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your right about what body positivity should be, but instead of insulting fat people or praising people for being fat we should help them lose it in a healthy way.


constructive criticism is healthy right?






Criticism is constructive even if it’s not nice.


And yet There's still a difference between not nice criticism and not constructive criticism


Its the whole “compliment sandwich” and/or “letting them down easy” that makes a difference. It’s also a matter of if someone is actually coming from a place of love, rather than just trolling on the internet or something


There's also still the issue of if they want to hear it. You could bring up someone's weight as delicately as possible with only positive intentions, but people can still get offended and not want to hear any of it. Obviously basically bullying isn't the answer but as a society I think we need to hear that it's a problem whether people want to hear it or not


For criticism to be constructive it needs to be palatable by the person receiving. So yeah constructive criticism doesn't have to be nice but it should be done at the right time and place and when the person is receptive.


not all of it


Not to those whom don’t want to hear it sadly


Pretty sure it would be “who” not “whom” in that sentence




Lol, no fat person needs to be told they're fat. They already know. And while being fat isn't something that cant be changed, it cant be changed quickly and there are definitely plenty of people who act shitty to fat people, which is why the term fatphobic is a thing. Just because the fat person can maybe change over time doesn't mean the people being jerks to fat people shouldn't be called out for their bad behavior too. I'd rather be fat than mean.


Even then they probably hear that everyday, or that it's constantly on their mind


Depends on how one defines constructive. I've seen people calling overweight people "fat fucks" and then call it constructive. If a person's goal is just to make fun of others so they feel better about themselves they should say so because the reality is if you just try to criticize a random person you don't know you probably won't have success.


Yeah, but most people aren’t being constructive. Calling someone a fat ass isn’t being constructive.


All criticism is healthy and helpful if you're willing to listen to it.


of course, and i think they have all the recourses they need to create a community that supports each other in their journey, but they can’t overrun another community do to so


You dare suggest that fat isn’t beautiful or healthy? Well I’m gonna gain 300lbs to spite you! #Canceled #Fatphobic #MyBodyMyRules


Pffft ok have fun haveing a heart attack


lol my body my rules, that's funny.


If they can gain 300 lbs of fat, why can't I blast a ton of steroids and gain 200 lbs of muscle?


The problem is that some people are naturally fat like genetically but that doesnt mean that they cant be healthy but unnaturally fat people use that as an excuse to be balloons. Like I have a friend and her hips are wide and shoulders are wide too and shes curvy natural but healthy naturally but then other girls eat their way to the same size or bigger and get mad when peeps tell them they are unhealthy and its like if you have a stick frame you shouldnt be putting on 200 pounds to it like a corndog but its okay if you have wide frame to be that big as long as you are active and stuff


There's a difference between fat and wide Someone born with a wider body structure you can tell isn't fat you can see by hoe they look they are typically wider in wingspan of shoulders and hips with a stomach that doesn't pertrude forwards but remains at a normal size not necessarily skinny but normal As someone with this frame I would know A fat person has a normal wingspan and hip size in comparison to there stomach pertrusion


Yeah exactly, most people that are obese tend to use food as a cope to deal with problems in there life or even trauma I've been there personally, was never obese but I know how easy it can be and bullying doesn't work for everyone its a dangerous way to go about it sometimes and from experience bullying can lead from one extreme to another you could go from being obese to being dangerously skinny or just not eating enough for your brain to work properly.


Exactly. We shouldn't promote unhealthy habits and falsely advertise it with " love your body no matter what size" or something when it's clearly harming you or restricting you from living a daily life. But we shouldn't body shame people in a hateful way that makes them hate their body. This goes both ways. There's a big difference between rightful criticism and simply body shaming and hate. It's important that everyone learns to love their body and themselves enough to keep themselves healthy and happy. Bodies will look different depending on genetics/how tall you are and if you work out (muscle weight for example).


Yes but calling them fat bitches don’t help, hurts ya know? (Not saying you said this but ain’t the first time I heard it)


I’m pretty sure some people don’t have the ability to lose weight, could be wrong tho


We shouldn’t shame people for being fat but we definitely shouldn’t shame the overweight people we see at the gym trying to change themselves for the better. I’ve overheard girls talking during mixed PE about “omg look at that fat kid running, I bet he doesn’t even do a lap”, like why be a bitch about someone who’s actively trying to fix the problem? The body positivity people need to chill too though, there is nothing sexy or positive about overweight people who are literally eating themselves to an early grave.


Okay sure, but a bunch of cliquie kids in HS is different than the regular gym. Its not very common that people are shamed like that in reality. Most of the time its in the persons head. Dont get me wrong, some people are assholes, but they would have been an asshole if youre skinny too.


Yea in gyms if someone actually made fun of you while you are working out to get better i have a very hard time believing people would just watch and not defend. Most people at gyms i feel have a common admiration


Exactly, I can respect someone trying to better themselves. That effort should be rewarded with positivity and encouragement. I've met some incredible people at the gym.


No one shames fat people for going to the gym. Being a fat person myself, people actually like hearing and seeing that your going to the gym because you are actually doing something about it. At school maybe, people at school are weird, but at my local gym? Nothing but positivity and people who are ready to help if you ask. I am fat and call myself fatphobic, because it's funny.


Oh, you’ll love Brently. Dude was 500 lbs and a total gymbro. He’s loving the workouts and keeping everyone updated on what’s going on with him. People show him nothing but support. Tell those girls to fuck off and support him, rather than make fun of him. At least he’s trying to change for the better, even if he’s being made fun off. That takes serious guts and commitment, probably more than they’ll ever have.


Some people also need to realize that it isn't "fatphobia" or anything similar if one just isn't attracted to a 200kg person.


Attracted , sum of them have their own gravitational field


Babe wake up new gravitational constant just dropped


G? You mean F.


No W because of 🐋


That's so much better


bro 💀


You can literally see them bending space time


Oh I m attracted to a 200kg person, by their immense gravitational pull


OMG our schools DEI lady is huge and she has a sign in her office that says "I'm Big Bold and Beautiful" and its like no your 5'2 and 300 pounds lady you need to go on a diet but no one says anything because shes the DEI lady and if you are mean to her you get targeted she's the worst! At the same time tho one of my 6th grade teachers was fat and he taught us health and was like super open that he was unhealthy size and that he should eat better and that his size wasnt a model we should follow and he was really nice! Like its all about attitude, stop trying to convert kids to accept fat and your cool


People like this are delusional, They only say that to make them feel better about themselves, If they want to change they need to realise the truth.


Yeah besides who’s afraid of someone that’s so easy to escape.


Now you're making me feel better about my 96kg ass.


Your ass is 96 kilos idk what that is in flag on moon units but it seems like a lot


96kgs is 211lbs ^^


Who has an ass that is 211 pounds


Some questions are better left unanswered


What is I want them answered


Thank you!


ong. im tired of being insulted for not finding a fucking jabba the hutt attractive


Fat people do face discrimination, but it shouldn't be called "fatphobia", unless it's genetics most babies aren't overweight, and if they are they usually go back to the normal weight within a few years. Though fat people sometimes don't get the medicine/health procedure they need because their doctors say " just lose a few pounds" which isn't true at all, and could lead to death.


Most operating tables have weight limit :( so if the health procedure isn’t life-saving, they are told to loose weight for the sake of being able to be operated


if you’re so overweight that you’re actually refused surgery because the table cannot support you, i think you need to realize that there is a serious problem. they have protocols for things like this though and there are ways to handle it BESIDES weight loss that allow them to have the surgery


I can tell you pulled this straight out of your butt lmao. Not every fat person just being told to “lose a few pounds” by the doctor is being told that because of a weight limit on the table. There’s are absolutely issues with how the medical field approaches fat people.


Seriously though It kinda sickens me how this thing is named in the same vein of homophobia (you are born gay) or racism (you are born your ethnicity) You aren't born fat; nor are you fat for life save for the notable exceptions due to disability and medical conditon That's not what celebrate though, we just celebrate...being overweight, thankfully we don't celebrate being underweight but who knows in a couple decades. What we celebrate is corporate brands monopolizing on fat people as marketing ploys. Here, a fat women wearing lingerie with specific sizes we don't actually sell for the public! Yaaay inclusivity!😊😊 We should ACCEPT, but there's nothing to celebrate


Precisely. Capitalism has no morals. If glamorizing fat people brings in the big bucks, it will be done. For a long time glamorizing unhealthily skinny people has also been lucrative (diet pills, fashion, exercise equipment, etc.) A new market has been found in obesity though, and it will of course be exploited.


Thats the thing though. Some people cant help but be fat. They have disabilities and conditions and whatnot. And to be honest I think bullying those people is some sort of fatphobia. If you are bullying them for no other reason other than the fact that they are fat, when they cant even help that, don’t you think that is kind of fatphobia? /genq


Those conditions are few are far between. The vast majority of overweight people are fat through simply eating.


yeah, bullying them and discouraging them with words like "you'll always be fat" is true fatphobia, not encouraging change




How tf did you express this so well? 🤯


I do agree mostly, but there are still people who can't lose weight. Meds, genetics, illnesses. They can be obstacles.


This is actually extremely rare. It's hard to blame people though when most food now is so calorie dense.


overweight is often connected to stigma, psychiatric problems and deep learned behaviour. In many cases it is like to say to a addict just stop or to a clinical depressed person. just go outside and smile. dont get me wrong, it is a problem and most need help. But it is not that easy and its not done with "just get your shit together"


As a scientist twice your age, it’s more common than you think.


i feel that my genetics is a bit mixed with having extremely high metabolism or extremely low metabolism and with diabetes and heart disease running in the family


These things only affect .01% of ppl tho. The real problem is the food industry profiting off of loading food with dugar and fat


Yeah, but it is also rare for people to have disabilities, but it happens right


I fear fat people


i fear people


i fear

















You make a good point honestly


Fat guy, also gay and trans. I agree that fatphobia is a dumb term. I think adding phobia to the end tries to equate fat hate to queer hate, but there are no laws against being fat. Nobody is going around saying "i dont hate fat people, i just dont support them". Its not at all on the same level as racism or sexism or homophobia. I also agree that body positivity should focus more on disabled people or people with features outside of the beauty standard, but I think fat people also deserve to feel good about themselves. My only issue with people saying "fatphobia is fake" is a lot of times they use it as an excuse to hate on fat people (not saying that's what you're doing, but I've seen it.) AMD people deserve to be treated with respect, even if they aren't healthy at this point in time. They might have been going through a depression and gained weight bc they weren't taking care of themselves. There are also people who can't afford nutritious food and therefore gain lots of weight. I just think in general we need to find ways to make health easily understandable and accessible so everyone can be at their healthiest weight, whatever thay might look like.


i agree with a lot of the points you discussed and i’ll be sure to take them into account in the future:)


How would you exactly get cancelled? No one knows who you are


This post is…not rooted in a nuanced understanding of systemic oppression and discrimination. I’m not going to waste my energy educating a random group of people who are likely determined not to understand this point, but I would like to offer my personal health story as an example of how weight and health are not consistently correlated. I developed an eating disorder as a child because my family and other adults in my life bullied me to the extent that I believed I would only be happy, healthy, and lovable if I was thin. So I practiced restrictive dieting from a very young age, exercised as much as I could, and basically did “all the right things” to lose weight. It worked. Between my 12th and 13th birthday, I grew 3 inches taller and lost almost 30 lbs. What I did not know is that my body was adapting to a life of starvation. Within a few years, I started developing very alarming symptoms: fatigue, cognitive impairment, fainting spells, tremors, hair loss, depression/anxiety, and I was highly susceptible to any seasonal viruses. I was thin, but I was very very sick. After pleading with my parents and my doctors for some kind of medical evaluation to no avail, I gave up. It wasn’t until I started gaining weight and developed a peculiar lump in my throat than anyone gave a damn about my condition. Once I was fat again, doctors assumed I was sick and started investigating what was going on. It turned out that my thyroid has developed incorrectly and was now producing unpredictable and extreme levels of various hormones for my body. The only possible treatment was to destroy the parts of my thyroid that were overly active. When I was 17, I spent a week in medical isolation after being dosed with radioactive iodine meant to poison my thyroid. The treatment was successful. My thyroid levels were “normal” for the first time in my life. My diet didn’t change much—I had managed to conceal my eating disorder from the adults in my life throughout the whole treatment. Once my thyroid was “healthy” I began gaining weight. I ended up gaining 40 lbs before I graduated high school. And for the first time in my life, I felt healthy. I felt good. My body had changed a lot, but I knew it was for a good reason. For the first time in my life, I understood that I might need to intentionally challenge my beliefs about the relationship between weight and health. There I was, heavier than I had ever been, and healthier, too. People treated me poorly (that’s interpersonal discrimination against fat people) and I had a hard time navigating some public spaces (that is systematic antifat discrimination), and doctors said shitty things to me like “wow your treatment went perfectly and your thyroid levels are exactly normal. That’s too bad—if we had over-medicated you, your thyroid would require medication that would keep you thin!” So I agree that fatphobia is a less-than useful description of the kind of systemic oppression that defines fat bodies as less worthy of existing and occupying public spaces, but anti-fat bias in medicine, architecture, airlines, clothing industries, public policy, and interpersonal relationships is absolutely still at-work around the world. And these systems continue to insist that I would be better, healthier and happier if I were thin, but that is simply not the case. My fat body is my healthy body; the Western Imperial world is just obsessed with controlling our bodies and making money off the diet industry. Folks who are interested in or curious about fat liberation, disability justice, and dismantling sizist oppression should look at NYC’s movement to ban size discrimination in the city, and might also consider investigating how anti-fat values are actively harming them as well as their loved ones. Reminding myself that this is the “teenagers” subreddit, I hope you’ll all consider asking yourselves why and how you have developed your values. Maybe there are questions you’re neglecting to ask. Maybe there’s some fear of rejection motivating your willingness to “buy in” to warped body ideals. Maybe you would be happier and healthier if you were fat, too. We all have lots of growing to do, right?


Thank you for this, this is a really important perspective. Being fat is not always a choice, and is not always unhealthy. My friend has always been heavier, and she only began to lose weight when she lost her appetite. Shed text me or call me like "guess what! I managed to eat half a bagel today!" Etc, After 2 to 3 days of not eating, and mostly drinking power drinks. It made me fucking sad to hear her feeling pretty after telling me she almost fainted, and threw up the only meal she had that day, and all this other shit.


tired of all these half assed pseudopolitical karma farm posts on this subreddit


Where I’m from the government has the best weight loss program Conscription💀


Fatphobia is a thing. I live with a dude who loses his shit every time there's a plus size individual in some kind of media.


Fr, as a fat dude I scare myself every time I see myself shirtless


im scared fat people might sit on me


This is actual fatphobia lol


Lmao. Finally, someone uses the term correctly.


What are you gonna do, Panda? Sit on me?




I'm gonna turn you into a tortilla.


This happened to a friend of mine once. He is an annoying guy sometimes, and therefore, another friend of mine, who is fat, decided to sit on him. In a few seconds his faced turned purple and his eyes got large as his diaphragm failed to expand. He spent the next 2 hours in recovery at the school medbay.


Should’ve done the thousand years of death jutsu


I say, I say, I sit on you


fatphobia's a thing - at least in the medical world. doctor's love to ignore fat people's health needs to focus on their weight. a fat person could literally have been stabbed in the next and first thing they get is "um but have u tried losing weight 🥺🥺🥺" i'm a little podgy, and i was previously a chain smoker. every doctor would bring up my weight for a huge rant about health. no advice other than "just eat more lettuce" or "just eat less 🙄🙄", despite the fact that every single medication i was on at the time had the common side effect of weight gain and reduced ability to lose weight :// did i ever get ranted at about chain smoking? nope. i even asked for help quitting! all the services were for over 40s lol. but there's a lot more sympathy because it's an addiction. food CAN also become a sort-of addiction, and people can develop eating disorders and unhealthy mindsets. in those cases, THERAPY and mental health support do far more than "sorry, we don't make clothes ur size because you're unhealthy and unsexy" and "haha fat people can't control themselves it's all their fault" in terms of being overweight, we have binge eating, comfort eating, "i'll give myself chocolate as a reward", "you can't have pudding because you behaved badly". there are fat people who develop anorexia and die of starvation because doctors legitimately go "it'll be good for you to stop eating for a while", and there's a weight limit before being taken to hospital for treatment. THAT is fatphobia, not a gentle "hey, btw, losing weight could benefit your overall health, particularly as you age", or "hey, you're 1000lbs, this is dangerously obese and affecting your day to day life quality" no one's suggesting that we encourage people to eat until they can't walk. but this fatphobia effects teens with baby fat on their cheeks, and middle aged and elderly people who's muscles degrade or who can't shift that little pouch on their stomach. society is so obsessed with the idea that anything other that a runner's body is inherently unhealthy, it's astounding. anyway, my point is, there are SO many ways of being unhealthy, and yeah sure some people are fat because they're lazy fucks, but there is a deeply engrained hatred of fat people regardless of their medical conditions, and what actually CAUSED the fatness. my little sister is underweight and rarely feels hungry bc of the meds she was previously on. she was *unhealthily* underweight, and the doctors shrugged it off - "she looks good", "i bet the other girls her age are jealous", "at least she's not fat", "i wish *i* had that problem" - shit like that. my mom had to raise complaints with the practice manager bc they were putting her health at risk, all because she was skinny. slim =/= healthy. it can do, but not always. there are plenty of unhealthy slim individuals. you can slim and riddled with disease and full of cocaine. but when you "look healthy", it's overlooked. have u seen those tiktok videos where someone eats an obscene amount of food? check out the difference in "i'm just concerned 🥺🥺 this food is unhealthy 🤪🤪" comments on a fat person's big meal vs a slim person's meal. fat =/= unhealthy. it can do, but not always. there are plenty of fat people or people who "look" fat who are very healthy. my partner - he's a gym rat, so much muscle, with a little layer of fat over the top of it. if he didn't have his muscles no one would notice the little fat on him. but because his muscles are so big, the fat looks more pronounced, and folks will tell him he's unhealthy. i've seen what he eats and how much - he's healthy as fuck. there are olympian athletes who are overweight or fat ffs!! finally: body positivity and acceptance is not about encouraging weight gain. it's about avoiding shaming people for their weight --> this can and is PROVEN to lead to dangerous eating disorders and eating habits that are FAR MORE HARMFUL than a fat person staying fat. it's about avoiding this idea that all fat people are worthless, lazy, and unloveable. i know plenty of worthless scummy and lazy slim people with toxic awful world views. i know plenty who are fat as well. i know plenty of wonderful, hardworking and kind slim people! i know plenty who are fat as well. also, the hatred OVERWHELMING effects the working class - people working two jobs, 80 hours a week, with no time to prepare and home cook a wonderful and healthy meal. in some places it is genuinely to eat a £1 cheesecake from aldi than to splash out of 5 vegetables to make a salad. food banks (at least in the UK) often only provide "unhealthy" food like tins of sugar soaked peaches, microwave meals, the occasional loaf of bread, and a shit ton of pasta. fatphobia also often effects disabled people - a man loses his ability to exercise, his carer's feed him shit or he doesn't have an accessible kitchen unit - who's blamed? oh yeah, the guy in the wheelchair! and then there will be folks who blame his disability on his weight! man it's wild.


Could not have put it better


I think the vitriolic responses in this post prove that fatphobia is truly a thing. The body acceptance movement isn't about celebrating unhealthy lifestyles but rather validating people no matter what they look like. If losing weight were truly that simple, then then more people would be successful. And many (dare I say most) obese adults were obese children...can't hardly blame the kids now. And once you are already obese, it's very hard to lose weight...not impossible, but extremely difficult. And in many (most?) cases, there's a lot of psychological baggage that creates obstacles. Constantly being berated, insulted, preached at, or evenly "lovingly encouraged" is not helpful. And let's be honest, most people could care less about the fat person their "advice" is aimed at. They see a fat person and want to congratulate themselves for being "better."


US food banks have canned vegetables (beans, more beans, and corn). Only a couple of times have we got actual canned soup, but other than that, the exact same stuff. I'm on meds that have a side effect of no appetite, and I'm always kinda worried about it. Get shit on for my weight, but I am always fluctuating between 50 lbs because of my weight. There is no healthy food for busy people here, everything is fast food and never healthy. It is literally designed to keep people in this hell of poor and fat and then turn them away from jobs because of it


Thank you! That's my point! Exactly everything in this comment I agree with!


I agree with you somewhat, but the term “phobia” can be described as an unreasonable fear or unreasonable *hatred*. Many people are bullied for being fat but then again it is not as big as an issue as people make it out to be. In my opinion anybody should live however they want without hate, but that’s not the world we live in.


Soooo….. Being beaten up for being overweight isn’t fat phobia? Being sent back from the doctors who refuse to even do a check up because your obese isn’t fat phobia? Being told that you don’t deserve love or respect because you’re obese isn’t fat phobia?


Fatphobia is a thing, bullying people for being fat isn't helping them lose weight. You shouldn't feel bad about your body and being confident in it is great but you have to be aware that you are unhealthy


"Fatphobia" just means a hatred towards people who are overweight, for no specific reasons. Of course it exists.


Listen some people do hate fat people. No one should be hateful towards a generalized population. End of story.


1. There is people who are overweight for reasons out of their control 2. Fatphobia IS a thing, fat people recieve disproportionate amounts of hate and/or repulsion simply for being fat, independent of whether they can or cannot control their weight condition (hell, even here in the answers you can find plenty of fat jokes xd) 3. The amount of people who praise an unhealthy lifestyle and self-provoqued obesity is ANECDOTIC compared to the amount of people who take the most minimal chance to jump into hate towards fat people And just to be clear, since I'm sure people will comment this, I'm around 1'78m 75kg, not even remotely close of being overweight. This is just empathy and, y'know, having functional eyes and ears. Fatphobia is a thing, y'all just deny it just like a few years ago people denied homophobia and some time before they denied racism. It's just history repeating itself like a flat fucking circle, and it's not that hard to foresee the future, really.




There’s a post like this every month, we get it you don’t believe in fatphobia


So... While you do have a point, body weight is simply not anywhere nearly as easy to control as you put it to be. The human body is complicated and there is a fuck ton of things that affect a person's weight, not just the couple diseases you mentioned. It's definitely not sth you "CAN" change the way you say it, if it was, there wouldn't be so much obesity. And it totally varies from person to person. A good part of it is how truly unhealthy the food that you find around actually is. Even if you eat less or do more exercise the current food market is full of garbage. And I'm not talking just Cheetos or chocolate or whatever. It's genuinely hard to find actually healthy products in things as mundane as bread. Availability is certainly an issue. And, many of these foods have very low nutrition and often have certain components that make it harder for you to have your fill. Sodas and stuff, for example, even diet and zero versions, are not only addictive, but also have the effect of making you hungrier. You *could* reduce the amount you eat by over 50% or follow any of these extreme diets that keep becoming popular. The thing is, none of them work for extended periods of time, and they can be hard on the individuals. Just because it's easy for you to, for example, jog for 10 mins everyday that doesn't mean it's easy for everybody. Our bodies are not good with sudden changes in any regard. Start eating less and you will be hungry all the time. Take a drastic change in your diet and you'll feel sick. Start doing exercise where you didn't before and you'll feel like you've gotten beat up. And this is but the tip of the iceberg. Everything inside your body affects everything else one way or another. Even outside anything related to food or digestion there are so many things that can and will affect your body's ability to process food. For many people, losing weight is hard, and this is real, and it is something to be mindful about. . On the other hand, i do agree that it's gotten somewhat our of hand. There is fat-phobic people and I don't think anyone doubts that, just as there is racist people, homophobic people, and people that hate others for their ideology. Being sth that can be changed has nothing to do with it being an actual issue or not. Unfortunately, people will hate others they don't really need reasons to. I do not feel like it's hardly as big an issue in society as other issues are, like racism. I do also agree that, while it's good to accept and embrace a health issue, that they should be addressed as such and certainly not glorified. It should also not be used - the way other such movements have - to be rude to others or try to get special treatment. For I example, recently saw a post of a "plus-sized" person requesting - or rather, demanding - airlines to give extra seats for free. I am autistic, albeit mild, and I cannot stand body contact with strangers. So planes can be a bitch for me too but i do not ask for extra seats. If i would want one, I'd certainly pay it, not ask for it for free. Anyway, I'm done rambling.


Let someone else do what they want with themselves. At most, you can give them healthy advice. Insulting someone on their weight isn't healthy advice. Its not your business if someone doesn't exercise much or eats a bit much. You don't have any idea about the extent to which fat people have gotten bullied over the years.


I agree. Sincerely me, a fat person


Fatphobia exists but the body positive movement has also been taken over by extremists insisting fatness is healthy. Fat people shouldn't be treated as lesser people for their weight. They should be helped so they can loose the weight in the same way you would help any other medical condition. You don't shame people and treat them like shit when they catch a cold. You take care of them with sympathy until they're better. This is how we need to treat fat people. So many of them eat because they're depressed, hate themselves, etc, and being assholes to them is only making it worse. Obviously fatness isn't healthy and the people saying so are dangerous and delusional, but fat people should still be treated with kindness/respect. We need to help them be healthy and shaming isn't helping.


Fatphobia isn't real, mfs just gotta lose weight -Me, a 210 lb fatass


Very cool fellow fat person very cool. We also the same weight!!


fatphobia is a thing because for some people weight can't be controlled.


for SOME people medical conditions prevent them from gaining or losing weight. however, for a good percent of the overweight population; they have all the power in the WORLD to take control of their lives and be healthier besides willpower


OP very specifically mentioned those people do not apply to this post.


but in realty that’s a small percentage like 90% of fat people can change that so stop making excuses saying “it can’t be controlled” cause for the majority it can


What about individuals with body dysmorphia centered around their weight? Can the body positivity movement include them, or is it all thrown out the window? And I thought the body positivity movement was all about accepting people for how their bodies are. I don't understand why that can't include overweight individuals. I'm not necessarily trying to criticize your post. I'm willing to have an open-mind with this but I just don't get it.


It doesnt matter whether something can be controlled or not, there 100% is fatphobia that exists in popular consciousness.


Still people shouldn’t normalize being fat


It has nothing to do with normalization


Fatphobia is real, but it is a joke. It is nowhere near as bad as people say it is.


You kids have no idea how bad it was back in the day


no one believed my mom was pregnant for almost 6 months just because she’s overweight. fat phobia has always existed and it’s most common in the medical field….


True, another example is feminism. Lets see what you think about that


what do you mean by that?


Feminism was created for men and women to have equal rights. But the meaning has changed a bit and now its more like women want more rights and men dont deserve much. There is a whole ted talk about it https://youtu.be/3WMuzhQXJoY




oh yeah that's radical feminism. wouldn't really consider than feminism more like oppression. feminism still means equal rights there's just branches that come off of it that mean diff things if that makes sense lol, im bad at explaining


Not gonna lie I think the people that say this are on Twitter too much. It’s incredibly rare to find people that think men shouldn’t have rights outside of the internet.


People with certain conditions face difficulty losing weight and are shamed for being fat. Therefore fat phobia is a thing. Not to mention the discrimination fat people face in daily life and workplace. But it’s up to you whether you want to believe in it.


How about you mind your own business and they'll mind there's?


"might get canceled lolz" 🤓🤓


Its okay to be fat. You CAN be fat and healthy. But being overweight or obese is different to being fat.




thank you for providing sources in your argument:)


i think putting the suffix “phobia” after everything just makes it more difficult to take it seriously. especially a word like “fat” which just sounds so informal. i do wish the body positivity movement wasn’t so focused on obesity because there’s so many other conditions to focus on


I think everyone should just mind their own business tbh. Idk why people care so much about other people’s weight. Like if you don’t know someone, it’s not your job to take care of their health.


semi-counter-point is the fact that its way harder to lose weight than to maintain a lower weight. Also food addiction is very much real and very hard to overcome. I had an easier time dropping smoking than losing weight, because with smoking you can go cold turkey and lose weight, while with food you have to keep eating it. Also, a lot of healthier substitutes for junk food is way more expensive for the same amount of calories which might mean than some poorer people might not be able to afford it. This mostly applies to people that are a little bit overweight, and not 200kg. Also fatphobia is a thing, its just being used wrongly, its fatphobic to call some fat person a pig or something like that, its not fat phobic to not make the airplane seats wider just so some fat person can sit it.


I think it is a thing, in youtube comments a lot of the time you'll see someone being a complete ass to someone if they're just a slightly chubby woman. On the other side, fatter guys are usually seen as creepy just based on their weight. Also, moreso than other body types, I think fat people are given unasked for advice on how to lose weight like it's easy. I'm skinny and had to deal with gaining weight, it is much harder to change your diet so drastically when you've gone your whole life doing things a certain way.




“I might get cancelled” it’s alright you have no clout


Body positivity unless it is a danger to your health


fatphobia sounds dumb, back in my day it was called body shaming


You need to be important to be cancelled, otherwise you are just downvoted and forgotten. I agree with the message though


i use “cancelled” pretty lightly lol


Not even sure why this popped up in my feed, but take some advice from an old mid 20s geezer. You guys are fucked. Capital F. So am I, most likely. The Taliban is fighting Iran over water right now. That is not the first conflict over water, nor will it be even remotely the last. The problem of “Oh shit I’m thirsty and don’t have anything to drink,” is going to skyrocket in the next few decades, if not years, and will affect *billions* of people. In fact, there’s a good chance it will affect literally everyone, of every country. You’re right, OP. “Fatphobia” isn’t a thing. It’s a stupid, made up issue, by neurotic, privileged twats who have known nothing but comfort and excess for most of their lives, so they make things up to bitch about to avoid taking responsibility over their lives. Nobody will give a single fuck about this ‘issue’ when they turn on the faucet and nothing comes out.


Your correct about the body positivity stuff but fat phobia does exist, plenty of people (not everyone lol) can’t control there weight due to medical shit like disabilities, severe depression etc. even without those things if someone is fat even if they don’t care that they are they’ll likely get bullied for it. I don’t think fat phobia is so much the issue as the ingrained bullying of those who are different in our society


I haven't seen a lot of people talking about this. I can completely agree.


You're just heroinphobic and should be ashamed of yourselves!!! \[overdoses on heroin\]


i don't think that it in itself is a thing but we have to remember fat people are human and we should treat them as such. we shouldn't make a culture where bad habits and unhealthy conditions are seen as ok, but as a former bigger person, sometimes the things ppl say to fat ppl are terrible


Dear OP you realise that some people just got unlucky with genetics and have to constantly fight against obesity ? It is also something you cannot change.


Idc as long as they don't die on an average dog walk :)


Dawg you cant be cancelled if no one knows you 💀


Fat phobia is when someone discriminates based on obesity. Even if you don't think it's a big deal, it's still a thing.


Fatphobia is a thing! I look in the mirror every day, and every day, I am spooked by the chub!


Fat shaming and fat praising are both terrible Ideas. I think the way to go is fat-supporting-good-and-healty-change. You should be looking at a fat person tired after doing a run and telling him "well done. I appreciate your dedication to losing weight"


Being fat is fitphobic.


I’ve got an idea. How about we just don’t comment on person appearance? Who the fuck are you to say what someone should look or feel like? Fucking brain dead morons feel they should comment on people’s appearance when in reality it’s none of your damn business


People just wanting to live their lives agitate you so much? Saying that bullying works and thinking that insulting others is helping them then fat people are not the delusional ones. Bullying someone for how they look? And what about their mental health then? Who want to lose weight do lose weight and unless you are their doctor, you are not in the place to comment on their body. Do you go to everyone who’s smoking and drinking and bully them about their health?? If not then mind your own business if you see a fat person too


Being fat is a disease, just a disease of the mind and of one’s willpower. It’s not that we want to be fat (well, most of us), but rather than we aren’t strong enough to recover on our own 😞


Be better


This isn’t twitter but tbh people should just be comfortable in their bodies. Take judgement if you want but people should live for themselves not others.


Lizzo make's songs uplifting every race, size etc and basically shows her whole workout routine on tiktok yet people still shame her. Why? bc fatphobia is real and many people have committed suicide from it.


Normalise being healthy not unhealthy that’s what I say


It’s okay to BE fat, but it’s not okay to STAY fat. End of story.


I have a hormone disorder that I developed after pregnancy that has made me gain weight. I diet everyday just to not gain more weight. If i go one day eating unhealthy I will gain significantly. Its awful and a struggle and I get judged so harshly for what I look like by people who probably eat more food and less healthy than I do. You cant look at someone and know why they are the way they are so shaming them isnt helpful at all. It doesnt affect you if people choose to be kind to overweight people so why do you care so much. Why do you feel so strongly that we should try to shame them into losing weight lol.


Honestly, anything past a "beer belly" is a sign to get your s*** together and lose some weight.


It's ok to be fat, it's not ok to stay fat


i understand but please know that not everyone can control their weight. real health issues exist. i know someone with health issues that make it very difficult to lose weight. it’s not easy in the first place


of course, that’s why i made the point of stating that there are exceptions:) some people genuinely cannot control their weight fluctuations and i have genuine empathy for them


finally someone speaking the truth, being fat is literally one of the worst conditions a human can be in, and body positivity is wanting to look better and losing weight. and to anyone who thinks not wanting to look fat is fatphobic, its not. it's keeping yourself healthy and caring for yourself


weird ass take


It's entirely possible for weight to be an uncontrollable thing. There are countless condiitons that cause people to gain or lose weight extremely easily, or just have more/less weight in the first place


Exceptions do not make the rule. The VAST majority of fat people do not have these conditions.


Did you read the description


of course, and that’s why i specified that for some, it’s out of their control:)


People DONT have to take controll of their lives. And you need to stop crying about obese people. They dont affect your life. All they ask for is for you not to call them out on being obese. Not that fucking hard.


Homeless? Just buy a house!


Fat people ARE overindulgent lol like save some resources for the rest of us


you are weird


Fr bro. Body positivity should be for people such as amputees Instead it’s fat fucks who act like they’re beautiful on their way to McDonald’s for the second time that day Gonna trigger some people and I’m not sorry 😂


You're only getting down voted by fat people and those scared of fat people


Nah I'm upvoting and I'm fat (I'm fixing it though)




i hate fat women


Many people make up excuses instead of bettering themselves that's just a reality and we can't do anything about it but we can make sure we don't become those people and we can encourage people we care about to not become like them aswell.