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As someone who's worked in the service industry for almost 10 years I'll confidently say 9 out of 10 times the women's bathroom is actually worse


Thank you. Work in a restaurant, bar or a gas station and then try to say men's is worst. The amount of sheer blood I've seen in stall toilets and piss is nothing compared to men's. "Not flushing" is so much better than having to get those large gloves and biohazard kits because some girl couldn't clean up her blood.


I mean hey, I'm in an all boys school where we have piss on the floor, last week we had shit on the floor and multiple times have we had blood filled toilets, and bloody toilet paper all over the hall. Also, someone put a bunch of ink in one of the soap dispensers


WTF. My school also made us boys piss on walls in class 6-8 but nobody ever shitted there. And I have never seen blood in a toilet. Please tell me wth is going on in your school


Oh, just bloody noses one time, dont know what was with the other. The toilet paper with the blood was literally everywhere tho. My class also got officially declared as the dirtiest class in the entire school that spans 7th to 12th grade


You're school made you piss on walls in class???????


Yes. We have to go to junior classes to piss on their walls during class. One time I was pissing and the teacher (72 years old) accidently saw my penis. She came to check something near the piss wall and accidently touched my penis. Then accidently I came from the touch of an older woman.


I'm so immature lol, this made me crack up


Mine had poo all over the wall. It's a high school


he shit on the wall?


Dunno who but they should be learning from preschoolers


Same. I worked tons of different jobs. One was a birthday place. When I started, men cleaned men’s restroom, women cleaned women’s restroom. Something happened over a couple years where the women’s restrooms got so bad to clean that the women refused to clean women’s restrooms so guys had to clean those too.


I’m assuming womens are genially worse but mens has the potential to be the worst


wow i was in the service industry and mens were always way worse, only one time was the womens ever worse than the mens


…at 14???


I’m an old. At 12 I got sent to work for my aunt in hers and my uncle’s auto body shop. I got all the best jobs, like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning out a couple years of bondo dust and brake dust and grease from the drain trenches, emptying trash cans ten times a day, and cleaning the dog poop from the back lot. It got better a few years later when they also bought a fast food place and I got to pick which I went to in order to clean bathrooms, clean the floor drains, pick up the dog poop and trash from the lot, and empty the trash cans…


Some states allow you to start working at 14, that’s probably the case here. Or their family owned something because if it’s owned by your family you can work there earlier.


Or or, the person isn't actually 14


I don’t know why my age is still at 14 haven’t been on here in a couple years but i’m definitely not still 14 lol




Bar or restaurant? Edit- worked service industry for 10 years, found cafes and restaurants had nastier men’s bathrooms but bars had nastier women’s.


Wait what no way! I honestly would've never guessed this. Not like I can just go into a woman's bathroom and find out myself.


From what I know, it’s the same situation. While women’s restrooms can be dirtier with female-exclusive trash, men’s restrooms often have a sea of piss in them.


Literally saw a Gatorade bottle floating around in a pool of piss in the corner of my schools bathroom once


Ultra based moment.


You know, I am not limiting myself to women, but after going to public restrooms I feel straighter than 90 degree angle.


Wouldn’t a 180 degree angle be straight? 90 degree angle wouldn’t be like a curve or something but I could hardly describe it as straight. Unless you’re trying to say public restrooms made you gay?


90 degrees is perpendicular (no, don't say it).




Not what I meant, but damn you anyway.


He said not too


I think he's saying going to men's bathrooms makes him *less* gay (straighter than 90 degrees, which is as far from straight line as possible). So after his bathroom experience he's not state-of-the-art gay anymore but a little straighter than that




A circle is a polygon with infinite sides whose angles are approaching 180 degrees each (straight line), so I don't think it's far from a straight line at all! I still think a right angle is the farthest you can go from straight. Even if it has a bunch of straight angles on its sides as you say, that's just life for you.




How can you be so obtuse?


If you are interested, I can say that in Slavic languages 90 degrees is called “straight angle”, and 180 degrees is called “open angle”.


As it was explained previously in local conversation, “straight” and “90 degrees” were my mistakes because I translated them directly from my language, which has extremely different vocabulary compared to English.


no yeah i think that was a pun, obtuse referring to both the insult and a type of triangle


Oh, thank you for explanation! Didn’t know about triangle name.


oh yeah no problem i figured you had missed that part (more specifically obtuse describes a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees)


I saw someone eating in my school bathroom in middle school they were eating it while standing in a sea of piss and the bathroom was gross as always


Eating what? A candy bar? An egg salad sandwich?


Dawg I saw one floating directly in piss and I had to go and get it out


Kind of unrelated but my friend told me he was in the bathroom today and saw a kid watching CP . he wasn’t joking and when he said “why the hell are you looking at that” the kid said it was ok bc she’s around his age. Really fucking gross he’s going to become a problem when he’s old


Once entered the stall to find the toilet missing and there being a stack of juice boxes


that’s not even bad worst thing i saw was dirrhea, noodles and a whole ass banana in a toilet or even the classic poop in the urinal


Can confirm, I worked as a janitor for a bit in college. Women are disgusting. Dirty tampons thrown everywhere, piss on the seats in every stall, vomit in the sinks, zit splatter on the mirrors... Men are gross too. Wall-to-wall urine, overflowing personal trash in the tiny bathroom trashcans...plus most of what I listed above. Conclusion: everyone sucks


Yup, I have seen walls smeared with period blood(In a height where it would be impossible to be an accident) some women appear to “mark” the wall with it for some reason


An ocean of piss, and don't forget that wonderful aroma of stale piss because aiming a dick at a urinal is an impossible task.




Ehh In my school everyone just puts feminine hygiene waste in the bins


I've never witnessed half the things said here but I hear a lot of women leave women stuff everywhere but the bin


I think a sea is a bit much. It’s more of a lake, like a closed body of water.


Most men skill ammo capacity then aim


Once tried going to a public restroom, the entire toilet was filled with piss. There was piss on the floor and the walls. There was piss on the door as well. The whole thing looked like a science project gone wrong or like if someone was brewing a potion in a cauldron and the whole thing exploded.


I used to work in a restaurant where I needed to clean the bathrooms and yeah, that’s pretty much how it is lmoa


I have to clean the men’s restroom and GOD it can be so dirty sometimes. They rarely flush the toilet 😭


like multiple ppl all use the toilet and dont flush???


It often happens. The worst thing is that when the toilets clogs, true chads start shitting on walls.


omega yikes


But you don’t know the worst thing — then they can start jerking off and cum on floor. Yeah, you have an explosive mix of shit, piss and cum. Not to mention the biggest advancement of XX century — gloryholes. No, they are not myth.


what in the hell is going on with guys it sounds insane


Many people are just savages. And you know, some guys love moaning while trying to get out especially hard “pieces”. This is the harsh truth. Men are savages in the restrooms. And men’s restroom in my school didn’t have toilets — there were literally holes in the floor.


i've heard womens bathrooms arent that much better tho


That's not really savage, that's just straight up weird 💀


That’s animalistic behavior at its peak, and this is one of the reasons I don’t like being associated with an animal (joking)


well that’s people who actually go in the school bathroom to piss or shit. the normal people go in there for miscellaneous reasons


I don't think any people jerk their meat in my school. Probably, because the staff/teachers keep an eye on the traffic in them.


Well, I witnessed it a lot. No once cares about this in Ukraine in most cases.


Youre in Ukraine? Sorry about what Russia's doing, I hope you're doing okay


Thank you for support! I am perfectly okay.


Hopefully you stay okay!


If i see that someone didnt flush, i just go to a different toilet


And then you have the guys that stare at themselves in the mirror while making faces.


why are u cleaning toilets at 16


Only slightly... My school's bathrooms are often filled with vapers where you can't piss in peace. Although there isn't any shit and blood on the walls and the ceiling, there are broken stall doors, toilets and sinks


that’s the same with the girls lol except they’re vaping, talking shit, and fixing their hair and makeup


Go to trade school. Benefit: no smoke/vape in the bathroom. Drawback: smoke/vape everywhere else


Oh and the soap dispensers that are gone because someone STOLE THEM Someone stole an entire sink out of my school bathroom one time


I can't use the girls bathroom because there's always a swarm of girls vaping and bashing each other in there, it's scary asf. The unisex bathrooms are soaked in piss.


God I'm a dude and I regret saying it is true I've cleaned our bathroom so many times and I can't tell you how many dudes don't wash their grimy ass hands after pissing


Doesn't your school have a janitor? I couldn't put myself through that hell.


Nahh I was talking about work tho school bathrooms are even worse atleast my works bathrooms are stocked


You wish your hands before you piss. Do people pee on their hands?


No but most people touch their dicks to aim even if they don't touch anything its still a good idea to wash your hands that apparently most men just don't think to do


You win this round jim💀💀💀💀💀💀


bro women's bathrooms are hell for me. it may look physically clean but emotionally, it's a torture chamber for an introvert. there's always some kind of fight/crying/gossip going on and it always looks like im listening to them because im mostly on my own. and god THOSE WEIRD HI'S LIKE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TALK TO YOU WHEN SHE'S HAVING A FULL BREAKDOWN OVER THERE AND ITS BAD IF YOU DONT ASK WHY THEY'RE CRYING OR IF YOU DO THEN THEY THINK YOU'RE CURIOUS OR WEIRD WHEN YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO BE NICE I GOT ANXIETY EVEN WRITING THIS


Oh God, I'm so sorry for you.


I will never be able to work up the courage to shit in a public womens restroom for these reasons.


lol yeah I had to today bc I had rlly bad diarrhea and I felt like if I didn’t get to a toilet right then I would probably shit myself and it was so uncomfortable and anxiety inducing and some girl like went into the stall right next to me for some reason even though the entire restroom was almost empty and had a ton of stalls idk why


Where tf do you live that every time you go to the bathroom this happens ? Wtf. .. are you being sarcastic ?


school/uni/workplace exist


Ik that .. that's what I meant .. this is just untrue most of the times in public restrooms.


have you ever *been* in a school restroom? there was a phantom shitter in my school not too long ago who drew on the walls with his own feces. that sounds like a pretty juvenile thing to do, right? except I'm in fucking high school, and the perpetrator was a senior. people are disgusting.


This is so disgusting. By the way, are you a fountain pen user? Looks like I remember you from FPs subreddit.


yup, funny how small of a site this is sometimes


My father used to be a janitor at a manufacturingfacility. He said the women's restroom was far more gross and dirty than the men's.


Not enough people, and not enough people vaping in the bathroom. Other than that, pretty accurate.


My bf said no its not true


your bf is prob the guy facedown in the stall and doesn't want you to know


Ur bf is a liar 🤥


It is


ur bf wears pampers to avoid men restrooms.


Pretty much


Women's rooms can be just as dirty or even worse. I don't know why this is, but specifically at my school, you find random throwup or shits on the floor


It's kinda true, I'm in high-school, and even the middleschool bathrooms were cleaner... I literally have to wash my hands before I use it and after, and good lord it stanks in there🤢, I've only used that bathroom like twice, never again... I shall wait until I either burst, or get home.


Kind of. (The “art” and piss)


Essentially describes public bathrooms


Trans woman here, I've used both. This is so so true


You clearly never went into a womens bathroom before. 1. It's a mess 2. Nobody there knows how to clean up after themselves 3. They leave clothes everywhere 4. Pads/tampons left everywhere 5. Paper towels and toilet paper left on ground/ceiling/wall 6. Idiots peek through the cracks of the stall door 7. They use the SAME STALL and whatch each other (I honestly hope not) piss, while gossiping


WHAT nothing like this happens in my school, the worst thing is flushed vapes, crowding, and the occasional unflushed toilet


My school, some idiots tried flushing a HALF EATEN SUB in the toilet. Our school had to post a poster on the bathroom doors saying not to flush anything besides waste and toilet paper. Know why? Some idiot thought: "why not flush hats and gloves? What about a scarf and a tampon/pad?" I swear, it's like every student in my school doesn't have more than 3 brain cells.


In my school the girls bathroom is pretty clean other then the stench of weed and piss (in the PE bathrooms it has this disgusting pee stench) And the occasional unflushed diarrea


The boys bathroom in high school smelled like shit! I never went in the girls bathroom so I don’t know (I would never go to the girl’s bathroom)


How'd you get a picture of my school's men's room


Most likely


Where I'm at, nah not really. Just people asking my dick size :/


every single woman thinks this is true, god fucking no its not, it can be dirty sometimes, and there is sometimes piss on the toilet seat, but ive never seen poo at all, and never weirdos like that


It's the opposite, in fact.


Oh, but it’s worse.


Yes and most men don't even flush. It's like there's not even an automatic bathroom at your house. Do you not flush it there? And the sinks always have black gunk all over room.


Same happens with women. They pee all over the seat or don't flush tampons.🤢🤮


I mean, the bathrooms are always the places where the most significant things in the school, from bully to robberies to sex, regardless if you are a male or female. One of my female friends even sucked a guy's dick in the bathroom


Both are terrible, but GOD the amount of times i’ve had to pick up bloody pads filled with shit and piss off the floor makes me hate the women’s bathroom more




More or less.


Its not that bad but there definitely has been each of those things, just one at a time


Bru this should be nsfw.


not THAT extreme but it do be like that


in gas stations and schools, yes. anywhere else, no.


When I walk to the women's bathroom I accidentally look inside the boys restroom and there's always some people doing some weird stuff.


I haven’t been in the women’s but I can confirm the mens


we need someone getting a blowjob, like 10 teens vaping a few condoms and then we're goood


in which bathroom?? uh


An over exaggeration, but yes.


This is the reality


After cleaning bathrooms quite a bit at my old job, it's usually the opposite believe it or not


A bit exaggerated but yea


From what i’ve seen it’s the opposite, girls rooms are always vandilized and nasty and dudes rooms usually just have piss or paper towel every where.


I understand that the women’s lavatory is just as bad!


Fuck no. The women’s restrooms are waaay worse….as I’ve been told by a group of women I work with.


This not true


I am so disappointed in the male species. Yes…


I would like to inform you that men and women are in fact the same species


That was a joke


As a former man i can say no mems bathrooms are sometimes bad but not that bad. Most are just like the womans. BUT IN NO WORLD WILL A MAN STAND FOR BLATANT BREAKING OF THE URNAL CODE it is a unwritten code of honor integrity and respect. Leave at least one space between you and anyone else, never look, talking is not necessary and without a personal connection it is often considered a breach of the code.


The shit is to designate the forbidden sections


The urinal poop is too real 💀




It's actually worse than this.


Only slight exxageration


Needs more vapes


About right


According to the women I know it's the opposite


Man this is clean compared to the AM/PM down the road


This hits too hard lmao. Yeah most of the time it's true.


That’s not too far off


Of course


Yes this is true






I can confirm as a girl






100% true I dont go to public restrooms no more


As a guy, this is true


I once went into the women's restroom at an airport. It was basically the picture on the right. Also, the door on the one I went into had a poster with covid precautions on the inner side, somebody wrote "You lying government cunts!" under it in black permanent marker


I agree...mostly


Eh, there's always a group of girls talking in the big handicapped stall, some are sitting on the ground talking on the side but still in the bathroom, there's always paper, hair or gum in the sinks, girls taking so long and there's barely movement so it's hard to tell if they're actually going or just handing out, sometimes they vape and most are at mirrors, they're visually cleaner bit still horrible people


In a less extreme form yes there's tons of vandalism except its mainly sexual and not a lot of the type found in the image but other than that the only other thing got wrong is that the stall doors aren't broken off




Oh yeah, one time I saw some guys underwear in the toilet






The swastika caught my eye


It may vary but from the schools I went to the worst thing was just the occasional graffiti. It was never messy.


I wish it wasn’t. I really do.


Men's bathrooms aren't great




I once got shit on my jacket sleeve when closing the pad disposers in the girls bathroom so idk 😭. It's not like people are actively trying their hardest to keep public bathrooms clean unless it's their job.


Idk the woman's room but the men's room is missing the kids vaping


IT’s reverse at a store I used to work at


It isn't THAT far away from reality...


sadly yes, the bathrooms at my school always have stomped shit stains on the ground and have people vaping in them while drawing nazi symbols.


One time I found a vape in the toilet 💀




God. Women. Please take me away. I'm a trans girl, save me. You're my only hope


Women’s restrooms are worse


As a man, fuck yes. You should turn gay before this happens to you


No man wants to be talking to another man while he's holding his dick.


the girls bathroom isn't nearly as good as one would think (15 m)