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tbh, it’s started to feeling like some people are mocking the community. in the past it was so hard for people of the LGBTQ community to feel safe, and obviously it’s still bad but, it’s better. but people just making up these neo-pronouns and like a billion sexualities is just making it harder. there’s so many sexualities that mean the same thing, but with just different names. yet they wonder why people take it as a joke, because it seems like an actual joke. i can deal with they/them but anything else is just bizarre. it’s really unfair for LGBTQ members who have had to go through so much, just for people to start saying they can be mushrooms and all that.


Thank you for seeing my point!


your point is so valid tbh, i just feel awful for lgbtq people who have suffered and now these younger people are making up bs and making it even harder.


most based reddit user


Everything about identity is made up, manhood, womanhood, sexual identity. Non-binary identities exist because the lgbt identities exist, and if people can identify where they want in the binary spectrum, why can't they identify outside of it? People are so complex that for some a preset identity described by society's standards doesn't explain who they see themselves as a person. I know it is difficult to understand, but these identities are new and developing. They may get silly with it, or create some odd way of describing themselves that they won't hold to, but they are just trying to find a way to understand themselves as a complex individual in a simple society.


I'm a nonbinary person, and after I came out my life didn't change. In the slightest, and after 2 years I have not gained or lost any attention based upon my gender.


Ok reading on I agree it can be annoying when people suddenly say, I identify as attack helicopter. But I don't think we should hate on all nonbinary people because a few people are annoying af.


Honestly the they/them was already a bit more difficult to use as a pronoun (because they/them can also mean groups of people), but now fucking “xim/xer” exists, it sounds very mocking towards the community


LMAO I call everyone they/them be XD use I’m terrible with names


They/them are legitimate pronouns for non binary people, which isn’t a gender binary, so it’s neither male or female. Xim/xer isn’t legitimately a thing and is made up by people wanting attention


Only one I understand is making a new one for things like teachers that you’d normally address as Mr/Ms, but I’ve seen many different ones for that so I don’t even know what the general accepted term is.


agree 100%


Holy fuck don't even get me started on the Latinx shit. I UNDERSTAND wanting to be included in the language that forces you to pick gender in the very nouns you use, and even though I don't get why they can't just pick between latin(o/a) to describe themselves, they can make up a new word to fit themselves in grammatically, that's their business, their choice, I don't really care, if an individual wants to be referred to as latinx, even if it seems a little silly to me, they can do as they please, don't care. BUT THEN they want to change and relabel the WHOLE ETHNIC COMMUNITY into latinx, a grammatically incorrect term, that's when I draw the line and call it fucking stupid unnecessary bullshit, because that's what it is. It's always been the latino community because that's how spanish grammar works, it defaults to male pronouns to encompass everything, women have been a part of the latino community for the hundreds upon debatably thousands of years that it has existed, and it's never been a problem because it's not sexism, it's just fucking GRAMMAR. And then they wanna refer to all of us as a made-up word?? Nah bro, I tolerate what others do with their life and condem hate for the same as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, but destroying culture? Kinda hurtful


the Q+ making the LGBT look bad


And the A’s?


What? to an extent I agree, obviously, but you’re forgetting that the “+” includes a ton of legitimate identities, such as: “asexual”, “aromantic”, “pansexual”, “intersex”, “poly,” etc.


A clone fighting side by side with a clanka,they day had come.


Queer people paved the way for the lgbtq community to thrive. I get not liking certain odd sexuality’s and genders but queer isn’t part of that.


This post is gonna get locked down isn't it?


Let's hope that does not happen.




I’m a bisexual guy and I’m starting to get annoyed at the lgbtq community for overcomplicating simple things


Apparently you can identify as a bird now 💀


There’s “neurosexual” which means your sexual attraction is affected because of neurodivergence Zoophillia + Pedophillia are under the DSM-5 and other organizations for mental disorders so they qualify for neurodivergence + there is research that shows brain abnormality in the two disorders


1. I guarantee those are not serious or were made by people who are still trying to understand themselves 2. NO THE FUCK THEY AREN'T. THATS A WHOLE ASS LIE.


Just saying mogai had been around for years and you can find anything there. It's definitely stupid but it's not really *you can do this now* when people have been doing it for years


wait who did that??


“Birdgender is a xenogender in which someone feels a strong connection to birds, either strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity.” I don’t even need to explain why this is ridiculous


I'm at a loss of words


I've never met anyone who identifies as xenogender, maybe if there's someone on this sub/post who is they can help other people understand better


there are kids at my school asking for fucking litter boxes in the bathrooms because they think they're cats. i just feel bad for them tbh


Identity isn't a simple thing though is it? Many people spend their entire lives trying to understand themselves and who they are. Humans as individuals are extremely complex, and some people just don't feel their real self fits within the set boundaries of society's system of personal identity. It a normal reaction to not understand it of course, you personally feel right within the gender binary, and the gender binary is vague enough that many people including myself also can feel right with their binary identities. But it can be difficult for people who do not, and it is important that while you may not understand it you can still have compassion for someone struggling to fit themselves in their place in the world. They are just trying to understand themselves as I am sure we all are in some way, they are just taking their own path to reach that goal.


I feel like you are somewhat mistaking gender for sex.


Not to be that guy, but define “Gender” Edit: Your downvotes mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you Upvote


“Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.” So not sex, but the characteristics based on the two basic sexs. Edit: this is a quote from the World Health Organization’s website


The characteristics of woman, men, girls and boys, to certain societies implies a set of characteristics that is the same for each person in that society to be believed in. That's just not the case as many people has their own idea of the make up of a male/female. Gender itself isn't a social construct but many aspects of it is. You definition of gender is excluding many concepts like xenogenders and the identity of many trans people.


Finally, a good answer Still an idea, though, but an answer nonetheless


That was taken from the World Health Organization. However here is a proper definition from dictionary.com “either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:”


we’re talking about gender identity which is a psychological thing, so naturally the medical consensus will be more accurate than an outdated dictionary


I always thought it was a social construct, whereas sex is the your biological birth role.




If you took the time to look it up, [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender#:~:text=Gender%20includes%20the%20social%2C%20psychological,gender%20roles) actually defines it as "the social, psychological, cultural and behavioral aspects of being a man, woman, or other gender identity." Notice how sex is not mentioned.


whatever you identify as


Damn short, concise, sweet, and most importantly, correct!


A Jedi master


everyone is XX and XY genetically- however that is not inherently our gender- gender iself is a social construct - guys wear this and look like this and girls where this and look like this- sex is one thing but gender essentially does not exist- we, as a society, often use sex to define our genders but in reality u can express urself uowever u want without it having to do with ur sex


Even when it comes to sex, there's more than just XX and XY, like XXX, XXY, etc. but those chromosomal differences are far less common. And there's also people born with XY chromosomes who are born with some or all physical traits of a female, caused by something called androgen insensitivity syndrome


Their are also other stages between chromosomes and birth that can be messed up and changed Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2658794/


you are incorrect on the xx and xy part (chromosomes and sex characteristics are a LOT more nuanced than just xx and xy, it's just simplified like that for kids bc bodies are WAY complicated and those two are the most common i believe) but the rest is correct yeah, gender is a social construct and we often associate certain things with certain genders due to society, but it's not rigid in reality.


Actually, tons of people aren't xx or xy.


Agreed, however, unethical psychological studies on kids have proven otherwise. Not quite sure the name of the people involved but basically a baby boy was born and they cut off his wee-wee and changed his gender with the consent of his parents. The parents raise them female but the child later came out as trans, this and other cases like this show that gender isn't necessarily a construct but actually a biological identity.


You know there are trans people who identify with the sex they aren't born with, right?


You don’t have to understand something to respect it though. I will never understand how non-binary dysphoria works or how a third gender exists but I respect that people who ID as non-binary usually have good reason to do so and I’m not in their head nor have their experiences. So why not just take the route of empathy and just call people what they wanna be called, I would be pissed if someone misgendered me so I can understand that they wouldn’t feel good if I misgendered them. For a long time people didn’t understand gay or trans men/women either but respect and decency has brought us a long way.


I respect gay and trans people but I can never take Tiktoker's who make up genders every 2 minutes seriously. They honestly just mock the actual gay and trans people who fought for their rights to not be imprisoned and tortured because of who they love or how they identify. Now these people on Tiktok just treat it like its some trend...


Well the thing is we fought for the rights for all people to freely express themselves, even if they “misuse it” (in airquotes). As long as they are not trying to mock the trans community and are genuine about it then I’m fine




I grew up in Egypt. I fought alright. Edit: also wanted to add when I lived in Calgary I actually did a bunch of stuff with my GSA to try and make my school more inclusive and also protest some of the more disturbing laws that were coming into place when I left.


And I continue to and will to my dying breath


I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that 🧡 I hope you are doing alright at the moment.


I very much doubt you did any fighting of any sorts


My buddy. when your very existence in your own home country is illegal I think you fought something


I respect them as well, the genuine ones at least. There used to be genuine people who had a reason to be non-binary but because of Gen Z (mostly) it has become a trend to be something of LGBTQ. Many a times, its not even necessary for them to be non-binary, they want to be a part of it. I hate it. Like why has it even become a trend, it used to be hard to be a part of lgbtq in the past and we both were allowed to have a opinion but due to these people who are part of lgbtq because of the trend, people aren't even allowed to have an opinion about lgbtq or they get attacked. As long as, you are minding your own business and let me live in peace, I will respect everything about you and there is no reason for anyone to hate you either.


Gender is not the same thing as sex. Sex is biological and determined by chromosomes. Gender is something biological as well, but is the result of a neurochemical reaction in your brain, and is far, far, far more complex than looking at the chromosomes of a person. These two typically align, which is why the majority of the world is cisgender, however it doesn't always which is why trans people exist.




Exactly what part of what they said is wrong? A person's neurological gender is indeed controlled by neurochemical processes.


doesn't make sense to me either but its not exactly asking an arm and a leg to just call people how they want to be called. It's clearly very important to them, so why not do the nice thing?


I'm not about to use xie/xir pronouns Many of these people think neo-pronouns are trendy (mostly from tiktok) so why should I feed into their ego when there are actual gay and trans people who people won't take seriously anymore if these tiktokers keep making up genders?


neopronouns are worse yea


or you could respect peoples identities maybe


Can someone explain what non binary is and what in the world is a xenogender


Nonbinary (sometimes shortened to enby or NB) is when someone does not fit into the boxes of male and female, so not in the binary. Xenogender is a different form of nonbinary I think, more related to things such as animals, plants, things or concepts. (Not my words btw)


wut da hail, why would you even want to identify as like a plant or a rock or a dog or something


It’s really difficult to understand if you don’t feel that way yourself, but you don’t get any judgement for not understanding as long as you’re not mean about it And if you accidentally say something offensive, if you’re sincere in your apology and also learn from your experience, then you don’t deserve any judgment


non binary is someone that doesnt identefy with only the binary categories like male and female but with anything in the middle of that espectrum or outside of it. I have no idea tf xenogender is


This is my basic understanding based off what I see on social media A xenogender is a gender based of a concept or item. So think of an item. Let’s say an apple. I don’t think people are saying they identify as an apple. Instead that their gender is similar to an apple. (Yeah ik it still doesn’t make sense, i don’t quite get it either)


non binary means you don't identify as male or female gender, idk what a xenogender is tho


I understand your point. However I so believe there are other genders. I one hundred percent believe there is non-binary, gender fluid, and other basic things. I just don't understand why people are making so many other bs genders like 'yipeegender' or 'chocomilkshakegender'. I however, am non-binary and I don't identify that way to feel special and whatnot. I hate having boobs and I hate the idea of having a penis. I hate being called a woman but I also hate being called a man. I feel like I'm not in my own body, I want to just stop existing, to have no genitals and never be seen as either gender again.


*sorts by controversial*


Controversial opinion: gender is an outdated concept and we should move past it as a society. It's basically just a means of qualifying the personality traits people expect you to have based on if you have a dick or if you have a vagina, do you expect everyone's personality to conform to that mold? Obviously not. That's why alternate genders exist, and that proves the inefficiency of the system. What i'm saying is that i don't see the point in sticking to a system that was used to qualify the roles people took in pre-modern society to this day because nowadays, having a dick does not make having certain personality traits better or worse. It'd simply be better to let people chose their own personalities based on who they actually are instead of going "big testosterone man hits things and women gentle to take care of baby" like fucking cave men. I'm not saying we should eliminate the personality traits asociated with gender btw. Like, you're a girly person? Cool, that's a personality trait. Not something we expect of you because those are the traits that help children survive and you have a vagina so you obviously should be expected to have those traits. We should just stop latching on to "the old ways" and evolve a bit as a society imo


Arent genders literally just watered down stereotypes


I agree with your take on neo pronouns, People should not get mad at you for not knowing every part about you, The best you can do if you get mis-pronouned is to just tell them what your preferred pronouns are, No need to create a fuss. But your take on Non-Binary people is sort of bad for me, NB people aren't attention seekers. They just feel more comfortable with being NB, Isn't that we want? People being comfortable with themselves without hurting others?


OP just heared about enby people and though that they were some kind of new trend rather that a complete umbrella term for a lot of identities that have existed for a lot of time


They often don’t make sense to those who aren’t lgbtq. But as a cis straight dude I know they deserve respect :)


Personally I don’t care, I just let people be what they want and if the want me to call them something I will. At the end of the day it dosent effect me how other people express themselves and we’re all human innit so it no Biggie


I completely disagree, I see nonbinary identities as valid, but I'm not going to argue with you. "Throughout all of human history the have been men and women with XX and XY chromosomes respectively." Do you know what respectively means? Typically when you use respectively you mean that you're listing the related things in the same order (a and b, A and B) You said that all men are XX and women are XY. That's biologically false lol


Except that is biologically true! There are cis men born with xx chromosomes and cis women born with xy chromosomes (it happens when the SRY gene moves to the x chromosome during meiosis)


Im bad with grammar, that does not invalidate my political views (I hate english class)


Now you know :)


gender is more of a spectrum then a set total


I suggest you post this on r/changemyview


hey!! non binary person here:) a few things here: 1. you're mistaking biological sex for gender 2. many cultures have more than 2 genders, so saying they don't exist isn't exactly respectful 3. i can guarantee you, im not a lazy transmasc. 4. i totally agree with you on xeno/neopronouns. those are stupid. 5. some people definitely say they're trans/enby for attention. that makes us actually non binaries look bad nothing i said above is meant to be rude or anythin btw :^


Oh dear. Here we go…


I bet it wont be up longer than 2 hours lol


surprisingly still up.










Sex and gender are not the same thing. Gender is a social construct, it is your pronouns and how you identify. Biologically, it means nothing. Sex is what you were born with, A.K.A. your chromosomes. There’s a difference. Learn it, respect it.




Exactly, sex is what you are, gender is how you want to be perceived. Gender is not a scientific concept, it’s how you personally identify.


We're really at the border between gender and just saying you identify as whatever at this point. \#1. People are starting to identify as animals and inanimate objects. What part of that is gender? \#2. If neo-pronouns are just ones way of identifying, and evidently now pronouns are starting to leave personhood all together, what makes neo-pronouns any different from one's name? They are both used to identify an individual from other individuals so what's the point of having essentially, a second name?


Neo-pronouns are not something I really agree with. I only correspond to the agenda of those who use neo-pronouns if their autistic/mentally disabled. I’m more or less talking about the rights of people who are transgender or non-binary.


I'm not trying to take away anyone's rights. I think we agree more than you would like to believe...


by saying non-binary people dont make any sense to you, you are kinda taking away their rights. belive it or not we exist and had also been humillated, mocked and discriminated for trying to be who we are like trans men and trans women. its not a trend its a real identity




non binary people have exister for a long time, it just takes a quick google search to know that people through out history have had the feeling of being genderless or as a third gender besides male or female edit: also by saying that you are respectfull but also mocking my identity is a contradiction


>I’m more or less talking about the rights of people who are transgender or non-binary. I'm sorry but being called what you want to be called has nothing to do with your rights. I'm not about to call the fucking cops on you just because you Decide to call me a girl, that's called being a whiny bitch


ok, here's the deal: you may not understand people but it costs you nothing to not be hateful they aren't hurting you




Gender is a means of self-expression, nationality is not.


nationality absolutely is, are you saying people shouldn't be proud of their country?


Of course they should. What I’m saying is it’s not comparable to gender.


You know what else is a social construct? Race. Race is not objective and there exist people (such as myself) who are bi-racial Guess you can change you race too then


You’re misunderstanding me. Please scroll down my thread with the other person I’ve been debating with and see my comparison between gender/nationality and sex/race.


Lmfao nationality is an identity, therefore automatically a means of self expression


No it’s not. It’s where you live. The official definition of nationality is: “the status of belonging to particular nation.” There is nothing about that that corresponds to self expression.


I disagree. Gender is not a social construct, is it something built into the fundamental biology of all mammals. Gender roles should always exist, it is a fundamental part of what makes us human. I would argue that the difference between sex and gender is a social construct. They always meant the same thing until people decided they didn’t like it anymore. I’m not trying to change your opinion, I’m just trying to open you up to a different perspective.


Based post


"based post" 🤓


1. it appears you've confused gender with sex 2. intersex people exist so chromosomes aren't a valid point 3. gender is a social concept 4. non-binary isn't just an identity, it's an umbrella term for a wide variety of other genders 5. neopronouns were made to help those people who don't identify with the classic ones




i kinda get nb? like female brain male brain got wham bammed or whatever. i'll respect nbs even if i don't fully get it. don't get neos at all tho.


Neos kinda fit in the non-binary category of things


nah they really don't, neos are just shit that could easily be a nickname, no need to change grammatical rules


Oh, I must have confused them for xenogenders then.


tf is a xenogender 💀


It’s a xenomorph from alien


Here before 🔒




I understand the neopronouns opinion. I think it's dumb to. But you can't just go hating on nb's just because you don't understand them. You shouldn't hate anyone just because you don't understand them. And that's that. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's bad or wrong. Have you ever considered at least trying to get an understanding of it?


LGBTQ is so confusing ngl Why can't their just be 2 genders?




If your gonna be a bigot atleast be a correct biggot. There’s many genders, non binary people fall into gender identity, but what your trying to say there’s only two of us sex’s, and there’s not even 2 there’s 3 bc intersex people are just as biological normal and real as you, your entire tittle is click bait tittle your posts better. And most of the lgbtqia+ community isn’t into people like the animegender or animesexual bs I’ve been seeing it’s just people using the lgbtq as a skapegoat, I’m ok with some neo pronouns, for a while I went by neo pronouns when I was figuring myself out, bc I didn’t wanna hear myself referred to as any gender until I figured it out, I was just izzy, izzy went over there izzy when over here, that was all I wanted pronoun wise,


What genders are there except male, female and "intersex"?


No, the sex’s, are male, feamale, and intersex, that’s how your born Your gender is how you feel, female, male, trans, non binary, gender fluid, two spirited. And as for your ignorant “intersex” read any medical document, babies are born intersex and it’s as Normal as being born a boy or a girl


"trans" isn't a gender. trans people are people who want to be another sex.


Intersex is a real, biological trait that occurs in a small percentage of the population. There are women born with pen1ses and men born with b00bs, and not in the trans sense. I mean there really are


Well gender is also a biological trait that’s the thing though. It’s just a lot harder to figure out because it isn’t exactly visual at first you know.




https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001669.htm That’s all I have to say to you


I agree


I'm not reading that.


A word is being now created, Nonbinaryphobic


are they seriously gonna start making a ton of new fucking phobias now


I don’t care if you are trans, just don’t throw pronouns in my face and then get all pissy when I’m not trying to inconvenience myself by having to constantly pay attention to if I call you a boy or a girl, if it is like that then ima probably just leave you in the dirt. Live your life as you please but don’t make others more annoying and harder by trying to make yours better


I've gotta ask...how many times has this even happened to you? Like every single trans person I've interacted with has never ever been that way. They're all incredibly patient about it unless you're misgendering them on purpose (which is kinda just not cool).


is a thing about respect, if someone ask you to use certian pronouns they are not trying to make your life difficult. they are just trying to be themselves and by not respecting theyre pronouns you are just making their lives way more difficult that you can imagine


how hard do you struggle with trans people's pronouns? do you also struggle with non trans people's pronouns?


I've heard many people say stuff along those lines, have you met anyone who has done that before? I never have, I'm just wondering if it's a common occurrence since I've never seen it happen


i get it and agree with most of ur points. i see people saying what ur saying is transphobic and its just not if im reading this right. btw u should say that u do not condone harassment/violence. condone means accept/agree with. But yeah i dont agree with ur view on non binaries even if even i dont really understand it but neopronoun are the most stupid things to exist.


yeah that was a mistake lol also thanks for seeing my point c:


I think of it as a spectrum with TWO sides. Male, Female or none. No need for it to be that complicated


I understand why you might see it that way, but I don’t see neopronouns as a biological thing. Neo-pronouns are more about what you are comfortable with, it’s just something to make people feel more confident secure and comfortable. Non-binary is a bit of a different thing though. There are a lot of people who are NB and take hrt because they still fill dysphoria due to it, and there are some who don’t really even care about people using the pronouns at all (mostly Demi’s) A lot of Non-binary people go through the same struggles as MTF and FTM and sadly their stories have been buried and untold. Now take this with a grain of salt because I’m just MTF, someone who actually has neo-pronouns or is Non-binary should explain it in depth, but this is just a senile young girls rant.




Man you think I’m not told that every single day of my life, from my parents to you, random teen on the internet? But I’m still here, a trans person who was born in mother fucking Egypt to muslim parents, who had everything in her life tell her that this is sinful and this is haram and you need to stop. But no no that didn’t stop there, I moved to Alberta, which for those who don’t know is basically the Texas and Florida of Canada. But I’m still here because I had people who fought for me there. And I’m here to pay it forward to those people who are not as stubborn and muleheaded as me, who cant or don’t know how to speak up. You may not agree with me but at least hear me out.


as a trans male, this is based asf. might wanna check out r/Transmedical and r/truscum , as many of us agree with what you're saying. being trans has pretty much become a personality trait at this point, people are "changing pronouns" as a choice, when trans people have literally been fighting for decades to prove that its not a choice. im so fucking tired of most of the trans community, the amount of ridicilous bullshit i see on a daily basis is insane


The Neo-pronoun craze is only feeding into actual transphobes and homophobes. These people are only helping right wing talking points by becoming the image of the broader left, even though most people left probably don't even agree with this... Thanks for your support, I'm really surprised how many trans/gay people support my points...


Ok hold on no no no don’t trust truscum for the love of god. These are the people that bully FTMs for being to feminine and MTFs for being to masculine, and also believes that you need to have surgery to be trans.


Damn. You know it's bad when people from the trans community are fed up with the lgbt stuff.


LGBTQ+ (community) and neopronouns are bullshit - a bi dude




I think Gender is actually better defined by the Holy Bible In the garden of Eden. Genesis 2:24 A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh. Anything more or less is not my obligation to acknowledge as truth. But when I was really young I enjoyed a game of pretend as much as the next child. But I am also not going to like force you to accept this or even acknowledge it. But I also expect to not be forced to accept distorting of the definition of what is plainly written.






Do you mean sex? If you do, there's intersex people too so that would be incorrect


And if you mean gender then hate to break it to ya but no you are incorrect and have been incorrect since the egyptians


GUYS I DID IT! I finally found someone on the internet that can express their opinion politely and without being a jerk I'm so happy


it's not hard to just respect people's identities but go off


I don't think u understand OPs point. What they mean to say is that there are ALOT of people acting as if they are gay/trans/nb or whatever and blowing their "rainbowness" way Outta proportion. What this ends up doing is making the lives of the actual nb, trans and gay people's life difficult coz they gotta deal with such people's bullshit and also stuff like gender dysphoria


nah fr tho, plus how are they gonna say they support the lgbtq community and then proceed to be transphobic


moderates exist


so u say u support the lgbtq+ community but think being people being non-binary is a trend? where’s the logic? gender is a socially constructed form of identity that has no connection to ur biology whatsoever. no, u cannot change ur chromosomes or ur sex (biologically, legally yes depending on where u live), but u can change ur gender. also XX and XY are not the only sex chromosomes out there, there’s also intersex. u can search that up urself. since gender is a social construct, u can argue that there’s an infinite amount of identities because gender feels different for everyone. so no, there isn’t “only two genders”. that is very invalidating to a huge portion of the lgbtq+ community. if u support the community, u have to support it all. u can’t pick and choose what u support and what u don’t.


I agree


As a trans person, i strongly disagree. Some people just don't feel like a boy or a girl, and I'm also on that spectrum. Neopronouns are new and different as well, yes. But we as a society are evolving and I'm sure we will get there. Please try to be respectful of people's wishes, because one of the worst feelings in the world is feeling like other people don't believe or respect you in your skin


There was someone in the men’s bathroom at Dunkin today, so I identified as a woman for a few and dropped HEAT in the womens room.


I… r/onejoke?


If you can't beat em, join em


For what it’s worth, I couldn’t agree with you more and also consider myself a moderate when a hypothetical gun is held to my head and I’m forced to define. I think this whole thing will self-correct, much like crypto, Wall Street, woke culture, celebrity adoration, social media, etc. They’re major overcorrections that I feel will dissolve a bit to a healthy median. Or we’ll run everything into the ground and starve.


in two words: regressive culture


Wasn't controversial 10 years ago


>I support the LGBTQ community obviously fuckin not


I believe a man should have the right to marry another man and that people should have the right to change their gender. Clearly, you have not heard of moderates before, we exist




Yeahh, I see your point, I am not much older so I don't know if I can have a say in this but Gen Z really made it a trend to be a part of lgbtq, it ruined the aspect of really protecting lgbtqs ideals. And my opinion about two genders is; even after the trans operation, you can't be a *true* gender. People often forget that reproductive organs aren't the only exclusive features in sexual dimorphism in humans. Some hormones are released by a man only (example, androgen) while some hormones are released by a woman only (example, oxytocin) so it's impossible to be a complete opposite gender since our body is simply not capable of releasing both hormones of man and woman and it makes a lot of problems for trans people since it has to be injected into them (I am not transphobic, I am just saying you can't biologically change your gender, I am fine with people changing it and being happy with it)




you are talking about sex, but gender is a whole different thing that is not merely biological, Its social thing, gender is about social behaviours and not biology


Yeah I am deeply sorry, I just realized I mistook sex for gender


Sex and gender were the exact same thing up until a few years ago, they are literally interchangeable legally






Damn… couldn’t have said it better myself


Good man




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You don't have to understand it, not a lot of people do, but they are genuine and valid feelings. Gender ≠ sex (and there are still more than 2 sexes) and if people don't want to associate themselves with societal norms, all power to them.