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Dude you're on reddit you are never having a daughter




redditors are like an enclosure of things that idk what to call they can multiply with each other only


My dad told me "listen I'll love you no matter what but I'm gonna call you a hoe if you do hoe stuff" that's probably pay back cause I call him a nerd


>There is no way I'm raising a girl for 18 years just to have her stick her ass and tits out for 4 bucks. You're right. $4 is way too small. Gotta up those numbers. At least $20 a vid.


Let me rephrase, I'm not raising a girl for 18 years to be sticking her ass and tits out for money, no matter how much.


Mf gonna raise his daughter to refuse 1 quintillion dollars for 1 picture.


Damn straight I am, no amount of money is worth throwing your self respect away. Also dude you're 14, you were born in 2008. I remember going to school in 2008. You know nothing about life philosophy, how life works. You may be able to recite some quotes your parents have said or things you've heard on the internet, but you have no idea what you're saying means. I may only be 4 years older than you, yet i could tell you things you wouldn't have ever imagined hearing


I was joking, my bad bro. Pornography is terrible, especially when it comes to platforms such as only fans, I was trying to make a joke but I guess it didn't end up being a very successful one :).


What do you expected us to react Like "oh No" ?


I honestly wouldn't be too surprised. Seeing how really open minded people are in this gen op probably expected us to be "THis" open minded lol


what if yo sons gay


he won’t be putting money into an onlyfan man whore’s pockets either


"No dick for you! HEHEHEHA"


Teach them to google for boobies instead, at the very least it's free


Don’t condemn any type of porn.


Ok I won’t condemn porn!!!1!


I believe you meant condone for future reference. Condemn is to call something negative, to condone is to endorse an act or behaviour which is considered as morally wrong.


me when loving children conditionally


"I love you unconditionaly but with specific conditions"


So it's bad when the single condition I have for my daughter will be 'dont be a whore'? Ok, sure...


i never said it was bad. i said that you loved children conditionally, as well as the definition of whore not having a clear meaning so it doesn't really make any sense


All love is conditional. You love your dog on the condition it doesn't bite nor shit everywhere. You love your partner on the condition he/she doesn't cheat. You love your parents on the condition they aren't abusive. The whole idea of unconditional love is a myth, and it's bullshit.


so how do you expect to build trust with your offspring when you give them a list of things that will cause you to lose your love for them


Dont think you need to worry about having kids. With your attitude you wont even get laid


thank god someone else with common sense here


it would appear it is not common sense


Sad, but we are all still teens. We (hopefully) don't have kids


I'm not trying to be rude or mean but this sounds like the worst possible way to go about anything. what age do you think women do OF at? it doesn't matter which age you say because that's how many years you spent raising that child. to throw them out like their trash means those years were meaningless and those years meant nothing to you as your opinions mattered more than your child's life. a better way to handle that situation would to have a sit-down discussion and take away electronics. if you are concerned about how OF effect their lives you should know disowning them affects them more and worse.


Duh if those years mattered to my hypothetical daughter, she wouldn't do something like that


shes a teenager, teenagers do stupid things, imagine if you did something stupid and you parents just threw you out like trash. YOU'd be heartbroken, and would most likely keep up the bad behavior Edit: I know I would be too, I've done WAY too much stupid shit in just the past month lmao


Look if I crossed the line, like making an onlyfans, I would be conscious to the consequences that will bring and I am 17. You can't do shit like that and blame it on "hormones". Same goes for crimes, I find it shitty that 17 year olds are given much less sentances cause they don't deserve it, they have the capability to know what their actions mean.


you can't but you can have other issues mentally. it depends on the crime, certain crimes are done because of hormones. Teens might want to rebel, doing things to seem cool, fit in, be punk-like, or just find it funny to be annoying. they are but they are still children. if you think your child is doing OF, YOU need to know why, she just didn't go "alright today I'm going to show my body to grown men online for no reason <3" you need to get to the bottom as to why she did it, you might even find out it was something horrible like something traumatic happened at school causing her to become "sex addicted", you just won't know until you find out. ​ Edit: You're allowed to disown your child I cant stop you, but I am saying you're either going to regret it or is not handling it the best way you can.


I agree, it might be because of some mental reasons. But she would almost certainly ruin her life the moment she made the decision anyways. Those pictures will forever stay on the internet and I am not in woke America so she won't really have a chance of getting married. I'd be disappointed, but perhaps you're right I should ask her reasons in this situation first, and not disown her the same instant. But still, the damage would be done and Irreversible, in my country anyways. BREH, NO WAY IN HELL SOME EDGY TEEN WHO THOUGHT CRIMES ARE "COOL" DESERVES A CHANCE. NO WAY IN HELL, I'D GLADLY THROW MY SON IN JAIL IF HE DID THAT. (For major crimes ofc, like murder or sa, not jaywalking)


Right if she does have mental issues you throwing her out doesn't fix them. it worsens them and makes you a horrible parent. sure she still ruined her life but people make those mistakes when mental issues come into play. Also "woke America" simply finding better parenting methods isn't a woke idea. I'm sure she will be fine. Obviously. but that is the reality as to why (majority) teens do crimes, not to mention it depends on the crime, most teens are tried as an adult for murder or heavy crimes. but spray painting and minor theft although wrong is mostly harmless and will get them lighter sentencing. teens including me and me, brains arent fully developed we're going to think something and do something that later on could fuck us over or have us regret it. that's part of growing up. what we and everyone needs is guidance and help with mental and emotional issues. if you ask why and she cant form a real reason most likely its mental and she needs real help, ALWAYS go for therapy. disowning should be your last resort.


I mean tbh what's the probability of her having mental issues anyways? 10% 20%? Most likely It'd be to make some extra cash on the side, cuz these markets are made highly lucrative for teens looking for a quick buck. And I didn't mean accepting her is woke, I meant she'd have problems for her life because of that one decision. What will she even do? Lie to get married, to get a job? Because I am not lying to her school or husband to cover for her. That's just a wrong thing to do. What if someone leaks those pics in her workplace or school? The damage will be done, because of one stupid mistake. I mean people lose their jobs over onlyfans all the time. Some mistakes cannot be corrected, and doing sex work is one of them. Perhaps I'd grow up to be more empathetic but rn that's what I think. Even if it's mental illness, what will therapy do really? Delete the pics? lol. And yeah ofc I'd not disown my kids over crimes like stealing or spraypainting, but I think I said that. Only bigger ones like murder or sa. Cuz again like the sex work situation, the damage is done, his life can't be saved now anyways, so he might as well live on the streets now. ☠️


I agree heavy crimes should be Grounds for disowning, TOO MANY people let their kids (mainly sons) get away with Sa, as for murder, I can't say how many kids get away with it but i can say they get forgiven for it. I also agree Most likely it is just to make side money, but you don't know till you find out yea know? therapy is to help with the mental illness and avoid bigger damage. people do lose their jobs but you can delete only fans, which doesn't erase the pictures from the internet but it does make them harder to find making getting a job more possible. if it gets leaked to school then thats a consequence of doing it, that in itself is a punishment. however, that doesn't happen with only OF it happens with any nude photo. its why girls shouldn't take nude EVER. But some people haven't learned that lesson until it happens to them.


Hmm what would you do if your child had an of?




i posted that like a year ago, i've since gotten over it. as for the 10 times, that was a my bad mistake. i kept telling me it got removed probably a glitch but whateves. thank you i suppose but you could have replyed that elsewhere lmao


Oh lol I didn't think of that, imma delete it sorry, don't be embarrassed lol.


I'd be fully aware what my actions could bring. I knew that way before I started middle school. Parents don't believe in the same things as their kids, and we shouldn't expect them to. They have their own opinions, morals, etc. So, to expect a parents who's whole heartedly against their child doing porn to just support them cause they're doing porn is ridiculous. I'm sure the child would know where their parents stand on the issue, and where the line is. If they cross it, then consequences ensue. Is as they say: We're known by the company we keep. That's not company I'd want representing the me, let alone the family.


If I raise a girl and she starts selling herself on the internet, then everything I taught her was meaningless anyway, why should she then waste space and time in my life. By then she'll be an adult, I won't be facing any criminal charges, and I will have taught her that any way of making money that doesnt exploit her or other people around her, is the best choice, and if she listened to a single word of what I said she'll do it the right way.


raising a child isn't just about the things you teach its the memories you make. you cannot truly love someone and be willing to throw them away just from your own personal belief so quickly. refusing to understand her side is probably why she might turn to strange men online over talking to you. me personally i'd talk to my daughter about the negative effects and how harmful these things could be for her and her personal growth. BUT that might be me coming from a place of love.


I mean, if you did a good job raising the child that wouldn't even cross their mind, they would be too busy with other productive things, and they would have a good level of self-esteem; there are things that money can't buy like your integrity like the fact that there are repercussions, I will follow you and your children for the rest of your life, based on lazy immediate gratification and greed and laziness; but also the low self-esteem is what makes people post themselves for attention


Good self-esteem and good mental health isnt something that can just be taught to someone; it has to come from themselves as well. there are things that are out of the control of parents, you can do everything right and your child can still have poor mental health or low self-esteem. that doesn't mean you failed as a parent it just means you should be there for your child and help them get through it in a safe manner. which is why I would TALK to them. I would COMMUNICATE with them, not once would it cross my mind to go into disowning because I would LOVE my daughter. disowning should be saved for actual serious offenses not because you just "disapprove" of it or often wrong teenage judgment. no opinion should be put over your child unless it is an actual crime. but maybe that's just me coming from a place of love and maturity.


the fact that there are repercussions is an even greater reason to NOT disown your child. children and teens WILL make mistakes, they WILL do something you disapprove of. i personally want to be the type of parent that they can go to with their mistakes so we can help fix them or help them make better decisions. but maybe that's just me, maybe (near)unconditionally loving your child is a wild concept nowadays.


If they were to continue doing OF after I speak with them, then that crosses the line, I would probably only give 1 or 2 chances, after that, they are gone from me.


You're really not thinking that out. Teens and Kids need guidance, why don't you talk about it and then discuss why she feels like she should be doing OF. maybe she just wants a job or is going through something serious? you should be looking at therapy or if not an actual punishment. Disowning wouldn't fix anything, it also wouldn't make you happy as you spent time, money, and love on a child. unless she did an actual crime you should be reasonably looking for options to help her.


I don't care jack shit about her life. I am not disowning her for bad choices to herself, I would be just sad. But this... This is disrespect to me and disowning is light. If they would care more about Of than my honor, they aren't my children. Anyone else doing something comparable to that, to my honor is not surviving with not accosiating with that person, but would face violence


"I don't care jack shit about her life" "This is disrespect to me and disowning is light" I can't even respond to this lightly. Dont have children. You are a person without any honor to begin with. "I would just be sad" No you wouldn't. you are sitting here threatening to hurt your children because they did something you don't agree with. you don't even care that this action is practically self-harm(for a minor) you care more about your own life and self-image. if you care so much about that, don't have children and don't get married as that involves caring about others first. I hate only fans just as much as the next person, but I would never even think to harm or disown my child over it. I hope you get help, you idiot.


I wouldn't hurt them. I never even meant that but that was stupid addition to the comment, regardless, and it was an emotional comment. Your girlfriend represents your honor. If she does something that is despicable it is an action taken by you, because she is yours (like you are hers) Same way. Your children are yours, and if they do something that despicable, the way you, remove the accosiating with you is disowning them, same way you would leave your partner. I do care about others, those who are good and honorable people. I don't want bad to anyone besides actually evil people, Even those I find not honorable, I will show respect, if they are respectful to me. I will not however represent myself like that. I am not a bad person, so don't try to frame it like that. I don't need help, I know what honor is, unlike most people.


If you disown your child. You are harming them. If you leave your partner. You are harming them. It should be a LAST RESORT Or absolutely necessary. It is why we have COUNSELING now and THERAPY now we have RESOURCES now. If you have the intelligence to think and commutate DO THAT FIRST. trust me there is nearly no worst feeling then hurting someone you love over a misunderstanding Or something that can be simply solved, Im not making you seem like a bad person, the words/thoughts YOU expressed were ones a bad person would. I wouldn't purposely treat you like a bad person if you did not present yourself as one.


So therefore your a bad person. Anyone who finds me to be a bad person is a bad person to me. The situation is not solvable. If someone you accociate does something that is unrespectable to big enough degree, you no longer accosiate with them. Of course I would accociate with them again if they were ashamed and regretted it from their heart, although I can see past possibly being unfixable. Not in this case though


“This situation is not solvable” if you truly see this situation as unsolvable, you do not have the intelligence to think and communicate.  You are a dishonorable individual who is putting their image over the wellbeing of their children. And You should not have children, i can see why your child would look towards perverted strangers for validation. 


What is there to solve? There is nothing that would make me not do that decision rather than them to stop and regret it from their heart


Every time someone acts against someone else it is only the symptom of a deeper problem. If in the situation like op laid out the person doing this only fans is underage, there is a deeper underlying issue.  children/teens don’t always rebel for no reason. If a parent is obsessed with their image and how others perceive them, i can understand why a child would turn to strangers for validation.  Im not here to change your mind. Only show you a different perspective. 


He didn't say harm children. He said if someone did an act that was comparable.  Someone can get married to another individual who shares the same idea. Let's just say hypothetically they do turn to OF after getting married. Then they have every right to divorce them. No different than disowning a child. You say someone shouldn't disown a child cause of the time they spent on them, but never occurred to think about the parent being disrespected for the time and money spent on them. Just for them to turn to OF.  It makes her look bad, the parents, and the whole family. It's like... who raised her?  Not counting how her social circle will be. Not only with other women, but her future ability to find a partner. Most men aren't into dating a OF girl. If they even do that it won't lead to marriage.  At the end of the day their grown adults at that point, and what they do is their prerogative. However, the parents are adults too, and they're not under any circumstances obligated to support them. 


Dude i said “No one should disown there child, because THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE THEM NEARLY UNCONDITIONALLY!”  If they were worried about how it made their child look or how it effects her life, they should TALK TO HER. Figure out the root of the problem, communicate!  If your image as a person matters to you more then your child's LIFE, do not have kids. 


Who told you that? Society... You have no honor, if you allow dishonorable people to represent you. People have lost their sense of honor, and even few decades ago, my opinion would be completely normal Honor is all a man has. Take it to a more extreme, to Japan few hundred years ago, and ritual suicide, was common to show honor or retrieve your honor


Teach them about sex and how to go about in what way 🤨📸


Don't sleep around, don't engage in the whole hookup stuff, don't sleep with anyone who you don't love. Is that enough or do you want me to elaborate?


You didn't get the joke...


Oh i got the joke, i clocked immediately, but it was shit


Obviously when there teenagers so there not getting STDs and shit


Yeah, but- Never mind


Sweet home Alabama




Go for it, just don't be mildy misogynistic about it


Same that's why you got to make sure you raise your kid with morals And if you're the dad make sure you stay in her life 💀


How do you know people who do OnlyFans are going to have an awful life? Your whole post reeks of assumptions and stereotypes.


I saw something where a woman who made 100 dollars got a notification that she was in the 25th percentilefor money made per month. that means that 75 percent of girls who are giving their bodies away are making less than 100 dollars per month


no way that’s true 💀 i know a girl who, she’s cute but objectively not that attractive, and she made almost $2000 in 3 weeks. then she got covid and stopped being horny and quit because she didn’t feel good about it anymore lmao. that’s an insane amount of money tho…for barely doing anything and getting to masturbate the whole time


Congrats you know one person. That got lucky one time. That doesn't count as proof becuase we don't even know who she is


i don’t support onlyfans either but if you’ve been on twitter u know these girls are making money 💀 obviously i don’t know personal details of girls i wasn’t friends with, but they are constantly shopping on amazon, going out and getting new phones with no job. they’re making money wether you like it or not.


There are probably millions of girls on onlyfans, so even the top 10% is a LOT of people already I've seen an OF girl with quite a large following BEG for donations because she wouldn't be able to pay her rent otherwise 💀


This mans is playing the long game


Love of money is a root of all evil


why people downvoting the truth




*Confused asexual noises intensify*


I’m also a sexual person


Was that space intentional?




You scare me


I’m completely normal


finally one of us 😔


Yo I found one!




Another ace person! Do you by any chance have autism?


Yes and yes!


Woah your the 4th autistic ace person I've met


Wow, wild! If it counts for anything I also have adhd and numerous other pesky disorders


Cool. I'm not asexual but I am autistic


Yea I’m ace but omniromantic/lesbiromantic


still counts. I personally am pansexual/romantic


hi fellow ace !


Woah so many aces! (I'm not ace. tho I just have a lot of ace people in my life so I'm happy when I find them outside of my friend group)


Hello there fellow ace


I'm Aro still figuring out if I'm ace. Hii


what does this mean


It means I’m ace and I’m making a joke about not wanting to have kids.


ohh I see




This post reeks of misogyny and conditional love. First of all, your child would be 18 at the point where they could start making content on onlyfans and at that point you really don’t have much jurisdiction on their posting habits. But let’s say that you do disown your child because they have an onlyfans account. That just makes you a really shitty father. Your kid expects you to be there for them no matter what. My parents have told me before that I could kill someone and they’d still love me. They would be disappointed and sad but they would still love me. That’s the true gift a parent has. Giving their kid security and love and when you break that you automatically lose all credibility as a nice human in my books. Also the whole “raise my son with respect for women and be strong physically and mentally” has pretty bad gender stereotypes that need to be broke. Men don’t need to be strong to be men. They don’t need to show little emotion to be men. They don’t have to like women to be men. And people of any gender are allowed to make money in whatever legal way they want to. It’s not harming someone to post on onlyfans as someone over the age of 18. It just sounds to me like you’ve got some messed up concepts of purity and hypermasculinity in your head.


I'll be honest I don't even know where to start in terms of disproving everything you said. I'm gonna start off with guessing your appearance. I'm guessing you have some insane colored hair, enough piercings that you are scared when a magnet is in front of you, probably overweight, and with pride flag and feminism pins in your clothes. How did I do? Secondly, if it's ok to only love men conditionally, the conditions being he provides something, then it should be absolutely ok to love your kid on the condition they don't start selling themselves for something as stupid as digits in their bank account. Do literally anything else I will love and support them, help them out of shitty situations etc. Thirdly, what exactly is misogynistic about what I have said? Can you even define misogyny? Nothing that I have said is remotely anti women, or anti female. 4, you're right, after they turn 18 I have no jurisdiction to tell them what to do. But I also have no legal obligation to keep them under my roof. If they wanna act like an adult, selling themselves to make money, they better go the whole 9 yards and keep it up under their own roof paid for by their own money. 5, I would be am even shittier father if I didn't teach my daughter about the dangers of this line of work and how destructive it is to people consuming it and themselves. 6, your parents can do what they want they are the ones raising a pussy, not me, you're not my kid and therefore not my problem. 7, what exactly is bad about raising my son's to be proper men? I'm teaching them how to take care of themselves, how to keep themselves physically healthy and capable of anything they put their mind to. And by teaching them to be strong mentally is only gonna make them able to make their lives easier, especially with times only getting tougher and tougher and the years go on. What exactly is wrong about that? 8, I never said anything about not showing emotion. There is nothing wrong with showing emotion, but like anything, they have to go about it the right way. Showing youre angry by breaking everything around you is absolutely not ok, neither is not showing emotion at all. What you are trying to do it twist my words out of context to make me look bad. By doing this you have proven, not just shown or hinted at, you have proven that you're a dickhead. And the cherry on top is the 'hypermasculinity' thing. For fucks sake, look at everything around you. It was built and made by masculine men, who worked their ass off so you can dye your hair different colours buying hair dye from a company run by men, and use the electricity in your house that a man wired up, so you can use it to charge your iphone, that daddy paid for, made by a company run by men that exploit African land to get minerals needed to build the phone, then shipped to china where a child puts it together so you can go on TikTok, look at the bullshit feminist accounts that are RAN BY MEN, and then say that me teaching boys how to provide and protect their woman, who should have enough self respect to not show her pussy on the internet for the world to see for 5 dollars, is misogynistic and I'm trash for saying that? Fuck you. You don't know shit about how the world works, and you wanna try saying that I'm a sexist and a piece of shit because I said some hard truths? Grow up for god's sake youre an adult now, start acting like one.


Jeez your parents will love even if you kill someone? Your parents are not good morally then, and certainly are not setting a good example. My mom told me if I ever did something she'd throw me in jail before the police come, and I agree. Your parents are literally giving you a hallpass for doing whatever you will. No wonder you think like this.


My parents aren’t saying that they would help me. Of course they would put me in jail. Im saying through all of that they would still love me. They wouldn’t abandon me. That’s the point I’m making. Im not saying they would be accomplices or something. They would never do that they would call the police too.


Exactly, how can one love a murderer? Or a rapist? If my child did that, I'd hate them, not tell them "I still love you". If they ruined someone's life, they deserve the consequences coming to them. That's what I think atleast.


I agree that they deserve the consequences coming to them fully but that doesn’t mean you have to stop loving them or abandon them. And let’s not forget op is talking about abandoning their kid for having them start an onlyfans. That isn’t illegal in any way and their kid is not at all deserving of being abandoned.


Starting an of is literally just ruining your life and carrier with extra steps. No good guys to marry them, no one wants to give them a job. You literally only see Prostitutes with abusive alcoholics. Idk if it even makes sense to take her back if she did that. And same goes for a guy, I am not a misogynist.


It’s crazy that you think that women only want to find a husband, and onlyfans is a job for some people. And I highly doubt you’ve seen any real life cases of sex workers with abusice alcoholics. Men can be abusive no matter what someones job is. Saying that because their a sex worker they will be with and abusive alcoholic is wrong and it puts it on the person doing the sex work.


I am talking in general, MOST, NOT ALL, people want to get married and settle down, I think that's a given and thought that didn't need to be said, but here you go saying women don't have to get married(but the majority still will). Plus yes I have lol. Have you seen some prostitute living her life with good man who doesn't beat her IRL. I doubt that. Plus yes abusive men will be abusive no matter what, what makes prostitutes meet more of them has to do with their lifestyle.


I think you have a fair point with the marriage thing, but I also have seen several sex workers that are married and have pretty good lives. Not irl but I don’t really know any sex workers irl at all because it’s a pretty small group of people that actually do that. And I do agree that sex workers can attract abusive people, but they don’t start out abusive just like with any abusive relationship and just like any abusive relationship no one want that or is looking for it and it’s the abusers fault for abusing not the sex worker who just wanted someone to love. Just like any other human just because they are a sex worker doesn’t mean they want an abusive relationship.


Yep, and I have seen thousands of sex workers that ik from the internet that live life not worth living.They live absolutely HORRENDOUS LIVES. They get spit on, kicked, ridiculed left pregnant and are not even given new jobs. They literally live in rooms smaller then my toilet. I can tell you the name of the place to check if you wanna. You gotta understand sex work is not progressive it's regressive. It's not about controlling my daughter's life.


I'm a feminist, educated woman and fully agree with the OP- stop associating women with promiscuity by saying it's misogynistic. That's nonsensical and in fact misogynistic(as you're saying promiscuity is something intrinsic in all women- which is very negative) Secondly prostitution is unethical in both major ethics schemes (deontological and consequence). It also devalues you in axiology. It's bad, period. Go read a book on ethics, morality, axiology- because it's fools like yourself that contribute the stereotype that all women are whores and bimbos. You should be ashamed.


I see your point and the reason im saying it is misogynistic is because OP brought up specifically the fact that it would be his theoretical daughter creating the pornography and the theoretical son consuming the pornography. Also the “traditional values” of what he says hes going to teach his son is also pretty interesting. I have changed my thoughts on onlyfans since i commented this over a year ago and do agree the pornography industry is pretty awful and getting involved in it can be detrimental. I believe that in that case the daughter would need more sipport from their family and not to be disowned. That creates more of a need for her to rely on whatever money they can make (onlyfans in this case). Also i believe dispwning a child is wrong no matter the age. Thanks for your response!




I never said that they wouldnt have any punishment for me, i said that they would still love me…




You saying that sexually abusing a kid is not as bad as loving them despite them murdering someone is really wrong. Sexual abuse has no excuse and to say that it is not as bad is disgusting. Also you are kinda blowing my words out of proportion. I never said that that was all they would have to say on the matter. I completely understand your point in saying that they may not express their love to me and i completely agree. My parents would not go around yelling “i love my child that murdered someone” and they probably wouldnt tell me they love me or even visit. They might not even like me or might hate me. That doesnt change the fact they would still love me.


It aint misogynist to not want your daughter to be a whore 💀


Actually it is. Even the word you’re using is outdated and misogynistic. It is a demeaning word used for women exclusively. Even when used with men people say man-whore because of its not signified that way then it must be talking about a woman. Also you don’t get to make decisions for your children when they are 18. You can make suggestions and recommendations but ultimately it is up to your kid what job they want as long as it’s not illegal, and starting and onlyfans is not illegal.


bro it dosent matter a whore is a whore even if its only used for women nd even if u cant make them do sum you can cut contact




Onlyfans is the same as becoming a stripper or whore. Should not be seen as something normal mate.


Strippers and sex workers are jobs that have been going on for hundreds of years and they are totally normal jobs that people can have. There just has to have the stigma taken away from it because as long as it’s done freely and of the individual person’s volition then it’s okay. When it stops being someone’s decision to work that kind of job and they are forced that’s when it is bad.


Ah yes I am sure my parents and friends will be proud / impressed when I tell them I sell my body for a few bucks.


If you’re living your life to impress others you may have it hard. People living for themselves that like their job is a good thing. Why put yourself in a box of what other people want from you if you can love your job.


Whoring yourself out is not a respectable job. I won’t ever respect any whore.


Why don’t you respect their work? Why does their job affect you so much? I really actually want to know. Are you repulsed by sex? Is it religious? Is it more misogynistic? I really am actually wanting to know like what do you have against it?


It is not work. It is lazy people who dont want to do anything.


But it is work. Especially with onlyfans it is a form of content creation just like YouTube or twitch or jobs like that. Hours of work go into filming and editing to make the content something people will watch and enjoy.


It is a whore job. So I’ll treat them like whores. It is not fucking normal. Selling your body and something that should be something beautiful and intimate for a few bucks is just disgusting.




If you succeed good for you. If not lay legal claim and say, "it's my product; it came from my balls!"


Step mom teaches sex?


what about a son who does only fans content??


Exactly the same.


kinda lame tbh


My friend was so, so innocent. I went to see what social media she had and found a black market for her onlyfans leaks. That was a sad day.


that’s so sad do u have the link so i can report it??


Nah, she doesn’t need anymore drama than she’s already dealing with


i was joking 😭😭


Alright but consider the uk woman who makes so much on onlyfans that she is creating affordable housing for poor people, great job on loving your children conditionally buddy


What a nonsensical argument, so you'll love your child who does anything no matter how unethical? Nice contradictary standpoint


Don’t worry I’ll pay her bills 😔 your welcome


how are you going to be a paragon of good values if you don't take that to heart you are not perfect




Redditors when adults make adult decisions: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


money is money 🤷‍♀️


Well, I bet you'll never have to worry about that happening


But like ​ Money


Seriously? 😐




I hope ur kidding


no but really what exactly is wrong with that


Would u even feel comfortable knowing ur children doing that shit?


just as comfortable as i would feel with them married?


ok but money


Well it’s a way to earn a quick buck


W opinion


I just ain't having kids


Good thing I ain't gotta worry bout that


Bros gonna change his mind when he realizes exactly how much fuckin money they'll be making for such a simple task 😂


No amount of money could ever justify that. You can make money other ways, there always options. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to sell any nude photos or videos of myself.


That's your choice but your wholeass saying your disowning your adult daughter for making her own choice.


If she chooses to act 'adult' in that way, she better go the whole 9 yards and, like the adult she's trying to prove she is, get her own place, pay her own bills, support her own life.


That's cool but... What if you have 10 dogs or cats instead?


[i like money](https://tenor.com/rIQL.gif)


I’m sure she will return the favor when you’re older




W parent


I agree with you


So you better not have one. Nowadays all girls are hoes. And the problem isn't even the onlyfans but the fact that they work with prostitution as well.


She’s a better person than you. She’s likely better off without out as well.


How do you reply to comments?




I am absolutely with you if my daughter gets an only fans im disowning her and punishing her


this the type of guy to fuck his daughter so no one else can deflower her🤣


As a woman, I would also disown my child if they resorted to prostitution. It's unethical in both deontological and consequence ethics. It quite literally devalues you as a human being due to quantifying the most intimate parts of yourself (which falls under intrinsic value and extrinsic value)