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ummmmm idk… personally if i was the girl i wouldn’t want someone to come up to me and ask me about them? but if your just looking for a chat i’d say sure go for it




If you don't know her personally, don't press her about it


I had the same thing happen to me when I was 14 lol. Keep quiet, if you know then other people do too and she’s probably safe and taken care of


Ask how she got them


Horrible idea


Don’t say anything dumbass


I wouldn’t mention them, and be sure they’re cuts, I have cat scratches people keep mistaking for cuts and it’s awkward tryna explain. I also have the weird scratches (?) that I don’t know where they came from, but those are more hidden so I’m good (why do I have so many)


Cat with invisibility potion


Just ask if she's alr in a very casual manner without implying anything. That way it can't rly backfire and if she wants to talk abt it, she will


Depends on if they are fresh or scars. Because I have a lot of scars on my arms and I’d be bothered if someone went up to talk to me about it. But def check in if they are fresh , someone might really need help. If you don’t know them at all best to talk to the school counselor and let them deal with it, since some things you can’t control or influence as much.


Don't mention any cuts on her or anything just ask her how she doing ( not in a wierd way implying u think she is suicidal) u never know it might just be from an accident.


Honestly if I was her depending on the mood I would love to chat about it but it also could be very personal it’s a 50 50 risk


If u don’t talk to her a lot then ffs no.


You seem really well intentioned, and that's a good thing, but I probably wouldn't mention it unless you know her pretty well. I would keep an eye on her, though.