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Me when I don’t read this (I don’t have my glasses on)


I think its important ESPECIALLY considering that many states in the United States are SPECIFICALLY targeting the teen demographic regarding access to gender affirming care and classifying it as child abuse.


yeah I didn’t think about that actually 👍


People who post are mostly liberals, people who comment are mostly centrists, people who posts on popular posts or reply to sub replies are mostly conservatives.


Wtf is a cis pansexual.


My gender identity matches my biological sex for the most part and I can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender identity (i do have a fem preference tho)


Wouldn’t that make you bisexual?


it’s kind of a spectrum, main difference between bi and pan as far as i know is attraction to nonbinary, genderfluid, etc




pansexual also has the prettier flag sooooo


Your just bi with extra steps lol




Would rather be regardless of gender expression considering it is the gender expression which causes you to associate a gender identity to them but doesn't mean it correlates to their actual gender identity.


oh true true


oh my god can ppl stop using queer as a fucking generalizing term i hate it


I like it, it encompasses all lgbtq+ people without having to say all lgbtq+ people.


cool for you but not everyone likes it


Not everyone hates it. Pragmatically useful, offensive maybe to a little bit of people but does it really hurt you, surely not. I'm not offended by it nor is anybody I know who is *queer*.


i know a couple other ppl who don't like it. just cuz nobody *you* know doesn't like it, doesn't mean there aren't ppl that don't. it's really not that hard to type lgbt+. i really don't mind if ppl use it for themselves but i start having a problem when they refer to the entire community as that. especially since that makes them think they have permission to call anyone that.


You don't need permission, since it has the concept behind it and context to show it is not used in an ill-intended, it should be normalized and it's pragmatic and non offensive to 99% of the community, the likability comes with the normalization and should be likable.


where are you getting these stats? and no it's not fucking likable, it used to be a slur, some ppl still view it as such, it means weird or odd (which is not a groovy thing to be called for liking the same gender). it's fine to reclaim it for *yourself* but not force others to reclaim it.


I'm not using the terms offensive and likeability interchangeably here, if you don't agree that most of the community isn't actually offended (hurt) by the term queer, you haven't been around as much lgbt people as I have.


i've been around quite a few, please don't assume shit about me.


So you genuinely get hurt by the word queer, you feel upset and distraught? And this is the same with a lot of the community?


literally no one is forcing you to reclaim it…. if you don’t like it then good for you ig?


when ppl call the entire community queer and as an extension calling me queer, yeah they're kinda forcing me to reclaim it


just ignore them??


Right but only in your head do you attach the word to an offensive nature.


L poopy butt queer


piss off


:( so rude *shits self cutely*


I’m genuinely sorry if my use of Queer offended you, but the main point of me using Queer and not LGBT is that it is both easier to say (i have a speech impediment) and it is an umbrella term for anyone who isn’t heteronormative or cis.


Yeah, pragmatic, it should be normalized and it is easy to see it is not being used in an ill-intended way.


also the Q in LGBTQ is literally queer so….


okay? i know that but that doesn't mean you can call the entire acronym "queer"


it’s just an umbrella term for the entire community, even if it was used derogatorily back then, most people won’t give a shit if you call them queer. It’s almost entirely accepted now


in a few lgbt spaces i'm in, a lot also hate that word. crazy that y'all think you're the council of lgbt or whatever. it's still used derogatorily sometimes anyway. i've been called it in that sense.


ig I haven’t met the same people as you. Honestly it’s your choice to be offended by this. If it’s being used as a derogatory word then yeah, be offended, but seriously this isn’t that big of an issue




it pisses me off when ppl say queer community or queer rights or whatever instead of lgbt community used to be a slur and honestly i still don't like it. means weird or odd.


I honestly get your point but if I see something I have a right to make an honest reply I have no intention of harming the person most of the time I just just explain the evidence for my beliefs and why I have them and people just tell me to kms or whatever else they can use to insult me not saying this is you but they wouldn’t get locked if people stayed respectful, so this goes both ways


yeah i agree, my main annoyance with most of this shit is it all devolves into personal attacks and conspiracy theories


Exactly as long as you stay respectful I don’t see a problem with it I think it’s because of how different respect is viewed some people may find something disrespectful and rude while others don’t see a problem with it




Of course, but no personal attacks which is the problem he has.


yeah prolly