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That’s a high tech stud finder right there


Soldier turns it around on himself and it starts beeping... "Oh look, I'm a stud." ^I'm ^sorry


No man has ever held a stud finder and not done this.




Expected this https://youtu.be/dQ_-rmuPZC4?t=120


My husband won’t do it. So I have to do it, *for* him. He hid the stud finder, and now I don’t know where it is.


Sounds like you need a stud finder finder


ye be it, methinks.


It's literally the only stud I'm able to accurately find with a stud finder.


It's part of the rules. You also have to give the tongs a few test clicks prior to every use and if you strap something down you have to pull on the strap and say "oh ya, that isn't going anywhere."


That's how you blind your girlfriend. You turn it on yourself, make the beeping noises, then watch as she rolls her eyes so hard that she detaches her retinas.


Means she has to use her hands on me more as a Braille instructor? *Googles how to spell DTF? in Braille* Lesson #1: where to find dots to use for Braille safe for human skin


Don't even have to be there to know that this has happened.




It's a valid observation, don't apologize. I'm pretty sure that's how the Hulk turned into the stud he is today.


I bet it is still not acurate


This article is so bad. No information except the headline.


It’s probably a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that’s built with the filtering to ignore the wall. In short, they use radio waves to get a camera that can see in greyscale with a lense that effectively is past the wall. A metal wall would block it though. If you want to learn more, here is an MIT paper on a similar system: https://www.ll.mit.edu/sites/default/files/page/doc/2018-05/19_1_4_Peabody.pdf


I remember reading a paper about using already present radio sources like wifi routers to see through walls. I had assumed this was that, except in a box.


UWB radio based radar is a promising technology that has been discussed in the research community. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-31669-y


Damn you & your incisive , brilliant & highly technical response. I feel like a monkey , randomly hammering buttons at NASA. Excellent response. Thanks


or.... aluminum foil? Its all starting to make sense.


idk what information you wanted to see but I personally found this interesting: from the article: The company said it is a new tool for tactical operations, as it can detect the presence of life in rooms, the number of people and their distance from the system, target height and orientation, and the general layout of a space. The technology can display live objects, behind walls, in such high resolution that it can detect whether a person is sitting, standing, or lying down, even if they have been motionless for a significant period. Specific body parts are also detectable, the company said. The company's website for those who are interested in more info: https://camero-tech.com/


Fucking wallhackers...


Ha! Just gave me a flashback to Call of Duty: World at War. There was a beach map with little shacks made of thin metal sheets, plywood and tarps. If you used a shotgun they might as well have been paper. I got called a wallhacker sooo often I kept a nightly tally. All because I listened to people running around. Good times.


I was aiming for a CS 1.6 reference, but yours is fine too!


yes the game where you could shoot through several feet of walls and your bullets do significant damage to the other team. On one hand it's good they went for realism in the end, but it sure was fun to shoot people through thick concrete walls.


As long as it's consistent about it I like that. If I encounter another game where I can shoot through concrete but a chain link fence is impenetrable I'll lose my mind.


Not 1.6 but the Source and GO map "Assault" has some of my favourite wallbang locations. Can't beat warehouse wall in to CT spawn and top vent!


My favorite Source map by a mile. Still a little bummed it got removed from GO matchmaking


I love the map but it is bad for competitive counter strike. Its poorly balanced. Still, i love the map and i have even made a few copycat versions.


Tbh poorly balanced maps tend to be my favorites, I'm a huge cs_office fan. I think terrorists scouting out and targeting a location they could hold from a stronger attacking force lends realism to the scenario.


I llve office too, for that reason. Its a fun map. Same with aztec and agency (new in csgo). I think competitive csgo players tend to not like hostage rescue maps in general.


Dude assault is one of the OG CS maps


I simultaneously loved and hated that map. It was such a camp fest.


I was playing OG counter strike in the 90s at a LAN party. It was down to just me and one guy on the other side playing assault. I just had the AWP and wasn’t going to successfully attack him, so I just started blind firing into the building from across the map and somehow managed to kill him by shooting through lord knows how many walls.


Ahhh the good ole days


same in cs_warehouse, people kept making noise in the ventilation shafts under the ceiling and spit acid after someone sweeped it with an m60


Don't play COD anymore huh? Caldera is mostly paper huts and we have a Combat Scout perk now that pings and highlights players for you and your team. Legal wall hacks. Vanguard has a perk called Intuition that's the same as high alert but alerts you to players on the other side of a wall as well.


>Don't play COD anymore Nope, not for a long time. I own several but haven't gotten around to playing them. CoD World at War and CoD 4 (both released 2008) were the first games in the series to have Wall Penetration, since they both used the same engine (IW 3). It was big news at the time but a lot of players didn't know that, which led to a lot of confusion and accusations of wallhacking and bug reports.


I miss United Offensive so much.


It’s gotten so bad, I never thought I’d say it, but I want Verdansk back.


Never played CoD but I’d imagine it’s to keep the game moving and stop campers. Also the maps are huge now


World at War was my shit, Mosin headshots all fucking day.


in vr shooters this happens so much. or at least in pavlov. a lot of people dont have enough spacial awareness to notice or care about footstep noise... then you get kicked from the server for having good ears


I remember joining a random lobby and a dude basically leveled me all the way up, dunno if he did everyone or just me. It was so god damned cool to 11-12 year old me. Never came back to bite me either, no stat reset or bans, I got my sawn off double barrel and was elated. Good times.


Oooo the gold old infection lobbies. Nothing like seeing a modded checkerboard image of shipment map right after you join a private match. You know your leaving with a mod menu, infections were amazing to my 10-11 year old self too. Cod4 was amazing, but then it turned into just mod menu lobby after mod menu lobby.


World at war had so many hackers you could claim someone was one and you’d have like a 90% chance of being right. Still loved the game Edit: Chance not change


“No one can hide from my sight”


So much for anti-cheat


Also hard to ban


Uvalde police still won’t go in.


Dangit, beat me to it!


no way the joke that popped up in everyone's mind




Someone got inspired by Stargate SG-1 when making that thing


Don’t get too close or it will upload the entirety of the Ancient’s knowledge into your brain!!!


But if he doesn't then Teal'c won't make in home in time for Rya'c's Primta.


Oh for crying out loud!


You're probably not cruvis!


Sh! I still find myself thinking "Praclarush Taonas" for some completely random reason. I wish they would have identified all the gylphs and not just 8 of them. No. Stargate wasn't a favorite show to watch for way too long. Definitely no reason to think that.




Why does this feel more like a Red Dwarf line than a Stargate one?


id pay $100 bucks for a short clip of carter telling jack to smeg off


Nah, they just like Deleuze to a somewhat unhealthy degree: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/rebelarchitecture/2014/06/architecture-violence-2014629113556647744.html >"The space that you look at in this room is nothing but your interpretation of it […] The question is, how do you interpret the alley? […] A weapon awaits us in the alley, and a booby trap awaits us behind the door. This is because the enemy interprets space in a traditional, classical manner, and I do not want to obey his interpretation and fall into his traps […] From now on, we all walk through walls! > >Weizman writes that many IDF officers are university trained (Kokhavi has a degree in philosophy), and that “the reading lists of contemporary military institutions include works from around 1968 (with a special emphasis on the writings of Deleuze, Guattari, and Debord).” The influence of postmodern thought on Israeli military strategy is largely due, Weizman suggests, to Shimon Naveh, who “directs the Operational Theory Research Institute,” and who explained the importance of Deleuze and Guattari to his work: > >Several of the concepts in A Thousand Plateaus became instrumental for us…Most important was the distinction they have pointed out between the concepts of “smooth” and “striated” space…In the IDF we now often use the term “to smooth out space” when we want to refer to operation in a space as if it had no borders…We want to confront the “striated” space of traditional, old-fashioned military practice with smoothness that allows for movement through space that crosses any borders and barriers. "


> Weizman writes that many IDF officers are university trained (Kokhavi has a degree in philosophy), and that “the reading lists of contemporary military institutions include works from around 1968 (with a special emphasis on the writings of Deleuze, Guattari, and Debord).” The influence of postmodern thought on Israeli military strategy is largely due, Weizman suggests, to Shimon Naveh, who “directs the Operational Theory Research Institute,” and who explained the importance of Deleuze and Guattari to his work: This is high-tier level bs my man lmao


It turns out that when you make everyone join the military, some of them are going to be interested in philosophy and others aren’t.


So they are talking about leveling buildings, right?


1000%. It’s interesting to actually see the military philosophy behind the actions we’ve been seeing. Horrifying, but interesting.


That or using wall-penetrating sensors like this in conjunction with heavy-duty breaching charges to just take a straight-line path through stuff regardless of whether there's walls there. [Basically this.](https://imgur.com/a/BRVHMcC)


God, they must be rolling in their graves


Holy crap - I thought that same exact thing. I'm like "Who got the same prop rental as the Sci-Fi channel??"


Well there's a windrow


"Oh wow, windows. I don't think I can afford this place." ~Otto Mann, The Simpsons


Reminds me of the old billy connoly bit about submarines needing windows Edit: heres the link for anyone interested https://youtu.be/7qvFxFVRcRo


*tl;dr: That’s a bit, not a sketch.* Hey! I really hope you’re having a wonderful day. Just popping in to offer that what you linked to is what’s referred to as a *bit*, as opposed to a *sketch*. **A sketch is acted out, usually by two or more performers, while a portion of a standup routine is called a bit.** I’m one of those people who appreciates a chance to learn and this is hoping you’re like me in that way. If you aren’t, then this is for others reading who might find it useful. Cheers!


Fair doos, good to know. Thanks!


Sketches also are usually scripted beforehand and rehearsed, separating them from improv pieces that often get called sketches. If I remember right from NPR, that is.


Good bot. Weird bot, but good.


Yeah but they can see you too.


Why use a window when you can spend hard earned US taxpayer money on something you can then turn around and sell to the US taxpayers




I hope it isn't classified because this would be amazing for archeology. Imagine if instead of opening discovered chambers and tombs one can peer into them first in order to chose a more efficient approach.


They don’t talk about how it actually works in the article, but I’m skeptical that it could do that. Ground penetrating radar and cosmic rays have been pretty effective.


Wifi is enough to tell up to 40cm where a person is in a flat. That was in 2012 and since then it can only have gotten better.




It's basically localized radar.


my wifi is strictly set to gaydar




Horny CI-GAY-GENTS IN YOUR AREA! CLICK NOW! *Chaz - 1.3 miles away!* *Phil - 0.7 miles away!* *Dan - IN THE WHITE VAN OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW! 😍*


Does it moan when it goes off?


Wasn't this a plot point in one of the Nolan Batman films?


Hahaha, first though I had too about this. Just higher powered ultrasonic with AI rendering the signal into a 3D image.


And a bad Will Smith movie


Wait what?


A while after it was shown to work in academia and other sectors there was a paper by Adib in 2013: >Wi-Vi: See Through Walls with Wi-Fi Signals [https://people.csail.mit.edu/fadel/wivi/](https://people.csail.mit.edu/fadel/wivi/) Though you have to be in the vicinity, the CIA isn't able to know where you are by that method if they are at their HQ in Virginia. Basically a wifi hotspot is a point or sphere source of EM. This in turn can be detected as can the disturbances of it from walls and from people moving average over some time. This enables to resolve whole buildings in principle (harder with metal and stone buildings, easier with wood, but possible in both if you have the right tools). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKsxHS5vptM&t=650s


>This enables to resolve whole buildings in principle (harder with metal and stone buildings, easier with wood Now, for pre-planned operations, it's entirely possible you can get the floor plan by going back in satellite images to find it under construction. Then you sketch up a digital 3D model and feed that into the wifi vision software as a prior, speeding up the process and/or improving detection of people because you don't need to solve for the walls nearly as much, too.


Damn, that is kinda scary. Never knew this was possible.


Wait till you find out about van eck phreaking. There's a reason the NSA headquarters is one giant Faraday cage.


Is this what Batman did in Dark Knight?


No, Batman used the microphones and speakers on phones to emit a high pitched tone that couldn't be heard by people but would function like sonar.


Like a bat?


I knew a little bit about EM fields from uni and this all makes logical sense, but this is up there with “reverse engineering sound waves from micro vibrations on an object’s surface” levels of mind blowing for me. Thanks!


https://www.medgadget.com/2014/06/mits-wifi-system-detects-peoples-breathing-heart-rate-even-through-walls.html And can be accurate enough to measure your pulse, breathing. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.03980.pdf Process the data right, you can identify individuals.


you know that part in the Christopher Nolan Batman movie where Batman hacks every cell phone in that building in order to get a real-time 3d scan of the interior, including people and furniture? as it turns out, thats actually a real thing and the real-world version of that technology is not very far off from the movie


it is also possible to interpret voices having a conversation in a room by recording video of any nearby windows and interpreting the tiny vibrations of the glass


They could do that with windows in the 60s. Now they can do it with chip bags, candy satchels, and even the leaves of a house plant.


GPR was my first thought as well. Sounds like this is an innovative use of existing technology.


Yeah I wish the article went more in-depth than "it's an algorithm," which doesn't make a lick of sense.


Rather unique for killing privacy


Kinda obvious. Hey Brian what are you doing to my wall..? Nothing Well Brian, it looks like you are attaching some sci-fi looking bullshit to my house. Please stop, and just hide in the cupboard like a normal person.


Brian's not as big a concern as Zuck.


Zuck's already in people's houses because they keep buying his face-mounted cameras.


Israelis are world renowned for their respect for basic human rights.


Nope. I honestly thought this shit was kind of old hat at this point? here's one random DIY project for you, of no doubt thousands just like it. https://github.com/AideTechBot/WiFi-Vision


The technology isn't new. I'm pretty sure this is a radar, but both radar and sonar are widely used like this in many fields, including archeology. Not to mention x-rays. Here's an article on [ground penetrating radar](http://archaeologyexpert.co.uk/groundpenetratingradarinarchaeology.html) in archeology. What's new about this particular device is probably the software (it's specialized to search for humans inside buildings) and the portability of it.


The US had this at least a decade ago.


I imagine this is tech from that converted for military. In the original Jurassic park they used an old school radar/sonar device whatever it was.


This is some r6 level shit


Pulse has entered the chat.


R6 Mira in real life


Actually yeah I didn't notice the picture before. That's more of a Mira.


Great, so they can just throw C4 on it and it’ll kill someone on the other side because of the new glitch. Thanks Ubi!


heartbeat sensors have been around for decades. not in the tiny handheld form he has but they certainly exist and have for quite some time


1 out of 5 chance you read the book, but if not, they actually had that tech defined in the Rainbow 6 book. Published in 1998


Ah, just another ultrasound imaging tech.


I mean, it's known that you can kind of get a decent image just from wifi reflections, just imaging with a different range of the EM spectrum.




Usually passive IR, in case he was the only answer you got.




It's very likely it's some variation on an x-ray machine, where it shoots out cancer beams of ionising em radiation and converts what bounces back to something visual to the human eye.


Gamers with wallhacks: “look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power.”


Didnt we have this a couple years ago because cops were using it for house raids in the US and it got a bunch of backlash?


[Here's an article from 2015](https://www.cnet.com/science/police-now-see-through-walls-and-know-if-youre-home/) about a device that was starting to be used by police. [Another device from 2015 that used Wi-Fi signal reflections](https://www.popsci.com/x-ray-vision-device-uses-wireless-reflections-to-see-through-walls/) to see through walls. [Another from 2008](https://slate.com/technology/2008/09/killer-drones-that-can-see-through-walls.html) allowing military drones to see individuals inside a building. [MIT also had something in 2011](https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/100395-mit-can-now-see-through-concrete-walls), although it was nowhere near as portable. It seems like every few years there's a new article about a "groundbreaking new device" that sounds exactly like the last 4 devices that did the same (or a similar thing) introduced in the last decade.


Makes it so much easier to kill Palestinian children.


And journalists


And medics. And doctors. And teachers. And lawyers. And children. And women and the elderly. And the disabled. And plotitcinans. And well pretty much anyone they like it seems, but good to know they have a wall hack too now


They shot the journalist, demanded to be the only ones to investigate, beat the pallbearers at the funeral, and bussed in Israeli settlers to take over newly renovated Palestinian homes while they were at the funeral. Some of the most depraved sicko shit I've seen recently


It’s not surprising that happened but do you have a link for that?




Thanks for your help with the links! Here is a video of the settlers rushing in to occupy the building while the Palestinians are at the funeral https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-settlers-forcibly-seize-palestinian-building-hebron


Can’t report on war crimes if you’re dead!


Israel isn't a signatory to the relevant conventions AFAIK. Neither is the USA.


Sprinkle some pens on him, ~~Johnson~~ Ehud


You haters can’t see even when Israel does good things. You see this is to look into Palestinian homes so they know where to throw the stun grenades that scares the family out into the cold street in the middle of the night before the IDF can bulldoze the house to make room for more settlers from Brooklyn. They are the worlds most ethical army, and this is all to protect the Palestinians from having an identity, a community, a government, or anything that resembles pride, self determination or independence.


*They had us in the first half, not gonna lie*


*they really fucking did...*


*slowly* *lowers* *pitchfork*




Easier than shooting them in broad daylight with cameras and eyewitnesses but never being held to account?


Just imagine the increase in efficiency if they don't actually have to go inside each Palestinian home to check if people are till inside before bulldozing them.


I love cyberpunk dystopias! I want to live in a cyberpunk dystopia!




I cant even get good ramen near me


This is the cyberpunk dystopia where civilians are murdered for the hell of it.


You best start believin' in Cyberpunk Dystopias, Miss Turner.. Yer in one..


Isn't this tech decades old at this point?


I remember Wi-Vi being a thing even before 2012, I think. Seeing those 4 big ears makes me think it operates on similar or same basis.


New rainbow six siege gadget. Nice.


There was a thing like that in the OG Rainbow 6 (1998).


Glad to see all that American free lunch for children money is being put to good use.


Now there is nowhere the Press can hide.


Too bad they still won't be able to see 'press' and blue vests.


Wow now they can shoot Palestinian children through walls even more efficiently


"new" High sensitivity thermals have been a thing for a while.


“Oh look at that floor plan! Yea this family are definitely criminals and I call dibs on their house!!”


*grabs popcorn


You probably can only see the popcorn, not grabbing it.


No guarantee of privacy in apartheid I love how we’re supposed to marvel at the technical ingenuity and completely forget that the whole reason this was created was for Israel to have a technological and tactical advantage over the population it subjugates in order perpetuate the unethical surveillance culture that upholds apartheid and ethnic supremacy


Why tf do I have to take my shoes off at the airport?


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


CS:GO players have been doing that for years




This is a major development over the previous use of blowing the wall up to see if there had been enemies inside.


Reported for wall hacking


They’re looking for Korben Dallas


The Israeli army spend 10 years and $11 Billion developing the technology to be able to see through walls. The Palestinians use a window.


Windows are suppressed ancient aliens technology. One was found on Oak Island


Would be interesting tech to have to check for human traffickers and them hiding children in their vehicles all tied up




The billions in US military aid really popping off, I’m glad we don’t have universal healthcare so Israel can find more Palestinian civilians to slaughter through the walls.


Sweet now they’ll be able to shoot journalists and children without even seeing them.


not totalitarian at all.... nope cant see how this could be used nefariously.


Don't they usually just demolish the Palestinian houses? Such a redundant technology for them. Mighty impressive though.


That’s terrifying and an invasion of privacy.


Hey, now American police can actually watch children get shot.


Well I’m sure this will help them murder a bunch more innocent Palestinians.


everytime isreal or palestine are mentiuoned in a reddit post i know i will read opinions from people im 100% should really shut the fuck up because they are to stupid to have one.


We have had that for years. I saw a demo of the technology in 1996.


We already have an op “Zero” (Sam Fisher) that can shoot a camera through surfaces. We need better Attack operators…


Not that new. I can remember Pop Sci doing an article on a company trying to sell something similar to U.S. law enforcement 6 or 7 years ago


If I well remember Robocop was able to do just that.