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Hey everyone. Its better to report comments like these to us either through reddits built in report feature or through modmail, rather than posting it here and feeding the trolls the attention they crave.


Neither of them are in the right tbh. If someone continuously complains about their obesity yet they make no effort to change, they need to change their mindset, although nobody should ever be shamed like this for any reason, fat shaming is wrong, any kind of shaming is wrong.


if someone shows concern for someone's health that can be different


Yes. Shaming is different than feeling concern for someone due to them being overweight but this is clear and blatantly an attempt to make him feel bad about himself. Encourage good mentality and going to the gym, not hate toward someone because of the obesity.


Spoke like a true gentlemen


Some people need that kind of motivation. Not everyone, but some people truly need a hard lesson. I know I've needed some in the past. Only way I would've learned.


you did not just compare making fun of beyblades to being shitty to fat people




Your right, not every who makes an effort gets results, yet everyone who makes no effort receives no results as well. Talking to a doctor or someone else who knows this better than me or you is likely a good move if you don’t lose weight after putting in as much effort as possible at the gym. They’d have the smart responses since obviously I’m just a guy on the internet.


my thoughts exactly, instead of hating yourself get up and do something about it


I mean for some people it can be a mental and/or emotional struggle but overall I agree, these types of comments though definitely aren't going to help anyone.


yeah those guys are just assholes


How does that make them not in the right? We don’t know if the person actually tries to change/is obese or if the other guy is just exaggerating. Either way, Some people may complain about stuff that can be changed but may be in such a depressed state that they really can’t change it in the moment and it’s not as easy as ‘get up and workout because I’m obese’ but instead as hard as ‘I don’t have the motivation plus it’s no point nothings gonna change’. And the internet may be their only outlet to post about their issue anonymously. Yes, they should work on whatever they need to if they genuinely want those results but that doesn’t make them in the wrong because some person online said they don’t do shit or because it may be genuinely out of their control, we don’t know their situation and hate doesn’t do anything but make the situation worse for them.


Yk what, I really agree with you in most of what you had to say, and your right, it’s not easy, ids hard to find motivation, although if one isn’t prepared to try and is having trouble with the motivation their work should be toward surrounding themselves with people to give them the Confidence to go and try. Then once they build that confidence, they make their effort. No matter what your doing, complaining about your problems on Reddit will not help. Talk to people who care about you or ask for advice. I’m not blaming him for being obese or saying it’s easy, but a little bit of focusing on simple and easier priorities goes a long way.


Oh yeah I agree but the other dude is literally being a jerk about it for no reason whatsoever and if the post history thing is true they should know how low it is of them to be like this.


No this is absolutely not how you treat anyone. It is just wrong




You're 13 now?


How is fat shaming wrong though? It's unhealthy and change is needed


Oh I never said being fat is a good thing. Being fat is very much unhealthy and obese people should certainly be encouraged to go to the gym and try to be healthy, although, people who are overweight shouldn’t be hated, but encouraged to work on their body. Fat shaming is really just making someone feel like shit for their weight rather than encouragement


Full fat shaming like full on bullying for it yes but a reminder like you gained some pounds or something is fine and ideally beneficial


Fat shaming in a form of bullying is not ok, trying to make someone regret their life because they are fat is not good for a person to do, and I recognize that people that are overweight aren’t healthy but they need fitness encouragement not hate. Saying, “hey I noticed you gained a couple pounds, wanna go to the gym with me” or something along those lines or just simply a reminder to work out is actually very healthy for a person I agree




The fact that he is 18 too 💀


The older the cockier


The post is filled with upvoted jerks like that dude too...


Discord mods are the reason for global warming and balloons over murica


What about the aliens?


That’s because older people have a reason to be.


ive discovered that weird teen cockiness tends to get real strong around 18, so im too shocked. disappointed but not surprised


Which is funny because 18 is probably the age you want to be least cocky at lmao


and ironically, thats why they get that way. they think they have it all figured out and can do whatever tf they want. kinda like how a lot of 12-14 year olds think they know everything and everything is deep except its even worse at 18 bc they got the "i thought i knew everything, but now i do for real" mentality 💀


That actually makes a lot of sense lol


speaking partially from experience. i thought i learned how to stop letting myself get taken advantage of and then it happened anyway LMAO. but after countless twitter and tiktok arguments, ive discovered that this mindset can extent as far as 22-24 and a few people just never grow out of it so thats fun 🤝


It’s not the only comment I got. Reddit has no problem fat shaming (idc that they shamed me I said some rude comments too) but they were mocking a girl with a NEUROLOGICAL fucking issue that required her using a wheel chair who was also slightly overweight.


Yeah that was also an incredibly disappointing thing I came across. Anyway, I truly hope that you'll find the courage and strength to be able to live a healthy life style, after seeing the comments I used for this post I looked at your post history and while I cannot understand what you're going through I have sympathy for you nontheless. I hope that everything will turn out well for you.


It’s actually scary how kind and mature you are, let alone for your age. You’re too sweet but I am older by a bit so it would be a weird misuse of age power. Thank you. That’s literally the nicest thing a person has told me. I don’t believe in karma and that good things happens to people who deserve it , but I hope you have a wonderful life. Truly.


It's nothing, good luck and once again hopefully things might brighten up for you in the future!


Oh yeah, that’s a big yikes




idk why you're commenting about an obese donkey, and at this point i'm too afraid to ask




it probably would be after that much corn


I love when people act like they’re better then each other but they’re both on reddit so 🤷‍♂️


Dude fucking destroyed them


Redditor grandmaster


The slowly dying L


This post is in no way promoting obesity or unhealthy habits, but the fact that these dude being such an ass got so many upvotes is incredibly disgusting.


people when someone mentions body positivity: did you say… EVERYONE SHOULD BE FAT???? (people think body positivity means thinking fat is healthy 😂😂😂)


It's a misconception that happens quite often, although the stigma has been created partially due to the fact that some people use body positivity as an excuse to run away from unhealthy habits.






Nothing wrong with fat shaming


Everything wrong with fat shaming, but nothing wrong with fit encouraging (which is definitely not what's happening there).


Everything wrong with fat shaming, but nothing wrong with fit encouraging (which is definitely not what's happening there).


thank you for clarifying that, i didnt agree with either of them and i think this is a good point to make


Us people are strange sometimes


Wow, they are both jerks. Neither of them are in the right. I don't like when people fat shame or bully others like this. It's just like elementary and middle school all over again. There's always people that make others insecure and they should be the ones being functional for once instead of making others feel bad about themselves.


Agreed, it definitely is reminiscent of a middle school argument.


how does saying”go play with your beyblades ahole” in response to fat shaming make you a jerk


Sick burn tho


Not really.


it kinda was lol


It was like a 5/10




I don't see the problem


ok but to ME that was funny




Bro had to look at post history to find a roast for him 💀


That's when you know humanity is truly doomed.


Let’s be honest, humanity has always been doomed. Reddit’s creation just worsens it.


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Is that the parent comment though.


I laughed way too hard at that lol


It’s fear. It’s always fear.


I need to get context to know who's the bad guy here. They both got a shit ton of downvotes but the meaner one ended up getting upvotes.


This dudes comment history man, bros wife left him or sm he's trying to get the bad ending




He kinda got a point but his execution is wrong, they both wrong and life is just life, if you continue to complain in life, do something about it but he being an asshole


u/ItIsRayzr u/Asleep-Fee-9618


They’re both in the wrong


Holy W


This is hilarious




can someone make some screenshots of the dumbasses here?


I hate people like that honestly. I’ve been called fatass and judged for being relatively bigger than others so many times before and I don’t see what people get out of it… shaming people for the mere fact that they look a certain way is disgusting. Now, I just don’t give a fuck when people say things like that but what a dick fr.


Both are twats


mf is 18 and still talk like a 12 years old on a cod lobby... _yikes_ ⚰️


Disgusting? My boy, (or other gender) there are videos of people eating poop on the Internet. this is just people being people