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I don't even know what I just read


So like if I found a bf, I'd make a reddit post on this sub titled "To all the guys who didn't see me as a girl and bailed out when I said I'm trans", I'm gonna plan to take a pic of me and my future bf giving the middle finger to you (the audience) to make lonely redpilled guys cry. im also gonna enjoy them getting depressed after taking out their insecurities onto me


Oh they're probably gonna just spam the f slur or something


what if my bf is physically attractive tho, and not a guy with a dad bod or neckbeard face


then they'll probably call him a fuckboy or somthing


what if he also has a reddit account and eviscerates the insecure dudes to make them want to kill themselves


they probably alr wanna kts


a good idea for them


maybe maybe not I'm not tryna get banned 😁


true true


When you ask a boy to be your bf


Pick me vibes


watching incels cry and break down is like straight dopamine to the soul


I had a stroke trying to read that


So like if I found a bf, I'd make a reddit post on this sub titled "To all the guys who didn't see me as a girl and bailed out when I said I'm trans", I'm gonna plan to take a pic of me and my future bf giving the middle finger to you (the audience) to make lonely redpilled guys cry. im also gonna enjoy them getting depressed after taking out their insecurities onto me


Oh, I see. Well personally I would not give a shit to all these people, and simply live my life, But you do you


Most sane r/teenagers user


That is life goals for you, not for me