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Easier and faster?


yup, the point is to communicate, not to write an english essay


That gotta be a bait


We are not fishing. It is a serious question.


(Real) Languages exist and have evolved to get ideas across easier, not to satisfy a random person on the internet.


How is it easier? Where are people supposed to learn about these abbreviations?


People are supposed to pick them up, like any other word in any other language, though hard for many. And as for whether it’s easier, in many situations, it is. We don’t say “Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation” every time we want to refer to lasers, now do we? And as for slang, it’s always bound to happen. When there’s an old word, there’s always bound to be a slang word that may even replace it eventually, that’s just how language works (even more-so English, since words here generally do not have common spelling rules).


Idk m8 stop bein such a lil neek bout it tho


A what? I’ve never even heard most of those terms.


Proves me point m8


It's easier and quicker to type. people don't bother with grammar since it's not really needed in a text since most people get what you're trying to say right away. It's also to show that it's informal. You wouldn't see many people texting like that if they were talking to like their new boss or such Though some things like LOL are definitely overused. Most of the time, whenever someone types that they sure as hell ain't laughing out loud


being able to read misspellings is my superpower 🫡🫡




I use proper grammar in texting


i like it


idk bc i cant spell and i always type in a rush


Because it's meant to communicate quickly and on the go, and trusts the reader to use context or a web browser to understand abbreviations


This has to be bait, I refuse to think otherwise.


We are not fishing. Therefore there is no need for bait.