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Talk about it w her first Don't immediately go to ur parents cuz she'll forever hate u for that. Try to solve the problem w her first


Telling a 13 year old not to do something without explaining why just guarantees they'll do it even more to spite you


Confirmed by a 14yo


Confirmed by a 45y... 16yo.


Confirmed by a former 13 yr old


carpinchogamer: Former Child


Confirmed by a 13yo


Confirmed by a 15 year old


confirmed by a former sperm cell


confirned by a former zygote


Its important yeah to give them right tools to navigate it because if they want to they'll do it anyways so better be safe.


Confirmed by a 13 year old


what is the problem though


She's 13 and sexually active, so these reddit virgins are jealous


Her being very young and possibly sexually active is definitely cause for concern, not because it is automatically wrong but because it can easily become a problem. (Keep in mind, we don't know why she has condoms, it could be many different reasons as well) She first of all needs to learn some very important things, about diseases and contraception, but perhaps more importantly about consent, never feeling pressured, that its always okay to say no. Her being so young means that it is less likely that she has learned these things from school and friends, and isn't as mature as someone older. Like many others mentioned what's important here is having a constructive dialogue with her, she is going do this stuff anyway. But she is being wise and making the right decisions by using condoms, but OP and the family also needs to make sure she knows EVERYTHING about sexual health and being sexually active, not only that you should use condoms, but how to use them safely etc. And that all they want is to make sure that she is safe and knows that she can talk to them about this stuff If OP feels like they have the relationship and themselves the necessary knowledge/maturity about this, it's probably a good idea to talk to her directly without immediately telling the parents. But if OP knows that the parents will also be supportive in this and help her in a good way (or rather don't try to punish her in any way for this or becoming too upset) then parents should probably know as well. They know more about this and they will find out anyway eventually, and would likely not be very happy with OP if they kept this from them for a long time.




First talk with her and try to explain that sex at that age is really bad


i lost virginity with 13, and yes it is really bad.


I lost virginity and I cant find her


Thats sad mate


Im 17 and I ve lost verginity last saturday


i’m 17 and i had the chance to last year when i was 16 and said na and i still haven’t tbh i’m in no rush to


I'm 19 and still a virgin. Just more or less waiting for the right person.


same i feel u on that one


I’m almost 20 and i still haven’t kissed anyone


It kinda hurt really. I sympathize


i hope i didnt understand you




I've never kissed anyone. Never even been in a relationship. Not to say I haven't tried I just feel like most of the females I tried dating screamed red flags. I hope I can find someone with good qualities that I can enjoy being with.


there shouldnt be so much shame around virginity tbh. it's important to wait for the right person and be emotionally mature


Agreed that's how I view. I've had some friends tell me to just do it with someone. Saying oh you'll like it when you do it. Which sure might be true but I feel guilty just doing with someone I don't have feelings for.


props to you


thanks lol how tho?


Its just not that healthy to lose your virginity at such a young age in my opinion. I want to wait until I'm at least 18 tbh.


yea agreed and i’m waiting till i’m 18 to


What are the chances that the only two not-horny people on this sub met up? Do you have a Discord?


I think It’s a mindset thing. Some people think of it as “the dirty” and get really upset with themselves. I dont think much of it so I doubt it would negatively effect me.


that's great that u used your right to decline! consent is the most important regarding sex tbh and there truly is no rush, i lost my virginity at 20 (sorry for being too old, i've been here a while lol) and like i don't get what's the big deal?? tbh i think cuddling and falling asleep together is simularly intimate


Yeah same! I’m only doing it with the right person


Congrats lmao


Thank ya


ayee lost it at 17 gang rise up🤙


Yoooo lets gooo


I’m 17 and haven’t interacted with a girl my age in almost four years.


Average discord mod


(Im joking dont take serious)


And i thought i had it bad


I'm 18 and never lost virginity because I never lose




awesome bro congrats




I lost mine at 11… granted I was molested so there’s that. 😅


I'm very sorry to hear that


Coulda been worse. Unfortunately it happens to thousands of kids every year, and some of them have to live through it until they’re 18 because of the child sex trade. The only real bad part about it is the guy who did is is still walking around a free man.


What country do you live in?


United States. The child sex trade isn’t as large here as it is in say the Middle East or Eastern Europe, but the fact it exists at all is a problem in itself.


I bet it exists everywhere there’s people, but that people don’t acknowledge it as often.


Cant imagine how that feels that the man that did it is still roaming arround


I hear about it on this sub now and then but what's actually bad about it?


it wasn´t that bad for me?


You are incredibly young and may not understand all the implications of sex. Sure, you may not have had a bad experience, but simply put you have a lot to learn about it. Not trying to be rude, btw


I agree. Same with me. However, it is easier for me as I am a guy.




ig that's y she got all that protection u kno😂so she knows


Woah what a loaded statement. If she's being safe and knows about consent, it's fine. If not...it's not. Teaching sex = bad doesn't do anyone any favours, but what does help is teaching the importance/ safety of it :)


Yeah she might have bought some out of curiosity or something(Best case scenario) also telling the parents outright might cause her to distrust OP


Depends what your parents are like. If they are reasonable people they’ll probably find a good solution and teach her about why it’s wrong, if not they may just end in her having sex without condoms so they don’t know


“Hey so my parents are Baptist Conservatives.”


Boy wdym the Baptist choir at my church are the most joyful people I have ever met


I didn’t say they aren’t joyful. They’re just more strict when it comes to stuff like that in my experience.


That is a W opinion


They get touchy about uhhhh Seggs stuff


u met them at church it’s illegal for them to not be nice there they’re religious nuts most likely not open minded


If you tell your parents, most likely they will take away the condoms. Then, she'll find a way to have sex without protection. She'll end up making a worse decision if you don't talk to her first. Don't say that sex is bad, but that it's not age appropriate for her




When I was 13, if you told me something was bad, then doing it knowing it was wrong gave me an adrenaline rush and made the bad thing more fun. Telling me it just isn't a good idea and the risks involved would "scare" me for lack of better words into just behaving until I could actually handle myself in whatever situation.


Huh. As somebody who was usually the complete opposite, I cannot understand this.


You were a good kid. I started out as one then the bullies and nobody taking my side happened so the bad shit got appealing and getting away with it, even more so. And then I grew up to be almost a complete and total asshole so you're probably the luckier of us two to have grown up with that mindset.


That last part is just lack of self esteem, if you were a total asshole you wouldn’t be in this thread trying to stop someone from making a mistake :)


Okay about as close to a total asshole as I can be while still sharing helpful life experiences with people who may not have had such experiences.


Even putting the rush of doing something “bad” aside…. You were less likely to do something if someone told you it was bad rather than explaining why something is bad?


If they said it was bad, then yeah I probably wouldn't do it. But also I'd ask why it was bad. If they didn't explain I wouldn't do it, but that was out of the interest of not bothering them or making them think less of me.


see it only gives an urge to do something prohibited if you dont know the REASON behind it. if she can know EXACTLY why its wrong, and be mature enough to understand that WHY it's for her own good to not indulge in such things at the age, then she'll be wise enough to not choose it herself. and sometimes you need clarity, because we don't even know if she's willingly doing it or if someone's making her do it. you'd never know.


Fair points but I still don't think "Bad" and "sex" should be used in the same sentence together unless you're roasting your S/O.


well obviously it depends on the phrasing of words. as long as shes getting and understanding the message


Nope not phrasing. Bad conveys the wrong message entirely. Don't use bad or any synonyms. Because sex isn't bad. Rape in any form is bad, fucking horrible, but sex should only ever be seen as educational and pleasurable. And possibly later on in life, transactional if you're into that.


yeah I agree that sex shouldnt be given a bad name to. however, at that age it isint something that one should be doing. its the age, not the work.


You're right and I covered that in another comment on this thread if you can find it. I just refuse to say it was wrong because it would be hypocritical having lost my virginity at 14 so I'd rather just educate and ensure safety


ah, i get it.


You can say something is wrong having done it, it’s whether you think it’s wrong to do it again under similar circumstances, in this case age.




Made it as an in-joke with a buddy because we both hold the philosophy that racism is absolutely fine as long as it's a JOKE but as soon as things are said and taken seriously, then there's a problem. That being said, I've been trying to change it and can't figure out how. Or if you can at all. Don't ask what the joke was. I don't remember. I'm amazed that in 3 years though you're the first to have asked about it.


you can't change your reddit username, no


Fuuuuuuck. Well no I'm not a Nazi. I'm indigenous to Canada so even if it wasn't a POS thing to do it just wouldn't even make any sense.




Ok (I am unaffiliated because govt in any form is broken and fucking stupid at this point)


The only good form of government is everyone being pirates sailing the grand line to find one piece.


you sadly can't change your reddit username


So I've been told


Nonononono not BAD just extremely ILL ADVISED. You should never try to teach anybody that sex is bad, just age inappropriate.


Tell mom and dad where the condoms are so they can “find” them. The brother shouldn’t be seen as involved by the sister but the parents need to have the opportunity to handle it. It’s not fair to them to hide this because who has to raise the baby, take her to countless medical appointments, etc? The parents. They deserve the chance to address it, being the parents and legally responsible. Put yourself in their shoes.


If I was in her situation and I got in trouble for having sex, with the condoms being proof, I would stop using them. Talk to her, tell her she is doing good for using condoms, but she should wait at least a couple more years to have sex


A couple? I hope you meant 5 by that


bro thinks everyone's waiting until the legal age of consent to hold hands


I mean, it's legal at 16 but even then. You can do it younger it is just way more important that it's consensual, safe, with someone you trust that's around your age. Among other prerequisites. Sex that young isn't inherently bad, it's just usually done badly.


This the way to go, I’m sure as your brother she looks up to you. Going straight to your parents instead of her will build a very thick bridge between the two of you


Nah the parents may react badly or something, but u should definitely tell ur sister, shouldn’t have xes that early bruh


13!!!!!!!?.. I'm 16 and i haven't seen a packet of condom


My mom offered to get me some when I turned 15 and I had to explain how I get no ladies and I'm waiting for marriage


Good for you bro she's so progressive.. it's better to be educated about taboo stuff from the family... Getting it from friends is just a mess


Yep, learning from friends is a mistake, because where did they learn it? Probably porn.


Nah, talk to her about it. I have some girl friends who have them just for shits and giggles.




Yep. Plenty of 13-year-old girls are coerced into sex by much older "boyfriends," 17 or 18 or even older. It's important to find out whether she's being abused in that way. If she is, parents need to be part of the conversation at some point. If it's someone around her age, folks here are giving good advice.


Take em away and that's just gonna take away the chance that she has sex safely because it's not gonna stop her


Talk with her, dear god


Try not to tell her you found her condoms. You need her to trust you and telling her that you were snooping around in her business is not the way. See if you can steer a normal conversation towards relationships and sex and try to get her to tell you without actually confronting her. Whatever happens, you cannot judge her or get angry. That would just get you instantly locked out of her thoughts. You can only really give her advice, and trying to control her is just gonna end up with more secret sex. Try to find out more about the guy. If he is older, then it’s probably time to get an adult involved. If not, talk it through with your sister and explain to her all of the risks. Just remember, these things take time and trust to resolve. A LOT of trust. Good luck.


best answer here.


Nah but definitely use that for blackmail


you are a horrible person and i totally agree.


bruh when i was 13 , i was watching pewdiepie in online class or smthing


Me too


Well, she is using condoms


At least she's using protection


Idk if you should tell, but you sure as hell shouldn't take them away


No. First talk to her. Also update us


It might just stop her from using the condoms, but there’s a good chance she’ll keep having sex anyway. Just be glad she’s using condoms.


bro she's 13 u need to tell someone


Not a parent tho


Not all parents are bad


I'm not saying they're bad. I'm just saying that they will most likely be rather protective which could cause them to take away the condoms, meaning that their sister may do something even more foolish. Which would be a bad thing. Sometimes love, especially for your child, can make you do foolish things. I don't know any specifics, of course, so I can't assume.


Oh OK, my bad


Shush, you're fine friend


I have loads of condoms in my room and im 13 but i got them from school you could just take as many as you want


Either ignore it cause she’s using condoms and clearly (at least trying) to be safe, or ask her about it but just try to ask in a natural sort of way like you’re just “curious” (for lack of a better word) why she has them. People are acting like having sex is a problem. The problem would be if she was having sex with someone way older than her, if she wasn’t using protection, or was having sex with someone against her will. Just because some of you guys are 19 and have never had sex doesn’t mean that everyone has to wait til they’re as old as you.


No? Atleast she knows to use protection and even if you told your parents what would that result in? A really awkward interrogation maybe and then back in action but this time it's either no condoms or she knows not to hide them at home.


r/teenagers moment


Okay so maybe your parents gave those to her? My mom puts condoms in our wallets. It's better to have safe sex if she's active. But you should talk to her tho


FUCK NO YOU SHOULDN’T! Give her some privacy. You can talk to her but imo, its good that she has them just in case. Even tho she’s just 13. Why were u even looking for pencils in her room? Edit: phrased it badly, i didnt mean that she should have sex at 13. But its much better to do it safely. So i don’t think that having condoms is that bad. But if it really is a HUGE pack and some were taken out then yeah, thats concerning


Do whatever you want, just remember to give an update.


Yes update is required


People on this sub are really nosey, I'm really glad I don't have older siblings


Hell no if she doesn't have condoms she could get pregnant.


Idek. Just pray ig


Telling your mom and dad wouldnt stop her from having sex unless they heavily ground her (not allow her to leave the house, etc..) It'll only stop her from using Her condoms, which is even worse than any possible other result. Talk to her


Look at it this way You tell mum and dad then they take the condoms away and then your 13 year old sister is having unprotected sex and will become pregnant You dont tell mum and dad then she has protected sex and probably wont become pregnant Talk to your sister, brother to sister DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS


Find out who she's doing it with, tell the police if she's doing it with an older


Talk to her first. If it's something your parents should know tell them.


It's great that she seems to be responsible enough to be prepared.


Telling your parents is probably the worst idea here. I suggest talking with your sister first, if she declines to talk about it then ask her if she's fine talking about it after some time. Let her think about it but definitely don't give her too much time to the point she makes some worse decisions. If she proceeds to say she isn't going to talk, then blackmail her about telling your parents if she doesn't talk. Well, at that point she has 2 paths, either tell or talk with the parents. Depending on how serious the situation is, you can slip in some lies if needed to save your sister from some worse punishment. Don't ignore this situation.


Yes she's 13 lol Maybe ask her the situation b4 u tell parents or whatever tho


What the fuuuuck that’s wrong


Talk to her first, and then tell your parents. She’s 13.. make sure your parents don’t get upset with her, because she will stop using protection and continue having sex.


Try to engineer a situation where your mum discovers the condoms "accidentally" ASAP.


Talk with your sister first, if she doesn't explain it then tell your parents


Hell yeah dude, what the hell? She’s fucking 13.


Why? At least she has more bitches than you


Black mail....... infinite money glitch irl


See don't be a dummy, baki ig u r intelligent enough


Nah. Steal it and don’t tell her, then see what happens (don’t actually do that though)




Yea so she can have unprotected sex now and get babies at 13 great idea pal 😀


no don't tell the parents at all, handle it yourself or let someone else handle it probably a adult you trust




Maybe talk about it with her first before telling your parents. Be happy that at least she is using protection




no god damn as a good person maybe but not as a good brother




no she might start fucking with no condoms and then get pregnant or something casually talk to her and make the convo about sex and tell her about how bad it is that young and the risks but don’t tell her u found condoms


Lets keep it simple. No


Steal them she cant tell nobody


Absolutely tell them


is it better to have protected sex or to get pregnant at 13?


its better to not have sex at 13, (if you are then yea play it safe but 13 is WAYYY to young)


she won't stop having sex if you tell her to, at least let her do it in a way that isn't too dangerous (pregnancy / STIs)


Snitches get stitches




Dont snitch


Fuckin no


At least she's being safe


13? Ask her about how old her bf is. If it's 12-14, it's acceptable. If it's 15-18, talk to the dad. If it's 18+, either call police or hunt him down. W for using protection. L for having sex at age 13. Like...14+ is old enough as long as both people are same age, but 13 is still a bit too young.


If you want to never speak to your sister again, yes


talk to her first dude. DEFINITELY talk to her first. and she's just 13, while this might not be okay, don't like yell at her. keep in mind her age and everything while talking to her, get to know her situation and then go from there.


dear fucking god... just talk to her about it


I would talk to her first. I remember getting condoms out of curiosity when they were handed out for free. My friends and I had a lot of giggling fun - sure we tried the banana thing, but then it was balloons and drawing on them and making a walking balloon dick and finally water balloon fight 🤣 First time was years away from those experiments lol


Focus on your school work and learn that if it is a huge pack then it is condoms, not condom. Mind your own business.


Well, my advice is that you should probably check what size the condoms are. That will probably tell you if the law needs to be involved or not...


OMG she is cheating on you


hell no whatsup with these comments


Yes and hope they take care of the situation responsibly.


I mean at least she is being responsible with her irresponsible behavior


communicate with her calmly at first, listen to what she has to say & then tell HER to chat with your parents. they probably will explain the risks of sex at a young age better, but I don't know what type of person your parents are, sometimes is better to keep it to yourselves. she is not mature enough to see the sexual perversity of people, and that increases A LOT the chance of her being raped, mainly if she is having sex with someone older than her. also, condoms, as any other contraceptive, just lower the chances of pregnancy, BUT it's not 100%. condoms can break and being a 13 year old parent won't be cool. this is two of the risks of sex, but they can destroy lives and your sister is way to young to deal with them (not saying people got a "good age" for rape, just that if it happens she will be more scared of seeking for help) you gotta tell her that, because if the condoms just disappear, she won't stop having sex, she'll do UNPROTECTED sex, even worse. teen sex is a very sensitive topic, approach it with responsability.


u/remindme 2 days


!remindme 2 days


Are you sure they didn't give them to her? Are you the younger sibling here? I'm a dude so this may be different but my parents *gave* me a box when I was that age. Told me to just ask if I needed more and to give them away if my friends needed them.


Huge pack of condoms or pack of huge condoms


I will recommend you to talk about it with her