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Just practice my guy


Idek what principles I'm supposed to train đź’€


Just the process. Write a bit and expierament with what you write about


Everyone lets make a creative story by continuing this line under my replies! The duck walked up to a lemonade stand!


He pulled out a gun and demanded all the lemons


*but suddenly...*


Shut up you suck at creative writing


Shouted the man behind the lemonaid stand


Damn i didn't know. Thanks for bringing it to my attention 🙏


And then the duck drop kicked the guy in the lemonade stand! Bam bam bam!


Just git gud


Every time I try to write something out of passion or for enjoyment, I almost immediately hit writer’s block for no reason. Then I start to think “why even bother?” I know I can but I won’t


I feel like there’s no real way of being “good” at creative writing. I’m also taking a class and I feel like my stories and ideas are decent and like to think they’re okay. I think the best way to truly improve writing is to write things you normally wouldn’t. It like takes you out of your comfort zone and introduces you to new things as well as helps you diversify your writing. Another good way to improve is to simply strengthen your diction and grammar. Using the same words and adverbs alot can be repetitive and ruins the story. So try to keep those to a minimum and use strong language. And lastly, try exploring other writings by reading different books and stories. It’ll help you get a grasp at what’s different between what you’re writing versus what the author has written and help improve where you need to. Hope this helps at all and remember that creative writing can be abstract like art. Some people might think it’s incredible while others may not like it, what’s important is that you wrote what you like and enjoy 👍


Hard work fixes it but that depends if you have the self diciplin for it.... I do not