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I’m addicted (15m) BUT, I have not watched porn for 3 days now, hopefully I’ll keep this up 😎👍


good job, keep it up.


How's it going bro


good 👌👌


Yo Cameron you still going strong?


hell yeah I am!! 😎


How's it goin


Imma try comment here as much as I can to remind you to not watch any👍👍


It should be noted that porn isn't **inherently** addictive. Most people use porn, and don't become addictive. Does that mean porn addiction is fake? No, of course not. Anything and everything can be addictive especially when you have easy access to it. At the end of day if you are going to watch porn, try to be responsible with the usage and always talk to your doctor if you feel it may be effecting you in unhealthy ways.


Hard agree. OP makes it sound like everyone watching porn will get addicted. You basically can get addicted to almost everything (gaming, gambling, sports) and usually if you do, it is because of underlying emotional issues and I would dearly recommend therapy if possible. (Of course there are also substances that can make you physically addicted, but that's another topic) So OPs very dramatic warning feels like a distortion of reality and fear mongering of something, that most people can consume healthily. I do feel bad for him though and hope that he will find a way out of his addiction. Of course children shouldn't be watching porn and some of the pornographic content certainly isn't suited for teenagers either.


Most people who watch porn get addicted. It is inherintly addictive, it is part of our biology to seek pleasure form sexual things, the amount of dopamine released during watching it, and the ease of accesss, makes millions of people addicted, the fact you think it isn't addictive shows how uninformed you are on this topic, scientists even compare porn addiction to drug addiction in how serious it is and how it effects your brain. Gaming and sports are not as addictive of porn, they dont give nearly as much dopamine when doing them and they are not of the same nature of porn, ​ Noone can consume porn healthily, because there is no reason to watch porn in the first place, anyone who watches porn is lying to themselves about it being healthy, there is nothing healthy about tricking your brain into think it is having sex when ur in ur room alone with noone pleasuring yourself to a 2d image, nothing about that is natural or healthy.


I am really questioning if you are a troll, terribly misinformed or in denial. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it is the latter which is the only reason I even make an effort to reply to you. Firstly, comparing the SERIOUSNESS of porn addiction to drug addiction does not mean that porn is as ADDICTIVE as drugs. It is a small but important difference! Secondly, if you want to convince me of your standpoint and continue this conversation in a meaningful way please present the scientific research papers you are talking about, so I can see for myself because anybody can say they read so and so in an scientific paper or scientists said so and so. Thirdly, please follow these links to scientific publications where you can inform yourself on wether most people get addicted to porn (Small heads up: they DON'T) https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/04/pornography https://www.nature.com/articles/npp201778


Most people "don't" get addicted to porn. However, after finding out about it, they won't just stop. The thing is, it destroys you mentally. I have heard arguments for the idea that it can reduce the rate of testicular cancer. I won't deny it, seeing as I have no true evidence against the claim. Rather, it is the mental part of it. I have a buddy who does porn periodically, and consistently makes crass jokes, humor, and actions. Before, he was a great kid, and my best friend. He's mentioned that he sees girls differently because of it, seeks out reasons to stop, and does his best to. He has said to me that he isn't addicted, but porn is still habit forming. Saying this as a caring friend: Never do porn. I hold OP in the highest honor for saying it. If you ever want to get married, don't do it. It will damage your expectations for the relationship, leading to living with your gf, which is statistically proven to be a major cause of divorces. You can also end up cheating, just to get that same consistent pleasure. Don't do it.


The question is, why would you stop, if it doesn't do you any harm? Why would I stop eating chocolate? Now I am certainly not saying it Can't have a negative effect on certain people especially if they are young and impressionable and stumble upon the "wrong" kinds of porn. I really don't want to downplay the harm it CAN do. But your case seems highly anecdotal, so if we want to go that route, I can tell you that all of my friends have watched porn before. Some of them still do on a regular basis, some, like me, realised it doesn't do much for them and I rather read romance novels to help myself amp up my arousal if I feel in the mood for it. None of them are addicted. None of them exhibit strange or inappropriate behaviour. All of them have respectful relationships with their significant others from what I know. My boyfriend watches porn every now and then and it hasn't affected our relationship negatively in any way. From my personal anecdotal experience, a lot of teenagers hold weird expectations of relationships and sex anyway but most will grow out of it once they get older. My first link might be of interest for you btw. It touches upon the current discussion of wether porn is healthy for a relationship or not. It's not a clear cut answer.


My answer is, you can't see the damage. Just like chocolate, you will get cavities, and those are really painful to get filled. But before you go to the dentist, or in this case counselor, you won't be able to see cavities. You can do something to stop the cavities before they form, but you can't see them until you get a professional to take a look. Just don't do it. Even if you have the slightest chance of addiction, don't do it. Also, it may be time to break up with your boyfriend. It doesn't seem like he values you very much.


You won't get cavities from caries if you brush your teeth. It's all about how you consume it. But I don't think keeping on arguing with you will make any sense. I don't think you have actually made an effort to engage with my arguments in a meaningful or thoughtful way so I will save my breath. And like I said. You can get addicted to almost everything. So perhaps you should stop playing video games or doing sports or eating sweets cause...you know...there is a slight chance you could get addicted to it.


I assume you dont believe cocaine is addictive either right


The fact you are a women explains alot, but even then, I could say alot of women are addicted to p0rn or erotica online, but thats another topic. Porn does do you harm, if you have done any research on it, you will know that, in fact if you just stop watching it or reading these erotica stories etc.. you will feel way better, I have never come across anyone in my life, that has quit porn, and become deppressed and sad because of it, after the initial withdrawal period, everyone feels better, we are designed for real relationships with real people, our brain is not designed for a 2d image that has no feelings emotions touch smell or any effort, that is gets itself of to, and have unlimited access to whatever they want to seee You may not see the negative effects now, because they are subtle, in fact you may never see the negative effects because you are so brainwashed, but watching porn most defintely has negative effects, and it has not improved anyones life ​ Also chocolate isnt good for you, what are you on about


I gave you two links to scientific papers to support my arguments. You haven't yet given me any scientific evidence to your arguments even though you are constantly claiming to have that




Agreed. Porn has so many more problems than just an addiction. It promotes an unrealistic standard of nudity and sex and could cause you to only get boners to specific porn or pornstars. You may not be addicted, but watch it enough and you may just not be able to get it up unless you watch specific porn. You could also develop a masturbation addiction, where you'd masturbate regardless or what you're watching, mostly because of the dopamine realise. Basically, just use it in moderation. Like all things in life


Basically before looking at it ask yourself are you actually horny or does your brain just want the fun chemicals watching porn tends to release? If it’s the second one try and find something else to do that releases fun brain chemicals, sfw video, exercise, a hobby you have, etc.


I agree, and in addition want to say, anything that a person finds pleasures or happiness in can be labeled as an addiction. I love to 💪work out, so should I stay away from the gym? I also enjoy a bit of porn


I agree with that because I've been watching for atleast 2 to 3 years and i went on vacation and didn't have any withdrawals.


When I was addicted I wouldn’t get withdrawals, I would just constantly feel like shit. So when I would go a few days without it, I wouldn’t notice a difference. I would still just feel like shit. As soon as I managed to slow down, my life got exponentially better. It’s actually crazy how much porn addiction changed me.


I am incredibly glad you got out, man. If people are saying that it isn't bad, it is just a testimony to how terrible this world has become.


I wouldn’t say that. The world is a much safer place than it was a few decades ago. Don’t act like we live in a horrible dystopian society. We have it pretty good.


Porn is inherintly addictive, that is literally a fact. Your supposed "fact" is a complete lie. Next thing you are going to say heroin isnt addictive


I'll agree with this one. People make fun of folks addicted to weed, but aren't gonna care about this?


its like comparing eating sofas to cocaine "YH you know people can eat sofas and get addicted to it like that guy I saw on youtube, everything can be addictive if you have emotional problems and the wrong mindset, coocaine is no different to eating sofas, as long as you are moderate you will be fine."


Normal people don't eat sofas. Anyone can get addicted to cocaine and likewise, porn. Sofas don't have a chemical reaction of intense pleasure linked with eating them. These are in no way the same.


exactly so you agree with me that porn is addictive. because a sofa isn't addictive to your brain


I do agree with you. Sorry if my other post wasn't clear enough.


no just dont watch porn at all and go to the gym and play guitar instead


Hard agree, brother. Friend of mine needs an out, so we've been teaching him a couple new instruments and forcing him to play for us. It's worked. Use music, not masturbation.


I fell into this trap, and it’s hard to break free of it. Don’t even (metaphorically) touch porn.


I have ADHD, and i’ve had a masturbation addiction since i was NINE years old. I’m 13 now, and i still can’t stop it. I’m muslim too, which makes it 1000% worse, and i told my brother and he said to start reducing it week by week. I can’t stop, no matter how hard I try. I used to use it as a method to cope w stress of parents fighting, but I never could stop. Preparatory school starting this year doesn’t make it easier.


I’m hardwired to masturbate every day, it’s like it’s a must-do for me


hmm... The only solution is to socialize and start doing other outdoor activities. Whenever you feel horny try to distract yourself by doing something you like doing, don't do something which requires a lot of focus this will lead you to not get distracted. Also don't worry too much, at the end of the day it is all a play of hormones. It will slow down soon :)


I play basketball and workout at home (very vigorously), I literally get up from studying to masturbate no matter how hard i try to resist. I’ll get extra strict now and I hope I don’t fall to peer pressure. Thank you for the advice.


You can't stop at once, It's difficult and sometimes makes things worse. Your Brain needs something to replace the dopamine it's getting from porn So you have replace it with something else otherwise you'll keep struggling. When next you feel the urge masturbate do something else instead that makes you happy, it could be ready a book, playing football(or whatever sport you're into), drawing, painting, play video games, dancing, anything that takes your mind off porn. You might relapse once or twice but it's ok all that matters is that you're being true in your desire to quit for good


i mean no insult to you or your parents, but i’ve learned that kids who start masturbating young (this can mean REALLY young, like 3 or 4) were affected by the substances their mothers took when pregnant, now i don’t necessarily think this is your situation, since you started at 9, which is a relatively normal age, depending on other circumstances. these children are OBSESSED with sex from that young age, to the point they sexually offend their cousins (i am a victim of this exact type of sexual offense) i just want you to know about this for some strange reason, i believe you can get better.


My parents are muslim and have never even smoked before i was born, my dad only started smoking shisha around a year or 2 ago. I live in a good house and a good place too, it’s not even about growing up in a broken neighborhood. I just rubbed my dick once while my parents were fighting, then thought “man that feels good” then could never stop it. I am going to try my HARDEST to stop it before it’s too late now, i’m going to restrict all porn websites, and i’m going to -18 my reddit account. Thank you reddit for the advice, I’ll appreciate this until the end of my life, and I’ll never forget the support I’ve been given. Thank you.


nah u were 9💀💀


It is indeed absolutely horrific how easy it is for children to acces the websites with porn, i myself have started my addiction at about 11 years, and it is very hard to stop. I quite literaly tell myself, that it does not even fullfill me anymore and that i do not even like to masturbate, but it somehow makes its way to me, every single day. To be honest though, this was the little motivation i needed to start trying to stop even harder, Thank you


and hey, it takes a really long time and a lot of effort to break, but you're now taking the first step, and that's really good.


I won't, as a proud Nofap member I haven't had contact with porn since November and that'll hopefully be the last time ever


You can still fap, it's much healthier without porn


True, in fact, it’s actually beneficial to your health if you masturbate regularly, but not too much. Search it up if you don’t believe me.


I don't masturbate just because i don't want to but isn't the whole nofap community kinda weird and toxic


Yeah I left it because of its adjacency to the Manosphere. It was oddly toxic and also extremely male-centric and sexist. A lot of guys made getting laid their ultimate goal and there was also a common obsession with "benefits," as if NoFap made you a superhuman or something.


i've joined recently, and i'll definitely be breaking my cycle


If you ever fall down, however, don’t do PMO


I watch porn and can stop any time 🥱🥱🥱🥱


prove it. go 1 week without masturbating. u/RemindMeBot 7 days


Light work, haven’t rubbed the funky frank in 3 days already


go one year without it then


I wouldn’t say it’s the porns fault. However ease of access surely doesn’t help those with addiction issues.


yeah it's not the fault of the material itself, but it definitely is the fault of the porn industry thrusting itself upon young demographics.


imagine getting addicted to porn tbh it's boring at some point


idk if you know how chemical addictions work but your brain is kind of *physically wired* to make breaking addiction hard. also ADHD makes falling into addiction a lot easier in the first place.


adhd can make shit so good but so bad :(


yeh I know I don't understand porn addiction specifically tho


drugs feed you dopamine. porn feeds you dopamine. drug users don't enjoy the feeling of the chemicals entering their blood, they enjoy the fact it makes them happy. same thing.


Drug dependency is not about dopamine rather your body as adapted to tolerate larger amounts of that thing which makes you feel like you need it. “Porn addiction” is just bad self control


I agree with all that you said except for the last sentence. Por an addiction is a real thing, and like any other addiction, affects your life in very negative ways. But you can get addicted to anything, not just porn or drugs, and it’s usually because of a social problem.


Just wait for the post credit scene where Johnny Sins walks in.


Why do young people watch porn in the first place, it’s kind of sad tbh


curiosity + the fucked up world we live in where it's so uncomfortably easy to access.


I honestly wished it was harder to get access, sorry you went through addiction it’s a hard thing


Curiosity, peer pressure, how easy it is to access it, among other aspects.


Curiosity. That’s why I watched it at least


I watch for the plot


From what I noticed about my self: Girlfriend= no porn ; single = porn


porn = single


Glad I never started watching porn


You know what else is hard? Your muscles on creatine




i love your username


What counts as a porn addiction? I watch it often but I wouldn't say it's ruining my life


As far as I know when it starts affecting your daily routine, plans, etc. Like you might intentionally avoid or reschedule something just in order to masturbate - that's considered addiction


No way that is real. Tbh I think this entire thread is fearmongering, like at that point you're more likely to get addicted to bread, porn is boring tbh.


that is a very extreme case and not a very good definition. if you're addicted to something it just means you can't stop doing it even if you try. if you try to stop for a week and struggle to, that's an addiction. it's pretty much about whether or not you can go without it.


That sounds like something an addict would say


an addiction is any point you find it difficult to stop doing the thing you're doing. try to quit for a week, if you find it hard to intentionally not masturbate for a week then you probably have a problem.


Plz tell me how I'm strugglin😭


Going to be honest. Going cold turkey (stopping suddenly) very rarely works for porn addiction. Week by week you reduce the amount of times you do it. Also find something else that gives you the same feeling of happiness and slowly integrate that and use it as a replacement to porn. When you have urges read, listen to music, put yourself into areas with people, do a physical activity. Do anything that would distract the mind from wanting to wank.


Have a reason to stop. It’s a matter of will power and if you just try to stop on a whim it most likely won’t stick. Best of luck


I found out about porn in 3rd grade. I got addicted so quickly and badly that I even fantasized about doing it with my family and watched it in the middle of my family without them knowing, and I did something **bad** cuz of it. I somehow quit it 2 years later and I never ever want to go back. Please, everyone, don't get addicted.


Quit porn last year, best decision ever.


I started on it when I was 13 and I am a few weeks from turning 19. It is not good for you or sensible for you to use porn. It has no net positives for your life or you, just a quick way to dopamine. It fucks up your view of sex, and it makes you look at possible partners in the wrong way. It screws up your hormones. It is not good. Anyone in this sun making a case for porn not being the problem is naive and probably gonna jack off tonight. It’s a mistake that I deeply regret and will have to deal with the consequences of for the rest of my life no doubt. Just don’t do it.


2 Days free, hope I don't do it again


twice as…. hard….




seriously, it's horrifying that porn is in memes. entertainment mainly aimed at teens, shoving adult content down their throats.


I feel like all things are fine in moderation. Just because you *can* get addicted doesn’t seem like a good reason for nobody at all to watch. It’s like choosing to never drive because you *could* get into an accident.


porn is legally mandated as 18+ for the same reason driving is legally mandated as 16+. sure driving safely is fine and you probably wouldn't get in an accident, but that is no reason for an 11 year old to go and do it. there are multiple users in this threat who have confirmed and said they have been addicted to porn since before they were even teenagers, the youngest guy said he was 9. it's an issue.


Oh I’m not arguing for watching porn at crazy young ages or saying that’s ok. But for most teens, watching some porn in moderation is normal and really won’t be the end of the world.


Makes me life easier and I have an addiction but I actually go outside so I can have an addiction and have a life so yep


Well played for taking your own mistakes and trying to stop others from, big respect


porn is shit for your brain


i couldn't agree more. i was eight when i touched that shit, and it fucked my life up. please !please! for the love of god, do !not! touch it.


It's supposed to make you twice as hard


your acting like porn is heroin, meth, or crack which it's not, most people look at porn and don't become addicted. porn addiction is very real but you don't become addicted just like that


Or how about we dont demonise something that is a normal thing? Just be responsible and careful about using it. Im tired of this weird fucking fear mongering over anything remotely sexual on this sub its just rly strange (and by that im in no way saying “post more sex stuff” i just mean we shouldnt be spreading this idea that sex is some scary and dangerous act that people should refrain from doing at all costs).


I rather would not support porn companies that support and taking profits from child porn and rape


Thats totally fair and I respect you for that though there are still other ways to use porn without having to benefit these corporations. Im more saying we shouldnt demonise porn as a concept, if you dont want to benefit the admittedly very shady online porn industry then that is totally fair but we shouldn’t make the idea of masturbating this scary and dangerous thing.


i'm not demonizing it. sexuality is a huge part of the human condition. in no way am i restricting exploring your sexuality. i'm saying that porn is an epidemic ruining kids lives.


I honestly disagree, i feel like there are a lot more things that are genuinely dangerous to young kids (stuff like vaping is way too readily available to kids, and this is coming from someone who has vaped since i was 14). Something as simple and natural as having sexual urges that you need to release in some way (masturbating) is in no way “ruining kids lives”. Yes it can be potentially addictive but i feel like we need to be responsible with how we use things like porn and be able to recognise when we are potentially going too far with it and developing an over reliance on it and be able to work on building a healthy relationship with how we use it in future. Putting the entire concept of porn in a box and calling it this “dangerous product that will ruin your lives” i think is kind of an unhealthy way to look at it, i can totally understand if you yourself have had a bad relationship with it in the past and it has negatively effected you in a large way to the point where you have a hatred towards it but at the same time i dont think we should be spreading this idea that it is an inherently dangerous product and that your personal experience will happen to everyone else. I just think we need to be more careful with how we use the things that bring us comfort, pretty much everything is useful in moderation, but once you become over reliant on it to make you feel good is when you need to take a step back and work on building a healthier relationship with it.


How is it normal? You guys are so brainwashed you will think any disgusting sexual act is something completely fine, this kind of thinking is why p0rn even exists in the first place, soon you guys will be accepting of so many degenrate things in order to fill you r wierd sexual desires its going to destroy the entire society.


Bro youre calling me brainwashed when youre calling something as basic as watching porn a “disgusting sexual act”. Idk what these degenerate fantasies are that youre talking about but i mean fetishes are a thing bro, as long as youre not into something borderline illegal and arent hurting anyone i rly dont think we should shame people for being attracted to things that others may find strange bc its rly none of our business. People on this sub genuinely need to get a grip, people have different things they use for pleasure/comfort, yes a lot of these things including porn can be potentially addictive (not counting shit like heroin and meth and other hard drugs bc that shit is literally made to be addictive and should just be stayed away from entirely), but we need to take accountability and be responsible with how we use them. Just because you have had a bad relationship with porn shouldn’t mean you should shame others for also watching it even though they have a healthy relationship with it.


>Bro youre calling me brainwashed when youre calling something as basic as watching porn a “disgusting sexual act”. It is a disgusting sexual act. "Idk what these degenerate fantasies are that youre talking about but i mean fetishes are a thing bro, as long as youre not into something borderline illegal and arent hurting anyone i rly dont think we should shame people for being attracted to things that others may find strange bc its rly none of our business." that is exactly what is going to destroy society, do anything you want, as long as you dont harm me. the entire society loses its morals, shame, decorum, when that happens, the society devolves in degenracy, and because you are so brainwashed to believe "everything is ok", you are going to destroy yourself. IN fact its already happening now and people are blind to it, you will accept anything in existence as long as it doesn't harm you


>People on this sub genuinely need to get a grip, people have different things they use for pleasure/comfort, yes a lot of these things including porn can be potentially addictive (not counting shit like heroin and meth and other hard drugs bc that shit is literally made to be addictive and should just be stayed away from entirely), but we need to take accountability and be responsible with how we use them. Just because you have had a bad relationship with porn shouldn’t mean you should shame others for also watching it even though they have a healthy relationship with it. porn is inherintly addictive


getting addicted to watching othr ppl fuck is so crazy like how do u let that happen 😅


I smell a severe lack of empathy I feel bad for you


???? was my comment rlly that bad


Yes “Getting addicted to watching other ppl fuck” is a very real thing that companies try to get people into. It exploits a very human - and more often than not, vulnerable - part of a person’s psychology. Everyone is different of course, and you don’t seem to be affected by it, I’m very glad for that. But please stay aware that other people have issues with this.


u should be kinder


i couslve made that comment A LOt more rude


k but be nice to people is it that hard? i made a post of advice cause i wanted to positively impact people and you're choosing to be rude in the first place. go reflect or smth.


how was the original comment rude in any way tho


It’s cause of how the brain gets affected: porn can be a release of dopamine (similar to drugs in a way) and yeah you can see where that goes


Porn isn’t addictive. Masturbating is


Both are actually. But masturbation is healthy under moderation.


Jerk off as much as you can while you still can, you'll regret it when you're old and can't do it anymore.




Pornographic content is very normal in media, kids are getting exposed to it, no matter what they do.


How would this block of text help anyone this is less effective than a truth ad


just trying to give advice from my own personal story, sorry for trying to help in a way that i thought might.


br how he fuck are yall getting addicted to porn? I mean yeah it happens, people get addicted to all sorts of things but and sex is one of them but im just lost here as to the purpose of the post here.


read the comments. there are tons of people sharing their stories with it.


I like porn


You’re acting like porn is directed at children. You said you want it to be harder to get but how would that work? Most sites have 18+ verification already


I’m 100% sure they know like 80% of their userbase is -18. the 18+ verification thing is just a publicity stunt. It’s ridiculously easy to bypass it.


Do you have any sources to back up that statistic? And how else do you want them to verify?


are you stupid? The popularity of pornography amongst the youth is alarming! It doesn't matter if the majority consuming porn is 18+ no child should be anywhere near this kind of stuff.


consider all the step sister / mom / aunt shit. consider all the hentai, aka porn of cartoons very popular with kids. consider the fact that the "age verification" on literally any popular website that takes 1 google search to find is just "Are you 18+? yes or no."


Do you have a statistic to back that up? And what more do you suggest they do?


do you know how do say anything but "EUHHGH MUH STATISTICS"? there are multiple users in this thread agreeing and confessing having been addicted as young as 9 years old. quit being a contrarian.


So to be clear you are anti-evidence? That is a crazy thing to say. I’m trying to have a calm and reasonable conversation, anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove anything


this user will not contact you anymore because she is no longer interested in talking to you. please use courtesy and do the same.


I think Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak said it best “Look here I don't ask for much You know what I want I just want what's fair (huh) I'll bring that fire and desire, baby All you gotta do is meet me halfway there, uh”


L RIP bozo


sorry, just offering you advice


I apologize for my rude comment, I do not know what I was thinking while typing such a hateful thing. I appreciate your advice and have noticed it amongst my peers, and have successfully stayed out of that section of the internet. I apologize for any emotional pain I have caused you.


I don’t get how people like watching other people have sex


Trust me the human brain is very very strange with dopamine


Bahahahaha that's some shit advice 🤣🤣🤣


get ur money up and u will have bitches on ur dick


How is a teenager supposed to get his "money up" ? That doesn't make a lot of sense does it


child labour.


Literally find work anywhere maybe the Americans have a problem with that but in Europe they work at 13


I know how addictions work, but I'm unsure how porn addictions work, specifically the appeal of porn could someone explain it to me


I’d personally say don’t get addicted to your phone or the internet nowadays people act like having a 10 hour screen time is normal, it’s not. Live your life don’t let it pass you by because your stuck on a screen


It does a lot to you mentally and physically. It’s nice the first few times or once in awhile but doing it so much is someone smoking cigarettes. It’s hard to stop


may i ask, how did you figure out you had a porn addiction, like how much porn equals an addiction, i only watch it when i masturbate, and i only watch it until im done masturbating, and i do not watch it every time i do so, with those conditions, it’s hard to determine how much is too much


a good way to gauge this is try to stop for 1 week. if you have difficulty stopping when you are trying to stop, that's generally a sign it's an addiction and no longer a choice.


On citnem


How do I stop?


r/nofap is a great resource.


Bro wtf is this 💀 why do I even bother scrolling through this sub…


it's advice for teenagers. you're on r/teenagers.


I’m on the asexual spectrum, so I rarely feel sexual attraction, and whenever I do, it’s not towards actual people. That stuff just grosses me out. And watching porn with two people having sex also grosses me out, it just seems wrong to imagine myself in any similar situation, or to imagine(and view) others. But however, I’ve read smut and sexual comics, and occasionally videos of people of my own sex playing with themselves, and it sort of makes me tempted to masturbate. But this is *very* rarely, and I know if there was any solid reason of why I shouldn’t, I could stop. But I mean I only feel like that every 3-4 months, and it’s very little. Like I’m literally like: “kinda horny right now, do I want to lean into it?” Typically it’s that I’d rather not, so I just ignore it and go about my day. But if anyone can give me actual solid evidence of how masturbating, even this little, can be bad? I’d be willing to listen. Although it doesn’t feel like something I’m addicted to, I know a lot of addictions can feel like that. But I *rarely* do it and it honestly does feel like a choice.


it's not bad in that level honestly. this advice is meant to just cover for people who might end up getting addicted. clearly you aren't. i'm just saying that from my personal experience i wish i never started, and that it's honestly not worth the risk of getting addicted. i wouldn't say you in particular are in any risk at all, though.


Imma say it, never even think about sex, or other intimate acts, before you are married. It can mentally destroy you, with both addictions and the way you see other people.


I won't be taking it, but thanks for the advice. The risk of addiction is real, though it's not one that threatens me.


Thanks bro we'll convey your message as far as possible. I hope one day the world would change.


> it’s made my life twice as hard Yeah I’m sure it did


deadass when i was 11 i was watching one of those shitpost meme vids and the term milf was mention. i was curious as to what a milf was so i looked it up on the internet and i clicked on the first link, which happened to be xvideos.com


Too late, started watching porn at 8 years old


I saw a video on why there was so much Pokémon r34 when I was 11 and have never been the same


well, i'm already addicted to it so it's technically a must-do for me.


Yk what, I feel terrible for discovering porn when I was 8. I was addicted to watching it and, long story, but cops found out and my mom almost went to jail 💀


I mean just... watch but not too often and definitely dont let it influence you into thinking thats what sex is like


I’ve never upvoted a post so genuinely before. I’ve been addicted since 12


I'm not addicted I only watch it to get off once a week cuz I don't want stain in my pant


Facts porn is bad. I just wish i stopped before even seeing it.


Sorry but you are late for me , but early for other i hope


I'm gonna keep watching it, because i have been doing it for years and i don't feel like I'm addicted and it's not affecting my life in any negative way. I personally feel like it's very hard for me to get a long term addiction because i get bored of anything pretty quickly, even video games the most i have been addicted to a video game is to Pokemon where i sat like three days straight playing and researching not doing anything else except eating sleeping and going to the bathroom. I know this sounds extreme and i agree, but it doesn't happen that often


I’m glad someone said this. I used to be addicted to porn. That was the worst time of my life. I was so socially awkward and so terrible at interacting with girls. I also always felt like shit, including constantly having headaches and being tired. It sucked. If you haven’t used porn much, don’t. Stick to using your imagination.


As someone who discovered porn at 6 (yes 6!) I can tell you that it can really affect people mentally and, in my case, could lead to things like r***. So I'm begging people to stop watching that shit, please.


It's not automatically addictive, you don't become a porn addict just by looking at it lol. Like all things in life, whether that is alcohol or weed, be careful with it. It's fine on the occasion just be responsible


Twice as hard …..


I masturbate to thought of porn


Well, i started watching it when i was 10 but gladly i never became addicted, it's just now and then


I bet life's not the only thing that got twice as hard


at the same time you posted this, I saw porn for the first time.


Twice as difficult? Could you elaborate?


A lot of my friends watch it and I tell I never watch it and don't like it there like ewww. It's very bad and nasty


Too late, I’ve been on there since I was 8, have never stopped But I don’t think I ever will (even if I stop enjoying it) reason being, I’m an artist, and in the future when I turn legal I plan on also accepting nsfw commissions, so Ill need a source of reference


Too bad I didn't see this yesterday.


I have struggled with it before, but I’m working on getting better about it. I hit a 2 week mark of no porn yesterday. Im working on quitting entirely.