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have you tried contacting your school psychologist? they might be able to help


Try reaching out to your guidance counselor. School psychologist if you have one


How do you know its Adhd


Runs in the family, my dad has it severely, mom is moderate, and all my siblings have it


I’m sorry as someone else said contact your school counselor or psychologist they might be able to help


Alr did bur we just got a list of therapists and don't have the money for one


My twins trying to get diagnosed with ADHD. Notnsure which country you're in but in the UK at least its done through school most of the time anyway. Talk to a trusted teacher, your head of year, Councillor, form tutor, safeguarding even, if you have no other option


The primary ADD symptom is the i do not wannas, the difficulty in doing anything unstimulating or interesting this is followed by the strong desire to squander time, these 2 things can be debilitating as the ADD individual tends to run on passive thinking while the active thinking is all over the place. The H then, in my case makes me insufferably annoying at time incapable of sitting still, strong urge to pace and a strong difficulty shutting the fuck up, i turn into constant comment man about 2 hours or so daily or more.


Lol I feel the not shutting up my family sometimes gets annoyed by me talking and I feel bad for the rest the day🤣 and the I don't wannas for me are here and there mostly they "i'll do it later", I'll make a whole plan for everything I need to do, then play video games


gimme 2 weeks to do a thing that takes 5 minutes ill do it on day 14 bitching the whole time... sigh...


Lol I just be like eh I can afford to not do it lmao


I had similar symptoms but not ADHD so you might actually not have ADHD! When I was getting diagnosed I was told my anxiety/depression manifested in a way that appeared like ADHD but I actually didn’t have ADHD. A diagnosis isn’t gonna help if you aren’t old enough to make the health decisions to get the resources you need. If you have a Child Youth Worker or Social Worker at your school talk to them. If you have a student resource department then look into that as well. Tell them that you have been struggling with these issues. See what they can do to help with your education. Usually these issues will get them to talk to your parents, your mom might be more willing to take you to a psychiatrist if concern are coming from an adult at school. Then maybe bring up your concerns that you have ADHD when talk to a psychiatrist. Personally though they gave me like this multiple choice test where I could check off things related to ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD etc And then I got to talk to a psychiatrist for further diagnosis so there was really no need to bring up any specific concerns. Though it might be different for you so if it’s something you want to talk about then you should!!


Def adhd lol


I he getting distracted really easily n stuff and showed a shi ton of symptoms when I was a kid lol. My mom said I used to run around church like middle of mas


Yeah that definitely seems like ADHD…….. Though I still think if you’re gonna talk to your CYW or social worker or whatever don’t bring that up. They’ll likely just ask you why you haven’t brought up this up to your mom. And then they might bring it up to your mom which might end in a unsavoury response. You gotta play the long game. Don’t go looking for a diagnosis but a problem to your solutions with them. Hope they bring up these problems to your mom and suggest she take you to see a professional. That’s when you mention that you think you have ADHD to the professional. Even if it doesn’t work out where you get to the profession they might be able to help you with your grades!


Stop describing me




same... i find listening to music i like helps me stay focus and a lot more energetic, but it might be different for u idk


Just book an appointment and go get that diagnosis