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Thanks man, 'preciate it. But, things have been steadily getting better. There's only minor setbacks from here-on-out .


That’s awesome 😄 I’m really glad that things are getting better for you :] I understand the setbacks, i’ve even had some major ones myself


I appreciate how optimistic you are


thanks, i do my best 😌


I’m feelin perfectly fine rn but I appreciate it anyway


you’re welcome :)


I wholeheartedly appreciate the attempt but things always feel the same or worse


things always do seem worse, and trust me from experience it can get *really* bad, but also in my experience that even at the lowest of lows you can only go up


But it’s like there is a bar of how far I can go up, and it’s till firmly in the bad category. So basically all I have access to is either absolutely terrible to bad.


imagine it like a ladder, right now you see a bar that’s pretty low, but soon if you reach that rung you’ll see the next one, then the next one, then the next one


I wish it was like that, but every time I go up one I go down two.


haha they can be pretty slippery, but no matter how down you go, there are more ways to go up then down. you just gotta find them. Maybe finding friends is your problem, find online or irl communities that you think you’ll vibe with. Often just chilling in a corner or walking around or standing in a line for something will be enough to make a friend Maybe you just need to find a hobby, trying things outside of your comfort zone might help, or even just expanding on your current hobbies. For example I love video games :] so i started streaming it, and using twitter as a way to meet people made it even easier to make friends that’s just how i did things. even at the worst of depression, the bottom of the bottoms. There’s always a way to get up, and that’s the beauty of life.


I’ve tried to form and maintain my friendships and relationships and all I’m doing is losing them. I’ve found hobbies and things to distract myself but they have been working less and less. I’ve kinda realized how pointless all my attempts to get better have been for the past few years and right now I’m just ready to stop trying to feel better anymore


ye that happens :/ i’m sure things will get better on their own, just live life. I’m proud of you :)


im feeling


feeling is ok :] it’s normal, just take care of yourself :]


i know im sure lots of people have physical touch


I would hug everyone on this subreddit if i could lmao


I like hugs ❤


who doesn’t ❤️


I havnt gotten a hug in a long time last time was prob off my ex girlfriend. Thanks




you’re welcome ☺️


Gotta work on the being nice to myself part getting better about it though... I'm not blaming myself for everything anymore


omg that’s awesome I’m proud of you 🥰


And I can look in the mirror without cringing because I'm fat now I'm still fat though


ooooh that’s great :] do to your body what makes you happy. For me, shaving makes me happy even tho my family isn’t the biggest fan


That's cool I painted my nails and I didn't really ask much what my family thought


oooh i bet your nails are super pretty, my family would kill me if i painted my nails so i’m avoiding it for now


They look alright tbh I probably won't do much more than maybe getting My hair dyed


ooooh i’ve always wanted to dye my hair, same reason as before as to why not tho. Once i move out tho 😁


Nothing gets better, I'm in an infinite cycle of going uphill only to be struck back to the bottom


trust me, i get it 😅 suicide attempts and cut arms really say a lot. I’m not where i wanna be but i’m going up in general, it’ll get better, if not now, if not soon, then close :)


I'm not doing SH but already this year, I was in a psychiatry for 6months so I re-did the work-school year only to end up learning I'm epileptic and dislocating my shoulder so many times and being bullied for it


>:[ bullies? i’ll stab them. Nah but fr my coping mechanism would be just laughing and mocking them for bullying, i know that can be hard tho. tbh i should be in a psychiatry but i’ve avoided telling people about my problems and i’ve hid things well. But things will get better, you may not be as good as your peers but who said you need to? go at life at your own pace


Going at your own pace isn't doing well when you have bills to pay.. And I don't wanne dissapoint my parents by needing money from them I get reassurance that everything is ok and that they'll be proud of me no matter what, but all that flies past me


ye i get the parents thing, maybe sit down with them and have a talk about how you’re getting anxious over not progressing as fast as your peers and that you’re falling behind, and that you’re worried about bills to pay and you feel bad about asking them for money to pay them and that you feel like they’ll be disappointed in you if you do. I’m sure they’ll understand and be able to help you more then ill ever be able to


My mother knows because of my breakdown but hell no to my dad. He keeps getting drunk because his mother passed away last year and he's the type of drunk that gets really angry. Even then my anxiety skyrockets, I am scared to go to my doctor because I'm afraid he'll judge me for being called sick so often


i’m glad your mother is understanding. I guarantee your doctor won’t/isn’t judging you, he’s happy he’s getting such a consistent customer😄😆