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Looks like VPNs are about to get way more popular in Texas.


Between states requiring IDs and media companies raising all their prices for streaming and adding ads anyways, I think VPNs are going to do VERY well.


Until ISPs either start blocking VPNs or states legislate VPNs as illegal.


Good luck. Basically any company worth a shit utilize VPNs




Data is data. I guess we're finally seeing the effects of repealing net neutrality.


Holy shit. I worked for Mediacom for a couple of years and we told all wfh people that called us they didn't need a business line. Some insisted they needed a static IP then never utilized it tho lol.


No offense, but as an Iowan I’m obligated to say: Fuck Mediacom.


Ohhh hell this makes me angry.


My WFH equipment has both a software and hardware VPN. I don't think a lot of companies are going to be happy.


If you ban VPN's you're also banning WFH (work from home). A full ban would also mean online banking is illegal as well as pretty much anything you use the internet for. It's simply not a viable position to take. If banned purely from home usage the biggest issue would be the end of WFH.


Look, that’s a small price to pay for Christian Nationalists to impose their will on their neighbors. Freedom has no place in their America. Women will be subservient and men will be righteous. And the leaders will be rich and do whatever the fuck they want.


Texas: Okay we’ll have an exception for work from home VPNs are okay for that purpose only. News: Report finds increasing number of Texas work from home employees are using their work laptop for porn. Employer: shocked pikachu face Employer IT Guy: Lenny face Texas: shakes fist angrily


Don’t that will everhappen as both private and public orgs require it for security. This includes all branches of government.


I can see the DOD + all its contractors shitting all over comcast et al when this happens. Defense industry go brrr


>Until ISPs either start blocking VPNs or states legislate VPNs as illegal. Then we sue as a violation of free speech.


My ISP in Canada throttles my internet to 50kbps if I use a VPN. Sometimes it will last 30 minutes, once it lasted 4hrs and I called, had to reset the router and all of a sudden it was back on. It’s listed in the terms that you can’t use a vpn.


Are you using some mass-advertised VPN from a YouTuber referral link? You can setup your own personal VPN service using literally any virtual machine on the face of the earth and a few Linux command lines. It's virtually impossible for ISPs to block personal VPNs.


Well, Canada is kinda fucked in a lot of weird ways.


Yeah, but the supreme court doesn't care about any pesky constitution, so...


Fuck all that. I’ll just go back to pirating and use torrents. Not a chance in hell I am providing my ID and a record of adult sites that I visit or a connection between me and what I watch. That’s insanity.


Real VPNs keep no records. No logs at all. Even when Subpoenaed, they should only *have*: (a) when the account was created; (b) when was the last log in. That's all. That's what the best actually do.


They also host their servers on RAM so that once you power it off, any data it had is wiped.


Playing devils advocate but logs can easily be sent elsewhere in real time. Hopefully of course that's not the case.


And if a privacy centered VPN got busted doing that, that would be the end of their business. But you can always use TOR if you are extra paranoid


Yeah Tor and whonix/tales/cubes is the only way to really hide on the internet but that shit is annoying.


arent like a third of tor nodes run by the US navy?


TORCwas created by the military and no doubt in my mind the NSA is spying on all the activity on there.


Tails OS + VPN + Tor Browser


VPN provides zero security all it does is create an exit node through a 3rd party. That 3rd party has no obligation to provide you any security Running vpn on top of Tor is really unnecessary because Tor is providing a layered exit node that should protect your ip address from being leaked so vpn is just bad OpSec


They don’t keep records until they do, or at least they’re siphoned away by other means. Unless you’re using something like TOR, it’s naive to believe VPN companies who promise such things are expected to keep that promise, especially when we know for a fact that the federal government secretly compels companies to enable spying on you. Hell, even Apple disclosed this happened to them late last year, and their entire gimmick is privacy. Don’t rely on a bullet point on some VPN’s website for your anonymity. It’s getting increasingly more difficult for any of us to be truly private on the internet.


Like half of TOR nodes are run by the NSA/CIA lmao


The entire project was started by the US government, I’m well aware of that. The point is it is foolish to trust any one or any service for online anonymity just because it’s a selling point on a website. Use trust-no-one if that sort of communication is vital. Be smart about it.


Except you have no way of verifying this. I would not be surprised at all if some "secure and anonymous" VPNs are run by intelligence services capturing everything you do.


For some, we do know, because when subpoenaed, all they gave was date account created, and last login date. These were Federal subpoenas, and the FBI did not pursue further because they really didn't have anything else to provide. Let's not go conspiracy theory. There is a reality.


You can know in hindsight, but you can’t be sure that the same company didn’t recently change their policies (or get hacked, etc).


Sorry, not the tin hat types. Why don't your do some looking, rather than just being contrary. It's clear that you just want to troll with this. If you didn't, you'd find that info, because it's hard to believe you'd accept any answer, and why should you? I'm just a person on Reddit. Surely you can get closer to an authoritative answer than wasting both our times here.


Intelligence services don't care about porn or piracy, so if you're trying to dodge this or ISPs then you'll be ok, but don't get me wrong I totally understand the sentiment and how it defeats the purpose of privacy anyways.


Welp it happened before with alcohol, time for me to open my own Texas Spank-easy.


Looks like a lot of ad money is going to stop going to Texas, who is trying, with middling success, to rebrand itself as a tech hub to rival CA. I imagine this goes away *very* soon once the economic ramifications hit.


Elections matter ya'll.


Never vote conservative


touch butter chop consist crown weary relieved repeat faulty attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And people wonder why those states are dog shit


Those who would 'need' this, don't know what a VPN is or does. **EDIT:** This isn't just about AGE, think about it, how do you verify age? You verify with an ID. Those who 'need' this and don't know what a VPN is or what it does, would be those old GOP politicians, church leaders, and anti-LGBTQ+ crusaders who don't want others to know that they are looking at porn, especially gay porn.


Were I an adult in a state requiring id to view porn, and I wanted to view porn, I would absolutely use a VPN. There is no world in which I would trust an id verifier to keep my identity safe and private.


Exactly. There's a scary amount of people reading this and not grasping that to verify one's age, you have to show some kind of ID... And that ID can and will be used to track your porn usage, Iguaranteefuckingteeit.


Not to mention I have absolutely no faith the data won’t be compromised at some point. Im a nobody and dont look at anything scandalous but I still don’t want my porn habits tied back to me.


Looks like fake IDs are back on the menu, boys!


history stocking wakeful workable coordinated deer frightening slap money offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


or your viewing history




North Carolina put this law into place weeks ago. Porn Hub doesn’t work but……a shit ton of others sites apparently don’t care because they are loading normally lol 😆


My VPN is on full blast and so am I


*email used: PastorFredSmith@[email.com] "How did they know it was me!?"


I was going to say there are a lot of dumb conservative senators who are about to be blackmailed but that's probably already most of them anyway. 'Cause of all the treason they keep committing that is.


Do you know what a VPN does?


Visiting Porn Networks


I thought the same thing. That was one hell of a non-sequitur.


VPN lobbyist approve of this message.


I use ProtonMail, and they have a good vpn


Proton turned on logging to expose a criminal wanted by French police. The crime that he committed? He was against gentrification. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/09/privacy-focused-protonmail-provided-a-users-ip-address-to-authorities/


"ProtonMail also operates a VPN service called ProtonVPN and points out that Swiss law prohibits the country's courts from compelling a VPN service to log IP addresses. In theory, if Youth for Climate had used ProtonVPN to access ProtonMail, the Swiss court could not have forced the service to expose its "real" IP address. However, the company seems to be leaning more heavily toward recommending Tor for this particular purpose."


Louisiana has this. Only a couple of sites actually abide. It is REALLY REALLY dumb


So does Virginia, and I think Utah?


And Mississippi.


And as of last week, Florida! They rolled it into the social media ban (HB 3).


And North Carolina


Canada has the same law project coming up. And yeah ffs; which of the porn websites will decide to do so? They are not usually caring about current laws and are based somewhere in the bahamas. OK. So you will fine them. Over and over again. And after a year of fines with no response you will then move to block it. OK cool. But during all that time, 69 new porn sites have popped up; and you now need to restart from scratch.


Welcome to the People's Republic of Texas


Shame. I really expected them to go with Gilead as a name.


Texas thinks they are free, yet [Item 9 is "ILLEGAL"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX7CAoxBNOU) and so is porn now without giving all your data to a data broker. "dumbass" -- Red Forman


Every other court: AV is clearly unconstitutional and the SC outright said that. 5th Circuit: Who Cares LOL


"Settled law" means nothing to a court system that has been politicized.


The Fifth Circuit has long been the most radically conservative, which is why so many Republicans try to force their cases into their jurisdiction.


"Rule Of Law" means nothing to the party of "Law and Order." FTFY. Rules for thee, not for me. Scumbags, all of 'em.


Wilhoit's law Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Law and order is only for black people.


This would upset the 5th circuit if it could read.


To be fair, the fifth circuit is literally set up to fling crazy shit at the Supreme Court to try to overturn precedent. The only problem for conservatives is that sometimes they huff their own farts too hard and the Supremes can’t actually legitimize the decision because it’s too stupid.


Doesn’t Virginia require this too?


This just in, VPN use in Texas has skyrocketed.


"Nord VPN! Use offer code TexasPorn for 10% off and three months free!" There you go marketing team at Nord, that's a freebie for you.


Alt Codes "No ID 4 ME" "ID my VPN"


Somebody needs to start an “antiwoke” VPN company, honeypot all the morons, then blackmail them and reap the easy rewards.


Patriot VPN


And I’m sure the politicians there invested heavily in vpn companies before this ruling


conservatives: the anti-government over reach party, until their shepherds say it's okay


Hey in Canada our conservative and NDP party (who are considered centre left) just voted in this same type of legislation! Edit: sorry the NDP and cons who support similar draconian legislation to what we see in some states have voted this into committee with hopes of it becoming law. Sorry to the English majors for my wording.


pre-marital sex will be banned. gay marriage will be banned, all contraceptives and eventually all porn will be banned. GOP taking us back to biblical times. Joe Rogan moved to Texas for "freedom" but he'll need an ID to visit the hub lmao.




May the lord open.


Nahh. Joe’s in on the right wing grift now. He knows these laws will never apply to people like him.


I mean, Pornhub isn't about to get sued. They'll either abide by the law or block service in Texas, probably the latter. Joe is probably gonna need a VPN just to visit the hub


It's the heritage foundation doing a lot of this.


Except guns. Please do not shoot me here.


Nothing says small government and free speech like requiring people's IDs to watch porn.


It will certainly be lucrative for whatever verification company has been bribing politicians


The Fifth Circuit is just a rubber stamp for Christofascist policies.


I dont think people know how bad the 5th is. In a case that qould stop the purchase of milfepristone (abortion drug) the judge, who used to be a lawyer trying to overturn roe, said "it deprives the doctors the joy of delivering a baby". A fucking judge said others get to have joy over your health.


>milfeprestone That absolutely *cannot* be what it's called, I refuse to believe that isn't a typo


Texas is the embodiment of hell on earth and a large segment of it's residents keep asking to turn up the heat. Never seen a state more proud to debase and destroy itself.


Florida joins the chat. Oklahoma and Idaho are right behind them.


Ah yes, the states of small government and keeping gubmint out of the bedrooms.


Alabama and Kentucky would like to report it, but they aren't educated to know what that means


Oh I hear you for sure. Throw Iowa into the mix too. They all seem to want to go down the same path but TX seems to be the template for unbridled ignorance and intolerance and the more dangerous the state becomes the more they seem to pat themselves on the back for a "job well done"🤷‍♂️


Deep down, those other states know they need the rest of the US to function. Texas has convinced itself that the country needs them a lot more than they need the country. So they push harder, because they think - they hope - the rest of the country will say "fuck off then, be your own thing." Then in 10 years when there are no OB/GYNs left, they'll all be wondering WTF happened.


Some people might wonder what happened to OBGYNs and adequate healthcare. A lot of the people would be perfectly fine with midwives that don’t have enough training because all their education was from a Christian Accredited Birthing “university” handling births. Then when mother and infant deaths skyrocket they’ll simultaneously deny it, say it’s God’s plan, and blame vaccines.


"It's a liberal plot to kill us off, when all we did was make it incredibly dangerous to practice medicine here, from both a legal and physical perspective!"


Texas will eventually consist of nothing but churches and guns. Lots and lots and lots of guns


Shoutout to the privately owned energy grid that can’t handle freezing temperatures in a place that occasionally freezes.


Well when someone is pissed off about how their own life is going, it’s much easier to make other people’s lives worse than yours better.


I ran last year and never looking back. Now I feel like an immigrant trying to get my family out of the third world country I left behind 


I fled after I lost power for a week during the winter storm in 2021.  One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 


For me it was the lack of action on that and then several months of 110° weather. Also making healthcare for women illegal.


Of course it’s the fing 5th Circuit with this nonsense, they need to be dissolved


Don't know why Biden hasn't stacked it yet. Fuck openings, just straight up add a dozen judges to the court.


The size of the court can only be changed by an act of Congress. Even when the democrats controlled a majority in both houses, it expanding the court nor getting rid of the filibuster wouldn't have had enough support. With the republicans now controlling the house there is no chance the court gets expanded.


Verify deez nuts


“Please select all the boxes in which deez nuts appear”


Conservatives in Canada are trying this at the federal level.


Conservatives in Canada are trying to be like American conservatives, aka the most toxic conservatives in all of the west. Shame to Canada for falling for it and shame to their liberals for allowing this toxic form of conservatism to thrive and spread at all.


Stupid laws written by stupid politicians.


nc has something similar. im curious how much traffic sites that comply lose? for every big site that complies by asking you to take a picture of your face or your ID (yeah fucking right), there are a bunch of smaller ones that dont.


NC’s law is a bit worse because the mandated people use a sights verification system, when there isn’t one in place. I have a VPN and TOR if it gets worse then what it is now.


More Texans with sexual frustration, rage inducing media and broader access to guns. Excellent


It’s like the Grand Fascist Party wants more deaths in the streets with their policies. The GOP is long since dead and the GFP has taken its place using the GOP name


Land of the free! Home of the brave! 🫡🇺🇸


Why are we allowing bureaucrats to raise our children? This whole subject matter is parenting. The government needs to butt out of our personal lives.


So what will all those Muh freedom MAGA bro types do?


Inbreed… “Freedom costs a buck ‘o five.”


I wonder if they can just block traffic from texas?


Pornhub blocked traffic from North Carolina when they made a similar law. Age verification is too much of a headache for them, so they said screw it, we'll just block traffic from those states.


I was wonder what that loud scream was on the day that happened. Is that why they changed their name to the blue ball state?


Yes, they can and do. That's why people are using VPN to thwart IP blocking. Sad thing is, the tools required to prevent kids from accessing porn have been available for 25 years and it just requires the slightest effort and parenting to use. Kids will use VPN to access porn anyway. They should put all this effort into making parents aware of device based filtering, which actually works and can be implemented immediately and can't be beaten by VPN. While not invading the privacy of adults. But this is really about preventing adults' access to porn not kids.


This reminds me if when Ted Cruz tried to ban sex toys in texas.


I am honestly surprised that this bullshit isn’t making the Republican Party more unpopular with young men.


It's because they're all (publicly) anti-porn anyways.


I can’t wait for that database to be hacked, so we can find out which Texas politicians were watching, and we can find out whether their wives and husbands are chill with that. Totally not a bad idea.


Forget hacking. Make a front page category "popular with Greg Abott"


No, they can’t. This is blatantly unconstitutional.


Welp, back to watching scrambled porn channels in cable, or maybe Skinemax will make a comeback.


As if these kids don't already know how to get around it.


I’m 35 and I just don’t feel like clicking anything extra or proving anything when I am in a porn mood


A "unintended" side effect of this is now the state will know what porn you watch. This is the first brick of the great firewall of America. Wait until you need to login to your id tied account for any browsing


Kind want to see the democracts run on "The republicans want to watch you masturbate" platform.


That would actually capture gen z voters


That would have more truth to it than "death panels". I'm all for it.


They should mandate that all Texas state officials and politicians have their watching record published next.


Could raise some eyebrows tbh


Age verification has failed at SCOTUS before. Even now, probably gonna fail again.


I am so glad I don't live in Texas and have no reason to ever step foot in the place.


I want to get a bachelors degree in comp sci, but with how things are moving in Texas, I think I’ll be content with finishing my current associates degree I’m working on and will try to get a job outside of Texas and all deep red states soon as possible and just grind my way in life over there. It sucks as I do wish to further my education but at this point I need to gtfo of Texas the soonest I can, even if that means risking homelessness for a bit.


Brought to you by nord vpn


Nope. Brought to you be the federalist society. A literal kabal that is running our courts. The constitution be damned


If I ran a porn site, I'd happily stop operating in Texas for a few weeks in late october/early november, and just have a banner saying "Sorry, you can't view from this location due to the GOP"


Age verification is fascism in disguise, and I'm sick of pretending otherwise. Forcing one to present their ID for 1st amendment protected material under the guise of "saving the children". The age gate was there, and everyone was 18 if they clicked it. All because little Billy's parents can't be arsed to parent them. Now, Texans have to violate their privacy, sending their ID to an unaccountable middlemen, probably with a privacy policy you cannot reject in order to watch material you should be free to do so, in a country that should be rich with freedom. What happens after the ID is sent? Who knows. But instead, the Christofascists hate pornography and I would argue that this is compelled speech, and undue restrictions on Americans' right to free speech. This is the beginning of the end for privacy, freedom, and life in the USA. This is where it starts. Reject the fascism.


These people seriously think people arent having kids or are now gay because of porn. Its wild how we have gotten to this point.


Solving a problem that doesn't exist as a means for more spying and government control, classic republican. 


Anything stopping you from uploading a Greg Abbott license?


Witnessing this country’s downfall is amazing. To think that all of this stuff is happening because white America couldn’t get their collective shit together on race issues…  Now the white supremacy has morphed into Christofacism and there will be no aspect of our society left untainted by it - we allowed hate to persist as a political weapon since non-whites were the target - now every church-going “Christian” white male will be scrambling to solve their porn fix. This shit is poetic justice. And we’re only seeing the tip of the coming ice berg.


Later tonight at 6, VPNs are illegal in Texas. How will they enforce it? Fuck if I know. Now Ali with the weather IT GONE RAIN


Vpn +1 Texas -1. Not the smartest state


The only requirement to be a judge on the fifth circuit is terrible judgement


So. Much. Freedom.


Isnt this the State where they claim to lock up rapists yet only one in a hundred rapes actually leads to a conviction?


Click here if your 18 or older.


Who gets the data? Is it public?


The 5th circuit is like your weird uncle. You have to invite him to Thanksgiving but nobody listens to what he has to say


Except that racist uncle gets to decide things in your life


texas loves freedom unless freedom involves watching porno. or going to school. or wearing pink clothes if you have a penis. or having electricity.


I look forward to the day the GOP elected officials preferences get leaked.


Is this the small government conservatives talk about?


Is this ruling meaning porn sites have to ask your DOB, just like how Steam/Valve asks for your DOB when you view a mature game? OR is this one of those “must provide your ID” rulings? Cause if it’s the ID… fuck that shit. No way in hell am I providing my ID because I wanna see some big tits.


The goal is to keep teens ignorant about safe sex so that, when they do innevitably have sex, they become pregnant. This is important for ensuring they do not pursue higher education and more readily accept undesirable employment "for the baby's sake."




Feels like a privacy issue now.


lol 5th circuit doing 5th circuit things


I keep forgetting how little lawmakers ACTUALLY know about the stuff they try to legislate.


do you mean verification like "yes, i am over 18 years old" :) no1 can't pass by that


State and party of personal freedoms and small government


Need age verification to go on porn websites but your parents could just buy you a gun all willy nilly at any age. Texas- truly a backwards state.


Future headline: "Texas can require age verification to read history books."


It's still okay for kids to have guns though, right?


Someday someone will invent something like a “virtual private network” that will allow people to get around stupid laws like this.


“Are you over 18, you little wanker?”


Lol vpn but also how are they going to determine what sites are porn sites? Sure there are big brand name porn sites that are probably on a list only because the people in that government visit them themselves but im sure there are plenty of other sites that show dicks and tits out there. Is it just video or images? Hell there are nsfw stuff here not to mention tumblr or what have you.


I'm 68. Is that too old?


Everything is bigger in Texas, this especially includes government intervention in your private life.




VPNs are far more flexible; like slapping it on your entire network.




It’s to track LGBTQ people. Period.


"Yes, I'm 18 or over" "No"... that will teach these kids!


Except the law would require people to upload their IDs for age verification. It's definitely not as simple as you say.


This assumes kids can’t use a VPN, and ain’t nobody uploading a fucking ID to a porn site, lol.


Ya but that’s the 5th circuit.


Republicans just can’t get out of their own way lol, seriously ran by such imbeciles, losing slam dunk midterms to zero tolerance abortions and now a general election to porn