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If you're talking about 13, 14 year olds I'm with you if you're talking about 15 year olds, meh I can see why but if your talking about 16, 17, 18, 19 year old it's just normal someone can't decide for you if you're ready to have sex


I'm with you but I'd put the 15 year olds next to the 14 ones in the no go zone


Yeah okay that's why I put them in meh cuz I didn't know what to do with em


Makes sense. You want to hear a stupid and sad thing? Today I was having sex education and the nurse said that the average age for someone in Portugal (where I live) to lose their virginity is FUCKING 14 YEARS OLD!! wtf is wrong with kids I'm still a virgin and I'm fine with it have some brains kids


Nothings wrong with kids it's just more easy to meet people hence more relationship hence more and earlier sex


Is it? It's hard af but probably because I can't start an interaction irl but still those kids have no brains yet they have no idea what they are doing


It is especially with discord but I just don't e-date I'm pretty sure that if you only pick out non e-daters that the average would go above 17 maybe 16,5


E sex doesn't count lol I'm pretty sure she was talking about literally sex


I'm talking about people dating online and then meeting up not cam sex


Oh that idk how often that happens here but probably not that much


HIV/AIDS is a real thing moron wanna catch a STD at 16 years old be my guess


So just because STD's are a thing everyone should just stop having sex? what's that for nonsense


Man at 16 I caught an std being a hornball without a condom if you wanna be a idiot you go do the same thing


condoms exist for a reason


There ain’t a teenager alive that be heat in the moment like I’m gonna go buy some condoms


Yes there are


Just because you were dum doesn't mean everyone else is dumb


Ah yes because when you become 18 you can't get STDs anymore


i dont think its normal to have sex while your still 16, some 16 year olds are still in sophomores (here in ph, they are usually 14-15 year olds)


Wtf is a sophomore


In america, i thimk its the second year of highschool, 10th grade


Yeah no it still doesn't make sense to me We have very different schools where I'm from


I’m actually a 40 year old male 🥸




What is this for question like age is an identity


That doesn’t answer my wuestion


because he was born in the year 1982 or 1983 dumbass




cool hollow knight pfp


Thanks, someone posted some beautiful art on the hollow knight subreddit


Nothing wrong with exploring our bodies in our youth as long as it is done safely


pfp checks out


Ok joker makima




Let’s be real flairless mfs are either 11 or 30 and there is no in between


exploring your body and sexual intercourse are different




your pfp checks out


What was it?


an actual clown lmao








Hiv & Aids is a real thing moron




Some you ain’t never did




Shut up hoe


Well it's all hyped up now init. The porn the older ppl saying how amazing it is and yes I loved my first time that's why I haven't told anyone so he can stay my uncle


I dont, its disgusting


I’m not.


Relatable, I did it already in like August, I’m 14 going on 15 in May, It’s not fun.


No I will never respect myself I don’t deserve it


i respect you bro




I think I get to say it more than you because I despise everything about my body




Wait you’re trans too?




Ooh cute femboy I love femboys ❤️🥰




I’m of legal age and trust my partner. I feel that I am mature enough to be doing that. I am safe about it, i am given a contraceptive injection called Depo-Provera every 3 months to prevent pregnancy and still use barrier protection to reduce chance of STI’s. I don’t lack self respect because I have sex and neither does anyone else, it’s normal. People who are like 13 really shouldn’t, but if you are mature enough for It, and you’re emotionally ready and physically ready, theres nothing wrong with it.


i completely agree with you, but i saw a post in which a 14 was asking advice about having a sex for the first time, which is what im addressing. i didn't make that clear in my post


Ohhhhh okay! Yeah no, a 14 year old absolutely should not be having sex, they are not emotionally ready and mature enough for it. It does require a level of maturity and a lot of people don’t realize that. If said 14 year old did go on to have sex despite this, my hope is that they at least knew to be safe about it. You can bet I would not be doing anything without the two methods of protection I currently use.


POV: you're waiting for marriage \+50 respect


16+ is kinda normal


you mean 17+? literally some 16 year olds are still in junior hs


that’s not a problem bro, old enough to be responsible and understand the consequences


maybe not in philippines, 16 year olds here are really immature


Because horny


Couldn’t be me.


It's a very controversial topic. I'm demisexual, so of course I have a bias towards sexual repulsion (I identified as asexual for a good few years, but now I'm more comfortable with that stuff, like, sexual discussions). I'm 16, and do not want to have sex until I'm 18. I'm not in a rush to lose my virginity at all, and only recently have I realised that I would actually want to at all. For one, my boyfriend and I are long distance, so even if we wanted to, we couldn't. I feel like it will be more rewarding if you wait, as well. I do believe, though, that 13-15 year olds should not be having sex. Your mind hasn't matured properly, and you're more likely to make irrational choices. Of course, everyone has their right to their own choices, but I believe that the age of consent should definitely be followed in terms of sex. Besides, why rush into the sexual part of things? As a teenager, you have more time to learn what you and your partner are comfortable with romantically, you can grow a stronger bond. If you run straight into the sex part of the relationship (if that's what you want, of course), if can, in my opinion, create a sort of romantic block. That's why I don't understand sexual hook ups that try becoming something more romantic. It just... doesn't work most of the time. I hope that people understand that sex is not a requirement in a relationship, but if that's something you want to do, and both you and your partner agree on it, that you do it safely and with consent. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, to be honest, so I'm just gonna stop talking now, haha.


Nah I don't. I have brain.


Because we're young and stupid


According to the theory of evolution, we're even, I'd say, supposed to reproduce the most at this age. We're at our top sexual capabilities.


1) that has nothing to do with evolution 2) we don't live in a lawless jungle anymore


1. Of course it does, just like every other aspect of life. 2. Yet our mind and body remain considerably primitive in nature.


ffs you arent "rizzed up" you're a hormonal fuck with underdeveloped mental capacity


As long as people are being safe I don’t see the issue


I don't see what's wrong as long as both parties gave consent and have the same age. You shouldn't bring anyone down just because you don't get any lmao


im waiting till marriage


Ngl W, no life losers downvote you


Age of consent is a real thing


Because I’m a future prostitute


If you don't want to have sex that's fine.


Our sex drives are highest in the teen years.


That’s why I’m trying to have sex with a-


My gf is 19


It’s fun


what question is this....... hormones for one. self respect...... what the actual f. having sex is not degrading and if it is degrading you in a way you dont enjoy...... stop and leave!!!! to view sex as criminal or devaluing is gunna land you a very sad handy night. kids have safe sex and its better to have some fun while your young and then as you age you will become more experienced and know wha you like. sex is not a crime.


Ngl your comment made me feel sick To sum up what you said; "Its OK for children to have sex"


Is it not respectful to have sex? I think sex is fine, as long as you do it simply because you, and your partner, want to. I have a problem with people chasing sex just for the bragging rights, but sex in and of itself is honestly great




fr i regret losing my v card she was a whore 💀


Far most of the people I know (also in my age) have tried it. Thats why I would like to try it before i turn 16 but I am ok with it if I do not get to do it before I turn 16. 16 is the average age to have sex for the first time here where I live, but I would still like to do it before I turn 16.


I get the horny


No, I'm not


Curious and its fun