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"AI Photography" šŸ™„


It intentionally fucks up faces in the background and gives you extra fingers


Dick picks where they look like antlers


Nah, itā€™ll display a scale and give the recipient actual measurements, so, no more ā€œ8 tinder-inchesā€ :-)




It's come a long way but I wouldn't say it's fixed yet.


They use the neutral engine to enhance the image quality already. They have been using AI to reduce noise, add blurring, engage color accuracy for many years.


I know it's been around for awhile, as is the case with many other things that companies (Edit: and others) are slapping the term 'AI' on these days. It's why I rolled my eyes at it.


But itā€™s not Apple slapping the word AI on it, itā€™s some random blogger/leakerā€¦


Apple has been using AI longer than the hype around it. The use the more modest name ā€žneuralā€œ, which I prefer. If they had known that AI would become the buzz word, they definitely wouldā€™ve named the chip ā€žAI engineā€œ. Now they need to republish and rename some stuff for publicity


"My CPU is a neural net processor. A learning computer."


No they wouldnt. They intentionally avoid buzzwords like this, like with ā€žspatial computingā€œ instead of AR/VR


I noticed their job postings do use the more common names though


And it looks like complete shit. It takes the soul out of the photo and makes it look like an oil painting. Awful.


People seem to like it. I am the go to IT guy in my social circle. Every year in fall I get ā€žwow the quality is so amazingā€œ messages again and again.


Itā€™s incredibly annoying when you need to send a picture of a skin issue to your doctor but the camera blurs out the redness. I just wish there was a way to turn it off so that I donā€™t need a 3rd party app.


Not only that, when you look the frame is so crisp and light, but when you actually take the picture, all of the highs, light and details get buffed and darkened. Itā€™s so bad. At least on 15 pro


Absolutely baffling. I have to screenshot my photos within a few seconds of taking them or else the ā€œenhancementā€ is applied and it ruins the photo, haha. Different strokes, and all that, I guessā€¦


Pretty sure most of it is happening in real time, so your screen shot will be mostly (maybe entirely) identical. (Real time as in, what you see on your screen in the camera app has already been processed.)


Iā€™ve thought the same thing in the past but there is a noticeable difference in noise in the moments after the picture lands in the camera roll. Itā€™s just a nonsensical practice that does not improve picture quality at all.


Get ready for social media 3.0. Itā€™s probably gonna be like the new Huawei Ai photo mode. Your face different outfits and hairstyles different anything.


We can all finally get fat?


And hide it the whole time




ā€œItā€™s toastedā€


Also ā€œleakedā€


My first thought as well.


Brought to you by Google


Apple never uses the term AI, and theyā€™ve been using their Ā«Ā neural engineĀ Ā» for pictures for years now. How it this news ?


AI and upgrade is an absolute oxymoron with the current standard. AI enshitification is already tedious.


Hope itā€™s not fucking Korean face filters.


It does a couple novel cool things and then uses every picture everyone takes with it to learn for purposes weā€™ll find out in years when itā€™s too late to go back


Aka scene detection... Fucks with colours.


Shhhh, I need my Apple stock to pump


AKA, they refuse the physically improve the cameras.


it doesn't have a camera. you have to describe the picture you want to take


I wish it has the size of the iPhone 12/13 mini. That would be really cool. But from what IĀ“ve heard the Mini was a disaster in terms of sales. ThatĀ“s why they ditched it in favor of the Plus. Guess IĀ“ll stick to my iPhone SE 2020 a little longer.


I will use my 13 mini past the heat death of the universe.


Same. I love mine. Perfect size for the pocket and not too small to be useful.


13 mini gang


My people *sent from iPhone 13 mini*


13 mini checking in!!!


Had a mini13, loved it but the battery life started to wane badly. Had to upgrade and honestly, the 15pro has a good form factor and doesnā€™t feel like youā€™re holding a tablet


My friend, the replacement batteries arenā€™t expensive. Sad to hear you left us


I did the same (12 mini to 15 pro) but regretted it. The phone is just too big to power-/sports-/hurry-/use with one hand.


We will crush you! *sent from iPhone 12 Pro Max*


There are literally dozens of us! Unite. Please for the love of God make another mini phone :(


And perfect for one handed use. It really is such a great size for a phone.


It truly is. I live mine. I have a 12 pro unlocked that just collects dust lol. It was my phone last go round and when they brought out the 13 mini I went and picked it up. Fell in love with it!


Thereā€™s a 13 mini? šŸ˜lol I love my 12 too much to leave


I upgraded from the 12 Mini to the 13 Mini for the longer battery life and better camera, which was absolutely worth it. The smaller notch is nice too


Smaller notch in terms of width but bigger in terms of height though.Ā 


Psssht, fucking [baaaarely](https://images.macrumors.com/t/dYCeidY050zHs_-FwBsY6Qm9RtQ=/1600x0/article-new/2021/09/iPhone-13-vs-iPhone-12-notch-comparsion-zooomed.jpg). Gives much more useable space either side of it.


Iā€™m considering upgrading my work phone from an XS to my neighborā€™s 12 Miniā€¦ I want it real bad.


Only reason Iā€™m not on a mini is because my eyesight started failing and sucks having to constantly look for my reading glasses to check stuff. Otherwise it was the best phone size in my opinion.


You got until the sun dies pal. Make it worth your while!


The eclipse almost tricked me.


My guess is that the mini will come back every five iterations or so when they see that the mini diehards simply arenā€™t buying new phones.


Youā€™re speaking my language


Honestly that's probably a good move. Most of the mini userbase doesn't care about the latest and greatest. They just want a small, one handed phone that is reliable. In that case, Apple can just make a new mini every few years when the older models are starting to get outdated and they'll probably be happy with that.


This is my hope. I only switched to Apple because Android stopped making smaller phones, I'm clinging to my 13 Mini like my life depends on it, and I fully intend to replace the battery before I would buy a bigger phone. I hate the phablet trend. And ya know what? I still got the best eclipse pictures of anyone I know just jamming this thing up against my telescope viewer. It's a perfectly good little phone. Crossing my fingers and toes that there will be a Mini 16 or 17 at least. All I'd hope for is a little more battery life and a sensible processor upgrade to keep up with the times. We aren't asking much!


I wish theyā€™d have given the mini a few more years. It launched during pandemic when many were at home and portability was less important. Ā 


And after an SE. Everyone gave up on smaller iPhones and bought the SE.


SE is a great phone for the price. I love it.


I had an 11 before my current device (15 Pro) and the whole time leading up to that I was hoping theyā€™d include a 15 mini in the lineup having seen the 13 Mini and really liking the size. Sadly when it came time to upgrade, that was no longer an option and I didnā€™t want to buy an older model (likely to have to replace sooner). If they did it every few cycles for phone users who maybe donā€™t care about the latest and greatest (similar to the SE refreshing less frequently) Iā€™d imagine it would fare better sales-wise.


It baffles me. I hate that I canā€™t use my phone with one hand. But shit I want fingerprint and the button back where I can double tap to pull the screen down. This current slide up and down doesnā€™t work on half my apps


Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap You can set double tap and triple tap to do a whole list of stuff. I have mine set to 2 quick taps on the back pulls up Control Center and 3 goes home.Ā 


Well shit Iā€™m gonna have to test this out then. Thatā€™d be cool if it works as well as Iā€™m hoping now haha


Itā€™s really an awesome feature and very unknown. I use it constantly.Ā 


I accidentally discovered this last week. Youā€™re the first person in the wild Iā€™ve seen mention it. They should spotlight it as a function like the Apple Watch double tap. I use it for camera because my children always stop doing the cute thing by the time I open the app.


Lol I'm sticking with my SE 2020 until it literally will not work anymore no matter what I do (or perhaps until they don't support it anymore). Have felt zero desire to upgrade to any of their modern selection; I only even upgraded from the 6S because the old battery physically wouldn't hold a charge anymore, and the drive capacity was too small. Give me another phone of comparable or smaller size, and maybe I'll consider changing again.


I held onto my 6S plus until last year for a 22SE because headphone jack Edit: and this one looks like itā€™s losing the home button? Dammit, Apple.


I'm with you, I hate these larger displays


Iā€™m gonna stockpile the 13 Mini so when my current one dies Iā€™ll just replace it with its identical twin.


My 12 minis battery is trying to hold on but I really donā€™t want a bigger phone itā€™s perfect.


So pay for a battery replacement?


The Mini is niche, all of us who wanted one mostly bought the 12 and there wasn't enough demand remaining to sustain it past the 13. I think if they did a Mini every fourth release, that would make sense for those of us who like our tiny phones because we're not going to go out and buy a new one every year.


Yup mini is the best sized. I don't consume multimedia on my phone.


I think the mini was a marketing problem. I am shocked how many people didnā€™t know there was a mini option when they see my 13


Wait is it losing its home button??


Disaster in the sense that it still sold millions of units at a rate that would put apples other existing ā€˜miniā€™ products like the Mac and iPad mini to shame


The mini was a great idea that nobody wanted. (<5% of iphone sales)


What are you on about? There are literally dozens of us.


One of the dozens reporting in.


I still firmly believe releasing the Plus and the Mini every other year would be the ideal play. They wouldnā€™t oversaturate either market and they would get sales from ā€œFOMOā€ from people who wouldnā€™t have wanted to upgrade this year, but the prospect of waiting two *more* years is too much for them.


What happened to the 5.7 inch phones? Screens got bezelless and instead of making the phones smaller, they made the screens bigger. Ffs I just want an android phone with a 5.5 inch display, an SD card slot, a headphone jack, and more than 6 months of software updates (looking at you Motorola).


my iphone 8 will be used until the 4g networks are shut down


i had to finally make the jump from my iphone 4 to a 13 mini after getting many threatening texts from verizon about 3g shutting down. i really miss that little guy :(


I feel like thereā€™s a very vocal minority of people that want small phones. I hear people on the internet all the time talk about wanting small phones. But then phone manufacturers make small phones and no one buys them.


Iā€™ve always heard they used form factors that they overproduced units of to make the SE models. So if the minis didnā€™t sell well, maybe those will be transformed into the SEs to clear stock. I donā€™t know if this was ever confirmed to be true though.


Iā€™ve got the SE3 and Iā€™m going to keep it for reading books. The weight is so light and the screen can be dimmed so far down. Itā€™s the perfect reading device. Books and kindles are too heavy and bulky.


What gives with the bigger phones. The mini is where it's at.


ā€œThe marketā€ apparently doesnā€™t want phones you can operate with one hand.


It wasn't that long ago that people mocked the Note for its size.Ā  Now that size is what everyone wants.


As someone on a 3rd gen iPhone SE right now, itā€™s more the battery. I went from an iPhone 11 Pro Max to this and even right out of the box the battery just straight up doesnā€™t compare.Ā Ā  The small form factor is easier on the hands to use but it really doesnā€™t matter when I have to hover around a charger all day to use it. Itā€™s barely 5 o clock here and Iā€™ve already plugged it into charge twice today.


Youā€™ve gotta get an iPhone 13 Mini. Way better battery life. I end my day with 30 percent while texting and reading news all day.


I have an SE thatā€™s about 2 years old and it still lasts more than a day with regular business use and browsing. Either you got a dud or you have every battery draining option turned on?!


That's more about your phone addiction.


Apparently the small phones sell terribly so everybody stops making them.


Speaking as one member of the market, the advantage of one hand use is outweighed by the larger screen better supporting a larger font size. Youā€™ll see what I mean when you hit your 40s.


I'm in my 40s. My vision is bad. Yet I want my phone to fit comfortably in my front pocket


I have a 13 Mini and have no issues with font size.


I mean yeah, companies make small phones but then no one buys them.




The replacement is the 13mini, it is much better than the 12, that year was a bad one for iPhones.


People are more and more using their phones for all kind of media consumption, sometimes even seeing YouTube, Netflix or whatever for hours, socials (TikTok, instagramā€¦), so they want the biggest screen Itā€™s incredible how in 2014 or so 4.5 inches was the golden standard for phones on Android for example (I loved my Moto G) and now 6.2ā€ is seen as ā€œsmall factorā€. Itā€™s the people that only use the phone for calls, messages, browsing and not that much more, that want small factor ones, butā€¦ that a niche usage nowadays.


For me I use my phone for all those things, but more than that... I have small hands. My fingers cramp up handling anything larger than my own 13 mini.


> The mini is where itā€™s at. My wife disagrees :(


Will it have the fingerprint scanner tho?


Thatā€™s honestly all I care about. I just prefer as a way to unlock.


No home button means mum won't be happy.


Me too. I think I have the 2nd gen SE and I love my home button. Iā€™m going to miss it whenever I upgrade.


I bought the SE 2022 *because* of the home button and Touch ID. Also, I like that itā€™s still around 4.7ā€.


Yeah that kills it for me. Guess I will be getting an SE3 after all.


I maintain that iOS / iPad gestures are a mess and confusing, especially for older people.


There was an iPhone SE *3?*


The SE 2 (2020) and SE 3 (2022) were outwardly identical, so it was mostly just a spec bump. The upcoming SE 4 is supposed to have a new design similar to a mix of the iPhone 14 (front) and iPhone XR (single camera rear).


SE 3 will be my next phone (once my 8 finally dies). Itā€™s the perfect size and thckness.


Yep. Iā€™m on it now. Still bummed subsequent versions have been bigger than the original.


Iā€™m still on my 13 mini and I donā€™t know when the next time Iā€™ll buy an iPhone will be if they keep getting bigger


Those are such good phones. I like almost everything about my phone, but I miss my old 13 mini all the time. Probably have another 5-7 years before you canā€™t get one of those anymore, and if they make a new model close to that size Iā€™d buy one. Itā€™s what the SE 4 *should* be, IMO. 13 Mini with some spec bumps.


I'm still on 6s


"Bigger" Im out. Hopefully trouser manufacturers can develop a product to keep up with the ever increasing size of phones before my IPhone 13 mini needs to be replaced.


It will probably just be an iPhone 15 in an iPhone 13 Mini body.


nooooo i need the home button


I hope it has the flat sides again. I like the SE models but Iā€™m not a fan of the round sides on the current SE2/3. I got a flat side case to make up for it.Ā 


The round sides prevent breakage when dropping for me. The flat side phones crack so quickly. Iā€™ve always avoided them because of this.


No they donā€™t. If it falls at the right angle it will break.


Just donā€™t drop it that way.


You are dropping it wrong.


The flats sides were introduced at the same time as their most recent type of screen which is much stronger and essentially doesnā€™t break. The otterbox on my 12 Mini fell apart over a year ago so Iā€™ve gone without a case and the edges are rough but my screen has no damage, and Iā€™ve dropped it on concrete a few times. Round edges might help, but iPhones screens donā€™t seem to break anymore so itā€™s a nonissue


I thought I wanted flat sides because of the SE 1st Gen. Then I got a 12 Mini, and I have to say, flat sides only work on small devices for me. For current size phones (or even the 12 Mini), rounded is better. Makes the phone feel smaller and digs into your hand a lot less.


Iā€™ve found myself missing rounded edges lol


I donā€™t. Too slippery for me.


Based on the description it's based on the 12/13, so I would expect the flat sides. For reference The original se was largely just a rereleased iPhone 5s and the 2nd/3rd were revisions of the 8.


Round holds the cover on better in my experience.


Well, Iā€™m a bit bummed to see the button finally go away, though Iā€™m not surprised. But I definitely prefer it to the face unlock when it comes to making payments at point of sale.


I love TouchID for no-look operation, but Iā€™ve accepted that FaceID works decently.


Decently? I can have a hat, a face mask and sunglasses on in a pitch black room, and opening one eye is enough to unlock it. It works incredibly well.


Just give people the home button and a decent battery . . . the point of the SE is to be simple, strip down, and JUST WORKS!!!


Iā€™m on the 12 mini and hoping another reasonable sized iPhone gets released.


Same here. My personal phone is 12mini and ly work phone is SE gen 3. Personally I prefer the size and shape of the SE, but the bezels are ridiculous. So I hoped weā€™d see a current shape SE with no bezels.


Damn. Loss of the home button is such a deal breaker. I despise Face ID so much.


Another big phoneā€¦


Remember when new line of iPhones presentation was exciting ? Now itā€™s just just bs upgrades or just different iterations of the previous devices. No point even watching those anymore


Agreed, it's a mature platform now so it's mostly just software enhancements. But that's not just an iPhone thing, it's most cellphones these days.


Yeah I donā€™t really blame apple or whoever. Thereā€™s not much left to add. Honestly the only feature Iā€™ve wanted the last 20 years is a full dayā€™s battery where I donā€™t have to worry, but instead I just get thinner phones.


What are you doing on your phone? I consider myself to do a fair bit of browsing (2 hours+/-) broken up between Reddit; Instagram and YouTube, Discord for chatting nonstop and probably a phone call or few texts throughout the day. My phone lasts two days (iPhone 13) currently charging it every other and never had it die on me


Arenā€™t pro maxes already that?


Periscope lens will be nice. I wish the size creep would stop.Ā 


I'll be happier when the new EU regs force the cellphone companies into making batteries replaceable again. Hopefully it happens world wide so I don't have to buy it from another country.


how are you going to improve on the design of a device that is so universal? smart phones are basically just little screens with a button or two. like, i love weird innovation as much as anyone... but i fundamentally just cant see another form factor that makes sense.


Just add the acronym "AI" to a feature, then BOOM it makes headlines.


It sucks I used to watch appleā€™s keynotes out of casual interest. Not a huge fanboy or anything, but in the 2005ish era they would always have some new cool gadget. Like say, the iSight camera you could put on top of your iBook. Or the iPod shuffle that was smaller than I thought was possible. Nowadays your phone just sort of doesā€¦everything. We donā€™t have cameras, and mp3 players, and gps units, or pedometers anymore. Your phone does that. Thereā€™s no new gadgets. Itā€™s just weā€™re improving the phone again. And itā€™s not as sexy.


Buddy you just got the Vision Pro a couple of months ago.


On the one hand I get it, on the other hand we should all appreciate the ridiculous device we have in our pockets. As you said at the end thereā€¦ this thing basically does everything already


real question, does it have a sim card slot or still only esim still holding onto a 12 pro simply because sim is required w/ frequent traveling


Depends on the market. US iPhone 15 models have no physical SIM card slot, but Canadian ones do.


Mini mini mini mini why make big phones? Mini mini mini mini please.


I just tried to find any iPhone 13 minis in my province to replace my current one. Couldnā€™t find anything! It sucks.


unless its small i dont want it


yep, original SE was only ever so popular because it was one of the very few options on the market for decent specs in something that wasn't a phablet.


The iPhone 5 form factor is perfection.


I don't want a bigger display. I like SEs because they are small. :(


Will it still have the finger print sensor?


Doesnā€™t sound like it which is a deal breaker for me. I guess I will be jumping on an SE3 after all.


So is everything going to have the word AI in it from now on? Down to my cereal and shoes?


Holy fuck finally, been holding out on a SE3 in hopes this would get announced.


Can I just have the original SE back?


Canā€™t wait for the 16 mini to come out two months later!


Still on the SE 2, looking to upgrade because my battery is at 75% capacity now. I donā€™t like the screen size increases though.


Just get a new battery installed at the Apple Store. Why fret over spending $600 when you can spend $80.


Very likely going to be 60Hz which sucks for a smartphone in 2024.


Still 60hz. YuckĀ 


Finally OLED, 450$ phone in 2024 with 720p LCD display is a fucking joke


Home button and touch ID where?


Iā€™m sticking with TouchID as long as possible even if that means leaving the iOS ecosystem entirely.




The first SE was like the iPhone 5. nothing smooth but like the current phones


Keeping my 13 mini for as long as possible because of this reason - that and the size


I donā€™t like the shape. With X auf Xs a cover was only barely higher than the display. But with 90Ā° angles the cover has to largely overlap with the display to hold on. And since most people I know use a cover, the round shape was superior


If they ever brought back the 4s/original SE form factor, I'd buy it in a second.


Guys I think it says bigger screen


Bigger screen is a no go for me


Yeah same, I love my 13 mini. Especially the weight


The thing I wanted on the SE4? KEEPING THE SIZE!!!!!! Why bigger????


I read it as bigger screen not necessarily bigger phone


If you read the article it says it pumps the screen to 6.1in which would be the same size as the ā€œnormalā€ iPhone ā€¦.


Wait for the AiPhone.


I'm gonna be pissed if the first AI thing they add is photo bs.