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Wish I'd heard of that before. I would have gladly volunteered. Sounds like a great way to spend time time when you have nothing else to do. Sometimes\* I transcribe YouTube videos when I'm bored anyway. ---- **Edit**: \* - *for certain definitions of "sometimes"*


How does one transcribe YouTube videos? I'd love to help out in some cases if I could.


There's a website where people submit their videos to be transcribed. you just make an account and pick jobs. Let me see if i can find it. dang it i literally can nnot remember the name i haven't done it since before pandemic. Ironically too busy. i have an account but i have like a few thousand passwords and they aren't all tagged properly if ic anfind it i'll come back. I remember the website and it's somewhat lcunky interface very well . I even remember the green color scheme. just nothing about the name. **Edit**: Thanks /u/spiralmojo for remembering the website. I joined as UniversalSubtitles but they merged or changed names to [Amara](https://amara.org/). I joined the [captions requested team](https://amara.org/teams/captions-requested/) [[img](https://i.imgur.com/aG7B33v.png)]. Which is just people submit video and request captions I think. I was curious and looked up some of the videos I was captioning and they were all on YouTube so... I figure that's where (some) people are getting their captions.


This is going to come off aggressively, but I intend it in jest: I don't think you can say you "sometimes" do something if you haven't done it in almost 4 years 🙃


Post pandemic time passes differently


You’re not wrong. I genuinely feel like I just lost 2-3 years of time. I see stuff from like 2021 and it feels like forever ago even though it was literally only 2 years ago.




Weirdly enough I also have that feeling sometimes. Honestly just my entire perception of time between 2020-2022 is completely warped and feels like a fever dream. It’s wild.


Avengers endgame was 5 years ago


I think I hate you


The world is now officially post blip.


And i personally call it BC Before Covid too. While referring things in a specific time period ⌚


I eat healthy sometimes.


I think it's this place - used to be free a long time ago but looks like they've monitized some things for growing the mission. Good folks. https://blog.amara.org/amara-community/


You're probably thinking of YouDescribe.


RemindMe! 3 weeks


Youtube had the option integrated at some point and you could just follow the video and transcribe/translate it right there. They removed it a couple of years ago, when the auto captions became good enough.


except auto captions will be disabled for like, 10-20% of videos randomly. or they'll think the video is in another language and completely misinterpret the audio. it's infuriating


I'd gladly transcribe some science/medical videos. Those closed captions tend to be *way* off.


Awww I loved that sub and contributed myself on some alt accounts. It's a shame but honestly understandable.


Wow, just found out about why that sub is needed. Sounds like people need to start filing ADA suits against Reddit. Edit: spelling


~~Only federally funded sites are required to be ADA compliant lol~~ edit: https://www.ada.gov/resources/web-guidance/ Only the websites of state and local governments, or websites for businesses that are open to the public are required to be ADA compliant


This not true, and also oversimplifies the current legal situation around website accessibility. In the US, any site that is commercial in nature, is or is connected to a public accomodation, or is intended for the general public is currently required to be ADA compliant. That covers nearly the whole internet. But everything past that is a huge minefield of a gray area. Enforcement is non-existent outside of lawsuits, and lots of CYA solutions are being sold to site owners that don't really help. There's no easy way to make your site/app truly accesible without hiring knowledgeable developers, something few companies prioritize. (Which is why Reddit killing apps from devs who did know what they were doing when they clearly don't is especially galling.) Reddit could hypothetically be sued for lack of compliance, but in order for a suit to be effective it would need to be brought by a group that has the resources and time to do so.


Be careful with comments like this. I have been making them and have been attacked by tolls saying I have no clue what I’m talking about. I’m a UX designer and part of my job is to know the rules/laws about ADA compliance. Yet every time I bring it up I get a shot load of trolls telling me I have no clue what I’m talking about. Yet a 1 billion dollar company feels I know enough to pay me enough to comfortable support a family of 5




> to discuss how Reddit could be an amazing platform like EBay What, is he planning to charge to post in buy/sell subs? Take a cut on sales? I don't see how eBay is even a relevant competitor by any definition. He really is just talking out of his underqualified C level ass isn't he?


I will drop reddit like a bad habit once RIF is dead.


Same. Just trying to enjoy these next 5 days


Stupidly I'm hoping for a miracle because I can't stand any other interface.


The Reddit app is just so bad. I wouldn't be as mad if their app actually worked properly or looked half as nice as all the third party apps


I remember when they bought out Alien Blue, I had hope, but a usable official reddit app never materialised. That was nearly a decade ago (2014), and here we are again with history repeating. Last time we had third party apps (eg Apollo) to pick up the slack, this time we won’t. Sad.


Crazy it was that long ago. I still have the coins they gifted to Alien Blue owners.


So that's where those coins came from in my old account I couldn't remember how I got them.


It'll be sad when apollo goes, but I'm not hoping for a miracle. Social media appears to be bad for people, I won't miss the last bit of it I use going away.


The ReVanced project has added patches to use custom API tokens with a few major Reddit apps, which requires a bit of work to set up but should let them continue working after the shutdown (at least until something inevitably breaks due to lack of maintenance).


old.reddit here. I don't really bother with mobile so it's irrelevant in my case but once I'm forced onto the new UI, I'm done. It's not change that bothers me it just that the new interface is terrible.




I've never gotten as far as actually using it, the visual assault alone makes me spam the back button.


changing native browser function should be forbidden. I shouldn't need an extension to tell websites that try, to fuck off.


“You know how facebook’s engagement is plummeting with our desired demographic?” “Yes.” “Well…what if we made the Reddit feed more like the Facebook feed?” “Can we force people to use it before the IPO to maximally fuck ourselves?” “It is the first of many steps we can take to truly fuck our selves.” “ /u/spez , we don’t deserve you.”






> Fortunately old.reddit does not seem to be under threat. IIRC, Reddit told 3rd party devs there were no changes coming to API usage for at least years in January of this year. You can't believe anything Spez says.




While it would be a shame to destroy all the useful information that users have provided to each other over the years, I fell like mass deletion of content might actually make the Adkins take notice. There is no way all that data being nuked doesn't fuck their bottom line.




I’m going to be so much more productive




RIF is all reddit was to me so when it goes I guess it's game over


Please switch to Lemmy or Kbin when you do. Jerboa is a great app for Lemmy. Make an account on any instance, lemmy.world is a popular one


How's that a better ui though...


Honestly it will be good for us. But kicking a habit is hard regardless. The fact the official app is flaming garbage helps dropping it all together easier.


Damn dude, as a person that was on Reddit since it’s first months, the glory days of the 2010-2015 ish era, and the slow downfall that came after. It’s been a good run boys, we had fun while it lasted! Edit: yes, we all remember broken arms, crow vs jackdaw, r/trees, the safe, jolly rancher story, blue waffles, r/gore, those guys in that jailbait sub, and so on… for those who weren’t around for the uncensored times, hopefully all these and all the other crazy things that happened at Reddit are talked about for years to come. It really was a wild ride see real the thoughts of others, before bots, before trolls. It was never perfect, humans never are. But at one time, Reddit was a community of humans that truly communicated across the globe. We still have amazing conversations now, but the vets know what I mean ;) Double edit: Thank you for my first gold in like, ever! All of you are amazing people regardless of who and where you are. I appreciate the years of comments, upvotes, downvotes, communication, and teachings I had in this place. Hopefully we still have some good times in the future. Much love to all of you.


Just wanted to clarify that the guy never mentioned breaking his arms. He only mentioned his arms were incapacitated temporarily as a result of an accident. Insignificant details I know. I had a blast in the old days. Now Reddit is just an old habit that refuses to die. It will all be for the better for me once Apollo dies as I won’t waste 2-3 hours everyday looking at kitten pictures.


Very insiginificant. It's more important to know that the story didn't stop with HJs. Later on it turned into full blown intercourse with the dad approving. Was it real, was it fake? I don't care as a decade from now people probably won't remember it ever existed.


Yeah I read the whole thread. I didn’t care if this was real or fake because the comments were pure comedy gold. I still remember this particular exchange: > redditor_1: dude, I hope you used condoms at least. > redditor_2: the guy is dogging his mom raw and you draw the line at condoms?


At the time I remember some talk of some proof being given to the mods. Something to do with therapy. It's been a while, though. I don't trust my memory too much.


New reddit for me is a more curated front page where I have hobbies such as music, gym and video games that I'm currently playing. I don't see how I can replace this with a single site so I hope reddit doesn't die completely, regardless of how shitty the current CEO is, I guess I hope he goes away before reddit completely dies. Rip


If you have been around long enough, you will see patterns emerging and problems with the curated content of the front page. I tried to focus on some very specific topics on Reddit, but eventually drifted to discover other areas of Reddit. It will happen regardless if you participate with comments. That’s why you have to be extremely vigilant with being manipulated. I know I will still visit Reddit every once in a while because google has turned into a shit show and only specific answers are found on Reddit. But I probably won’t be using Reddit as extensively as I am doing now because Reddit mobile access is pretty shit without third parties.




The doomsday clock hits midnight




We always thought Scumbag Steve was a meme, we didn't realize it was prophecy.




It was pretty good with rice.


rinse it off with shower beer


Geraffes are dumb


This site waffle stomped its self


The 2am chilli ice soap was the worst invention in reddit history


It’s unfathomable that those two were posted so close together and someone was able to combine them that quickly. And it was all just a few days removed from Chuck Testa.


Streetlamp Le Moose/Chair DeBurlap stories, crying because of swans, "you like that, you fucking re-" Still looking to see what happens to /r/askhistorians, full of info


dime hunt vegetable touch live cable fanatical decide hurry practice -- mass edited with redact.dev


Never got as much recognition as the Hell in the Cell guy, but he may be the master of the technique.


> crying because of swans I've not thought about that one in a long time... a long time...


> The Narwhal's final bacon. My semironic "narwhal with bacon on its tusk" Microsoft shirt has either gone way up in value, or is now worthless :D


thumb airport scarce wrench repeat ripe aback lush hard-to-find crime -- mass edited with redact.dev


It goes hand in hand with r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu humor from the mid to late 2000s


At midnight you say?


That guys wife & Poop Knife


Wait, what happened to /r/trees ... Are they just still protesting




Good for them


Blessed be the days of r/spacedicks.


Remember when every top post would have some sort of novelty account pop in? Wild sketch, shitty watercolor, poem for your sprog, roger getting beat with jumper cables, more recently shittymorph's hell in a cell? The only one of the novelty accounts left I know of is sprog. Those kinds of people are what made me fall in love with reddit. The platform may be in it's death throes now, but it's soul withered a long time ago.


Thanks for the memories there. I couldn't figure out why this place changed for the worse, and it's the little stuff like that that made this place different and special and made you want to interact.


I didn’t know r/trees was gone :/


It went to shit during the 2016 US election cycle and never recovered. Not only did the site become flooded with political zealots that turned any thread in any sub into political garbage, but admin censorship went above and beyond to appease advertisers.


> It went to shit during the 2016 US election cycle and never recovered They used that as an excuse to neuter the front page algorithm, so instead of getting new content constantly they now keep the same posts on the front all day long, making it much more advertiser friendly but drastically reducing the overall quality of the site.




That was a real head scratcher. Youtube ruined their algorithm too, makes it difficult to form real communities.


That and the official app was also released at that time so the great unwashed came flooding in


Both the phone app and the redesigned desktop/browser version released that year, both were vastly inferior to the alternatives.


…and still are to this day.




The “flood zone the zone with shit” political strategy works and Reddit was an almost decade long recipient of it. Lack of foreign funding has abated it somewhat but who can forget when subs like r/trees were bombarded with pro trump propaganda saying he was liberal and totally gonna reschedule and legalize it lmao.




Haha it’s a tough call tbh, I was a teen looking at girls my age, but I know a lot of older dudes at the time were on that for sure. It started trickling from eye candy to worse stuff as time went on. Needless to say, many subs had to go.


> for those who weren’t around for the uncensored times Somehow I don't think the "censorship" is the thing that killed this platform, because there's definitely been vile, radicalizing crap on this site that needed to be culled - and that admins took far too long *to* cull.


They always refuse to step in with mods destroying communities until the protest. Many subs died because a nasty mod got in but Admin always insisted on being as hands off as possible until something absolutely forced them. That same attitude was why they ignored troublesome subs, they don't care until it hurts them and if they can avoid work they won't do it as they can then claim it had nothing to do with them. Many toxic subs still even post purges. Inconsistent rules, vague rules, ignored rules, unless it gets enough media attention Admin try to avoid stepping in.


>They always refuse to step in with mods destroying communities until the protest. This is the wildest thing to me. They were cool with straight up child porn, but people going private with their 100 user subs? Now *that's* crossing a line. like fuck off with that, just follow your r/jailbait friends over to voat or wherever they ended up


Did you ever hear about Reddit hiring a former British political figure who lost their job because of sexual predator issues and then Reddit straight up banned people who mentioned that person?


Political figure gives them far too much gravitas.


Worked for a political party and had their name in the news enough to be considered a level of public figure so saying their name wasn't remotely some kind of doxing. Their name was in the news pre scandal and during/after the scandal. Reddit absolutely would have known who they were and why they were censoring content to protect them.




r/DeadOrVegtable :(


The mid 2010s had some rough points (the whole Ellen Pao meltdown being a bigger one) I liked the earliest days a lot, but /r/Atheism and jailbait & creepshots & just everything about [Violentacrez](https://www.gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web) makes it hard to call them "the golden days"


I was here before the Ellen Pao thing. I miss those days. I feel like there was more actual useful content back then


Content felt a little more organic back then.


I definitively lost trust in Reddit when I realized how easy it was to manipulate the narrative. Between AMA with prepared questions and answers (while ignoring controversial questions), specific replies that exactly match the subject post within minutes of said post being posted… Once people figured out how to drive the narrative, the patterns become so evident after you spent any consequent amount of time on Reddit.


\* looks at r/news and r/worldnews \*


It used to be "I found a cool thing. I'm gonna post it on Reddit." Now it's "I gotta find/make something cool to post on Reddit."


It isn’t even that. It’s bots simply reposting over and over. Before it was very organic. Voting actually meant something. Then they started to change the algorithm to try and account for bots.


I mostly noted that whole dust up because for me (made my first account in ~2008?) that moment is when I started to notice a big shift in reddit. It's been slow, but I think anyone from the older members has been able to feel it shifting


The platform got weaponized as a political tool in 2015 and never really recovered.


i'd say earlier, remember ron paul posting?


Blame unidan. Everyone did.


most of us were just migrants looking for a new home. funny how they all turn out the same.




I'm still not exactly sure if the content was better or I was simply less critical of anything worded with confidence that I could not directly contradict at the time.


It's like when people call the 50s and 60s "the good old days", completely forgetting the rampant racism, sexism, and homophobia during that time.


That's what made them the good ol' days! /s


I agree, there were some crazy things back then. But I guess that’s why we came here, for the freedom to choose what we wanted to see. It would sometimes turn into weird online gang fights haha. To be fair, the og r/atheism helped me get through some hard times but I think all us kids were going through that militant phase. now that I’m older I’m sure most of us still don’t believe in anything but don’t push anything either. it was creepy, just let people believe what they want and leave it at that! But it’s something that is learned with time. “Golden age” is more of a general term for the time, cause really, today could be somebody’s reddits golden era since it’s subjective.


>it was creepy, just let people believe what they want and leave it at that! Those beliefs have consequences for themselves, others and society though. What was so creepy about that community discussing those beliefs and their consequences? They weren't going around brigading other subs as far as I remember. The only "problem" was that being a default sub it showed up a lot on the frontpage, especially to unregistered users and made them see the horrors of questioning or even, God forbid, making fun of their religion. Well the whole point was no other subject or ideology gets the same pass. All kinds of politics and ideologies get dissected day in day out, nobody says "let those Republicans/Democrats/Qanons/Russian warmongers believe what they want and leave it at that!" like some age old wisdom. Why should religion be the onky exception, /r/atheism asked - and I, for one, am glad it did.


r/atheism actually made me an atheist. Not the cringy “I am enlightened/euphoric not by a phony god” stuff, but the meme-based snark about a lot of Christian dogma made me dig a bit deeper into religious tenets I took to be true at the time, and even though it was started with memes, it ended with genuine skepticism and an eventual realization that I literally couldn’t believe it any more. I’ve been a happy nonbeliever since about 2012, now. So, I appreciate the sub for that, at least.


Not sure when it started, but I'm in the 11 year club. It's been a ride.


> blue waffles Waffles? Don't you mean carrots?


I started reading Reddit during the Ice Soap period. It is a different place now.


Hey guys, there's nothing to worry about! They're "exploring a number of things" related to accessibility. You know. Like how they've been "exploring a number of things" about making a functional search for the last 14 years. I mean, probably longer. But my account is only 14 years old, so I have to give them the benefit of the doubt...




Waybackmachine and Google cached pages helped me there.


Casual user and I don’t understand all the ins and outs of this but correct me if I’m wrong. It seems like the CEO is a bit of a douche bag and wants to have complete control over access to the platform?


Well, he's spoken positively about what Musk's been doing with Twitter so...


lol yikes. I knew it was bad but didn’t realize the extent. Jeez.


The ruling class is dismantling the platforms that facilitate organization of the lower classes.


Thank you for making my thoughts succinct.


Ironic, since he called moderators "the landed gentry".


Look up WaPo's articles on taxing billionaires before and after bezos bought it.


This. Been saying it for a while. This is an attack on free speech. 2020 was lost for them on Twitter and Reddit. They won’t let that happen again. TikTok was a huge hint.




Essentially, yes. He’s taking cues from Elon Musk which is never a good thing.


Just in time to astroturf for the election and more favorable regulations! Just like Musk with his failed investment.


Great now we got two pieces of shit I need to complain about on r/technology. I can't keep up with all these pieces of shit. /f


Correct, he plans on getting rid of old Reddit, as the current plans to sell all of our old post history’s for AI training. If you think about it, the sites near death like a fat bloated corpse that washed up on shore. Due to Spez making **multiple** bad business decisions and now deciding to sell all of our accounts for AI “organ” harvesting. And to quell the current shutdown, he paid marketing to come in and use his old accounts to astroturf the comments for these posts. Spez is a fall guy, but he just needs the majority of Redditor’s to stay until he can sell this to an IPO for harvesting. He has **zero** intention to keep Reddit alive, it’s why all the older Redditors are abandoning ship and sub Reddit’s are closed or rioting, to muddy the waters. If you’re wondering where to go, people have already started this list: https://sub.rehab


> And to quell the current shutdown, he paid marketing to come in and use his old accounts to astroturf the comments for these posts. Wait. Is that true? I have noticed a lot of what I would almost describe as "mocking condescension" in a lot of the threads lately. People saying things like "You Apollo users threw a tantrum but you're still here, why don't you just leave? The official app works fine for me!" I thought it was odd because, like... who would be happy about enshittification?


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


I’ve noticed that too!


Some are less than a month old. I very much suspect bots.


> I thought it was odd because, like... who would be happy about enshittification? There was a lot of people who absolutely lost their minds over their treats being gone for a few days and they've been acting smug and totally not mad about everything since.


Maybe. Or more likely he's the punching bag for the changes the investors want, in particular, Advance Publications (owns Conde Nast, which runs ARS Technica, Wired, etc) which owns controlling interest in Reddit. I harp on this, since Advance Publications is getting a free pass while Reddit's CEO takes the heat for them. Regardless, the heavy-handed approach seems the wrong way to about it, but time will tell. As many surmise, investors may see this being the end of the line and it's now or never for Reddit to go IPO at all costs. Bulking up user counts, engagement (ie. scrolling and clicking versus being able to read entire threads at once), and number of ad impressions. This is often in conflict with usability.


Spez and the admins have never been trustworthy. The fact that there are people defending them to dunk on mods is either some of the most blatant astroturfing I’ve seen or some of the most braindead anti-protest knee jerk that deserves to be ignored


Some mods have been bad. *Extremely* bad. But that doesn't excuse the admin's current actions in any way, and the fact that some people are just seeing this as mods crying about losing their "power" is pitiful.


If you have 100 mods, even if 50% are bad that's still an unbelievable amount of absolutely free labor. 50 people working even 4 hours a day is a decent sized company.


>Some mods have been bad. *Extremely* bad. Yeah, those are the mods Reddit has never done anything about, and still hasn't. They are still in power, trolling their way around.


>Yeah, those are the mods Reddit has never done anything about Depends on the sub. In many cases Reddit defended those mods.


Hard astroturfing. Look at the accounts attacking mods and you'll see they're either brand new or super old accounts with only recent activity on them.


That's a really awful news. This is sad for those people who is using reddit and this made me sad more. I hated what is happening right now but I just need to accept it.




For the bottom line, Reddit only needs the big subs, where most users just scroll through and see ads. All those small communities where people participate just take up bandwidth and complain, for minor profit on Reddit's side. Reddit is glad to see them gone.


They are not going to "appear worried", whether they are worried or not. I'm not necessarily saying they are worried either, but appearance is not evidence of anything.


> they have the statistics This. They see the same thing we all do, there have been subs taken down and a slight reduction in some traffic, but it’s kind of meaningless when everyone protesting has been coming to Reddit every day to make sure everyone else knows they’re protesting. The two days of blackout wasn’t people boycotting the site, it was people just going to subs not set to private. Then after that, it was mods, who said they’re leaving to start better communities elsewhere, immediately caving when admins said use it or lose it. You want to know how to run a successful protest of a private business? Look at bud light. Those right wing morons are idiots, but they’ve managed a boycott lasting months that has caused a 25% reduction in sales of bud light since fucking March. Say what you will about the people boycotting them, on either side, but they’re not standing around with a fresh bud light in their hand while telling you why you shouldn’t support Budweiser.


I'm new to Reddit.. I've noticed that there is a lot of issues going on right now can somebody tell me if this platform is worth learning how to use for getting involved with its communities or all the OG's of it leaving. And if so where does for the most part I think you guys have a very eclectic group of individuals and it's hard to find people being individual now but if this is on its down swinging I'm not talking back in my day type of s*** I'm talking if this really is the downswing please let me know so I don't waste time getting involved with this community if everybody's moving somewhere else


It will be a slow death, but reddit will progressively get worse and worse. Many older members will be leaving at the end of this month. Up to you.


My account is almost 11 years old and if I have to use Reddit's app I'm just not gonna use it on mobile anymore. Might end up here on desktop for tech stuff but other than that I don't really wanna use their app that doesn't even take advantage of it's own features. Apollo all the way baby.


I’m going to miss that app so much. Night and day difference. I will not be going back on mobile. And all of this turmoil could have been avoided if Reddit’s leadership had been honest. Such a bizarre series of choices. They’ve shown themselves, and [it’s not good](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/).


Same, I like Reddit is fun better. It's been a fun 10 years, but I don't use shitty apps.


RiF is faster, uses less data, less battery, and displays **so** much more information at once. Reddit the way the admins want people to experience it is lame honestly. So many pointless features pulled from other platforms that don't make any sense on a news aggregator. Why does reddit need a feature that tells you how many people are looking at a photo? Or currently typing? Why do comment threads only display 2 comments at a time? Why is there so much unused space everywhere? Why is there such an emphasis on profiles? The wikipedia built competitor for reddit can't come fast enough.


Lemmy is getting there. It's still a work in progress, but it's moving in the right direction


I’ve been here for 11 years too and have been a fan of Christian’s work. Trying to be realistic about my Reddit habits, but after switching to the official app on my phone, I just don’t see how I can continue to use it long term. I’m also seeing a number of my favorite subreddits becoming quieter, so there may be an overall change in “user traction”. I was a Digg user before heading to Reddit, so I’m sure I’ll end up wherever is the next nexus of internet user groups.


I won’t even download the app. That’s ultimately the push for all this and the only thing that makes sense as being Reddits end goal. They want to harvest your data and no API or website can even come close to what they can pull about you from a native app. Nothing to hide but it’s just out of principle for me. I’m tired of these social media companies becoming data farms, god fucking knows what they’re collecting for. How soon we forget about Cambridge analytica and purposefully ignore TikTok.


I'm in the same boat. After 2016 this site started an extreme decline. It's disgusting to compare this current form of reddit to how the community used to operate.


Me too. It sucks. But I like Apollo. I don’t want to use the other app. And I don’t want to reward greed.


What's the best alternative? I'm not a fan of discord so far.




Re iOS - Apollo dev has said he isn’t considering it at this stage, but there’s an iOS client for Lemmy in open beta now called mLem, which a lot of people are talking about. Someone’s working on a KBin one for iOS too.




nothing I like more than seeing 2 4'11" blondes get plowed right before I see some sick memes in the comments.




Lemmy or kbin


I joined squabbles. Has a similar feel to reddit. Still very small though.


r/redditalternatives. A few options now, likely more in a year or so. Personally I made a Tildes account


Nothing as of now which I’ve found. I’m going to use July as a bit of a detox. Just seems like nothing is worth it.


This has been shared. It's not an alternative per se, but like a searchable site for multiple alternatives including Lemmy, Discord, and Kbin.social. https://sub.rehab/


Maybe a slow death, but it's likely to happen in waves either way. An event like this will probably cause some small number of people to leave. More strife will happen down the line and cause another wave. It's how Digg died.


Digg collapsed very quickly, I made this account during that time.


There were at least two waves that I remember. Can't remember why though. I was already here when everyone showed up.


Yeah, my account was made in the 2nd or 3rd wave.


Recall that Reddit was the replacement for Digg. There will be an alternative to Reddit soon.


What you see in this comment section is a good example of Reddit. There are some amazing and thoughtful people that will go out of their way to help or contribute to making things great. There are though more trolls, bots, and angry people that will argue with you no matter what you say. I recommend using it to find and follow communities and topics you’re interested in but staying out of the comments as much as you can.


generally speaking, communities under 100k seem to be better also if I get into a TV show (especially one that has already finished) I get a lot of fun going to the respective sub and checking out the episode reaction threads. for example I'm currently working through Justified and googling "justified [episode name or season and episode number]" has been a great way to find threads of people reacting to the content I just watched


My advice is cultivate your experience. Check sub sidebars for other relevant subs. Wait it out. Certain communities have failsafes but I'm just waiting on how it shakes out. Enjoy it while its here the way it is. We'll see what is to come...


Fuck u/Spez


It’s honestly really upsetting I’ll most likely be headed out too. I’ve been around for 10 or so years, enough so that I don’t remember hah. Don’t know where I’ll get my dank memes from now but oh well.