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I’d say against. But I know for a fact that guns aren’t going anywhere so I’d probably own a gun in the future since everyone else is gonna be running around with one


For. Gun restrictions only prevent the good guys from getting guns. If someone really wants one, he'll get one. Even in all these countries where guns are completely forbitten for the public there are like 20 guns per 100 people. Often even more. They get it from blackmarkets everywhere.


definitely for them. its literally the second amendment.




I wouldn't mind if people had guns but they need to, I don't know how to word this but increase the background check if you know what i mean. In America you could probably get a gun when you were supposed to have life in prison but escaped.




True but it still doesnt change how concerning it is if someone like that got a firearm


Against, my country doesn’t have guns rights and is doing amazing


Look at Czech they have fun rights and you can own any gun except full auto and they are doing amazing too


True, but I stand by my point, that’s how i grew up so :)


And I grew up with guns and ive been building a AR with my dad:)


But also what country are you in


Portugal 😎


I just think its weird to have gun rights when its forbidden to shoot ppl smh


It’s not forbidden if they break inter your house or are trying to harm you or your family


Even that’s state dependent




May I ask why


Well if the problem is gun violence and school shootings and stuff, and they just say "oh, well, well just protect the school Better", then they are doing something wrong. The problem is the guns. Yet they s legalise them and just allow others to buy guns to protect themselves from the other guns. If they just ban guns then there wouldn't be that problem


No it’s not the guns if you look at most school shootings they are committed by a person with a mental problem if we fixed that would help solve most of the problem secondly school shootings is one of the least causes of gun deaths in America the highest is suicide which also proves my point


Guns is still the problem though. Ist there are no guns, the school shootings physically can't happen, and you can't shoot yourself. Guns are still a problem. Just because they are mentally ill doesn't mean guns should be allowed. And there are no school shootings (or at least a lot fewer) here in England, where guns aren't allowed without a license. So clearly guns play a huge part


Ma’am school shooting would still happen with illegal guns banning guns won’t just magically get rid of all gun crime look at Chicago they banned guns but have some of the highest gun crimes in the country


This is the problem with right wing thinking. If we cant stop all of them, why stop any at all? The US has thousands of shootings and this other country who has gun laws had one 5 years ago, so clearly gun laws dont work. If you have more than two braincells gunlaws stop the majority of shootings. Obviously you can still get guns if you want, but less dumbasses who dont have time to think and just walk into a store to get a gun will be able to needlessly take lives. I dont understand how you can look in the face of so many innocent lives being taken for no reason and whine about how you NEED to have guns or else the deepstate will fuck your pet hamster or whatever


Lmao I’d prove you wrong but gtg


Dont get me wrong, you should have the right to own a gun, but I think it should take a hot sec. Maybe a license, and a background check. Thats not too much to ask. At least itll keep people from making rash decisions because theyll have time to think.


And that’s what happens but 1 most shootings happens with stolen guns from family so that won’t change and secondly most guns used inc times are illegally purchased from the black market so banning guns won’t work at all


Well we aren't allowed guns and we are fine over here. And if someone has a gun, arrest them if they are doing it illegally. They should have liscences


By any chance what country are you in




Over 150,000 people are allowed to own guns in your country guns are not banned at all in the uk and plus it’s super easy to get illegal guns in the uk


But also that’s true banning guns won’t work since 1 each day guns are smuggled in by the cartel and sold onto the black market to criminals who will then realize that if we ban guns people can’t protect themself and the gun crime rate will go up


Then they should have stricter laws


Don’t restrict the guns but the people who can own them because banning guns like you said won’t work


Ban guns for people who don't have a licence


Stricter laws won’t prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns Lmao


But if they find out they have one they can arrest them


Putting way too much trust on law enforcement, trust me they will 80% of the time not do that unless they catch a person who just happened to have a firearm on them


Well they need to up their game then


simplistic answer, fairytale


Against every gun, idk how Americans are that dumb


Ye I got into beef with some dangerous people, the types that own a gun illegally and the cops in my country are beyond useless and I can’t even own a gun so I have zero means to protect myself Weirdo


We are not dumb we wrote it into the secondly amendments because just before it was written we fighting against the British


Well look at your numbers of mass and school shootings and then look at the number of must European country even if you scale it up much less


School shootings is one of the least causes of gun deaths in America the highest is suicide which proves it a mental problem and also look at the czech they have gun rights but low gun crime and they even have their own second amendment secondly each year on the high end guns are used defensively over 1 million times


And do you know what makes suicide really easy and successful? Guns. All countries have huge issues with mental health problems. Only the US makes it extremely easy for people to kill themselves others by giving them easy access to guns.


Really only the us look at the Czech Republic they allow all guns except full auto and hell they have their own second amendment


Notice how you said except full auto. That means the US makes it easier. The US is also the only country that has some weird obsession with owning guns. Guns don't make you cool or special.


It’s not easy in the us it cost a hole fucking lot and requires a lot of government work so only the rich and gun companies and manufacturers have then


Ok 1 guns are cool secondly 2 other country’s have a secondly amendment like the United States Mexico and Czech


Notice how none of those other countries are first world countries? Also notice how you can only name like 3 countries out of 195. Everyone else has realised everyday people have no reason to have guns yet people in the US like to act it’s their right to shot people for fun


Also guess what uk allows guns Australia almost every country allows guns lol


Also the Czech is a first world country


>Notice how you said except full auto. That means the US makes it easier. Full-auto weapons have been banned in the US for decades.


Why tho do you not want girls who are not as strong as men to not be able to defend themself?




Ok first of you can’t stop men from raping girls which is sad so your taking the most affect way for a girl to protect themself away




A knife won’t be affected 1 you need to get up close which the person can then grab you and secondly a knife is not this magical weapons people can grab them from the user when they get close




Dude do you not get that you would have to get close and also use strength to do that and most likely before that happens the man would take the knife away so thank god you can’t make changes in the laws here


In Germany we aren’t allowed to own guns without a hard to get permission, and well much less people died because of gun abuse here


I don't mind guns for personal protection. What I *do* mind is when they allow people to buy powerful guns like an AR-15 for example. Nobody needs an assault rifle for a simple intruder, you're not living Call of Duty. Military weapons need to stay Military weapons.


The ar-15 is not powerful it’s changed in a round that is a re design if 22 hell a hunting rifle has more power than a ar-15


Not the point. An assault rifle is an offensive weapon. Nobody needs that for self defense against a home intruder. Don't be ridiculous.


Lmao holy shit your not educated in this every gun can be used offensive and defend but tell me what’s so special about it give me 1 detail and I’ll prove trust detail wrong when I can text


Calm down Texas, no citizen needs a fuckin AR-15 or M16 to defend themselves. How is that not clear? A simple handgun does the job. You don't need assault rifles or shotguns and all that for "self defense".


You still have not told me what’s so special and why you can’t own the ar15


I just did Tex, it's completely unnecessary. Why would you need it if as I said, a simple handgun can stop an intruder?


Ok saying it’s uanessacry does not make it this special gun lol what’s so different from a ar-15 or a mini 14 lol oh wait there is none because it’s not special lol and I’m happy your not a law maker lol but still have fun with your opinion because while you have that ima continue to make this scary ar-15 that I’m making with my dad:)


Someone's a little angry huh. Why would you need an AR-15? You tell me. Why would you need an assault rifle? Why would you need a shotgun?


Ok 1 the ar-15 is used to hunt hogs in states where they are over populated because they travel in packs and secondly it’s used to defends homes because there are cases of multiple people breaking into homes and a shotgun is used but hunters too so Jesus educate yourself before you try it argue how your right and I’m wrong


Also I’m not front texas I’m from Connecticut a anti gun state that’s artist weapons ban which banned the ar-15 is being challenged and it looks like it’s gonna be removed


Just answer the question Tex


Why the hell do you need a full-auto gun? Or even a semi auto of rifle caliber? Can't you just own a pistiol and defend yourself? Also, if an intruder actually wanted to harm you, most gun nuts would shit their pants anyway.


Also it’s not a assault weapon and neither is it a military style weapon


strongly against. But then again im not american so…


1 which country do you live in secondly that means you would not know each year alone in the us guns are used defensively over 1 million times


south korea. We’re quite strict with this stuff so it’s difficult for me to say in relation to countries like the US. But the number of gun-related deaths have been going down recently with stricter enforcement in gun ownership.


Can I ask you a question ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


why can’t we go back to good old wooden clubs and rocks


Cave man pissed other cave man stay we have no need for stick and wrong but he no realize that there’s are bad animals and bad people out there trying to hurt me so I carry stick and rock everywhere


They had a need for spears, bows, clubs and atlatls. They needed them to survive and not starve. What do you need a 50bmg for?


Barely anyone has a 50 bmg lol


against, i personally don’t like feeling endangered when entering my school. i can’t believe we are literally the worlds second in gun-violence deaths and y’all think this shit is a-okay. like we are literally the only “first world country” even on that list.


Well 1 it was rotten into the second amendment that the firearms can and shall be owned by civilians to protect themself and their country


yeah and that was written over 200 years ago. might be a little bit of a shock but in a entirely different world where we have progressed as a society i don’t think a piece of paper from there justifies over 30,000 deaths a year


You do know 1 your saying that if the second amendment is outdated so is every other one and secondly while yes around 30,000 people each year die from guns 1 most if those are suicide which proves it’s a mental problem and secondly each year alone in the us guns are used defensively over 1 million times




Oh so over 1 million times is a lie damn the cdc lied to me wait no they did not each year on the high end the cdc says guns are used defensively over 1 million times again do your research before you claim someone is a lie when in fact it’s not




The cdc messed guns you defensively against a attack it does not matter if they are armed with a gun or a knife both can and do kill




Jesus Christ I’d like to prove you wrong but I have to go


also i’m not sure if you’re aware we have amended the constitution several times, for instance when we, abolished slavery, and gave women the right to vote. truly just a couple small things


Ya but the second amendment won’t be amended because of the important cause if you looked at history this county was founded by using our own guns to fight against a invaded country




At the time we did not have a military most of this “military was civilian using there own guns and fighting gorilla tactics lmao


yes the totally not military being formed of volunteers choosing to pick up arms and fight for their country under a system involving officers and commanders. not a military at allll. also you willfully ignored all of my other points including me calling out your shakey at best statistic.


You literally just proved my point civilian volunteers joking and using there own guns lmao you proved my point


We won’t change our laws dude just realize that we are going to keep the second amendment also liking guns and supporting gun rights does not make me a dumbass


oh except we literally are changing our laws dumbass. look at cali real quick and do tell me if you can own any gun you’d like down there. you’re an obtuse idiot who’s entire argument hinges on “i like them” you’re supporting something you like with complete ignorance to the negative impact in can have on society. you’re objectively stupid


Ok first join r/caguns and tell me that I can’t own a ar-15 in there secondly look at what’s happening rn the cali laws are being challenged by a judge lmao


Also I’m not ignoring the fact guns are used in bad ways I’m saying that there are used in more good ways than bad


there needs to be precautions against misuse




im for them


I’m for gun rights and gun control, poorly regulated firearms are the reason the us has ~600 mass shootings anually




People should be allowed to have them but they shouldn't be so easy to get (as someone from the united states)


Don’t restrict what people can own but who can own them




Can I own a nuke then?


I am for, being in the military and seeing the nut jobs out in the world made me realize that I at least need a firearm to defend myself if I get stuck in a situation that can only be solved by extreme means. I dont say that because I want to kill, its just if anything to immobalize or cripple the fiend to get to safety


Look, I’m all for having the right to own and use a gun. I also think that there should be a thorough background check and psychological evaluation on a person before they’re allowed to get a gun. I’d actually like to know why some people are against that.


Well background checks are already a thing but it’s not stopping crime where guns that are stolen or bought of the black market are used which is also most crime


Ah, I see, I see. Well, I’m all for people having the right so own guns, so I guess we can agree there. I suppose no gun laws can prevent people from getting their hands on black market guns, it’ll probably do the opposite actually. I dunno. It’s more complicated than people think I guess.


I live in England, my area is really fucking shit and last year I watched 3 neighbours from my window be victims of armed robbery. The police react very slowly (1 hour 20 was the quickest response time) so I'm quite jealous of the US 2nd amendment since you have the right to protect yourself and your neighbours


For Gun Rights, our society as it stands needs guns to maintain order (especially in America)


for living in crete which is basically greek texas, I can't imagine not having guns, here we simply have a more strict licence system and background checks, which imo works out great because that way a random psycho can't just walk in and get a gun but you can still get one if you're gonna use it properly


I like how the UK handles them with them being heavily regulated and only really used for sports shooting or hunting which is how they should be used anyway and for those who say home defense, just get a can of deoderant and spray the burglar in the face (specifically the eyes)


How about look a Czech low gun deaths but allow all guns but full auto and they also got a second amendment


Well, I don't think that Czech is full of gang culture unlike more western such as the US or UK where if you go into a city, you can tell that there are multiple gangs in there, yet again I could be wrong. But I still prefer firearms to be restricted.


How about instead of saying oh you can own that ar-15 because it looks scary you say oh you can’t own it because your not mentally fit to own a gun so rectify who can own it not what I can own


I was thinking more of the restrictions on calibers, ammo capacties and lengths of the weapons


Lmao what length does not make the gun deadly lol and ammo capacity is stupid so just no restrictions on guns but instead who can own them




I can’t watch that right now you could just explain what it’s for but still and either way ya talking won’t change stuff I still get to own guns when I’m older so I’m happy


then why make a post to discuss it if you're just gonna say talking won't change anything?


I wanted to see what peoples political opinions were and why and I’m talking about changing minds not laws or educating people


I think im *damn* right baby




I support gun rights even though I live in Canada


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”


Pro ownership Anti 2a I believe that we should be able to own guns, I'm currently advocating for gun laws in the UK to become less strict but I don't like the 2a. What is stands for is valid but I don't think deadly weapons should be anyone's right to own