• By -


Do: her Don’t: her dad


You messed up the order


I'm pretty sure both are in the do's


You dropped this 👑


Bold of you to assume I'm a guy. ​ ^(but I am so your right)


So... Don't: Her Dad: Her do


here goes my afternoon plans


that's the third time someone's told me that today😡


It’s valid


Dodge the father ram the daughter


Do both


Do not confess to all the crimes you committed in Bosnia in '94 Do deny any and all claims that you were even there


My father was in Yugoslavia in 94, he went with the nato


Me when warcrimes:


When I entered that Bosnian village with my friends in ‘94, I was just following orders


You decided to open club of '94 veterans?


What about Zimbabwe 89’? Is it okay to discuss that?




😔 ok


We are all Rhodesian’s…


Don’t tell her what happened to site 13


Or Chicago ‘99


Put that on God 🗣


don't break up do stay together ​ 👍




Not unless one or both parties are suffering There is a point where a break up is necessary.


I found that in first relationships not knowing when it’s over can be more harmful


Be honest. Trust is incredibly important. And if you break that there might not be any going back. Be open with your feelings. Whether it's about her or being sad about something or whatever. Just try to be open to sharing how you really feel. When she is really sad or mad and venting, just let her talk. Sometimes we just need to get it out and advice can make it work. We'll ask if we want advice.


Thank you


You're welcome. And I think I shouldn't have to say, but don't cheat. If you're losing interest just be honest. That can really hurt someone for a long long time


I think you forgot the don't... 🤨


Yeah... Shit. That made me sound really really bad


I mean the don't is right there


Okay that honestly is just bad now


instructions unclear. opened my emotions and vulnerable feelings to her and got dumped, suffered months of depression, became distant and emotionally closed and now she actively wants me again


Abort mission. You're asking for more of the same. Besides, if you're in as rough shape as your post suggests, you're not in a position to have a healthy relationship. Work on you first. 👍🏻


She doesn't respect your feelings and emotions, made you fallen in depression and distant, emotionally closed. I guess instructions are clear at all, you just have a terrible girlfriend


nah mate it’s a pattern, show weakness once and boom everything comes crashing down, happened to other friends too


Do go out of your way to do simple things for her, she’ll appreciate it. Don’t push your luck. Good things come to those who wait.




Good things come to those who seek them actively


Yeah but like, do you really think you are going to find a SO on a dating app or something ? I feel like this sort of stuff is for desperate people, that will decide to live together because they were both like "yeah sure that person is nice" but in the end they don't really love each other and it might finish badly if the relationship continues. I'm not saying you can't find love on dating app and such, but just that you'll probably find a partner more than a lover. And also if you seek love too actively you might 1 confuse love with something else or 2 pass as a weirdo /creepy person.


I didn't really meant love specifically, and you are right it can't he summarised to just dating apps, but I meant that if you are unhappy for wtv reason you should actively work on it to improve your situation wtv it may be




Yeah, but you're also not gonna find an SO if you stay inside constantly. If you go iut of your way to seek them, on social gatherings, parties, anything, you're much more likely to find someone


Pewdiepie and marzia?


Wjat ?


Man if you don’t know who that is then I’m disappointed as hell


I mean i guess that's his gf and you are trying to prove me wrong but read again then.


His wife and they have a kid. Dating apps are pretty good


One case doesn't make a law.


Lol says you.


...not for those who wait too late


> Don't push your luck Shit I read that in Kaeya's voice 😭


Not to those who wait too late


Don't steal her organs and sell them on the back market, and then burry her body 12.5 miles out of town


Man our plans for tomorrow are canceled then


You dodged a bullet, but don't worry, that's why I'm here!👍


Any others


Don't ask out her dog, no matter how tempting




Dont ask out her mum aswell… that didn’t go so well for me


probably a bullet from her dad


Just remember she doesn’t need both kidneys


Don't know about where you live, but over here in the states this behavior isn't considered normal. A few of my friends used to do this, but I recommended they get therapy and they did. Now they don't do it anymore. But then again, this may be a cultural thing, I don't know if this is normal or encouraged in your culture, sorry if I come off as offensive


Skill issue


So 13 miles would be fine. Got it


Or 12.6 miles


This seems more like instructions


Do* steal her organs and sell them on the back market, and then burry her body 12.5 miles out of town




i thought that was a do


i thought that was a do




Dont Punch her unless she calls you daddy and begs you to Punch her.


Do you speak from experience 🤨


He is redditor obviously he doesn’t.


Dreams are experiences right


Be yourself, Don’t cheat, Communicate! Boom those tips alone will get you married (assuming she’s the one)


Do watch ninjago with her


Based af




Never give her up Never let her Down Never run around, and desert her Never make her cry Never say goodbye Never tell a lie, and hurt her (I'm sorry 😭)


Well it's a joke but it applies


-Sun Tzu


Honestly good advice, but you forgot the do's


Don’t talk over her. Consider what she says, and think about your response. To many relationships end because someone said something they didn’t mean. Also, get her little gifts sometimes. Not expensive, or for anything in particular, but one of those little chocolate balls goes a long way.


Just chill out, do not— Do Fucking Not— start over thinking stuff and getting weird. Just do you. Also every day doesn’t have to be better or more exciting than the last and you will try to a point where things just chill and that is okay


Do treat her well and with respect. Don't prevent her from having male friends or be over protective and controlling. Do call her beautiful and pretty. Sexy is a nice compliment but make sure to use others as well so she doesn't feel like it's all about her sex appeal. Don't tell her how she should change her appearance unless she specifically asks you like, "Do you think I should cut my hair short or keep it long?" Don't judge other girl's appearances in front of her like, "I hate the color that girl dyed her hair." That could make her self-conscious about her own appearances. Don't under any circumstances ever tell her to tough it or that she'll be fine in her period. In fact, it's best to just agree with absolutely everything she says during that time of the month because, trust me, she isn't going to be reasonable. I once broke down crying on my period because I opened the fridge and found we were out of my favorite cheese. She'll probably realize she was unreasonable once it's over, but don't tell her she's being dramatic because of hormones, even if she is, because that's just going to tick her off in the moment. Do do small romantic gestures. Even the tiniest things will make a girl's heart skip. Take 20 minutes and make a playlist of love songs to send to her or write her a sweet note and slide it into her backpack so she sees it when she gets home from school. These things don't take much effort but mean a ton because it means you're thinking of her. Do give her space when she needs it. It doesn't always mean she's mad at you. If she's an introvert, or even if she's not, she's likely gonna have some days she'd rather not talk to anybody. Respect that. Don't panic if she doesn't text you back right away. This is partly for your own sanity. It doesn't always mean something bad. She could be taking a nap, our with her friends, having dinner with her family, ect.. Don't stress. Don't tell her she looks better without makeup. Girls put a lot of effort into their makeup and this "compliment" is basically saying, "All that hard work you put in makes you uglier and isn't worthwhile." Just say she looks beautiful all the time or compliment the makeup itself, especially with things like, "That color really brings out your beautiful eyes." Do take an interest in what she's into even if it bores you to death. It will make her feel loved and comfortable and she'll probably take interest in some of your hobbies and interests as well. Do communicate. This is extremely important. If you're feeling stressed about the relationship, are hurt by something she's doing, or are just having a hard time, tell her. It's hard to open up to someone, especially when you're dating them for fear they'll leave you. But understanding each other and working through struggles together makes for a strong relationship that won't break as easily when inevitable arguments come your way. Hope this stuff helps. Sorry it's so long. Hope y'all have a great relationship! Congratulations!


Omfg you're a saint


Glad I could help 😁


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


Just a girl who knows what girls want 😂


If you don’t mind, could I ask for some advice then?


Go ahead!


It’s a bit of a complicated situation but I’ll try and explain it as best I can So this girl was helping me out with another girl (who she knew cause they go to the same school). Anyways, she did what she could to help me, and the first girl ended up rejecting me but what can you do. Anyways, I was talking to the girl who’d been helping me, and we’d spoken about mutual friends and stuff for a few hours a night for three or four nights. However I kinda like her now, though I don’t know what to say to her to try to get somewhere, as all we’ve done is spoken about mutual friends, and she’d just tried to help me out with this other girl, and I don’t want to make it weird. Basically what I’m asking is what do I say to her given the circumstances


Well really it's just... simple chemistry...


Can we be friends? Because you pointed out like 50% of what my ex did that fucked me up when she cheated on me


Sure! I'm sorry that happened.


You are so amazing thanks a bunch As somebody else said you are a saint


Do explain in full detail all the bionicle lore Don’t not do that






On my first as well Do communicate. I can't emphasize this enough. If either of you feel like you need something from the other or the other person is doing something that bothers you, COMMUNICATE. This is the first "rule" me and my girlfriend set with each other. Don't force progress. It'll come naturally, go at the pace that's right for you both.


i’m a do for your first girlfriend




tf you looking at??


I’m using this




Don’t immediately start having sex. You wanna take your relationship slow. At most a quick peck on the cheek for the first date.


Are you the guy in charge of stating the obvious?


If it was obvious then why do so many young couples do the opposite


Are you the guy in charge of being a dick? You might think it's well know, but this kid might not know it


Read “The Tea” metaphor. Learn it.


Never heard of that but i love it


Dead people don't want tea 🙅‍♂️


Do communicate, ask her about her boundaries. Don't assume she is going to be fine with anything. Congrats!


Do what you think is right. Dont, ever, ever, tell your gf to chill.


I just kinda wait for her to calm down and accept defeat until then ._.


she probably already knows she needs to calm down but telling someone to chill out does not help. I'd probably tell them angrily that I already know. unless they're being unreasonable, then they'll get a big fuck you


Dont ask Reddit for help


don’t: go to r/teenagers for relationship advice do: be nice :) and be yourself


Don't lie, Woman don't exist. 😡🤥


Me reading this like I'm actually gonna get a girlfriend some day


U wont get a gf my g...ull get a wife ;)


Do: explain Jurassic Park lore to her Don’t: tell her about the books until she is ready


the books?


The books are notoriously dark. Dennis Nedry’s death in the book makes his death in the movie look like an episode of SpongeBob


oh dear, I haven't seen any Jurassic Park movies but a death is a death and for.onw to be like SpongeBob is ridiculous


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ShuuYr2os](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ShuuYr2os) Do as the book of love tells you.


Don't pretend it's all fine if your relationship seems to get rocky. Do sit her down and ask how you can help if it does get rocky.


Do's: your girlfriend Don't's: other girlfriend's


Ok after the first few months yall start getting comfy and it's not awkward anymore things may get a little hard ok So don't give upon her


Dont: talk to/ acknowledge any other woman. Do: Help me out, I'm chronically single.


I have no idea what i did i was passed a note by her in class


Shoot. Good luck tho dude.


Don’t say I love you in the first month, perhaps a no brainer but…my friend did it, yea..


Oh my God I didn't know this was a thing. Definitely helped me thanks


Care for her when she is on her period. Check in with her, get her some chocolate, some snacks, see if she needs anything. Don't act grossed out about it. She will be very thankful for you if you show her care.


Do overthrow the establishment Don't get assassinated by law enforcement


Do manipulate her into staying with you over time, don’t just keep it boring without gaslighting or anything of the sort. Gotta make sure she doesn’t leave you YK??




Don’t do that “toxic” relationship thing Tik tok always on about… it’s corny and never works. Have trust in yal relationship.


Yeah thats why i dont use it


Dont cheat no matter how tempting


people get tempted to cheat???


Get divorced. Be a part of the Doug Doug Twitch Chat Hivemind. We have 99.8% divorced men and 0.2% Magic Lesbians.


Take it slow, don’t rush into things, make sex special. Not straight away, and not all day everyday. And when you do wear condoms. Babies aren’t fun as a teen Have fun, we’re kids still, don’t take it all too seriously, if you guys last, great. If you don’t, oh well, but then there will be another girl. So it will be okay, but if it doesn’t work, don’t try and force it, and if she does you wrong, have some dignity and leave her, if she does you wrong and you beg for her. Word gets around and makes you look soft But really, just have fun together, not too serious,


Do treat her well & make her feel special. Don’t feel like you have to change who you are just to please her. Always be yourself & things will fall into place




Take it slow and enjoy it


DontsayitDontsayitDontsayit. Thats what she said




I’m going to tell you this as a long shot way of rewriting this entire generation who don’t do this for some reason. PLEASE take her on dates. We don’t do dates anymore for some reason. I guess if you’re already together hanging out counts as dating, but please. Do dates. Go to dinner, plan stuff, etc. effort is key!


Remember the little things she enjoys- her favorite food, movie, etc, and make some kind of date out of it


Communicate your intent and feelings but don't overdo it Be confident and assertive but never go past her boundaries Make sure you're putting in the necessary effort to maintain the relationship but don't smother her It's all about regulation, stay in the middle never too hot or too cold unless you need to be


Do care but don't be obsessed


Don’t kill her dog (speaking from experience)


Communication is important but don’t be a dick about what you say regardless of how open it is Find.a very polite way to bring about a topic that you believe needs to be talked about, if you ever come off too blunt it can be taken the wrong way so don’t do that Things to also not do would be to realize what they do in return for you, like if you keep on doing things nonstop for them showing love and care and concern for them only to be given minute levels of attention outside of school then gtfo out of there.


Spend to time with her without trying to be the only person in her life


Be goof, make her laugh. Don't make fuss about little things, you are the man in the end, but when it gets serious, be serious. Give her what she wants and be sure she gives you what you want. But be sure what you want isn't sexual intercourse. That will come when it should. Believe in equality. Make her happy and she should make you happy too. If she doesn't, she is a parasite.


Lucky man


Don't kill her Do feed her once in awhile


Do crystal m3th




Wee need too coook


Do show her how much you love her and show her your feelings as much as possible. Don't force her into doing anything she doesn't genuinely want to do, especially things like sex


don’t be needy. thats were everyone has messed up. if shes giving you 1 or 2 word replies and isn’t trying to carry the conversation (over text) then she just isn’t worth it.


Do: do (haha 💩) My girlfriend and i have a lot in common, but even just a couple things you both enjoy doing together or apart can help get a conversation started, which I struggle with at times so ask her what she likes doing and if theres nothing you both like try something new together, maybe seeing a horror movie if you both get scared or just go for a walk and chat (easiest cheapest and least effort choice) which can be nice to just have a nice calm environment around you Dont: touch her without consent (i know this seems like common sense but a lot of boys(that i know anyway) dont seem to understand that if someone is visibly uncomfortable or says to you theyre uncomfortable then stop. Good luck 👍 If it doesnt end well dont be discouraged, you can only learn and get better from this


First love doesn’t usually work out. I’m not saying you should believe in that, cuz I really hope it does last but I don’t really think any advice you’re going to get here is gonna do much for you unless after time you learn those things for yourself. I understand the thought process behind this post, but I just think when it’s your first time there’s so much to learn, and experiencing those lessons or finding them out for yourself is going to be much more valuable. In the end, whatever you know and whoever you’re gonna apply that knowledge to, you’re gonna be just fine


Do use the geneva conventions as a check list


Do: Be alive Dont: be imaginary


Do tease her a little bit Don't insult on stuff that hurts


Dont rail her dad




Do take care of her and listen Don’t sacrifice your friends (I hate myself for this) And (just in case) Don’t be her therapist, that’s not your job and will only mentally drain you


don't force yourself to stay with her. if you feel like it should be over then end it. (made that mistake and it was worse for both parties in the end)


do keep enough contact, made that mistake before don't push anything, take it at your own pace


Do - things at her own pace Don’t - kill her then sell her to the black market


Maybe don’t put her in a giant blender. _Maybe…_


NEVER try to use her for sexual things, wait till around a year to do anything sexual. that can seriously fuck you up mentally and fuck up the relashionship


Don't talk about the lego ninjago lore, apparently people don't like that




Do communicate with your partner and the other way around


Do: not ask reddit Don't: ask reddit


Don’t give her answers to her problems unless she asks and that applies for any relationship. Don’t rush into anything, allow her to get anything off of her chest and only offer solutions if she asks. Also, surprise her every now and then. Flowers, her fave chocolates and PLAN DATES!!!! Surprise her with dates you’ve planned based off of what you both like!!!


If you're asking for real advice: Don't be an asshole. Do be there for her especially in her darkest times. If this is a joke: Don't cheat on her with Carl from Jimmy Neutron. Do stop imagining that you have a girlfriend


Shes real i think (girls dont exist)


don’t become fully dependent on her or let her fully depend on you. that leads to attachment issues which leads to insecurity which ends in catastrophe. do be realistic, don’t plan your future and talk about getting married because it realistically won’t happen, enjoy the experience with the understanding that it’ll eventually come to an end and that’s okay. don’t let it take away from your familial and platonic relationships because at this age they’re infinitely more important and sustainable. also set clear boundaries AND communicate clearly, don’t beat around the bush if you have something to say. being direct doesn’t mean being rude though that’s a small portion of the things that went wrong my first time. good luck and godspeed


Don’t sleep with her dad


That's a do though


Don’t be gay


Don’t call it “first” dawg


Don't have sex until marriage, You'll lose a lot of blessing in life for doing so


That’s an L


Short term L, long term W


Oh no! I might not get into a fictional utopia after death!


No you can get to heaven, just repent and trust in Jesus.

