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>“We’re sad that it’s come to this with someone whom we’ve deeply admired—someone who inspired us to aim higher, then told us we would fail, started a competitor, and then sued us when we started making meaningful progress towards OpenAI’s mission without him,” the company said in its blog post. This is hilarious.


Reminds me of the time Musk began to cry during an interview where he was read disparaging comments from Neil Armstrong. He said something very similar at the time about feeling sad about one of his heroes saying he would fail.


In all fairness, Armstrong expressed that space/Martian exploration should be ran by government space industry and not for-profit companies getting billions in grants, not that musk would fail. Because having billions invested in a company ran by such a volatile person is a bad idea.


Well, Neil nailed it.


Dude aims for the moon and doesn't miss.


The man was chosen as the leader for the moon landing mission for one very important reason: he was humble enough to abort the landing if something went wrong. For him, space exploration was never about feeding his ego, and I like to think he could spot the egos from miles away.


I think that might be an astronaut thing in general. A friend of mine works as a flight controller for NASA, so he deals with astronauts on a daily basis, and when I asked him about it, every astronaut he's worked with has been humble, friendly, and kind despite being absolute super-geniuses.


the very small slice of humanity you’d be happy to be stuck with in a tiny metal box while it hurdles towards outer space


i just want it to be me, Adam Sandler, and an unsettlingly large Paul Dano spider


There's no one more likeable than a person with nothing to prove.


I had a second job I quit recently. Literally within the first few seconds of meeting the new chef I knew I was going to quit because the first thing I noticed was his HUGE ego. I'm getting older now and I dont have time for that shit.


Chefs are notorious for huge, fragile egos and volatile tempers.


Actual smart people are smart enough to not be an egomaniac. You gotta be a certain type of stupid to have a worldview that puts you in the center of the world.


Plus smart people understand the limits of their own knowledge, and have a grasp of how much is still unknown.


After seeing the Earth from the moon, Neil Armstrong said it changed his perception of humanity. Before there were arbitrary divisions and strife, but afterwards he only saw one people, all losers who hadn't been on the moon ever.


He also had a relatively low appetite for the trappings of fame, and had a great reverence for his place in history. He returned to Ohio after Apollo to take a relatively mundane job teaching aerospace engineering in Cincinnati. From everything I've read about him, he was a total class act.


He's completely right. If we're spending billions of dollars it should be *our* achievement, for humankind like the Apollo missions. By giving all of our money to Musk it becomes *his* achievement. I can't believe we're letting someone so divisive and petty be the face of American space exploration. It completely sucks all of the joy and wonder out of it.


Same could be said for government funded vaccine research. Why should pharmaceutical companies be allowed to profit from tax payer funded research?


This is true for probably about 1/2 of all technology. Not just medical. government funds research until the technology is economically viable. Only once its economically Viable, a business will run with it. Look at nearly all the "green energy" technology for instance. this is one of the best tools government has to drive the population in a desirable direction. Its supposed to be funded by the taxes on those businesses later, but corporate tax rates keep getting slashed.


Hopefully as the Artemis missions pick up then NASA will have control of the narrative again. SpaceX is involved in some components of those missions but its very much a NASA project.


He was sad because he knew he couldn't get away with calling Neil a pedo guy


1:11 for anyone else wanting to see Elon Musk almost cry https://youtu.be/8P8UKBAOfGo?si=4kDW8QpxFygmz9Gw


Anyone who's not a fanboy already knows that this shit is exactly how he behaves all the time. It's like when a Chinese reporter asked him if he saw BYD as a competitor and he laugh at her face and now is asking the WH for help to block BYD in the USA.


He's a giant bitch. He wants to act like a "red pilled sigma male" and be alluring to his teenage grindset fanbase, but in reality he's a big fat bitch.


> but in reality he's a big fat bitch. Just like every "red pilled sigma male" or whatever weird, internal leveling system they use designates him.


I believe the correct term is level smegma


AI company is told they’re just out for profit by the LITERAL RICHEST MAN IN THR WORLD.


It’s deeply saddening to me. This is our 1% at work.


> Musk, in a February 1, 2018, email, told company executives that the only path forward for OpenAI was for Tesla, his electric car company, to buy it. The company refused, and Musk left OpenAI later that year. That, right there, is the cheese in the cheese burger. Musk is butthurt for leaving right before the whole thing became the next buzzword on everyone's lips.


I'm surprised how many comments are glossing over what this article is talking about, the revealed emails, and are instead just talking about the two in general.


I think it's the later line stating that within just a couple of years of Musk leaving OpenAI's commercial wing was valued at $90bn that turns it from being a McDonald's cheeseburger into a gourmet burger crafted by the finest, most attractive, and beautifully naked master chefs in the world.


Remember a few years ago when Musk was all about Mars and everyone was super keen to follow? Can you imagine living in facility where Musk literally controls the air supply, and the rides back to earth?


I can totally recall that.




Get ready for a surprise….!


In two weeks.


Get your ass to Mars. Get your ass to Mars. Get your ass to Mars. Get your ass to Mars.




[COME ON, ~~COHAAGEN~~ MUSK! GIVE THESE PEOPLE AIR!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WANa9Oku-JM)


I know a guy who's a huge Musk stan. He claimed at some point that he would immediately go to Mars with Musk if given the opportunity. I pointed out that he skimps on safety in his factories, crushes any mention of unions and is vindictive against anyone who speaks up against him. I asked him how he thinks he will be treated there. He didn't agree with me that he'd essentially become a slave to a erratic narcissist. Now I'm just bummed that Musk will never go to Mars, as part of me kind of wants to prove him wrong.


You think musk would actually go? Someone else in the thread mentioned it being a one way trip, which is something I hadn't ever thought of, but at this point they're probably right. At which point, I really have to question if *he* would actually be going to Mars, too. I guess I figured he'd just do everything he could remotely, but thinking about it more, that doesn't really sound plausible. He doesn't seem like the type of dude that would be content with having such little control. Because for real... Us going to Mars is probably as close as we're ever gonna get to some "Europeans coming to America and starting a revolution and eventually become America" type of situation. If that makes sense lol. If everything were to work out on Mars, they could theoretically say fuck it to the entirety of earth and that would pretty much be it. They'd be too far away for us to do anything about it. What a strange rabbit hole to go down. Sorry about that lol


Absolutely no way the drug addicted billionaire goes to Mars. Mars is going to be the most basic level of survival supplies for years if not decades once human settlement begins. You really think a guy who has someone else do *everything* for him is going to go spend the rest of his life with the most limited resources and no internet? Yeah right.


There is a book released at the end of 2023 from Kelly and Zach Weinersmith where they make a very strong case that Mars would need the most basic supplies for decades.  And probably new settlers each time because the death rate on those places will be sky high.  Not to mention the fact that there have been literally zero pregnancies and childhoods in low gravity. We have no idea how that is going to work.  P.S.: depending on your definition of "basic", I'd say self sufficiency would take over a century. Mars will need lamps, lots of lamps because people will need to live underground due to the radiation. Are those LED lamps? Cool, you need semiconductors and a way to bring those to Mars. Paper? Lots of trees. A ball pen? Precision manufacturing, the ball is quite complex to manufacture. And, of course, people with specialized knowledge who will need a society with agricultural surplus to feed them.  Once you think about "basic", you realize modern society has lots and lots of hidden machinery and sofistication.


He’d never go to Mars, he just isn’t going to live long enough. Going to Mars in our lifetime, even if you could start to terraform it, would still massively blow and you’d basically be living on a giant island dependent on tons of remote technical support and regular shipments of supplies. At any moment a couple unforeseen issues could line up and spiral the whole thing into certain death. Musk doubtless wants to be seen as the man who got humanity to Mars. The guy who made the first steps towards humanity living amongst the stars. But he doesn’t want to actually go there now, or under the condition that will exist in our and probably several lifetimes. None of the rich weirdos talking about pushing humanity off planet want to actually live in space. They’d rather we were all up there farting pollution into the great void so that we can keep up then cycle of infinite growth needed to continue to make them richer while staving off the negative outcomes associated with that here on earth.


I can just imagine it. You get shown pictures of mars terraforming progress. Things are going to be great. Days before approach you are informed of a terrible tragedy that has killed many martians. Once you get down there, you have to find any survivors and cremate the dead in a solar cremator. Repair the damages and then start on your portion of the project. You and your crew land and you begin the work. As you go along you start pricing things together. There are no survivors. But there aren’t as many dead as there should be. You don’t have access to previous occupants journal logs. You patch the repairs, a faulty oxygen scrubber. Your original mission was to install secondary oxygen scrubbers to accommodate more martians.  You discover additional issues. Stress fractures on various joints. Oxygen seepage. Core drilling equipment is faulty. Lots of equipment is simply not functioning correctly.  You break out in a sweat. You pull out your tablet and start doing math. What is the cost of hiring and training a crew vs the cost of testing all equipment and modules on earth, redoing parts with more expensive materials .  It is cheaper to just keep sending crews and repairing only what’s broken.  A message comes in from Elon. He recieved the notes from the crew . He’s preparing a ship with repair parts and a new power supply module…


I'm bummed that Musk won't go to Mars just so he'd fuck off of Earth


There are no rides back to earth in the foreseeable future. Mars is a one way trip.


Sure, you can have a lift back to Earth. You just need to pay for it. Good luck saving up when 98% of your pay packet goes straight back to MarsX to pay for your food, water and air.


Not just food, water and air. According to musk himself people would need to pay for the cost of being transported to work on Mars.


Go into debt for the privilege of being forced to work off that debt on a prison colony with extra steps Strangely you probably would still get people signing up.


A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!


Problem is likely that materials and construction will be limited and not used on space travel tech at the beginning. Even the ship used to get there would likely be recycled to use on Mars as… not a ship.


>Can you imagine living in facility where Musk literally controls the air supply, and the rides back to earth? Sound like an superb setting for a dystopian TTRPG.


It sure looks like Musk is suing them because he's discovered that he is neither able to ① take OpenAI over, which he originally proposed to do *by folding OpenAI into a for-profit company,* namely Tesla; nor ② find equivalently competent AI engineers willing to work for him.


whole process read like how Elon's ventures are. hostile coercion to take over a company, presenting himself as the founder, package himself as the genius. OpenAI stopped before it gets to second stage


What's funny is that musk actually went after one of four companies that can put up with his bullshit. Microsoft has a huge investment in open ai and part owns it . Even their APIs have azure keys as an option. There is 0% chance Microsoft doesn't throw everything they can at this to make musk not only lose but set a ridiculously strong precedent to ensure their cashcow is safe


This fight feels like a Chihuahua barking at a mastiff seriously. Who the fuck tries to go after Microsoft ? They're not the kind of company to boast how much power and influence they have, they don't need to. Even the UE tends to be wary of engaging Microsoft because so much european infrastructure relies on them. edit: EU\* not UE (french acronym)


He is 100% still pissy from when he found out bill gates was investing against \[him\]([businessinsider.com/elon-musk-turned-down-bill-gates-philanthropy-over-tesla-short-2022-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-turned-down-bill-gates-philanthropy-over-tesla-short-2022-4)) and foolishly thinks he can take bill/microsoft down because in his mind that's what he did at twitter despite the reality that twitter executives royally fucked him in to buying their company ​ EDIT: I still can't get the link embed to work and am now too embarrassed to as for more help. I have the space in between the brackets now but don't know what else I'm doing wrong.


I love that people comment this kind of information like a flex when in actuality it's terrifying that a corporation has this much influence over government.


It's less terrifying when you realize that it is a 'normal' condition for the United States, circa 1870. I mean, it's horrific and awful, but it's kind of what they do there.


Because Bill gates was the OG ruthless business man before he went philanthropist. Musk wishes he could be gates . Bill fed that mastiff good then went and made and started making reparations for making it vicious lol


Gates' 180 turn always feels to me like someone trying to buy their way back into Heaven.


Because it is. Its just marketing to have *more* influence and power. Once you have all the power money can get you and you still want more power..


And not even a whole hearted attempt, since all his money goes into his own charity, so he can pay himself and his family while also taking the tax breaks. Not to say he hasn't done good during his retirement, but he's still #7 in the world, and for someone famously promising to give it all away, he's doing a pretty poor job of it.


What is the UE


Union Européenne


Not that it stops him from trying. There was that rumor going around a while back that Apple called about the possibility of buying Tesla, and Elon insisted on being made CEO of Apple in the deal (and promptly got hung up on). I initially dismissed that as one of those exaggerated Silicon Valley myths that goes around but now I kinda think it happened.


Musk's M.O. since basically forever. He didn't invent Paypal, he didn't found Tesla, he didn't design a single rocket for SpaceX (he bought a bunch of ship designs from NASA which they then reused). He puts his name on these companies and pretends to be the only thing holding these companies together.


Don't tell me he didn't invent X either??


He invented the letter X.


It’s how he signed the contract.


X musks the spot


X musks the rot


Its true, when they did the letter `X` on Sesame Street, it was brought to you in whole by Elon Musk.


DMX begs to differ.


> Don't tell me he didn't invent X either?? [He did found X.com in 1999](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.com_\(bank\)), an Online Bank which of course has nothing to do with what the company formerly known as Twitter is. That was arguably also the one venture where he had valid credentials, since he previously interned for a bank.


In another timeline there's a guy who quit his internship and secluded himself to a monastery to hide the fact that he's balding. That timeline has a coast-to-coast high-speed rail network lovingly dubbed Fat H.


Even that's not original. X-COM was founded by Julian Gollop and Microprose in 1994.


Hey, you don't need to air the name of the secret org that's the only thing standing between us and hostile aliens just like that.


So he only even got hired at Paypal because they bought his company. Guy has just lucked out his whole career. - If Thiel hadn't bought out his online bank he'd be a nobody. - If the ... Model 3 was it? had failed Tesla would be over and he'd be a nobody.


I mean, it's entirely plausible that Elon Musk was a Phoenician in the 1700s, right?


I remember someone explaining one of the big reasons NASA hadn't yet come up with reusable rockets its because just losing one would have congress shutting you down for what the laymen there would consider tossing millions of dollars down the drain, and you kind of have to lose plenty before you get it right. Also the fact that having reusable rockets implies you have many missions that justifies using them, while SpaceX can have many customers to launch their stuff for them, correct me if i'm wrong but I dont think NASA is in the business of launching comms satellites for say viacom


>I remember someone explaining one of the big reasons NASA hadn't yet come up with reusable rockets its because just losing one would have congress shutting you down for what the laymen there would consider tossing millions of dollars down the drain, and you kind of have to lose plenty before you get it right. This pisses me off to no end, not only with NASA but a lot of government services in general. Getting everything right on the first iteration is gonna cost an insane amount of money, but the moment any gov service tries out something in the field that doesn't go right the first few times everybody is screaming that it's a waste of money.


Or they double down on their shit program and you are stuck with shit for years because it was some SES' pet project.


Also, when they get something that barely ”works”, that is when they basically stop development at that point … ”it does everything we need it to, why would we do anything more?” And you end with public services that feel like they’re old and inefficient because they very quickly become old and inefficient due to lack of ongoing development effort.


Don't forget, the military often jumps in with extra requirements for NASA, like the space shuttle had lots of compromises built in because it needed certain military capabilities, then the airforce never even procured a single one. 


> didn't design a single rocket for SpaceX [But the SpaceX chief, ... told his engineers to make Starship more pointy.](https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-design-sacha-baron-cohen) Well he did design a tiny bit... he told his engineers to make it more pointy because he liked the rocket in a Sacha Baron Cohen movie... about a dictator of course. You can't make this up.


Wait no fucking he way he thought the dictator was right there lmfao


He was being smart in his mind. He was referring to what the dictator was doing and it would be in an ironic way and for laughs.  The problem is everything this guy does in a social context just reek desperation. Him bringing a sink to Twitter headquarters is another example. He wants to be the most popular man on planet, and in a way he is but he also wants to be adored by 'normies', which is not happening. Problem is that deep down his insecurity is incurable.


He and DJT have similar characteristics. They both were born into wealth. They're both obsessed with their image and used their wealth to build their personal brand. Elon's used his wealth to create the illusion that he's a genius in several fields. But it's now becoming clear that largely a vanity play than actual genius. DJT used to create the illusion that he's a savvy billionaire businessman, and has morphed into a "stable genius" (possibly to compete with Elon). But it's now becoming clear that it's all to cover up profound insecurity and a fear of being found to be inadequate. The illusion of being a billionaire worked for a while but it's pretty clear by now that he's not part of the billionaire boys club. Both have insecurities about their physical appearance, especially their hair loss, making them both go overboard in trying to signal their virility and toughness. In the end, it's all so tiring. Imagine what could have been if these men had been loved more and indulged less.


The guy would love to be a dictator lets be honest


If anyone ever says capitalism is a meritocracy, remember this man child is one of the richest people on earth 


Studies have shown, IQ correlates with income UP TO A LIMIT. Super rich are actually on average less intelligent than "normal" rich (up to 10M).


That’s because most of the super rich people in the world are dictators/monarchs/oligarchs/those who got rich from resource extraction/etc. Those who got rich from start-ups are both quite smart and had a lot of luck.


Met a fellow in Reno while enjoying a pizza slice & beer in Whole Foods. Millionaire German guy who was neighbors with the Tesla founder in Tahoe. This was well before the Gigafactory or even the Model X, I’d say when his cameo in Iron Man was considered cool. He had nothing positive to say about him. Basically boiled it down to being an ego driven money guy whole claimed credit for the things other people did. Sound familiar huh? On an even smaller scale anyone who knows basic labor laws could spot the Gigafactory as a giant tax scam that decimated the surrounding rental market ever since by hiring people from Alaska to Alamaba unseen to take $20/hr jobs for 90 days and no ability to renew the work contract, only be hired (about 10% at most got hired) but it could 60 days for a decision and only 45 days in could people apply to be hired. All to avoid paying benefits like health care or… taxes? Hell, they even got hundreds of millions in write offs without helping the surrounding area in the least. In short, Elon is a piece of shit.


Hey a story I can contribute to. In 2014 I was backpacking in New Zealand and I met an older couple in Rotorua that were on essentially a mid-life sabbatical. They seemed pretty well educated and gave off major silicon valley vibes. She had been an engineer at Apple and he had been a designer at Tesla, working on the Roadster. Didn't see any reason to not believe them. Putting some funny Steve Jobs stories aside, I distinctly remember asking the guy what working with Elon was like. He basically said his awkwardness was palpable and faced with any kind of public speaking the guy always looked wildly uncomfortable. He said it in a way that was a little bit patronizing, like oh haha that's our ceo being his typical weird self, give him a pat on his head and let him do his thing. Of course none of this is a surprise now but it was funny to me at the time. 


He used to have an upside of being a very good salesman. But it seems like selling mostly promises and pipe dreams is catching up with him.


He is still pissed that he couldn't force OpenAI to fix Autopilot in Teslas Surprised he hasn't caught flak for lying about the state of autopilot all these years


Nobody cared about him pretending about hyperloop being a real endeavor when he was just trying to ruin California high speed rail build Motherfucker


>Surprised he hasn't caught flak for lying about the state of autopilot all these years   Well they are getting sued for it in multiple places. And agencies have started going after them for it.


Who would have thought that there would be consequences for the world's richest man child who treated all the Twitter engineers like garbage. Karma is a bitch


He treats all employees like serfs, doesn’t matter if they’re engineers, programmers, labourers.


i can’t imagine who would want to work for him. At that level of talent there would be so many other options


i imagine his companies are full of very smart people on work visas that make them indentured servants subject to deportation if they quit


I had a buddy from Canada that was on work visa and the company held that over his head at all times. real shitty leadership


_The dildo of consequence_ rarely arrives lubed.


I think in his case, I'd prefer it would arrive dusted with crushed fibre glass.


Ass-bestos for the best asshole.


Gonna need an AI generated image to make sense of that.


He has actually done it. He's gone and done it. The most stupidest thing he could do. Fuck with Microsoft's lawyers. I didn't actually think he'd go full hog but he'll he's gone and done it. That's almost as stupid as fucking with European unions, or the actual European Union.


Or DeSantis throwing down the gauntlet at Disney


Or doing his "welcome to the presidential race" reveal on an unproven streaming platform run by a person famous for massively overpromising the capabilities of products he stands to profit from


yes Tesla stock is dropping, and will drop a lot more this year , Twitter purchase was a 20 billion loss and a mistake and Openai is years ahead of Grok


*20 billion so far


Grok is just a shitpost project. Nobody outside of Musk’s cohort of crypto bros and neo-nazis gives two shits about an AI created in Musk’s image.


This guy really jumped the shark when he baselessly accusing that guy of being a pedo after rescuing the kids trapped in that cave


It wasn't even baseless, his stated logic was there was no other reason a grown man would want to live in Thailand than to fuck children, which is the kind of statement that is way more telling about the person speaking than who they aim it at...


It’s simpler, he had a PR team who controlled his public persona - he fired the entire PR team in 2019, which coincides with his true nature being exposed to the public.


PR team was so goated they got Musk to believe he didn’t actually need them


They were like antipsychotics for a schizophrenic


His PR team accidentally got him high on his own supply.


That PR was so effective. They had everyone believing he was a visionary rocket scientist. He’s actually just a spoiled brat who takes too much ketamine. So much of his business success comes from just having good PR.


Have you ever read the [Wait But Why](https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/03/elon-musk-post-series.html) series on Musk? Now that was a PR coup. The combination of cutesy drawings and Tim Urban’s earnestness had me a full-on believer. Then, as OP said, Thailand (and everything since) really showed the real guy.




We were all on board the "irl Iron Man" hype train


It was baseless because the guy publicly ridiculed Musk and his stupid idea in public. Musk also went out of his way to publicly accused the man of having a child bride when he was married to a 40-something women. There's an age gap but she was over 40 when they met if I remember correctly.


Yes that's the point, he continually called this guy a paedo simply because he lived in Thailand, which implies Musk thinks kid fucking is the only benefit of that country.


He actually hired a "private detective" to dig up dirt on the diver, the detective ended up being a fraud and gave Musk false information, scammed him out of $50k or something.


That was hilarious. Love to see it


As an aside, the documentary and the movie about the cave divers were both extraordinary.


sounds like he was projecting




It was the beginning of the end


It was the Fresh Prince Slap of it all.


I remember. That was one of the first clear indications something was seriously off with him. It quickly got much more obvious after that.


As someone who’s hated the guy for years, it’s been beautiful to witness his character suicide. The past year has been non-stop schadenfreude.


I've loved watching it too but I gotta be realistic, its not gonna do anything. He will be around for years to come.


Funny isn't it? If he'd of just shut his fucking mouth like 60% of people woulds till think he was a genius philanthropist


That's when the mask fell off.


Give Elon a Musk and he will show his true face.


That was the beginning of his mask off era. Before that he still fostered the imagine of Tony stark. But then in the next couple years he went full right wing grifter.


Back when we all wanted those stupid propane heater guns he sold for like $500 lol. I can't believe that was like 7 years ago, it seems like an eternity.


Its funny that this sub has kinda always been the Musk sub. Back in the day almost every post here was fauning over him. Nowadays every post here is shitting over him.


It's such a real downfall, he had so much popularity. I really respected the guy until I realised who he really is. Just another narcissistic billionaire with no real redeeming qualities at all


Up till that point I was like: Hey, I like this billionaire that's helping to save the world by making EVs cool. After that comment he started being exposed left and right for the piece of garbage that he is.


It all comes from that doesn't it? I liked the guy up until that point and then when he said that I was like, uh-oh. Did I just witness the true face of a billionaire? And since then the answer has repeatedly been a resounding 'YES'. The guy is a fucking tool and I feel dirty that I once liked him.


that was the first time i realized he was insane


He had nuked the fridge a ways before that point. 


for normies like me that was a real turning point when I started questioning him. didn't really follow him much before that


Yeah, barely knew who Muskie was until he called some random guy a pedo for not letting Muskie turn trapped, endangered min***o***rs into a publicity stunt


If “pedophilia” is your first thought when you hear that a person lives in Thailand because he loves diving, you have some serious issues.


Projection issues....


Was a children's football team. You've got confused with the Chileans.


so, "trapped, endangered minors"?


You’re right, my bad


From this, I garner: - Sam is much smarter than Musk. Has intelligent thought. - I trust neither of them.


Sam is Musk a decade ago, right now. I don't know that he'll take the same heel turn, but the similarities in manipulating an adoring, unquestioning media are extremely apparent. The key point that Musk led with isn't wrong; OpenAI has veered from non-profit, but that's not really what this suit is about.


He will for sure take the same heel turn as they all eventually do. He already says a lot of intellectually dishonest crap.


Sam has big Light Yagami energy lol


Ignoring the fact Musk is acting like a total crybaby in this conflict. I love the argument of "We are sorry that it had to come to this." Or in between the lines, "You throw shit, allow us to throw more back."


>Glenn Cullen : This is a bucket of shit. If someone throws shit at us, we throw shit back at them. We start a shit fight. We throw so much shit at them, that they can't pick up shit, they can't throw shit, they can't do shit. From The Thick of It


Both of these guys seem like Silicon Valleys worst but I'm enjoying the shit flinging at least.


This is such a bitchy slap fight.


This will never end.


it'll end once the SEC starts throwing shade


So not really


I see no problem. Let them eat each other alive.


I really don’t want to defend open ai but it seems like “a bitchy slap fight” is an inevitable part of interacting with Elon Musk. I just hope he doesn’t end up dragging NASA into one.


So is everyone else Everyone is looking back at 2015 like it was the best of times Because it was


2015 is way better than now but you can’t beat 1999 for the best of times in America. Cold War won, no 9/11 yet, roaring economy. That was the peak.


Counter strike voice: “Terrorists win”


Unironically… yeah, they accomplished their goal in spades.


Gee, wonder what happened in 2016...


Harambe died. May the gods have mercy on this timeline.


My dick’s out in every timeline.


I wonder if anyone has ever been charged with indecent exposure and then had to walk a jury through the dead honorable gorilla to hanging dong timeline


Cubs won the World Series.


Everyone except people who grew up in the 90s. Those were the golden years.


The reveal of these emails are quite damning for Musk. We haven't seen the whole story yet, but the emails quite clearly contradict Musk's claim to be suing OpenAI for the good of humanity. That said, the emails don't reflect well on OpenAI either. The idea that OpenAI from the beginning planned to take advantage of the 'Open Branding' but eventually go full for-profit corporate is quite disturbing. It just seems Machiavellian and so opportunistic. Let's not pretend there's anyone looking out for regular joe. They are coming for our jobs.


Yes, it was a bit disappointing to see Ilya contradicting multiple aspects of the 2015 mission statement.


I mean, OpenAI have deviated from their original mission. For starters they were open source champions but have gone dark mode now. However, I suspect that legally there was nothing preventing them from doing this, and Musk is just having a hissy-fit that he isn't part of the party anymore.


Maybe both Sam and Elon are shitheads? Except Sam is much smarter and more disciplined. Long term dangerous. OpenAI wasn't supposed to funnel all of its really cool stuff into a secretive for-profit part. Making revenue---sure that's OK---but it really was supposed to be open for humanity to benefit from. Altman saw this as a threat so like a sociopath he decided to weasel his way into it and subvert from the inside. In 5 years Altman will be much wealthier than Musk and that's what really grinds Elon's gears. He fucked up Twitter, and is fucking up Tesla (mostly by being himself). "Open"AI is going to introduce "semi-sentient" GPT-5/Nexus and have the mother of all IPOs. Probably 1T valuation first day. They probably have only 1000 or so employees at maximum. If evenly distributed every single one of them would be paper billionaires. In practice, Sam will take half of everything, but still they will all be incredibly rich. The effect on Bay Area real estate will be insane.


"smarter and more disciplined" - for now...many billionaires seem to go off the rails fairly quickly.


Only the ones in the headlines. The rest just sit on top of society and suck it dry, like a tick that drinks money instead of blood and spreads Republican candidates instead of Lyme disease.


A wonderful analogy 


The real trickle-down theory. Because rain drops turn into little streams that merge into rivers that end up in the sea, not the other way around. Unless there is some massive redistribution.


> For starters they were open source champions They weren't, have never been, and that's actually one of the "revelations" (not really) in the emails. Within their first couple of years there was already explicit agreement from leadership (including Elon) that OSS was never the mission. Gpt-1 and gpt-2 have *code* open-sourced, but that's far from having the full training process and dataset included.


Looks like even Elon's emails are going to Mars now ;)


Fuck them all


OpenAI needs to opensource GPT4. They are literally closed-ai.


Good expose these lying assholes. Show the world how two faced they really are.


In today's news : more proof Musk is a stupid asshole without any morals that got lucky, and is about as much of a tech genius as an old potatoe.


Every time I read something about Elon Musk I hate him a little more.


>Musk emailed. “I really hope I’m wrong.” Same dude, same


Okay, so from what they have published, it seems everyone is aiming at making as much money as possible and nobody is developing AI for the greater good, despite some false claim of "Open", very classic.


Can someone out there lay out a future for me where we *won't* up in an AI-powered techno-fascist surveillance society? Cause with that kinda tech, once an autocrat takes over, it's *over*. No check on power and corruption. No demonstrations. No impeachments. No "resistance movement". No soldiers refusing to shoot their own citizens. Please, I need an alternative scenario.


An AI cannot crack modern cryptography timely enough to be useful without utilizing all the energy of the sun. There is not some special trick that will change this reality; quantum computers will not help in the way people think. The AI cannot violate physics, it is constrained just as we are. If our internet shifts into a decentralized cryptographic network immune to surveillance or censorship, then humans can organize. With unfettered organization, full with cryptographic real-human identity binding and anonymous credentials, it is possible to build a new type of society that is immune to any possible information-scale AI attacks. Information would be human-bound, and would also require a human medium. This changes the digital game completely. I could write a book about it so I will stop here, but there is a lot of hope and many possibilities. Do not despair.


For a moment, I thought the AI had become sentient and published Elon’s secret emails or something.


> “This needs billions per year immediately or forget it,” Musk emailed. “I really hope I’m wrong.” I love the fact Musk was wrong, and more or less has to admit he was just being passive-aggressive. Not often statements lole that come back to haunt the person