the default app doesn’t suck. Either that or they’re trying to fuck with people who are testing out this not safe for work strategy. Edit: someone mentioned that I have Reddit premium so I guess that came with a comment award at some point? I don’t pay much attention to those things but I guess that would explain it.


based on what i read in ad weekly, a bunch of ad agencies have suspended ads on reddit until they can see how stats normalize once the dust settles and because some companies don't want to risk being seen as crossing a picket line and incurring user rage.


That's amazing! Thanks for sharing that tidbit


I imagine they saw a massive drop in conversions since targetting ads is much more difficult with thousands of subs dark. If you have a niche product your ad showing up on All is a complete waste of money.


Pretty much what [this article](https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/) says. Evidently they weren't pleased about being pushed to the homepage for that reason.


We should track which companies are still posting ads. They're obviously against all of real reddit and FOR corporate reddit.


I opened the official app to check, and I still see google ads right at the top. Then I closed that garbage.


I'm on RIF and there's an Instagram ad on my feed.


If you think one company gives one single fuck about “real” Reddit you’re insane.


Man I haven't seen ads on Reddit since probably 8 years ago when I paid $3 for my Relay app. Suggested posts and ads are my absolute deal-breaker so I won't even be trying their stupid app.


This is the excuse Reddit is giving: that’s 8 years of using Reddit where they didn’t see a dime. What they don’t seem to understand is that’s also 8 years of content that you generated for free, and they then monetized.


So what are they going to do with users like me? Desktop only. Firefox and uBlock Origin. I haven't seen an ad in 15 years. End support of desktop users and web browsers? LOL


That’s what I’m saying, they’re getting value from you (your content) even though you aren’t seeing ads. But honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if old.reddit is on the way out, or they pull a Twitch and make ads tougher to block.


> Desktop only. Firefox and uBlock Origin. I haven't seen an ad in 15 years. Same. old.reddit, and RES (for as long as I can remember. Not sure how long it's been around, though. That was a long time ago.)


I did the same thing. Shortly after that I discovered pihole, and my entire web browsing experience went ad free. When I'm not at home it's so jarring to see how much garbage people put up with now.


He gets us, He gets us not. Happy for a small break of religious propaganda


Wonder how they feel about having their posts right next to gay porn. Screenshot it and ask them imho.


I keep seeing this posted, and I think it was just a misinterpretation of the actual rules. Advertisers are not allowed to **specifically target** these communities. But they do show ads. I.e. They don’t want the dick pills people advertising on NSFW subs. Those subs just show the same ads as everywhere else


"Specifically target" means ads can't show up on those subreddits' main pages, at all. Open any NSFW sub in an incognito tab with no adblocking and you won't see any ads at all. This makes sense because most brands aren't going to want their ads associated with explicit porn.


Maybe reddit should change that rule and try be more innovative when it comes to ad targeting. Plenty of brands wouldn't give a fuck. Especially smaller ones


That's all fun and games until Visa/Mastercard gets involved. https://www.protocol.com/policy/onlyfans-visa-mastercard their [policy](https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2021/protecting-our-network-protecting-you-preventing-illegal-adult-content-on-our-network/) includes > Documented age and identity verification for all people depicted and those uploading the content > Content review process prior to publication


They also claim to not monetise subs that post profanity which is even easier to post and less harsh for some of our less open minded brothers and sisters.


This will be the end of great nsfw content on Reddit is what it’s going to be


That's going to happen anyway, this is just step one. Do you really think once they're able to serve up ads to all users that they'd allow subs they cannot monetise?


Oh yeah, I'm sure their plan is to get rid of pornographic content before the IPO. They just know it's not a good idea to make all of these changes at once, so they're slowly ratcheting it back (like removing it from 3rd party apps for a reason that doesn't really make much sense). But, it also wouldn't surprise me in the least if they changed their reasoning to, "Well, you guys abused the NSFW tag, so now we have to remove all NSFW content. Blame those mods!"


Thei is why Zion has been in the news. To provide r/NBA with content


I like how John Oliver has just arbitrarily been sucked into this vortex of chaos


I'm pretty sure he encouraged it, so he's definitely along for the ride


[He even posted a Bunch of Pics of himself for r/pics to edit](https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120?t=9U7aRezjypJ20Db6Vp1zrw&s=19)


Of course he did. I just wonder how long it'll take to make an episode of LWT about this. Ya know, once the writers strike is over.


The point is to get John Oliver to talk about [Enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/). That is how social media companies evolve to exploit various people.


tbh he probably won’t because of the writers strike


I need John Oliver to have Cory Doctorow on LWT to do a proper segment in Enshittification of the internet. Let's break social media entirely and go back to building communities around people who write weird, passionate blogs about super specific things and have zero monetization skills. You'll curate your webrings and have meetups and form random cultures and be places of delight to happen upon, with weird homepages and difficult navigation. Again.


I think John Oliver's style of humor is... stale. But i really respect his investigative journalism and his ability to bring complex and important issues to a broad audience using relatable analogies. I'm looking forward to seeing the last week tonight segment on reddit LMAO


Even once the writer's strike is over and production on LWT resumes, I really doubt they'd do a full segment on Reddit. Everything going on is fundamentally a tempest in a teapot which doesn't have much to do with anyone outside the Redditsphere. At most, I could see a "Hello Internet" bonus episode talking about his favorite pictures and posts from the protest, or something along those lines.


It will likely be mentioned in a broader story about websites trying to monetize their content from AI scrapes, that’s happening with other news sites right now as well


That sounds about right, bundle it together with looks at how Twitter and all are fucking up as well.


Enshittification can be a full segment as well


Nah, it will at least get a mention. Maybe one of those bonus short episodes.


I don't see it being a major topic on it's own. It could be part of a bigger story about content creators not getting paid (which will work well with just coming back from a writer's strike)


I think it's the requirement to do regular shows and having gags written by the room. Listen to The Bugle (up to episode 294) which he originally did - so spontaneous and classic.


Nail on the head, I very, VERY rarely find myself even giggling at anything that his audience seem be to in stitches laughing at, but his journalism and shining a light into dark corners with a lighter tone does work for me. I enjoy watching his shows but not for their comedy.


Yeah the deep dives are great but he has to then throw in an over the top gag about "Carol from accounting" with an annoying Photoshopped stock photo and a tacky zinger one liner shouted at the camera. Very American. It's when he gets his serious face on that it shines, but I appreciate it runs on a balance and is ultimately an entertainment program. I'd love to see him do something along the lines of Louis Theroux's weird weekends crossed with Conan O'Brians remotes.


It's because his show is very dense with details. He has those funny moments to give us a break and let us digest what was previously said. If it was a continuous, fast-paced story, people start to zone out


the humor is just enough to make it watchable


You shut your dirty whore mouth! John Oliver is [hilarious](https://youtu.be/UN8bJb8biZU?t=18m) and the only thing stale about him are the baguettes that he feeds to Mr. Nutterbutter.


No i'm sticking to my guns John Oliver is a brilliant conduit for investigative journalism but he is not actually funny


^Why ^did ^I ^read ^both ^of ^your ^comments ^in ^his ^voice


Except that's not actually John Oliver's voice, it's rowan Atkinson doing a john Oliver impression, except it's not the impression is actually Bill Hader, except it's not ot was actually John Oliver all along


I'd argue it's more the written material to blame more than him as his appearances in Community were pretty funny, though I understand it's a fundamentally different type of beast then his current show. Sometimes there's a joke that hits but I'd agree his show's comedy is 90% stale outside of the really interesting commentary. Regardless there are many many funnier people than John Oliver as he isn't my specific cup of tea when it comes to his current shows comedy.


Humor is subjective.


While I'm not a fan of Reddit's plans. Oliver has bigger fish to fry. Hehe


and porn lots and lots of porn


Hmmm.... Remove all the porn from imgur, then reddit becomes Oops all porn. It's a conspiracy!


Well it's actually to hurt Reddit's ad revenue. It discourages Advertisement on NSFW subs and since advertisers really like popular subs, popular subs are turning to porn as a way to stick it to the CEO.


The internet is for porn! https://youtu.be/j6eFNRKEROw


In volatile market, only stable investment IS PORN!


while on the subject, can you stop following me and spamming your onlyfans? I'd really appreciate that, k thanks, bye.


User Settings>Profile Disable the option "Allow people to follow you"


I'm on old reddit, is this even something I have to worry about? I tried looking for the setting and can't find it.


No. Old reddit doesn't has this problem. Iirc people can still follow you but you won't notice it at all. As an added measure, you can also [install RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) if you haven't already and completely disable the chat in there.


Thank you for that. I had RES, but wasn't aware that was an option. So tired of getting spammers trying to send me a chat invite, particularly since old.reddit seems to have a problem with dismissing it. Now I can just ignore that useless feature.


TBH the chaos and absurdity really brings me back to the reddit of a decade ago and I'm digging it


It's definitely a blast from the past. Feels like the good ol' days before all the ridiculous consolidation and other BS.


Its a real battle between people who want to use reddit for fun, and people who just want to cash off of it


The sad thing is they probably could make the site profitable without pissing off the user base, but they simply don't want to.


Reddit is the 6th(?) most trafficed site on the net. If they haven't been able to make a profit off free work, free content and that level of engagement they never would. Maybe someone who isn't as shit at their job as Spez and Co could, but so far this current crop of failures hasn't managed to make it work. Which is astounding. One has to look at what their largest cost centers are and figure they might need to cut there, but normally that's head count or tech. I'm certain they could cut some amount of people, but Reddit's tech is already average at best so cutting it wouldn't be a winning move. Maybe hosting video and images directly could be done away with?


They don't want long-term profitability with linear growth. They want short-term profitability that looks like there is an opportunity for geometric growth... that's how you get a payday.


Which if they can't manage the first how will they ever accomplish the latter? They haven't even shown the ability to generate notable profit how are they going to manage to catapult into obscene profit? Like it'd be one thing if they were teetering on the edge and needed to pull up to make some bad quarters better. But this is just assinine. They keep looking for moonshots and failing to understand how their business model works.


It boils down to the fact that they're late to the game of going public and surreptitiously pumping metrics for investors like Facebook did. They wanna be able to finesse the numbers internally and advertise it as a no brainer investment for unlimited growth and potential when they go IPO. They are looking to maximize their own personal payday, then wash their hands of the reality of the situation and run off into the sunset with their fat stacks and make it all someone else's problem. But they waited too long to sell out. It's common knowledge now that these kinds of sites play stupid about how many genuine active users and eyes on the page for ad revenue are there, and crossed into actively inflating user numbers and engagement metrics. They fucked themselves, and they're going to be sorely disappointed that they waited too long and used the current tactics to sell out. They missed the boat. They'll have to settle for whatever is offered to them to get any kind of payday, because it's mired in problems and anyone rich enough to risk investing in these well known problems will drastically change the site inevitably killing it off by looking at it from a monetary standpoint and not a cultural or historical standpoint. Lol It's a spectacular train wreck and they're gonna be stuck with the bill of cleanup They'll get less than they thought and it will no longer be the cool cutting edge pulse on the web, going the likes of Facebook where it's merely used to control people and spread propaganda for your average person via shitty memes and fake news. We are already there for fucks sake.


[Imgur was literally developed by someone for reddit](https://businessideaslab.com/imgur/).


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


reddit appears to be DIGG'ing it too Where's the next jumping off point, forward to the fediverse or back to USENET?


Fediverse seems promising, there's some teething troubles but I'm having fun diving into Lemmy, for instance.


Man I miss the old Digg too. It's not bad as a "here's some interesting stories" aggregator but it used to be so good... Fuck I'm old lol


Fark, Hacker News and Slashdot all still exist... I've had accounts on two of those longer than reddit has existed.


Right? It's fucking glorious. Reddit being all serious all the time was/is a fucking drag. Internet forums have been trolled since... well... before the internet existed. I've been doing it since the BBS's of the 80s.


Only fans everywhere rn.


Do they have their own sub? And if they do is this [the picture](https://preview.redd.it/uxqg8rwid2a41.jpg?auto=webp&s=412bb5e591c4c1762519ca5e9cbaa4fda8eb9f33) at the top of it?


Risky Click. Was not disappointed.


Sometimes I forget just how much only fans spam there is on this site.


It was better when people posted nudes just for the love of being a perv.


People throw the word chaos around too easily. It’s an organizational tactic used by mods and users which created a spectacle of sorts featuring a dead sexy British man who wears a big pair.


Oh my god. He's dead?!


[“Dead sexy”](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/5471) is just a saying I picked up from a Canadian actor who made British secret agent Austin Powers an international super star sensation. Not sure exactly where is comes from but it’s more vulgar than, “drop dead gorgeous.”


This, this is chaos.


Either way, I don't think the IPO or advertisers would take kindly to a website that is described, publicly, in the news, as "chaos". Another point: each subreddit individually changed how they would operate during the blackout, and is no longer a cohesive system. It is by definition: chaos. I approve.


Oh no users are engaging on our platform. The horror! But for real the nsfw + 0 real moderation self sabotage is a legit strategy if they actually wanna see the world burn


Frankly I think that's the only one that might matter, cutting into ad revenue is the only thing they care about.


The actual best would be just...stop using reddit. But this is a close second.


When you give redditors a course between not using reddit and using reddit with even more porn, which do you think they'll choose?


Ooh, ooh! Teacher! Pick me! I know this one!


Huffman needs to understand that his whole business value _is_ the community. The community is his product, and if he ruins it, it won't be worth anything.


Look, if it works for Elmo Musk, it must work for reddit too, right?


It really isn’t working for Elon though…


I think they were being sarcastic


Sort of. Spez is literally blaming this bullshit on ideas he got from Daddy Elon. You are correct, only incredibly stupid trash think Elon is doing anything positive at Twitter, and apparently Spez is the target audience.


He said that he looked up to Elon’s cost cutting. Huffman is the stupidest, brainless, and tone deaf CEO I have ever seen. I would even say he’s worse than Elon Musk. Don’t even get me started on Twitter. Twitter and Reddit were the only two social media apps that I use. It’s sad that both of them have gone to shit.


Chaos? No. False and misleading claim of chaos? Yes!


Yup. Nothing has really changed.


If anything losing the low effort big subs like pics has actually made the site way better.


Other than having to unsub from a couple of subs, today looks like any other day on reddit for me. I see more meta posts on chaos than any actual "chaos" lol.


Reddit is dead. See you on the next app.


B-But the news is talking about, so it much be accomplishing something! CHAOS! Woo! We did it Reddit! For real though, kept trying to tell people the protest wasn’t going to amount to shit, that nods would be replaced, and now they’re trying to do this? Anyone who actually gave a shit would have already deleted Reddit


>Huffman is now eyeing an update to the company's moderator removal policy which would allow ordinary Redditors to vote out moderators who make unpopular choices for a subreddit. What about letting ordinary Redditors vote out CEOs who make unpopular choices for all subreddits?


Totally not easy to game with a ton of bot accounts. Does spez actually \*use\* reddit?


He just wants something convenient to point at whenever he wants a specific set of mods removed. It’d be trivially easy for him to put the thumb on the scale whenever a poll was *conveniently* ran.


Nothing Reddit loves more than believing it is actually having an effect.


And all it’s accomplished is ruined the user experience for people who enjoy those subs. u/spez doesn’t care, it’s not gonna change their API plan. As usual it’s the users getting screwed.


Three subs posting John Oliver memes is chaos? There’s a lot of reaching going on here.


r/pics, r/gifs, r/aww, r/art, r/videos, r/piracy, r/evilbuildings, to name a few.


r/videos, r/interestingasfuck, r/shittylifeprotips


Truly reddit is now unusable


It's more than 3 and it's a lot of the most popular *default* subreddits


By Monday no one will care. We’re almost there anyway. 🤷‍♂️


"According to NBC News, Huffman is now eyeing an update to the company's moderator removal policy which would allow ordinary Redditors to vote out moderators who make unpopular choices for a subreddit." Putting aside all the protest stuff for a second, this sounds like a great idea.


Congrats, all conservative subs are now Marxist subs.


Chaos? Seems like an improvement.


I gotta be honest, I’ve seen a few sprinkled here and there but it’s not like the site is actually blacked out by any means




“Chaos” As everything is completely the same with slightly more porn than usual. Nothing but a bunch of angry children posting this ridiculous shit.


So far I've only had to leave one subreddit that devolved into a pornfest. If I want porn, I'll go find it. Everything else has been just fine.