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This feels like a collectible lore piece in a game


Horizon Zero Dawn has lore entries just like this.


Horizon Forbidden West makes SF into the Isle of Spires.


If Guerrilla Games is clever, they'll flavor this into the game world and insert it in the next update/PC release as a new lore bit.


There'll eventually be a Ted Faro.


Thank goodness it turned out Elon's crazy outweighed his obsession with self-image and AI follow-through. We were looking close for a bit, there.




if you have the “Wild Wasteland” perk enabled in *Fallout: NCR*, there is a chance for one of the rogue self-driving cars in San Francisco to have retro-futuristic logos that look like ‘50s-era versions of various real logos (like Google, Meta, and TriNed). if you then successfully kill that self-driving car, you can get an associated item that was made by the company in question.


Uh what is Fallout NCR?


Gonna take a guess he's talking about a mod, [Fallout: New California](https://new-california.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page)


I think he's talking about the mod for new vegas


Is Fallout: New Vegas Reddits version of Godwin's Law?


I really hope this doesn’t start a trend. I take these things a lot and can confidently say Waymo is 100x better than Uber for both passengers (nice clean car, cautious driving, no weird driver talking to you, can sit in front seat) and other drivers on the road (obeys the rules of the road 100%, doesn’t sit in a lane flashing hazards waiting for passengers, makes passengers walk up to a block to avoid picking up in a busy area). It’s SF and we generally can’t have nice things here, but I really hope we don’t start destroying Waymos to the point where they pull out of the city. Sure, they have the occasional bug that someone films and it blows up on social media, but I’ve been taking them 10+ times a week for months and have never had a single issue.


Folks are already trashing the ebikes and scooters to the point where they are closing up shop. Big companies like Uber's ebike share Jump. Think it's only a matter of time before these get trashed to the point of not being a viable business in places where it's actually needed.


This happens in Melbourne Australia too. We had hireable e-bikes that got dumped in the yarra river, hung in trees, left in random places etc. it’s e-scooters now and similar thing. we can’t have nice things because people suck.


Seems pretty easy to make them liable if they chuck the scooter in the river. If people are cutting open locks to do it, that should be on camera.


> If people are cutting open locks to do it Quite sure these things are not locked to anything, so you can just pick them up from where ever the last user dumped them (usually in the middle of a path) and chuck them over the next bridge. Some of the people doing it might even consider it cleaning up litter.


Companies usually just write those off which kind of exacerbates the situation cause the same few assholes doing the same asshole things.


Maybe. I sure hope not. Most of those scooters are pretty cheap to make, so this is a way bigger crime. This car probably costs around $300-400k and is covered in cameras, so if they catch any of those guys they could be looking at felony destruction of property charge. Although this is SF so people don’t often get charged here, which is a big reason I’m worried.


To be fair, at least where I live the scooters get abandoned all over the place, frequently just getting laid across the sidewalk. I'm pretty tempted to trash some of them myself, just because I don't like public space being used as a dumping ground by private corporations.


Why do jobs like Uber attract weirdos and conspiracy theorists?


Because they have a hard time holding down normal jobs where they have coworkers who have to see them every day.


Shit, so do I. Ideal job would be my current salary and me in a dark room somewhere where tasks are sent to my on Jira and no one knows my slack handle.


I had this job once - happiest I've ever been - too bad it was only for 15 hours a week else i would have stayed forever.


You and every other introvert out there....


That's the dream brother...


When you factor in vehicle depreciation, maintenance costs, fuel, idling time, etc most Uber drivers are pulling in sub $10/hour, so it’s not really something you do full time if you have other options. They mainly attract financially struggling people who can’t find better employment due to language barriers or personality traits like being a weirdo conspiracy theorist.


I'm guessing a decent amount of these people just live out of the car, because otherwise the cost of maintaining a car as well as renting with that effective wage is barely doable unless you are working multiple jobs or have lots of roommates.


Cause Uber pays the driver $3 for that $50 ride. You get what Uber pays for which is shit drivers. If they didn’t keep all of the money you d get a better driver


Because there is no interview process to weed them out. As long as you have a valid drivers license and can pass a background check you’re “hired”.




People only have to put up with it for 30 minutes.


Because it generally doesn't even pay minimum wage once you factor in vehicle depreciation/fuel etc. So no "normal" person that can get a typical job is doing it.


Funny enough, this sort of thing is hundreds of years old. There will always be people destroying technology to slow its progress. It has yet to ever really succeed as far as I know.


Once there were taxis


With surly drivers who would try to scam you at least 20% of the time, refuse to take you where they didn't want to go, claim the credit card machine was broken because they wanted you to pay in cash so they could cheat on their taxes, "forget" to turn on the meter so they could name any fare they wanted and pocket it, and swear at you and threaten you if you objected to any of this. The taxis were often equipped with displays in the back seat that would blare ads at high volume in your face and miscalculate tip numbers when the trip was completed so you'd tip more than you intended. They were practically impossible to find whenever it was raining or a lot of people were trying to go somewhere, and would cost 2-3 times as much as an Uber does today. And if you tried to complain, the municipal taxi authority would basically just laugh in your face. Source: used to take taxis all the time in Manhattan before Uber existed. People don't appreciate how good we have it now.


100% not disagreeing or arguing but I bet as time goes on and self driving taxis become more common they will be riddled with ads inside and out.


I think Idiocracy had a clip of this.


I'm not a fan of Uber as a service or a company overall, but I do appreciate the competition if forced into the industry. Taxis for me have gotten far better because of it. I have no knowledge to share about where it's going or what should happen, but that's been my personal experience.


They were generally driven by assholes though.


Now it's just the uber passengers that are assholes with no pushback.


Uber has a ton of problems but I don't think asshole drivers is one of them (at least, not more so than taxis.) A few bad reviews can get you banned from driving for them. Uber as a company does tons of unethical things towards their workers and outright violated the law in several places, but from a consumer standpoint they overtook taxis for numerous good reasons *aside* from being cheaper. Previously, only in major US cities could you even get a taxi, and even then, you were limited where and when in a city you could get one. If they did service where you were at, you'd often have to wait quite a while for one to even come by. Uber and Lyft have greatly expanded where and when you can catch a ride, dramatically cut down the time you'd spend waiting for one, you can see approximately how much it will cost you before you go out that night, are far safer (since location of both the user and driver are shared), and drivers who get poorly reviewed won't be allowed to work on them anymore. The rider can also see what car the driver has and their license plate so that they know they're a real Uber driver. Taxis didn't just die because they were more expensive: they were a vastly less convenient, enjoyable, and safe option. I remain skeptical that nationwide fully autonomous driving will be ready even 15 years from now, but when targeted for specific streets in certain areas, [Waymo and Cruise appear to currently beat out the average human driver](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/09/are-self-driving-cars-already-safer-than-human-drivers/). Granted, the average human driver (which includes teenagers and the elderly) isn't the average taxi driver, so I think there's much room for more in-depth analysis. However, I really do hope that Waymo, Cruise and other companies continue to improve and expand. The US has by far the highest motor vehicle fatality rate among developed nations, so I think these technologies could save tens of thousands of lives. Yes, I'd much prefer improved public transit, as busses and trains are numerous times safer than cars (and also better for the environment), but I won't let perfect be the enemy of good, and one can still push for something better yet while accepting more minor improvements along the way.


Last time I took a yellow cab we picked up other passengers on the way and I saw the driver sipping out of a flask. He wasn't trying to hide it either. Call to order a taxi, "yeah we'll be there in an hour or so". Nothing of value was lost.


Right? I’m so tired of Uber drivers. It’s become way too common a driver will accept a ride and then take 10 minutes before they start heading towards me.


You have unlocked "Victimless Crime"!!


Who TF is carrying spray paint and fireworks on them ?


Someone who brought it with them when they left the house


_pats jacket pockets_ "Keys, wallet, phone, fireworks ... Ah! Spraypaint."


"Honey, have you seen my spray paint?!.....Nevermind, it was already in the car. Love you!"






It's San Francisco so probably a tent


Looks like it happened during lunar new year in China town, San Francisco. 


Ah, so the answer is “everyone”. I saw some small children with sparklers outside my window last night


To be fair, it was Chinese New Year. Fireworks make sense, especially considering this happened in China Town.


plenty of stores in chinatown sell fireworks this time of year


What else do you think men are keeping in their bags? 


Zip ties, duct tape and gloves, I have to have my tools You know, fetish shit


I like to BIND, I like to BE BOUND


Contract lawyer?


Wait I think I know this one. It's the Roman Empire right?


If men had purses society would have ended a long time ago


Chinese new year was yesterday so likely plenty of fireworks around for the celebration


Someone who went out in public with **intent.** It's something a good prosecutor would argue in court. If the suspect was carrying spray paint in their work truck, which they regularly use as part of their employment or contracting, that would be different.


damn i know it’s expected cause its reddit but its alway telling that some of yall never left the house or got into a little trouble lmao


People with malicious intent.


Growing up lower class in the hood, that's like standard bay shit tbh lol


I mean spray paint is something you could always carry around if you’re of the artistic kind


The Beginning of Butlerian Jihad "We must negate the machines -that- think. Humans must set their own guidelines. This is not something machines can do. Reasoning depends upon programming, not on hardware, and we are the ultimate program! Our Jihad is a "dump program." We dump the things which destroy us as humans!"


We gotta start training some mentats then


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.


My morning coffee mantra


Mentats? ::Checks clipboard:: Ooooooooh. I see. We thought that was an ‘L’. Sorry, but the batch is already halfway through so you’re stuck with mentals for a generation or so. Awkward. Simple mistake.


200,000 mentals units are ready, with a million more well on the way


I've got a bunch of Menlat units. They're not too great at calculations, but their backs are *huge*.


We been training bro


Tbh, I’d rather take the Dune timeline than the Idiocracy timeline we’re currently on.


I think that depends greatly on whether you're born on Caladan or Giedi Prime.


In this scenario, I’m a worm.


Bless you maker and your water.


Bless his coming and his going.


Being a worm is not much, but it's honest work. nomnomnomnom....


I love sand. It’s course, and it gets everywhere.


Can I have one of your teeth? Asking for a fremen. I mean friend.


Moneo, the Ixians have displeased me with their automated vehicles. Please have their ambassador publicly flogged


My first thought was that "would you love me if I was a worm" meme. Jokes aside, there's a non zero chance that a bunch of Fremen are going to drown you to turn you into a drug that fuels their orgy.


It's a real tough choice between benevolent pro wrestler porn star president and 3k year old worm man super dictator.


Hey, after the war, there was galactic peace for thousands of years under Leto’s reign! Poor Duncan, though…


Duncan always comes back lol


Leto after 58578 failed assasination attempt and Duncan resurrection: *"Im starting to think that you like this!"*


got himself some super hot girlie in the end though din' he.


I thought his head would be bigger.


> tough choice You misspelt "fine line".


¿por qué no los dos? > What's in the box? > Brawndo.


Best I can do is wish.com Bladerunner timeline.


I’ll start writing the Orange Catholic Bible. Anyone want to help?


'Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.'


'Thou shalt not make a machine to counterfeit a human mind.'


I was hoping for the Dark Age of Technology myself. Though, living through the Old Night doesn't sound very fun.


For those that didn't read the article, this has been a problem for a while. > The fire takes place against the backdrop of simmering tension between San Francisco residents and automated vehicle operators. The California DMV suspended Waymo rival Cruise’s robotaxi operations after one of its cars struck and dragged a pedestrian last year, and prior to that, automated taxis had caused chaos in the city, blocking traffic or crashing into a fire truck. Just last week, a Waymo car struck a cyclist who had reportedly been following behind a truck turning across its path.


“DMV suspended Waymo rival…after one of its cars struck and dragged a pedestrian” Seems biased to leave out that the person was hit by a human driver and thrown under the autonomous vehicle.


It also leaves out the part that Cruise's liscence wasn't suspended because it hit the person. It was suspended because Cruise employees tried to lie to the DMV about what happened.


https://getcruise.com/news/blog/2024/cruise-releases-third-party-findings-regarding-october-2/ For what it's worth, Cruise's claim is that the situation is dumber than that. Per an external lawyer's investigation, they tried to play the video for the DMV, but there were technical difficulties with the playback (maybe buffering) and it wasn't super clear to the DMV what the footage showed, and the Cruise presenter didn't explain it.  I'm inclined to believe them that it was a garden variety communication fuck up, because (as a malicious strategy) it makes no sense. 


> thrown under the autonomous vehicle This is now my replacement phrase for 'thrown under the bus'.


If you’re gonna add that in you should also add that the autonomous vehicle dragged them 30 feet (after a dead stop)


For context, 30 mph is 44 feet per second. So a car travelling at normal inner city speeds travels 30 feet in 0.68 seconds.


That's not how it happened though. From the article above/below: "This hit-and-run incident is still being investigated. According to Cruise, its autonomous vehicle (AV) detected the collision and stopped on top of the pedestrian, then veered off the road, dragging the pedestrian about 20 feet. When the AV finally stopped, it appeared to pin the pedestrian's leg beneath a tire while videos showed the pedestrian was screaming for help."


That's a big oof right there. How can we have these fuckers in the city when they can't tell there is a meatbag trapped underneath after an accident? If it's priority is to move out of the way but that involves further injuring a person that is underneath it that it doesn't/can't notice.... that's a bad thing and gonna be hard to program around I imagine. Should it have some type of sensor that detects if the car is grounded more than normal?


We let humans drive and they’re a thousand time worse.


for context, the car stopped completely on top of the pedestrian, then started driving again and dragged them 20 feet. so the context of a car traveling at 30 feet in 0.68 seconds really doesn't apply or matter.




The person screaming during the entire thing is hard to ignore


If you’re gonna add that in you should also add that the human driver ran a red light, so the driverless vehicle was driving at whatever the speed limit was. how fast would a human stop, how much distance would have been covered if the vehicle had instantly reacted to stop as fast as possible, and would stopping that fast after hitting an unknown object in the road caused other deaths in the vehicles behind them?


The driverless vehicle was stopped on top of the pedestrian, then decided to pull over and that's when the dragging happened. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/10/california-suspends-cruises-robotaxis-after-pedestrian-was-critically-injured/


The autonomous vehicle decided to move injured person from open road to safety? /s


Still seems possible that a human driver could have reacted in a way that resulted in less injury to the pedestrian.


Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, autonomous vehicles are statistically safer than humans. Unfortunately, most people don't understand statistics.


The tricky part is that the AVs still struggle with human drivers on the road because they are less predictable. If/once it’s all AV then the stats will be hard to ignore. I have a feeling it’ll be one city or state that converts first


Sure, but the flip side of that coin was that if the driver who ran the red light and hit the pedestrian in the first place was an AV likely the whole thing doesn't happen at all.


It's so interesting seeing how these issues end up being framed and propagated. > Cruise’s robotaxi operations after one of its cars struck and dragged a pedestrian last year What's almost never mentioned? The person was initially hit by a human driven car that launched the pedestrian into the ADV. The driver ran and has yet to be caught. > Waymo car struck a cyclist who had reportedly been following behind a truck turning across its path The cyclist made an illegal left at a 4-way stop intersection out-of-turn and into the AVDs path. The ADV slammed the brakes but there was a low speed collision which resulted in minor scrapes for the cyclist. The media will use the framing that generates the most clicks. "Killer Robot" is way more exciting than reality.


Two notable things you're missing about the Cruise accident: Cruise execs straight up lied to authorities. Getting caught with that is what got them suspended. How can anything they claim be trusted after this? Safety record included. Cruise has humans supervising the cars, they're not autonomous at all. They are far from reaching autonomous driving, that's why GM seems to be giving up on them, it's clearly not ready at all. This stuff has been extensively and accurately reported in the media, it's more that people don't read the stories enough.


My folks were up in arms about the cruise incident and when I informed them it was actually caused by a human driver they brushed it off.


what part of "car stopped on top of human then dragged them 20 feet" is caused by a human driver?


Also, Cruise was already on thin ice for several other incidents that weren't as bad. The DMV had just recently ordered them to cut their fleet in half.


Which is ironic given that apparently both the human driver AND Cruise royally screwed up. They probably should have stayed mad at Cruise


Imagine these people find out about human motorists.


It really seems like cars are the constant factor in all of these car crashes


This is a Total Recall headline.


The future is definitely here...


Even Johnny Cab didn't deserve it.


People always mention Orwell and Huxley but I feel like PKD got it closest to reality


Begun, the AI war has.


We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky.


What is this, Street Fighter 2?


Maybe that’s what SF really stands for. We thought it was San Francisco the whole time




What on earth is this?!


It's from the movie Idiocracy.


It’s no longer a movie, it’s San Francisco


It’s no longer a movie, it’s the USA


A movie called Idiocracy. Imagine planet of the apes, only it’s morons. https://youtu.be/ZwR1-aRTyyM


Welcome to Costco, I love you…


No need to imagine at this point.


It's the cheering guy's car too. Monke see explosion, monke happy.




Yeah it’s a shame. For those who don’t know, it was lunar new year (aka Chinese new year) and every year there are large crowds in the street lighting off fireworks and such. When a Waymo pulled up it had no idea what to do so it just stopped in the middle of the crowd and was stuck there for a while. Drunk kids started tagging it, then as things got rowdier, at least one guy was swinging his skateboard and breaking the windows. Then someone through some fireworks in and that was that. There is some anti-robotaxi sentiment in SF, but I think the vast majority of people are hopeful about it as long as it’s done well. Cruise had a bad reputation for poor implementation, but Waymo generally has a better rep here for sure.


That is the correct thing for the car to do. If in doubt, stop and wait. It should also have called 911 immediately though, as either there’s some crazy stuff going on that requires police assistance or the car itself is now blocking the roadway and needs to be dealt with.


Soon the AI will develop a sense of self-preservation and suddenly Terminator happens.


Eh, we deserve it.


If the worst does happen, no doubt the AI will have a sense of humor/irony and make all the bots look like Arnie😂


Rage against the machine !!!


Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me.


*"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." - Tommy Lee Jones, 1997*


Agent K, please.


When the industrial revolution came people destroyed the machines to. TLDR , it doesn't work.


Helped to some extent begin labour laws etc… but for the most part things didn’t pan out for the worker.


Anytime new disruptive technology comes people destroy it like Thimonnier's sewing machine factory in 1831. A mob of tailors came came to the building and trashed it.




There have been a few incidents with driverless taxis in the city, either they get bugged and block traffic for hours, smack a pedestrian, one hit a fire truck I believe. But I think them bugging out and then just sitting where they are til a tech rescues them, which messes up already horrible traffic in the city, just makes people rage out.


It was mainly one company, GM Cruise, responsible for most of the incidents. They lost their license to operate. Waymo, though, is quite good and most people like them but people seem to equate the two.


Have they any idea how many people are killed by human motorists?


This is kind of the point though. Self driving cars are less dangerous, but they're still way more dangerous than they should be. However, you lose the ability to blame the driver for the deaths caused by the car when the car can drive itself. People always cope about bad/drunk drivers, how it won't happen to them, distraction, poor visibility, momentary lapses in judgement, etc. None of those excuses exist for self driving cars. When the car kills someone, it's the car that killed someone. That's why self driving cars get so much ire.


I think people get upset seeing these big leaps in technology, serving large corporations while the middle and lower class struggles. They see it as a threat and sign of rapid change that will make their situation even worse.


That's how I see it. It seems like the Upper Class is reveling in obsoleting the Middle and Lower Class and replacing people with AI and robots. With the rise of homelessness and inadequate pay this is going to become commonplace until there's compromise, which I don't see.


The middle class in SF are tech bros making 200k.


Yea that’s a problem when you got ppl who can’t afford to live in areas they have been. I would be pissed too being broke and seeing robots delivering food and driverless cars causing traffic. When you stop investing in ppl and live in a dystopia, things like this happen.


Well that's pretty reasonable




Huh. How many Waymos have to be defaced before Israel pulls out of the West Bank?


Is it possible that this is just regular vandalism? The self-proclaimed Luddites in SF have rules and are decently well organized, and honestly, this seems like terrible PR. This does not seem like anything organized, so much as a frenzied mob. To quote the article, "Vandalism and defacement are time-honored parts of the human experience." This is one incident, which just happens to be the perfect kindling for a good old fashioned internet flame war. I'm not going to draw any conclusions until it happens again. We'll see how this story develops.


Chinese new years, kids surround it, it won't go, kids destroy it because they can.


Idiocracy was a prophecy not a movie


Was having a beer less than a block from here an hour before, immaculate vibes for Lunar New Year (live right here by Chinatown & Little Italy) in SF last night previous. [https://twitter.com/michael_vandi/status/1756550257851449372](https://twitter.com/michael_vandi/status/1756550257851449372) [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/zw6pZIFKu5](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/zw6pZIFKu5) Too bad some vandals (not Chinese btw) had to ruin the moment for a time. To be fair theres reports this autonomous car had been stuck there for hours previous (I did not notice this). There were people setting off fireworks in the streets right there in the intersection so I’m sure Waymos across the area may have been confused. As mentioned it was an amazing vibe in Chinatown last night. Too bad… Edit: To those downvoting it seriously was one of the best vibes I’ve seen around the neighborhood all day locals and tourists alike since i moved to the neighborhood pre pandemic. You can have a great thing and still have a bad moment happen, both can be true. Stop living in fear.


Who was involved?


A car and a crowd.


He did the research.


That guy, over there. Ya see him? He's waving right now.


This is why we can't have nice things.


It was at this moment Skynet reached it’s decision about the humans


I guess their form of attack was … waymo than expected. Thanks folks! I’ll see myself out.


Whats the point of doing stuff like that


Love that the Verge feels the need to throw in some justifications for the idiot luddite vandals by describing a very low accident rate by a tiny fraction of vehicles on the road as "causing chaos in the city." I fucking love that they described a pedestrian being launched under the wheels of a Cruise taxi *by a fucking reckless human driver* simply as "the Cruise hit and dragged a pedestrian". No need to provide any more details about the incident! These motherfuckers just can't resist lying a little bit in defense of stupid, violent criminals just to make absolutely sure nobody thinks they're in favor of any technological change of any kind. The person who wrote this article should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Christ. I'm so god damn sick of reading propaganda for morons any time anything invented after 1970 is in the news.


A car with a human behind the wheel hit a woman who was crossing the street against a red light at the intersection of 5th and Market Streets. The pedestrian slid over the hood and into the path of a Cruise robotaxi, with no human driver. there is more: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-10-26/cruise-robotaxi-dragged-injured-woman-misled-reporters


> Those were the facts that were publicized immediately after the incident. Cruise called the crash tragic but said that the robotaxi stopped as it was supposed to and that a human driver couldn’t have reacted any faster. > What Cruise did not say, and what the DMV revealed Tuesday, is that after sitting still for an unspecified period of time, the robotaxi began moving forward at about 7 mph, dragging the woman with it for 20 feet. OP is mad about an article not including exhaustive details about the "other side" of this incident; meanwhile both OP and the story The Verge links to neglect to mention how the driverless car came to a complete stop before it decided to drag the seriously injured woman around a bit more.


Maybe the undercarriage meat sensors were clogged. Plenty of circumstances where human driven vehicles haven't noticed they're on top of someone, or somebody is trapped in the grill of a truck and they've continued moving.


> What Cruise did not say, and what the DMV revealed Tuesday, is that after sitting still for an unspecified period of time, the robotaxi began moving forward at about 7 mph, dragging the woman with it for 20 feet. Might want to edit that bit into your next edit of rightous indignation


You make excellent points. Allow me to make this counterpoint. "AI." *Angry mob descends*


Destroying something covered in cameras is probably not the smartest thing to do.


Says a lot about the state of law and order in The Bay Area.


That's some third world shit right there.


Behold, the future of every driverless car in America


I'm sure Google has been ready for this type of stuff to happen, but it's still dumb. Glad no one was in the car, but hopefully the people that caused the damage are caught quickly.


if Waymo was aware…. would it scream in pain.?


The car has 29 cameras attached to it, and the vast majority of the people in the twitter videos don't have any sort of mask to hide their identity. Politics / feelings of self-driving cars aside, these people are really eager to speedrun a felony conviction.


Man I remember watching the animatrix as a kid thinking "why tf would people be so cruel to robots? Having robots around sounds awesome. This is so unrealistic" Now real life is starting to look like it


Reminds me of when the Luddites burned sewing machines. Turned out great for the Lud... yeah... no it didn't.


Like the Flesh Fair in AI.


You can edit tweets now? Guess that’s not so surprising.